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<p>Welcome to the
<a href="" target="sphinx_external">Sphinx</a> Wiki page. Sphinx is an integrated modeling tool platform that eases the development of IDE-like tool support for modeling languages used in software and systems development.
<h2 id="Developer_Resources">Developer Resources</h2>
<p>This section links to resources targeted to developers of Sphinx, i.e, committers and contributors who want to help developing the Sphinx platform itself.</p>
<a href="" title="Sphinx/environment" target="sphinx_external">Development Environment Setup</a>
<td>Setup of an Eclipse environment for developing Sphinx.</td>
<a href="" title="Sphinx/guidelines" target="sphinx_external">Development Guidelines</a>
<td>Guidelines for Sphinx developers. Please read before committing code!</td>
<a href="" target="sphinx_external">Project Leads &amp; Committers</a>
<td>List of Sphinx project leads and committers.</td>
<a href="" target="sphinx_external">Developer Mailing List </a>
<td>Mailing list for developer questions and discussions:</td>
<a href="" target="sphinx_external">Planning</a>
<td>Planning information for next Sphinx release.</td>
<a href="" title="Sphinx/stories" target="sphinx_external">User stories</a>
<td>User stories of things that are currently under development in Sphinx.</td>
<a href=";order=Importance;bug_status=NEW;bug_status=ASSIGNED;bug_status=REOPENED;product=Sphinx" target="sphinx_external">Open Bugs</a>
<td>Current list of Sphinx bugs - or,
<a href=";amp;version=0.8.0&amp;amp;rep_platform=All&amp;amp;op_sys=All" target="sphinx_external">Open a new bug for Sphinx</a>
<a href="" title="Sphinx/builds" target="sphinx_external">Builds </a>
<td>Inspect Sphinx builds at
<a href="" target="sphinx_external">Hudson (HIPP) instance for Sphinx</a> and download resulting artifacts.
<a href="" target="sphinx_external">IP Log</a>
<td>IP log of Sphinx.</td>
<h2 id="User_Information">User Information</h2>
<p>This section links to information destinated to users of Sphinx, i.e, adopters who want to use the Sphinx platform to build modeling tools or applications upon it.</p>
<a href="" target="sphinx_external">Downloads</a>
<td>Update sites and downloads of latest Sphinx releases, recent builds for upcoming releases and earlier versions of Sphinx.</td>
<a href="" title="Sphinx/Adopter environment setup" target="sphinx_external">Adopter Environment Setup</a>
<td>Setup of an Eclipse environment for using Sphinx to develop modeling tools or applications.</td>
<a href="" title="Sphinx/architecture" target="sphinx_external">Architecture</a>
<td>An overview of Sphinx' architecture, its components, dependencies, and PDE features.</td>
<a href="" title="Sphinx/digests" target="sphinx_external">Feature Digests</a>
<td>Condensed descriptions and usage information about Sphinx features.</td>
<a href="" title="Sphinx/tutorials" target="sphinx_external">Tutorials </a>
<td>Detailed guides and examples explaining how to achieve certain tasks with Sphinx.</td>
<a href="" title="Sphinx/guide" target="sphinx_external">Developer Guide</a>
<td>Documentation of Sphinx concepts, APIs, extension points and their intended usages.</td>
<a href="" title="Sphinx/new_and_noteworthy" target="sphinx_external">New &amp; Noteworthy</a>
<td>New and noteworthy features in latest Sphinx releases.</td>
<a href="" target="sphinx_external">Adopter Forum </a>
<td>Forum for asking questions, discussing ideas, finding answers.</td>
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