blob: 0a5eb727eb3507aa9f2da279c799973d7532d822 [file] [log] [blame]
* <copyright>
* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 BMW Car IT, See4sys, itemis and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* BMW Car IT - Initial API and implementation
* See4sys - Added support for EPackage URIs
* BMW Car IT - Added robustness and support for singleton instantiation of descriptors
* See4sys - Added facilities for retrieving descriptor(s) from identifier, name, ordinal, object, etc.
* itemis - [346715] IMetaModelDescriptor methods of MetaModelDescriptorRegistry taking EObject or Resource arguments should not start new EMF transactions
* itemis - [348544] OMG XMI files with embedded model content are not recognized as model files
* itemis - [348820] Performance-optimized content type detection in MetaModelDescriptorRegistry ignores file extensions
* Conti - [349675] Performance improvements of MetaModelDescriptorRegistry
* BMW Car IT - [373481] Performance optimizations for model loading
* BMW Car IT - Lazy extension initialization
* itemis - [409367] Add a custom URI scheme to metamodel descriptor allowing mapping URI scheme to metamodel descriptor
* itemis - [418005] Add support for model files with multiple root elements
* itemis - [422334] Content-type based IMetaModelDescriptor determination for a file gets corrupted if file extension is associated to
* itemis - [442342] Sphinx doen't trim context information from proxy URIs when serializing proxyfied cross-document references
* </copyright>
package org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.metamodel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.content.ContentType;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.content.ContentTypeHandler;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtension;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionRegistry;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentDescriber;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentType;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentTypeSettings;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.InternalEObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ContentHandler;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.FeatureMap;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.RootXMLContentHandlerImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.AdapterFactoryEditingDomain;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.IWrapperItemProvider;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.Activator;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.edit.TransientItemProvider;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.internal.messages.Messages;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.internal.metamodel.IFileMetaModelDescriptorCache;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.scoping.ResourceScopeProviderRegistry;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.util.EcorePlatformUtil;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.util.EcoreResourceUtil;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.platform.IExtendedPlatformConstants;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.platform.util.ExtendedPlatform;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.platform.util.PlatformLogUtil;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.platform.util.ReflectUtil;
public class MetaModelDescriptorRegistry implements IAdaptable {
* The singleton instance of this registry.
public static final MetaModelDescriptorRegistry INSTANCE = new MetaModelDescriptorRegistry();
* A default meta-model descriptor for any type of meta model.
public static final IMetaModelDescriptor ANY_MM = new AnyMetaModelDescriptor();
* A default meta-model descriptor for no meta model.
public static final IMetaModelDescriptor NO_MM = new NoMetaModelDescriptor();
* Extension point related constants
private static final String EXTP_META_MODEL_DESCRIPTORS = "org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.metaModelDescriptors"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String NODE_DESCRIPTOR = "descriptor"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String NODE_CONTENT_TYPE_ASSOCIATION = "contentTypeAssociation"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String NODE_TARGET_DESCRIPTOR = "targetDescriptorProvider";//$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String NODE_CONTENT_TYPE = "contentType";//$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String NODE_FILE_TYPE = "fileType";//$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ATTR_ID = "id"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ATTR_EXTENSION = "extension";//$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ATTR_CLASS = "class"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ATTR_OVERRIDE = "override";//$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ATTR_METAMODEL_DESCRIPTOR_ID = "metaModelDescriptorId"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String ATTR_CONTENT_TYPE_ID = "contentTypeId"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* The namespace pattern for OMG-defined XMI formats.
private static final Pattern OMG_XMI_NAMESPACE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("http://(schema|www)\\.omg\\.org(/spec)?/XMI.*"); //$NON-NLS-1$
* The if of the special content type defined by EMF Compare used to identify files that are to be opened in EMF Compare
* editor.
private static final String EMF_COMPARE_CONTENT_TYPE_ID = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
* The extension registry.
private IExtensionRegistry fExtensionRegistry;
* Flag to track lazy initialization.
private boolean isInitialized = false;
* The contributed meta-model descriptors.
private final Map<String, IMetaModelDescriptor> fMetaModelDescriptors = Collections
.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap<String, IMetaModelDescriptor>());
* The contributed target meta-model descriptor providers.
private final Map<String, ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider> fContentTypeIdToTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders = new HashMap<String, ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider>();
private final Map<String, ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider> fFileExtensionToTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders = new HashMap<String, ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider>();
private final Map<String, ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider> fAllTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders = new HashMap<String, ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider>();
private final FileMetaModelDescriptorCache fFileMetaModelDescriptorCache = new FileMetaModelDescriptorCache();
private final Map<String, String> fContentTypeIdCache = new HashMap<String, String>();
private final Map<EPackage, IMetaModelDescriptor> fPackageMetaModelDescriptorCache = new HashMap<EPackage, IMetaModelDescriptor>();
* Private constructor for the singleton pattern.
private MetaModelDescriptorRegistry() {
private IExtensionRegistry getExtensionRegistry() {
if (fExtensionRegistry == null) {
fExtensionRegistry = Platform.getExtensionRegistry();
return fExtensionRegistry;
// FIXME Should be entirely removed as soon as integration tests will be available.
// Only used for testing
public void setExtensionRegistry(IExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
fExtensionRegistry = extensionRegistry;
isInitialized = true;
isInitialized = false;
* Reads contributions to <em>Meta-Model Descriptor</em> extension point.
* <p>
* <table>
* <tr valign=top>
* <td><b>Note</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
* <td>It is recommended to call this method inside a block <tt><b>synchronized</b></tt> on the encapsulated
* <code>fMetaModelDescriptors</code> field in order to avoid inconsistencies in registered meta-model
* {@linkplain IMetaModelDescriptor descriptor}s in case of concurrent read/adds.</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
private void readContributedDescriptors() {
IExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry = getExtensionRegistry();
if (extensionRegistry != null) {
IExtension[] extensions = extensionRegistry.getExtensionPoint(EXTP_META_MODEL_DESCRIPTORS).getExtensions();
for (IExtension extension : extensions) {
IConfigurationElement[] configElements = extension.getConfigurationElements();
for (IConfigurationElement configElement : configElements) {
try {
if (NODE_DESCRIPTOR.equals(configElement.getName())) {
String id = configElement.getAttribute(ATTR_ID);
IMetaModelDescriptor mmDescriptor = null;
try {
String className = configElement.getAttribute(ATTR_CLASS);
Class<?> clazz = Platform.getBundle(configElement.getContributor().getName()).loadClass(className);
mmDescriptor = (IMetaModelDescriptor) ReflectUtil.getFieldValue(clazz, "INSTANCE"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
PlatformLogUtil.logAsError(Activator.getPlugin(), e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
PlatformLogUtil.logAsError(Activator.getPlugin(), e);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException noSuchFieldEx) {
PlatformLogUtil.logAsInfo(Activator.getPlugin(), noSuchFieldEx);
mmDescriptor = (IMetaModelDescriptor) configElement.createExecutableExtension(ATTR_CLASS);
if (!id.equals(mmDescriptor.getIdentifier())) {
throw new RuntimeException(NLS.bind(Messages.error_mmDescriptorIdentifierNotEqual, id, mmDescriptor.getIdentifier()));
} catch (Exception ex) {
PlatformLogUtil.logAsError(Activator.getDefault(), ex);
* Reads contributions to <em>Associated Content Type</em> of <em>Meta-Model Descriptor</em> extension point.
private void readAssociatedContentTypeIds() {
IExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry = getExtensionRegistry();
if (extensionRegistry != null) {
IExtension[] extensions = extensionRegistry.getExtensionPoint(EXTP_META_MODEL_DESCRIPTORS).getExtensions();
for (IExtension extension : extensions) {
IConfigurationElement[] configElements = extension.getConfigurationElements();
for (IConfigurationElement configElement : configElements) {
try {
if (NODE_CONTENT_TYPE_ASSOCIATION.equals(configElement.getName())) {
String mmDescriptorId = configElement.getAttribute(ATTR_METAMODEL_DESCRIPTOR_ID);
String contentTypeId = configElement.getAttribute(ATTR_CONTENT_TYPE_ID);
IMetaModelDescriptor mmDescriptor = getDescriptor(mmDescriptorId);
} catch (Exception ex) {
PlatformLogUtil.logAsError(Activator.getDefault(), ex);
protected IMetaModelDescriptor createDescriptor(EPackage ePackage) {
String ePackageClassName = ePackage.getClass().getName();
String id = ePackageClassName.substring(0, ePackageClassName.lastIndexOf(".")); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (id.endsWith(".impl") || id.endsWith(".util")) {//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
id = id.substring(0, id.lastIndexOf(".")); //$NON-NLS-1$
return new DefaultMetaModelDescriptor(id, ePackage.getNsURI(), ePackage.getName());
* Add the specified {@link IMetaModelDescriptor mmDescriptor} to this registry (if not already added).
* @param mmDescriptor
* The meta-model {@linkplain IMetaModelDescriptor descriptor} to add to this registry.
public void addDescriptor(IMetaModelDescriptor mmDescriptor) {
if (mmDescriptor != null && !mmDescriptor.equals(ANY_MM) && !mmDescriptor.equals(NO_MM)) {
String id = mmDescriptor.getIdentifier();
if (id == null) {
new RuntimeException(NLS.bind(Messages.warning_mmDescriptorHasNoIdentifier, mmDescriptor.getName())));
if (getMetaModelDescriptors().containsKey(id)) {
new RuntimeException(NLS.bind(Messages.warning_mmDescriptorIdentifierNotUnique, id)));
getMetaModelDescriptors().put(id, mmDescriptor);
* Reads contributions to <em>Meta-Model Descriptor/TargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider</em> extension point.
private void readContributedTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders() {
IExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry = getExtensionRegistry();
if (extensionRegistry != null) {
Set<String> overriddenIds = new HashSet<String>();
IExtension[] extensions = extensionRegistry.getExtensionPoint(EXTP_META_MODEL_DESCRIPTORS).getExtensions();
for (IExtension extension : extensions) {
IConfigurationElement[] configElements = extension.getConfigurationElements();
for (IExtension extension : extensions) {
IConfigurationElement[] configElements = extension.getConfigurationElements();
readContributedTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders(configElements, overriddenIds);
private void readContributedTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders(IConfigurationElement[] configElements, Set<String> overriddenIds) {
for (IConfigurationElement configElement : configElements) {
try {
if (NODE_TARGET_DESCRIPTOR.equals(configElement.getName())) {
String id = configElement.getAttribute(ATTR_ID);
if (!overriddenIds.contains(id)) {
ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider provider = (ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider) configElement
if (addTargetDescriptorProvider(id, provider)) {
for (IConfigurationElement childConfigElement : configElement.getChildren()) {
if (NODE_CONTENT_TYPE.equals(childConfigElement.getName())) {
String contenTypeId = childConfigElement.getAttribute(ATTR_ID);
addTargetDescriptorProviderForContentTypeId(contenTypeId, provider);
} else if (NODE_FILE_TYPE.equals(childConfigElement.getName())) {
String fileExtension = childConfigElement.getAttribute(ATTR_EXTENSION);
addTargetDescriptorProviderForFileExtension(fileExtension, provider);
} catch (Exception ex) {
PlatformLogUtil.logAsError(Activator.getDefault(), ex);
private Set<String> getOverriddenTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviderIds(IConfigurationElement[] configElements) {
Set<String> overriddenIds = new HashSet<String>();
for (IConfigurationElement configElement : configElements) {
if (NODE_TARGET_DESCRIPTOR.equals(configElement.getName())) {
String overriddenTargetMetaModelDescriptorId = configElement.getAttribute(ATTR_OVERRIDE);
if (overriddenTargetMetaModelDescriptorId != null) {
if (!overriddenIds.contains(overriddenTargetMetaModelDescriptorId)) {
} else {
PlatformLogUtil.logAsWarning(Activator.getPlugin(), new RuntimeException(NLS
.bind(Messages.warning_multipleTargetMetaModelDescriptorProvidersOverride, overriddenTargetMetaModelDescriptorId)));
return overriddenIds;
private boolean addTargetDescriptorProvider(String id, ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider targetMetaModelDescriptorProvider) {
if (id == null) {
PlatformLogUtil.logAsWarning(Activator.getPlugin(), new RuntimeException(Messages.warning_targetMetaModelDescriptorProviderWithoutId));
return false;
if (getAllTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders().containsKey(id)) {
new RuntimeException(NLS.bind(Messages.warning_targetMetaModelDescriptorProviderIdNotUnique, id)));
return false;
getAllTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders().put(id, targetMetaModelDescriptorProvider);
return true;
private void addTargetDescriptorProviderForFileExtension(String fileExtension,
ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider targetMetaModelDescriptorProvider) {
if (fileExtension == null) {
new RuntimeException(NLS.bind(Messages.warning_fileExtensionForTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviderMustNotBeNull, fileExtension)));
if (getFileExtensionToTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders().containsKey(fileExtension)) {
new RuntimeException(NLS.bind(Messages.warning_fileExtensionForTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviderNotUnique, fileExtension)));
getFileExtensionToTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders().put(fileExtension, targetMetaModelDescriptorProvider);
private void addTargetDescriptorProviderForContentTypeId(String contentTypeId,
ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider targetMetaModelDescriptorProvider) {
if (contentTypeId == null) {
new RuntimeException(NLS.bind(Messages.warning_contentTypeIdForTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviderMustNotBeNull, contentTypeId)));
if (getContentTypeIdToTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders().containsKey(contentTypeId)) {
new RuntimeException(NLS.bind(Messages.warning_contentTypeIdForTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviderNotUnique, contentTypeId)));
getContentTypeIdToTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders().put(contentTypeId, targetMetaModelDescriptorProvider);
* @see org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable#getAdapter(java.lang.Class)
public Object getAdapter(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Class adapterType) {
if (adapterType.equals(IFileMetaModelDescriptorCache.class)) {
return fFileMetaModelDescriptorCache;
return null;
* @param mmDescriptor
* @return
public List<IMetaModelDescriptor> getResolvedDescriptors(IMetaModelDescriptor mmDescriptor) {
List<IMetaModelDescriptor> resolvedDescriptors = new ArrayList<IMetaModelDescriptor>();
for (IMetaModelDescriptor descriptor : getDescriptors(mmDescriptor)) {
if (descriptor.getRootEPackage() != null) {
return resolvedDescriptors;
public IMetaModelDescriptor getDescriptor(Object object) {
if (object instanceof String) {
return getDescriptor((String) object);
} else if (object instanceof URI) {
return getDescriptor((URI) object);
} else if (object instanceof IFile) {
return getDescriptor((IFile) object);
} else if (object instanceof Resource) {
return getDescriptor((Resource) object);
} else if (object instanceof EObject) {
return getDescriptor((EObject) object);
} else if (object instanceof IWrapperItemProvider) {
return getDescriptor((IWrapperItemProvider) object);
} else if (object instanceof FeatureMap.Entry) {
return getDescriptor((FeatureMap.Entry) object);
} else if (object instanceof TransientItemProvider) {
return getDescriptor((TransientItemProvider) object);
} else if (object instanceof EClass) {
return getDescriptor((EClass) object);
} else if (object instanceof EPackage) {
return getDescriptor((EPackage) object);
return null;
* Used in UI component to return a list of sorted descriptors.
* @param mmDescriptor
* @return
* @since 0.7.0
public <T extends IMetaModelDescriptor> List<T> getDescriptors(T mmDescriptor, boolean sorted) {
List<T> descriptors = new ArrayList<T>();
if (mmDescriptor != null) {
synchronized (getMetaModelDescriptors()) {
for (IMetaModelDescriptor descriptor : getMetaModelDescriptors().values()) {
if (mmDescriptor == ANY_MM || mmDescriptor.getClass().isInstance(descriptor)) {
T desc = (T) descriptor;
if (sorted) {
Collections.sort(descriptors, new Comparator<T>() {
public int compare(IMetaModelDescriptor mmd1, IMetaModelDescriptor mmd2) {
String label1 = String.format(IMetaModelDescriptor.LABEL_PATTERN, mmd1.getName(), mmd1.getNamespace());
String label2 = String.format(IMetaModelDescriptor.LABEL_PATTERN, mmd2.getName(), mmd2.getNamespace());
return label1.compareTo(label2);
return descriptors;
* @param mmDescriptor
* @return
public <T extends IMetaModelDescriptor> List<T> getDescriptors(T mmDescriptor) {
return getDescriptors(mmDescriptor, false);
* @param identifier
* A meta-model descriptor identifier.
* @return The meta-model descriptor contributed with the specified identifier.
public IMetaModelDescriptor getDescriptor(String identifier) {
if (ANY_MM.getIdentifier().equals(identifier)) {
return ANY_MM;
return getMetaModelDescriptors().get(identifier);
* @param idPattern
* A regular expression which the identifiers of the returned meta-model descriptors must match.
* @return Meta-model descriptors whose identifier matches the specified regular expression.
public List<IMetaModelDescriptor> getDescriptors(String idPattern) {
if (ANY_MM.getIdentifier().equals(idPattern)) {
return Collections.singletonList(ANY_MM);
List<IMetaModelDescriptor> mmDescriptors = new ArrayList<IMetaModelDescriptor>();
if (idPattern != null) {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(idPattern);
synchronized (getMetaModelDescriptors()) {
for (Map.Entry<String, IMetaModelDescriptor> entry : getMetaModelDescriptors().entrySet()) {
if (pattern.matcher(entry.getKey()).matches()) {
return mmDescriptors;
* Returns the {@link IMetaModelDescriptor descriptors} of all meta-models that use URIs with given
* <code>customURIScheme</code> in cross-document references and as proxy URIs.
* @param scheme
* The custom URI scheme for which the descriptors of the meta-model using it is to be returned.
* @return The descriptors of the meta-models using specified <code>customURIScheme</code>.
public List<IMetaModelDescriptor> getDescriptorsFromURIScheme(String scheme) {
List<IMetaModelDescriptor> mmDescriptors = new ArrayList<IMetaModelDescriptor>();
if (scheme != null) {
synchronized (getMetaModelDescriptors()) {
for (IMetaModelDescriptor mmDescriptor : getMetaModelDescriptors().values()) {
if (mmDescriptor.getCustomURIScheme() != null) {
if (mmDescriptor.getCustomURIScheme().equals(scheme)) {
return mmDescriptors;
* @param mmDescriptor
* @param ordinal
* @return
* @deprecated see {@link MetaModelVersionData#getOrdinal()}
public <T extends IMetaModelDescriptor> T getDescriptor(T mmDescriptor, final int ordinal) {
return getDescriptor(mmDescriptor, new IDescriptorFilter() {
public boolean accept(IMetaModelDescriptor descriptor) {
return descriptor.getOrdinal() == ordinal;
* @param mmDescriptor
* @param name
* @return
public <T extends IMetaModelDescriptor> T getDescriptor(T mmDescriptor, final String name) {
return getDescriptor(mmDescriptor, new IDescriptorFilter() {
public boolean accept(IMetaModelDescriptor descriptor) {
return descriptor.getName().equals(name);
* Returns the {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} for the given <code>resource</code>.
* @param resource
* The {@link Resource resource} whose meta-model descriptor is to be returned.
* @return The meta-model descriptor of the specified <code>resource</code>.
public IMetaModelDescriptor getDescriptor(final Resource resource) {
* Performance optimization: Theoretically we could just all the time rely on the id of the content type behind given
* file and retrieve the metamodel descriptor from there. However, keeping in mind that content type detection is an
* incredibly slow affair we must not do that but proceed in the following order: For loaded resources the fastest
* option is to retrieve the metamodel descriptor from the nsURI of the EPackage behind one of the root objects in the
* resource. For resources that have just been created but not loaded (and therefore no content) yet we try to retrieve
* the metamodel descriptor from the underlying workspace file so as to benefit from metamodel descriptor that
* potentially has already been cached for the same. At last, we rely on the resource's model namespace which enables us
* to determine the metamodel descriptors of files that are not loaded yet and located outside the workspace.
// Try to retrieve descriptor from model root object in given resource (applies to loaded resources)
if (resource != null) {
EList<EObject> contents = resource.getContents();
if (!contents.isEmpty()) {
IMetaModelDescriptor mmDescriptor = getDescriptor(contents.get(0));
if (mmDescriptor != null) {
return mmDescriptor;
// Try to retrieve descriptor from underlying workspace file (applies to resources that have been
// created but not loaded - and therefore no EObject content - yet and are located inside the workspace)
IFile file = EcorePlatformUtil.getFile(resource);
if (file != null) {
return getDescriptor(file);
// Try to retrieve descriptor from model namespace of given resource (applies to resources that have been
// created but not loaded - and therefore no EObject content - yet and are located outside the workspace)
if (resource != null) {
String namespace = EcoreResourceUtil.readModelNamespace(resource);
if (namespace != null) {
// Determine corresponding meta-model descriptor
try {
return getDescriptor(new URI(namespace));
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
// Ignore exception, just return null
return null;
* Returns the {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} for given {@link IFile file}.
* @param file
* The {@link IFile file} whose {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} is to be returned.
* @return The {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} of given {@link IFile}, or <code>null</code> if no
* such could be determined.
public IMetaModelDescriptor getDescriptor(IFile file) {
if (file != null) {
// Try to retrieve meta-model descriptor from cache
if (fFileMetaModelDescriptorCache.hasDescriptor(file)) {
return fFileMetaModelDescriptorCache.getDescriptor(file);
} else {
try {
IMetaModelDescriptor mmDescriptor = null;
// Retrieve content type id of given file
final String contentTypeId = fastGetContentTypeId(file);
if (contentTypeId != null) {
// EMF Compare content type encountered?
if (EMF_COMPARE_CONTENT_TYPE_ID.equals(contentTypeId)) {
// Refer to target metamodel descriptor if any
* !! Important Note !! This is a workaround for the fact that EMF Compare has hijacked the content type concept for
* expressing file associations, i.e., to identify which file types are to be opened with the EMF Compare editor. As the
* consequence, the files which yield the EMF Compare content type can actually have any content and it becomes
* impossible to determine their real file type based on this content type. To to remedy this defect, we enable clients
* to contribute a target metamodel descriptor provider for the file types in question and directly indicate the
* corresponding metamodel descriptor.
mmDescriptor = getTargetDescriptor(file);
} else {
// Determine corresponding meta-model descriptor
mmDescriptor = getDescriptor(ANY_MM, new IDescriptorFilter() {
public boolean accept(IMetaModelDescriptor descriptor) {
if (descriptor.getContentTypeIds().contains(contentTypeId)) {
return true;
if (descriptor.getCompatibleContentTypeIds().contains(contentTypeId)) {
return true;
return false;
// Cache resulting meta-model descriptor
if (file.isAccessible()) {
fFileMetaModelDescriptorCache.addDescriptor(file, mmDescriptor);
return mmDescriptor;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Ignore exception, just return null
return null;
private String fastGetContentTypeId(IFile file) throws CoreException {
// Content type id for given file already cached?
if (ExtendedPlatform.hasCachedContentTypeId(file)) {
// Retrieve content type id of given file normally - we know that it will be quick
return ExtendedPlatform.getContentTypeId(file);
} else {
try {
* Performance optimization: Use optimized detection of content type only if there is a realistic chance that given file
* is a model file inside an existing scope. For any other file it would just add some useless extra time to the native
* content type retrieval process.
if (!ResourceScopeProviderRegistry.INSTANCE.isNotInAnyScope(file)) {
* Performance optimization: Try to determine meta-model descriptor from model namespace in given file. This works
* significantly more quickly than retrieving the file's content type and looking up the corresponding meta-model
* descriptor. In case the meta-model descriptor can be found this way we go on and try to deduce the file's content
* type id from the model namespace which we have found and cache it for the given file. If successful, this enables us
* to completely avoid very slow native content type detection later on (e.g. during Resource creation in
* ExtendedResourceSetImpl#demandCreateResource(URI)) resulting in a significant acceleration when content type
* dependent operations on many files need to be carried out (e.g. model loading).
// Try to retrieve model namespace which might be present in given file
String namespace = EcorePlatformUtil.readModelNamespace(file);
// Has a model namespace been found?
IMetaModelDescriptor mmDescriptor = null;
if (namespace != null) {
// Determine corresponding meta-model descriptor
mmDescriptor = getDescriptor(new URI(namespace));
// Does a matching meta-model descriptor exist?
if (mmDescriptor != null) {
// Try to retrieve content type id for given model namespace and file extension
String contentTypeId = getContentTypeIdFromDescriber(namespace, file.getFileExtension());
// Is a matching content type id available?
if (contentTypeId != null) {
// Cache content type id for given file to accelerate subsequent content type
// dependent operations (e.g., ResourceFactory retrieval)
ExtendedPlatform.setCachedContentTypeId(file, contentTypeId);
return contentTypeId;
} else {
* Performance optimization: If the namespace-based retrieval of the meta-model descriptor didn't succeed and given file
* is an XML file that has a namespace then we can be sure that the XML file is not a model file. Consequently, we can
* immediately remember it is such and can spare out the lengthy analysis or its content type. The only exception to
* this rule are XML files with OMG XMI content - they yield an OMG-defined XMI namespace rather than the model
* namespace but still may embed model content somewhere inside. In this case we must let perform a full content type
* analysis so as to detect if the OMG XMI file is a model file or not.
if (namespace != null && !OMG_XMI_NAMESPACE_PATTERN.matcher(namespace).matches()) {
// Set cached content type id for given file to unspecified to accelerate subsequent
// content type dependent operations
ExtendedPlatform.setCachedContentTypeId(file, IExtendedPlatformConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_ID_NON_MODEL_XML_FILE);
return IExtendedPlatformConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_ID_NON_MODEL_XML_FILE;
// If we are still here then we have to retrieve the content type id of given file natively - and accept
// that it will take time
return ExtendedPlatform.getContentTypeId(file);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Ignore exception, just return null
return null;
* Returns content type id for given model namespace and file extension in case that an EMF {@link Describer content
* type describer} has been contributed for this model namespace and matches it.
* @param namespace
* The model namespace for which the corresponding content type id is to be determined.
* @param extension
* The file extension that must be supported by the corresponding content type.
* @return The content type id for given model namespace and file extension, or <code>null</code> if no such could be
* determined.
private String getContentTypeIdFromDescriber(String namespace, String extension) {
String key = namespace + "@" + extension; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (fContentTypeIdCache.containsKey(key)) {
return fContentTypeIdCache.get(key);
// Scan all registered content types
List<String> contentTypeIdCandidates = new ArrayList<String>(2);
for (IContentType contentType : Platform.getContentTypeManager().getAllContentTypes()) {
try {
// Sort out any content type which does not support required file extension
if (Arrays.asList(contentType.getFileSpecs(IContentTypeSettings.FILE_EXTENSION_SPEC)).contains(extension)) {
// Try to retrieve content type describer which matches model namespace
IContentDescriber describer = null;
if (contentType instanceof ContentType) {
describer = ((ContentType) contentType).getDescriber();
} else if (contentType instanceof ContentTypeHandler) {
describer = ((ContentTypeHandler) contentType).getTarget().getDescriber();
if (describer instanceof RootXMLContentHandlerImpl.Describer) {
ContentHandler contentHandler = (ContentHandler) ReflectUtil.getInvisibleFieldValue(describer, "contentHandler"); //$NON-NLS-1$
Boolean matching = (Boolean) ReflectUtil.invokeInvisibleMethod(contentHandler, "isMatchingNamespace", namespace); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (matching) {
// Remember id of matching content type as candidate
// Exact match?
String contentHandlerNamespace = (String) ReflectUtil.getInvisibleFieldValue(contentHandler, "namespace"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (contentHandlerNamespace == null && namespace == null || contentHandlerNamespace != null && namespace != null
&& contentHandlerNamespace.length() == namespace.length()) {
// No need to look at other conten types
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Ignore exception, just log it as warning
PlatformLogUtil.logAsWarning(Activator.getPlugin(), ex);
// Return best fitting content type id candidate if any
String contentTypeId = null;
if (contentTypeIdCandidates.size() > 1) {
contentTypeId = contentTypeIdCandidates.get(contentTypeIdCandidates.size() - 1);
} else if (contentTypeIdCandidates.size() == 1) {
contentTypeId = contentTypeIdCandidates.get(0);
fContentTypeIdCache.put(key, contentTypeId);
return contentTypeId;
* Returns the old {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} which given {@link Resource resource} had had
* before is was changed or deleted. !Important note! The information will only be available during processing of the
* method
* org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.metamodel.MetaModelDescriptorRegistry.FileMetaModelDescriptorCache.removeDescriptor(IFile)
* called from org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.internal.MetaModelDescriptorCacheAndModelDescriptorRegistryUpdater.
* handleModelResourceUnloaded(Collection<Resource>).In any other use case the method will behave as if there was no old
* meta-model descriptor available. The reason is that old meta-model descriptor is removed as soon as model descriptor
* has been removed.
* @param resource
* The {@link Resource resource} whose old {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} is to be
* returned.
* @return The old {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} of given {@link Resource}, or <code>null</code>
* {@link IFile file} hadn't had any {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} before it was changed or
* deleted.
public IMetaModelDescriptor getOldDescriptor(Resource resource) {
if (resource == null) {
return null;
return getOldDescriptor(resource.getURI());
* Returns the old {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} which given {@link IFile file} had had before is
* was changed or deleted. !Important note! The information will only be available during processing of the method
* org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.metamodel.MetaModelDescriptorRegistry.FileMetaModelDescriptorCache.removeDescriptor(IFile)
* called from org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.internal.MetaModelDescriptorCacheAndModelDescriptorRegistryUpdater.
* handleModelResourceUnloaded(Collection<Resource>).In any other use case the method will behave as if there was no old
* meta-model descriptor available. The reason is that old meta-model descriptor is removed as soon as model descriptor
* has been removed.
* @deprecated
* @param file
* The {@link IFile file} whose old {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} is to be returned.
* @return The old {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} of given {@link IFile}, or <code>null</code>
* {@link IFile file} hadn't had any {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} before it was changed or
* deleted.
public IMetaModelDescriptor getOldDescriptor(IFile file) {
org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI uri = org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI.createPlatformResourceURI(file.getFullPath().toPortableString(), true);
return fFileMetaModelDescriptorCache.getOldDescriptor(uri);
* Returns the old {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} which given {@link IFile file} had had before is
* was changed or deleted. !Important note! The information will only be available during processing of the method
* org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.metamodel.MetaModelDescriptorRegistry.FileMetaModelDescriptorCache.removeDescriptor(IFile)
* called from org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.internal.MetaModelDescriptorCacheAndModelDescriptorRegistryUpdater.
* handleModelResourceUnloaded(Collection<Resource>).In any other use case the method will behave as if there was no old
* meta-model descriptor available. The reason is that old meta-model descriptor is removed as soon as model descriptor
* has been removed.
* @param file
* The {@link IFile file} whose old {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} is to be returned.
* @return The old {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} of given {@link IFile}, or <code>null</code>
* {@link IFile file} hadn't had any {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} before it was changed or
* deleted.
public IMetaModelDescriptor getOldDescriptor(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI uri) {
return fFileMetaModelDescriptorCache.getOldDescriptor(uri);
* @param eObject
* @return
public IMetaModelDescriptor getDescriptor(EObject eObject) {
if (eObject != null) {
// Special handling for proxies representing EObjects of meta-models that extend Ecore (e.g., UML2); instead
// of being instances of the respective meta-model classes they may be instances of EClass and have proxy
// URIs starting with the namespace URI of the applicable meta-model package
if (eObject.eIsProxy() && eObject instanceof EClass) {
org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI proxyURI = ((InternalEObject) eObject).eProxyURI();
EPackage ePackage = EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEPackage(proxyURI.trimFragment().toString());
if (ePackage != null) {
return getDescriptor(ePackage);
// Retrieve and return meta-model descriptor from EClass behind given EObject unless it turns out that it is
// outdated
* !! Important Note !! This is necessary to return an appropriate results for EObjects from model files that are in
* special intermediate states. An example of such an intermediate state is where a model file has been deleted but not
* yet unloaded is requested. Returning the meta-model descriptor corresponding to the underlying EClass/EPackage would
* be wrong because the underlying model file doesn't exist anymore and requesting the meta-model descriptor for that
* file would result in null. We therefore need to detect such cases and return the meta-model descriptor corresponding
* to the underlying model file instead.
IMetaModelDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(eObject.eClass());
IMetaModelDescriptor oldDescriptor = getOldDescriptor(eObject.eResource());
if (descriptor != oldDescriptor) {
return descriptor;
} else {
// Try to retrieve an up to date meta-model descriptor from underlying file otherwise
IFile file = EcorePlatformUtil.getFile(eObject.eResource());
return getDescriptor(file);
return null;
* @param eClass
* @return
public IMetaModelDescriptor getDescriptor(EClass eClass) {
if (eClass != null) {
return getDescriptor(eClass.getEPackage());
return null;
* @param eClass
* @return
public IMetaModelDescriptor getDescriptor(EClassifier eClassifier) {
if (eClassifier != null) {
return getDescriptor(eClassifier.getEPackage());
return null;
* @param ePackage
* @return
public IMetaModelDescriptor getDescriptor(EPackage ePackage) {
if (ePackage != null) {
synchronized (fPackageMetaModelDescriptorCache) {
IMetaModelDescriptor mmDescriptor = fPackageMetaModelDescriptorCache.get(ePackage);
if (mmDescriptor == null) {
try {
mmDescriptor = getDescriptor(new URI(ePackage.getNsURI()));
if (mmDescriptor != null) {
fPackageMetaModelDescriptorCache.put(ePackage, mmDescriptor);
} else {
fPackageMetaModelDescriptorCache.put(ePackage, NO_MM);
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
PlatformLogUtil.logAsError(Activator.getPlugin(), ex);
return mmDescriptor != NO_MM ? mmDescriptor : null;
return null;
* @param wrapperItemProvider
* @return
public IMetaModelDescriptor getDescriptor(IWrapperItemProvider wrapperItemProvider) {
if (wrapperItemProvider != null) {
Object unwrapped = AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.unwrap(wrapperItemProvider);
IMetaModelDescriptor mmDescriptor = getDescriptor(unwrapped);
if (mmDescriptor != null) {
return mmDescriptor;
return getDescriptor(wrapperItemProvider.getOwner());
return null;
* @param entry
* @return
public IMetaModelDescriptor getDescriptor(FeatureMap.Entry entry) {
Object unwrapped = AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.unwrap(entry);
return getDescriptor(unwrapped);
* @param transientItemProvider
* @return
public IMetaModelDescriptor getDescriptor(TransientItemProvider transientItemProvider) {
if (transientItemProvider != null) {
Notifier target = transientItemProvider.getTarget();
return getDescriptor(target);
return null;
* @param namespaceURI
* @return
public IMetaModelDescriptor getDescriptor(final URI namespaceURI) {
if (namespaceURI != null) {
synchronized (getMetaModelDescriptors()) {
final String namespaceURIString = namespaceURI.toString();
IMetaModelDescriptor mmDescriptor = getDescriptor(ANY_MM, new IDescriptorFilter() {
public boolean accept(IMetaModelDescriptor mmDescriptor) {
if (namespaceURIString.equals(mmDescriptor.getNamespace())) {
return true;
if (mmDescriptor.matchesEPackageNsURIPattern(namespaceURIString)) {
return true;
for (URI compatibleNamepaceURI : mmDescriptor.getCompatibleNamespaceURIs()) {
if (namespaceURIString.equals(compatibleNamepaceURI.toString())) {
return true;
for (IMetaModelDescriptor compatibleResourceVersionDescriptor : mmDescriptor.getCompatibleResourceVersionDescriptors()) {
if (namespaceURIString.equals(compatibleResourceVersionDescriptor.getNamespace())) {
return true;
if (compatibleResourceVersionDescriptor.matchesEPackageNsURIPattern(namespaceURIString)) {
return true;
return false;
// No static meta-model descriptor found?
if (mmDescriptor == null) {
// Try to retrieve Ecore model behind given namespace and dynamically create a new meta-model
// descriptor
EPackage ePackage = EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEPackage(namespaceURIString);
if (ePackage != null) {
mmDescriptor = createDescriptor(ePackage);
return mmDescriptor;
return null;
* @param class
* @return
* @deprecated It is not recommended use this method because the {@link IMetaModelDescriptor metamodel descriptor}
* retrieval strategy implemented here has the side effect of that it triggers a full initialization of all
* {@link EPackage}s behind potentially all {@link IMetaModelDescriptor metamodel descriptor}s. This can
* have significant impact on runtime performance and may cause that the {@link EPackage}s of metamodels
* become initialized even though not a single instance of these metamodels exists in the workspace.
public IMetaModelDescriptor getDescriptor(final Class<?> clazz) {
if (clazz != null) {
IMetaModelDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(ANY_MM, new IDescriptorFilter() {
public boolean accept(IMetaModelDescriptor descriptor) {
// Test if the class name of one of the metamodel's EPackages is the prefix of the given class' name
for (EPackage ePackage : descriptor.getEPackages()) {
if (clazz.getName().startsWith(ePackage.getClass().getName())) {
return true;
return false;
return descriptor;
return null;
* @param mmDescriptor
* @param filter
* @return
private <T extends IMetaModelDescriptor> T getDescriptor(T mmDescriptor, IDescriptorFilter filter) {
List<T> descriptors = getDescriptors(mmDescriptor);
for (int i = descriptors.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
T descriptor = descriptors.get(i);
if (filter.accept(descriptor)) {
if (i < descriptors.size() - 1) {
// there is a very good chance that the next descriptor lookup to trigger the same descriptor,
// as a a result, moving the descriptor to the last position could improve the performance
synchronized (getMetaModelDescriptors()) {
getMetaModelDescriptors().put(descriptor.getIdentifier(), descriptor);
return descriptor;
return null;
* Retrieves {@link IMetaModelDescriptor target meta-model descriptor} behind the given {@link IFile file}.
* @param file
* The {@link IFile file} to be investigated.
* @return The {@link IFile file}'s {@link IMetaModelDescriptor target meta-model descriptor} or <code>null</code> if no
* such exists.
public IMetaModelDescriptor getTargetDescriptor(IFile file) {
ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider provider = getTargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider(file);
if (provider != null) {
return provider.getDescriptor(file);
return null;
* Retrieves {@link IMetaModelDescriptor target meta-model descriptor} behind the given {@link Resource resource}.
* @param resource
* The {@link Resource resource} to be investigated.
* @return The {@link Resource resource}'s {@link IMetaModelDescriptor target meta-model descriptor} or
* <code>null</code> if no such exists.
public IMetaModelDescriptor getTargetDescriptor(Resource resource) {
ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider provider = getTargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider(resource);
if (provider != null) {
return provider.getDescriptor(resource);
return null;
* Retrieves the extensions of all file types which are associated with a {@link IMetaModelDescriptor target meta-model
* descriptor}. Includes both file extensions for which a {@link IMetaModelDescriptor target meta-model descriptor} has
* been specified directly and file extensions supported by content types for which a {@link IMetaModelDescriptor target
* meta-model descriptor} has been defined.
* @return A {@link Collection collection} with all file types associated with a {@link IMetaModelDescriptor target
* meta-model descriptor} or an empty {@link Collection collection} if no such exist.
* @deprecated use {@link MetaModelDescriptorRegistry#isContentTypeOfTargetDescriptorsApplicable(IFile)} instead
public Collection<String> getFileExtensionsAssociatedWithTargetDescriptors() {
Collection<String> extensions = new HashSet<String>(2);
for (String contentTypeId : getContentTypeIdToTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders().keySet()) {
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(extensions);
* Returns true if the extension of the passed in file matches any extension of all file types which are associated with
* a {@link IMetaModelDescriptor target meta-model descriptor}. Matching is done against both file extensions for which
* a {@link IMetaModelDescriptor target meta-model descriptor} has been specified directly and file extensions supported
* by content types for which a {@link IMetaModelDescriptor target meta-model descriptor} has been defined.
* @return true if the extensions any target descriptor content type match the passed in file's extension. false if the
* file is null or has no extension.
public boolean isContentTypeOfTargetDescriptorsApplicable(IFile file) {
if (file == null) {
return false;
String extension = file.getFileExtension();
if (extension == null) {
return false;
if (getFileExtensionToTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders().keySet().contains(extension)) {
return true;
for (String contentTypeId : getContentTypeIdToTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders().keySet()) {
if (ExtendedPlatform.isContentTypeApplicable(contentTypeId, file)) {
return true;
return false;
private ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider getTargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider(IFile file) {
try {
ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider provider = null;
if (file != null) {
String fileExtension = file.getFileExtension();
provider = getFileExtensionToTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders().get(fileExtension);
if (provider == null) {
// Abort for files that are not in-sync. Reading the model namespace would trigger a refresh for
// out-of-sync files which would then trigger the model synchronizer via its resource change
// listener. This is not desirable at this point.
if (file.isSynchronized(IResource.DEPTH_ONE) == false) {
return null;
String contentTypeId = fastGetContentTypeId(file);
provider = getContentTypeIdToTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders().get(contentTypeId);
return provider;
} catch (CoreException ex) {
// Ignore exception, just return null
return null;
private ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider getTargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider(Resource resource) {
IFile file = EcorePlatformUtil.getFile(resource);
return getTargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider(file);
* Retrieves {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} behind the given {@link IFile file} which will be
* eventually effective or relevant to clients. This is the {@link IFile}'s {@link IMetaModelDescriptor target
* meta-model descriptor} if such one is available or the {@link IFile}'s native {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model
* descriptor} otherwise.
* @param file
* The {@link IFile file} to be investigated.
* @return The {@link IFile file}'s effective {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} or <code>null</code> if
* no such exists.
public IMetaModelDescriptor getEffectiveDescriptor(IFile file) {
// Try to retrieve target meta-model descriptor
IMetaModelDescriptor descriptor = getTargetDescriptor(file);
if (descriptor == null) {
// Retrieve native meta-model descriptor otherwise
descriptor = getDescriptor(file);
return descriptor;
* Retrieves {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} behind the given {@link Resource resource} which will be
* eventually effective or relevant to clients. This is the {@link IFile}'s {@link IMetaModelDescriptor target
* meta-model descriptor} if such one is available or the {@link IFile}'s native {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model
* descriptor} otherwise.
* @param resource
* The {@link Resource resource} to be investigated.
* @return The {@link Resource resource}'s effective {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} or
* <code>null</code> if no such exists.
public IMetaModelDescriptor getEffectiveDescriptor(Resource resource) {
// Try to retrieve target meta-model descriptor
IMetaModelDescriptor descriptor = getTargetDescriptor(resource);
if (descriptor == null) {
// Retrieve native meta-model descriptor otherwise
descriptor = getDescriptor(resource);
return descriptor;
* Returns a {@link IMetaModelDescriptor descriptor} describing the version of specified {@link Resource resource}. This
* is done by retrieving the resource's {@link EcoreResourceUtil#readModelNamespace(Resource) model namespace} and
* finding a matching {@link IMetaModelDescriptor metamodel descriptor} or
* {@link IMetaModelDescriptor#getCompatibleResourceVersionDescriptors() compatible resource version descriptor}.
* @param resource
* The {@link Resource resource} whose version descriptor is to be retrieved.
* @return The resource's {@link IMetaModelDescriptor version descriptor} or <code>null</code> if no such could be
* determined.
* @see EcoreResourceUtil#readModelNamespace(Resource)
* @see #getCompatibleResourceVersionDescriptors()
public IMetaModelDescriptor getResourceVersionDescriptor(Resource resource) {
try {
String resourceNamespace = EcoreResourceUtil.readModelNamespace(resource);
if (resourceNamespace != null) {
IMetaModelDescriptor mmDescriptor = getDescriptor(new URI(resourceNamespace));
if (mmDescriptor != null) {
// Newly created resources typically match implemented metamodel version exactly
if (resourceNamespace.equals(mmDescriptor.getNamespace())) {
return mmDescriptor;
if (mmDescriptor.matchesEPackageNsURIPattern(resourceNamespace)) {
return mmDescriptor;
// Resource version is older than but compatible with metamodel version
for (IMetaModelDescriptor compatibleResourceVersionDescriptor : mmDescriptor.getCompatibleResourceVersionDescriptors()) {
if (resourceNamespace.equals(compatibleResourceVersionDescriptor.getNamespace())) {
return compatibleResourceVersionDescriptor;
if (compatibleResourceVersionDescriptor.matchesEPackageNsURIPattern(resourceNamespace)) {
return compatibleResourceVersionDescriptor;
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
PlatformLogUtil.logAsError(Activator.getPlugin(), ex);
return null;
private synchronized void lazyInitialization() {
if (isInitialized == false) {
// already set isInitialized to true before actual initializaton to avoid infinite recursion
isInitialized = true;
private Map<String, IMetaModelDescriptor> getMetaModelDescriptors() {
return fMetaModelDescriptors;
private Map<String, ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider> getContentTypeIdToTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders() {
return fContentTypeIdToTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders;
private Map<String, ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider> getFileExtensionToTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders() {
return fFileExtensionToTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders;
private Map<String, ITargetMetaModelDescriptorProvider> getAllTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders() {
return fAllTargetMetaModelDescriptorProviders;
private interface IDescriptorFilter {
* @param descriptor
* @return
public boolean accept(IMetaModelDescriptor descriptor);
private class FileMetaModelDescriptorCache implements IFileMetaModelDescriptorCache {
* A cache of {@link IFile file}/{@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} associations for accelerating
* {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} retrieval.
private Map<IFile, IMetaModelDescriptor> fFileMetaModelDescriptors = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<IFile, IMetaModelDescriptor>());
* A cache of {@link URI uri}/{@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor} associations for enabling retrieval of
* old {@link IMetaModelDescriptor meta-model descriptor}s for resources which have been changed or deleted.
private Map<org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI, IMetaModelDescriptor> fOldFileMetaModelDescriptors = Collections
.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI, IMetaModelDescriptor>());
* @see org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.metamodel.InternalMetaModelDescriptorRegistry#addCachedMetaModelDescriptor(org.eclipse .
* core.resources.IFile, org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.metamodel.IMetaModelDescriptor)
public void addDescriptor(IFile file, IMetaModelDescriptor mmDescriptor) {
if (file != null) {
// Encode and cache given meta-model descriptor
fFileMetaModelDescriptors.put(file, mmDescriptor != null ? mmDescriptor : NO_MM);
boolean hasDescriptor(IFile file) {
if (file != null) {
return fFileMetaModelDescriptors.containsKey(file);
return false;
IMetaModelDescriptor getDescriptor(IFile file) {
if (file != null) {
IMetaModelDescriptor mmDescriptor = fFileMetaModelDescriptors.get(file);
// Decode and return cached meta-model descriptor
return mmDescriptor != NO_MM ? mmDescriptor : null;
return null;
* @see org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.internal.metamodel.IFileMetaModelDescriptorCache#moveDescriptor(org.eclipse.core.
* resources .IFile, org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile)
public void moveDescriptor(IFile oldFile, IFile newFile) {
if (oldFile != null && newFile != null) {
synchronized (fFileMetaModelDescriptors) {
IMetaModelDescriptor mmDescriptor = fFileMetaModelDescriptors.remove(oldFile);
if (mmDescriptor != null) {
if (!mmDescriptor.equals(MetaModelDescriptorRegistry.NO_MM)) {
org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI uri = org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI
.createPlatformResourceURI(oldFile.getFullPath().toPortableString(), true);
fOldFileMetaModelDescriptors.put(uri, mmDescriptor);
* !! Important Note !! Don't keep old metamodel descriptor as metamodel descriptor for moved file because it might no
* longer be a model file (e.g., because its extension has been changed)
// Make sure that cached content id gets purged along with cached metamodel descriptor
* !! Important Note !! This should normally be the business of ContentTypeIdCachePurger. However, we have to do so here
* as well because we must avoid that clients end up calling MetaModelDescriptorRegistry#getDescriptor(IFile) before
* ContentTypeIdCachePurger has got an opportunity to do its job. Otherwise it could happen that the meta model
* descriptor for the file in question gets retrieved from an obsolete but still cached content type id.
* @see org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.metamodel.InternalMetaModelDescriptorRegistry#removeCachedMetaModelDescriptor(org.
* eclipse .core.resources.IFile)
public void removeDescriptor(IFile file) {
if (file != null) {
synchronized (fFileMetaModelDescriptors) {
IMetaModelDescriptor removedMMDescriptor = fFileMetaModelDescriptors.remove(file);
if (removedMMDescriptor != null && !removedMMDescriptor.equals(MetaModelDescriptorRegistry.NO_MM)) {
org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI uri = org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI
.createPlatformResourceURI(file.getFullPath().toPortableString(), true);
fOldFileMetaModelDescriptors.put(uri, removedMMDescriptor);
// Make sure that cached content id gets purged along with cached metamodel descriptor
* !! Important Note !! This should normally be the business of ContentTypeIdCachePurger. However, we have to do so here
* as well because we must avoid that clients end up calling MetaModelDescriptorRegistry#getDescriptor(IFile) before
* ContentTypeIdCachePurger has got an opportunity to do its job. Otherwise it could happen that the meta model
* descriptor for the file in question gets retrieved from an obsolete but still cached content type id.
IMetaModelDescriptor getOldDescriptor(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI uri) {
if (uri != null) {
return fOldFileMetaModelDescriptors.get(uri);
return null;
* @see org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.internal.metamodel.IFileMetaModelDescriptorCache#clearOldDescriptors()
public void clearOldDescriptors() {
private static class DefaultMetaModelDescriptor extends AbstractMetaModelDescriptor {
protected DefaultMetaModelDescriptor(String identifier, String namespace, String name) {
super(identifier, namespace, name, null);
* @see org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.metamodel.AbstractMetaModelDescriptor#getDefaultContentTypeId()
public String getDefaultContentTypeId() {
return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final class AnyMetaModelDescriptor extends DefaultMetaModelDescriptor {
public AnyMetaModelDescriptor() {
super("org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.metamodel.any", "", "Any metamodel"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
private static final class NoMetaModelDescriptor extends DefaultMetaModelDescriptor {
public NoMetaModelDescriptor() {
super("", "", "No metamodel"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$