blob: e6fc60488c884a5ff748cfee04b62e33cf7386c0 [file] [log] [blame]
* <copyright>
* Copyright (c) 2014 itemis and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* itemis - Initial API and implementation
* </copyright>
package org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.serialization.generators.persistencemapping
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EDataType
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EEnum
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EEnumLiteral
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.ENamedElement
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.ExtendedMetaData
import org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.serialization.XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData
import org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.serialization.generators.util.Ecore2XSDUtil
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil
class CreateDefaultXSDExtendedMetaData {
protected EPackage rootModel;
protected String globalEClassName;
new(EPackage rootModel, String globalEClassName) {
this.rootModel = rootModel;
this.globalEClassName = globalEClassName;
def EPackage execute(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
monitor.subTask("Create Default XSD Extended MetaData");
// configure default tagged values
// set the namespace for all features with feature kind = element
.filter[eObject | eObject instanceof EStructuralFeature && ExtendedMetaData.ELEMENT_FEATURE == ExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE.getFeatureKind((eObject as EStructuralFeature))]
.forEach[feature | configureNamespace(feature as EStructuralFeature)]
return rootModel;
def protected EObject doSwitch(EObject object){
return switch object {
case object instanceof EPackage : configure(object as EPackage)
case object instanceof EClass : configure(object as EClass)
case object instanceof EAttribute : configure(object as EAttribute)
case object instanceof EEnum : configure(object as EEnum)
case object instanceof EEnumLiteral : configure(object as EEnumLiteral)
case object instanceof EDataType : configure(object as EDataType)
case object instanceof EReference : configure(object as EReference)
case object instanceof EStructuralFeature : configure(object as EStructuralFeature)
* Configures tagged values of a package.
* @param ePackage
* @return ePackage
def protected EObject configure(EPackage ePackage) {
XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE.setQualified(ePackage, true);
return ePackage;
* Configures tagged values of a EClass
* To be override
* @param eClass
* @return eClass
def protected EObject configure(EClass eClass) {
// configure default name
// configure namespace
// configure global element
XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE.setXMLGlobalElement(eClass, true);
// configure kind
if (XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE.getContentKind(eClass) != ExtendedMetaData.UNSPECIFIED_CONTENT) {
// content kind is already set, so do not overwrite
var int kind = ExtendedMetaData.ELEMENT_ONLY_CONTENT;
XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE.setContentKind(eClass, kind);
return eClass;
* Creates ExtendedMetaData for an EAttribute
* @param eAttribute
* @return eAttribute
def protected EObject configure(EAttribute eAttribute) {
// cofigure as EStructuralFeature
configure(eAttribute as EStructuralFeature);
XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE.setXMLName(eAttribute, XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE.getXMLName(eAttribute));
val boolean isAttribute = XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE.isXMLAttribute(eAttribute);
var int kind = ExtendedMetaData.ELEMENT_FEATURE;
kind = ExtendedMetaData.ATTRIBUTE_FEATURE;
ExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE.setFeatureKind(eAttribute, kind);
if (!isAttribute) {
//ExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE.setNamespace(eAttribute, getXMLNamespace());
return eAttribute;
* Configures tagged values of a EStructuralFeature
* @param feature
* @return feature
def protected EObject configure(EStructuralFeature feature) {
// configure default Name
// configure namespace
// configure isAttribute
var int xmlPersistenceStrategy;
val boolean isContainment = feature instanceof EAttribute || (feature as EReference).isContainment();
if (feature instanceof EAttribute) {
//// EAttribute
// as xml element
// no need for a classifier element since the eType of EAttributes is an EDataType which doesn't support inheritance
if (feature.many) {
if (isContainment && feature.getEType() instanceof EClass){
xmlPersistenceStrategy = XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData.XML_PERSISTENCE_MAPPING_STRATEGY__1000__FEATURE_WRAPPER_ELEMENT
} else {
if (isContainment && feature.getEType() instanceof EClass){
if (Ecore2XSDUtil::hasConcreteSubclasses( feature.getEType() as EClass, rootModel)) {
xmlPersistenceStrategy = XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData.XML_PERSISTENCE_MAPPING_STRATEGY__0100__FEATURE_ELEMENT
xmlPersistenceStrategy = XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData.XML_PERSISTENCE_MAPPING_STRATEGY__0100__FEATURE_ELEMENT
} else {
if ((feature as EReference).containment) {
if (feature.many) {
xmlPersistenceStrategy = XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData.XML_PERSISTENCE_MAPPING_STRATEGY__1000__FEATURE_WRAPPER_ELEMENT
if (feature.getEType() instanceof EClass){
} else {
if(feature.getEType() instanceof EClass){
if (Ecore2XSDUtil::hasConcreteSubclasses( feature.getEType() as EClass, rootModel)) {
else {
//MBR i do not think we should use this pattern as default since it will produce backwards compatibility issues in case the referenced class gets a subclass
xmlPersistenceStrategy = XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData.XML_PERSISTENCE_MAPPING_STRATEGY__0100__FEATURE_ELEMENT
else {
//MBR i do not think we should use this pattern as default since it will produce backwards compatibility issues in case the referenced class gets a subclass
xmlPersistenceStrategy = XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData.XML_PERSISTENCE_MAPPING_STRATEGY__0100__FEATURE_ELEMENT
} else {
if (feature.many) {
} else {
xmlPersistenceStrategy = XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData.XML_PERSISTENCE_MAPPING_STRATEGY__0100__FEATURE_ELEMENT
XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData::INSTANCE.setXMLPersistenceMappingStrategy(feature, xmlPersistenceStrategy);
return feature;
* to be override
def protected void configureFeatureNames(EStructuralFeature feature) {
// configure default Name
XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData::INSTANCE.setXMLName(feature, Ecore2XSDUtil::getSingularName(feature));
XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData::INSTANCE.setXMLWrapperName(feature, Ecore2XSDUtil::getPluralName(feature));
* to be override
def protected void configureClassifierNames(EClassifier classifier) {
// configure default Name
XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData::INSTANCE.setXMLName(classifier, Ecore2XSDUtil::getSingularName(classifier));
XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData::INSTANCE.setXMLWrapperName(classifier, Ecore2XSDUtil::getPluralName(classifier));
* Configures tagged values of a primitive Datatype
* To be override
* @param dataType
* @return
def protected EObject configure(EDataType dataType) {
// configure default Name
return dataType;
* Configures tagged values of a EEnumLiteral
* @param literal
* @return literal
def protected EObject configure(EEnumLiteral literal) {
// configure default Name
// XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData::INSTANCE.setXMLName(literal, XSDExtendedMetaDataUtil::getSingularName(literal));
// XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData::INSTANCE.setXMLNamePlural(literal, XSDExtendedMetaDataUtil::getPluralName(literal));
return literal;
* Configures default tagged values of a EEnum
* @param eEnum
* @return eEnum
def protected EObject configure(EEnum eEnum) {
// configure default Name
return eEnum;
* Creates ExtendedMetaData for an EReference
* @param eReference
* @return eReference
def protected EObject configure(EReference eReference) {
// default values
configure(eReference as EStructuralFeature);
ExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE.setFeatureKind(eReference, ExtendedMetaData.ELEMENT_FEATURE);
//ExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE.setNamespace(eRef, getXMLNamespace());
return eReference;
// features with explicitly set namespace are serialized qualified.
def protected void configureNamespace(EStructuralFeature feature) {
val String namespace = XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE.getNamespace(feature);
if (null == namespace) {
//Set the "namespace" annotation directly, to avoid setting namespace as "##targetNamespace", since the value equals to the ns of the package
EcoreUtil.setAnnotation(feature, ExtendedMetaData.ANNOTATION_URI, "namespace", feature.EContainingClass.EPackage.nsURI);
* Sets the following tagged values of an ENamedElement
* <ul>
* <li></li>
* <li>xml.namePlural</li>
* <li>xml.nsPrefix</li>
* <li>xml.nsUri</li>
* @param element
def protected void configureNamespace(ENamedElement element) {
// ModelUtil.addDefaultTaggedValue(element, ModelConstants.TAGGED_VALUE_XML_NS_PREFIX,
// containerNsPrefix);
// if(metaModelType.equals(ModelConstants.METAMODEL_TYPE_SAFE)){
// this.defaultNsUri = ModelConstants.DEFAULT_SAFE_NSURI;
// if (version != null && version.length() > 0) {
// this.defaultNsUri = this.defaultNsUri + "/" + version;
// }
// this.containerNsUri = this.defaultNsUri;
// }
// ModelUtil.addDefaultTaggedValue(element, ModelConstants.TAGGED_VALUE_XML_NS_URI, containerNsUri);
// Configure xml.attribute tag
// to be overridden
def protected void configureXMLAttribute(EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature){
//MBR all attributes and references should be mapped to xml elements
var boolean isXMLAttribute = false;
// the tag xml.attribute is only allowed if:
// the upper bound is 1, lower bound is 0, and the type is an enumeration or a primitive data type
if(1.equals(eStructuralFeature.getUpperBound()) && 0.equals(eStructuralFeature.getLowerBound())){
val EClassifier type = eStructuralFeature.getEType();
// if type is instance of Enum or primitive data type
if(type instanceof EEnum || type instanceof EDataType){
isXMLAttribute = true;
XMLPersistenceMappingExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE.setXMLAttribute(eStructuralFeature, isXMLAttribute);