blob: 7ca0881c213d7cbbd385b75afac54bb67baa2fe9 [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Custom targets called from a project's generated build.xml -->
<!-- Set customBuildCallbacks=<path/to/this/file> in your>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<project name="Build specific targets and properties" default="noDefault">
Note to be cross-platform, "environment variables" are only appropriate for
some variables, e.g. ones we set, since properties are case sensitive, even if
the environment variables on your operating system are not, e.g. it will
be ${env.Path} not ${env.PATH} on Windows -->
<property environment="env" />
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Default target -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="noDefault">
<echo message="This file must be called with explicit targets" />
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do before the target -->
<!-- Available parameters : -->
<!-- destination.temp.folder - the directory plugins will be collected to -->
<!-- - the directory containing the resulting feature -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="">
<!-- copy our known, pre-built, usually third party pre-reqs into this feature -->
<echo message="Current basedir during callback: ${basedir}" />
<echo message="Current destination.temp.folder during callback: ${destination.temp.folder}" />
<fileset dir="${env.BUILD_HOME}/prebuilt/eclipse/plugins/org.apache.xerces*"></fileset>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- Steps to do after the target -->
<!-- Available parameters : -->
<!-- destination.temp.folder - the directory plugins will be collected to -->
<!-- - the directory containing the resulting feature -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<target name="">