blob: a0e0c250c533053df4ad6fdd7600421d3acf839b [file] [log] [blame]
* <copyright>
* Copyright (c) 2013 itemis and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* itemis - Initial API and implementation
* itemis - [403728] NewModelProjectCreationPage and NewModelFileCreationPage should provided hooks for creating additional controls
* itemis - [405023] Enable NewModelFileCreationPage to be used without having to pass an instance of NewModelFileProperties to its constructor
* itemis - [406062] Removal of the required project nature parameter in NewModelFileCreationPage constructor and CreateNewModelProjectJob constructor
* itemis - [406194] Enable title and descriptions of model project and file creation wizards to be calculated automatically
* </copyright>
package org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.workspace.ui.wizards.pages;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectNature;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.metamodel.IMetaModelDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.util.EcorePlatformUtil;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.workspace.ui.internal.Activator;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.workspace.ui.internal.messages.Messages;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.platform.preferences.IProjectWorkspacePreference;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.platform.util.ExtendedPlatform;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.platform.util.PlatformLogUtil;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardNewFileCreationPage;
* Basic main page for a wizard that creates a file resource. The new model file is to be created based on the given
* {@linkplain InitialModelProperties new model file properties} (metamodel, ePackage and eClassifier).
* <p>
* This page may be used by clients as it is; it may also be subclassed to suit. Subclasses may override validatePage(),
* getFileExtensionErrorMessage(), getRequiredProjectNatureErrorMessage(), hasRequiredProjectNature(), setVisible(),
* getDefaultFileExtension(), etc.
public class NewModelFileCreationPage<T extends IMetaModelDescriptor> extends WizardNewFileCreationPage {
protected IStructuredSelection selection;
protected IProjectWorkspacePreference<T> metaModelVersionPreference = null;
protected InitialModelProperties<T> initialModelProperties = null;
private String requiredProjectTypeName = null;
protected boolean noValidFileExtensionsForContentTypeIdFoundProblemLoggedOnce = false;
* Creates a new instance of the new model file creation wizard page.
* @param pageId
* the name of the page
* @param selection
* the current resource selection
* @param metaModelVersionPreference
* the metamodel version {@linkplain IProjectWorkspacePreference preference}
public NewModelFileCreationPage(String pageId, IStructuredSelection selection, IProjectWorkspacePreference<T> metaModelVersionPreference) {
super(pageId, selection);
this.selection = selection;
this.metaModelVersionPreference = metaModelVersionPreference;
String metaModelName = getMetaModelName();
setTitle(NLS.bind(Messages.page_newModelFileCreation_title, metaModelName != null ? metaModelName : Messages.default_metamodelName_cap));
setDescription(NLS.bind(Messages.page_newModelFileCreation_description, metaModelName != null ? metaModelName
: Messages.default_metamodelName));
* Creates a new instance of new model file creation wizard page.
* @param pageId
* the name of the page
* @param selection
* the current resource selection
* @param initialModelProperties
* the chosen {@linkplain InitialModelProperties initial model properties} (metamodel, EPackage and
* EClassifier) to be used as basis for creating the initial model of the new model file
public NewModelFileCreationPage(String pageId, IStructuredSelection selection, InitialModelProperties<T> initialModelProperties) {
this(pageId, selection, (IProjectWorkspacePreference<T>) null, initialModelProperties);
* Creates a new instance of new model file creation wizard page.
* @param pageId
* the name of the page
* @param selection
* the current resource selection
* @param metaModelVersionPreference
* the metamodel version {@linkplain IProjectWorkspacePreference preference}
* @param initialModelProperties
* the chosen {@linkplain InitialModelProperties initial model properties} (metamodel, EPackage and
* EClassifier) to be used as basis for creating the initial model of the new model file
public NewModelFileCreationPage(String pageId, IStructuredSelection selection, IProjectWorkspacePreference<T> metaModelVersionPreference,
InitialModelProperties<T> initialModelProperties) {
this(pageId, selection, metaModelVersionPreference);
this.initialModelProperties = initialModelProperties;
* @see org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardNewFileCreationPage#createControl(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite)
public void createControl(Composite parent) {
createAdditionalControls((Composite) getControl());
* Creates controls for specific project creation options to be placed behind those for file name, container and
* advanced options (which are created by {@link WizardNewFileCreationPage#createControl(Composite)}).
* <p>
* This implementation does nothing.
* </p>
* This method may be overridden by subclasses to provide custom implementations.
* @param parent
* the parent composite
* @see org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardNewFileCreationPage#createControl(Composite)
protected void createAdditionalControls(Composite parent) {
// Do nothing by default
* Returns the {@linkplain IProject project} behind the containing resource as entered or selected by the user.
* @return the {@linkplain IProject container project} or <code>null</code> if it is not yet known
public IProject getContainerProject() {
IPath containerFullPath = getContainerFullPath();
if (containerFullPath != null && containerFullPath.segmentCount() >= 1) {
// Return project behind current container path
return ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProject(containerFullPath.segment(0));
return null;
* Returns the new {@linkplain IFile file} behind the current file name as entered or selected by the user.
* @return the new {@linkplain IFile file} or <code>null</code> if it is not yet known
public IFile getNewFile() {
return ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(getContainerFullPath().append(getFileName()));
* Returns a unique default name for the new file to be created which is composed of its
* {@link #getDefaultBaseName() default base name} and the {@link #getDefaultFileExtension() default extension}. If
* this file name already exists new file names are generated by appending an integer number to the default base
* name (or to the default extension if the default base name is omitted) until a new file name has been found that
* is not yet used.
* @see #getDefaultBaseName()
* @see #getDefaultFileExtension()
protected String getUniqueDefaultFileName(IContainer container) {
String baseName = getDefaultBaseName();
String extension = getDefaultFileExtension();
if (baseName != null || extension != null) {
String fileName = createFileName(baseName, extension, -1);
for (int i = 1; container.findMember(fileName) != null; ++i) {
fileName = createFileName(baseName, extension, i);
return fileName;
return null;
* Creates a name for the new file to be created using provided base name, extension and number.
* @param baseName
* the base name of the new file, or <code>null</code> if new file should have no base name
* @param extension
* the extension of the new file, or <code>null</code> if new file should have no extension
* @param number
* a non-negative number to be appended to the new file's base name - or to its extension in case that
* the former is omitted - or -1 if no number should be appended at all
* @return the new file name
protected String createFileName(String baseName, String extension, int number) {
StringBuilder fileName = new StringBuilder();
if (baseName != null) {
if (number != -1) {
if (extension != null) {
fileName.append("."); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (baseName == null && number != -1) {
return fileName.toString();
* Gets the default base name of the new file, a string "default" by default.
protected String getDefaultBaseName() {
return Messages.default_modelFileBaseName;
* Returns the default file extension of the new model file to be created.
* @return the first string value of File Extension defined for the content type by default. If more than one file
* extensions are defined for the content type, the clients should provide their specific overridden
* methods.
protected String getDefaultFileExtension() {
Collection<String> validFileExtensions = getValidFileExtensions();
if (!validFileExtensions.isEmpty()) {
return validFileExtensions.iterator().next();
return null;
* Returns the content type identifier for the metamodel descriptor behind the {@linkplain newModelFileProperties
* new model file properties}
protected String getContentTypeId() {
T mmDescriptor = getMetaModelDescriptor();
if (mmDescriptor != null) {
return mmDescriptor.getDefaultContentTypeId();
return null;
protected String getRequiredProjectTypeName() {
if (requiredProjectTypeName == null) {
String metaModelName = getMetaModelName();
requiredProjectTypeName = metaModelName != null ? metaModelName : Messages.default_metamodelName;
return requiredProjectTypeName;
public void setRequiredProjectTypeName(String requiredProjectTypeName) {
this.requiredProjectTypeName = requiredProjectTypeName;
* Returns the {@link IMetaModelDescriptor metamodel descriptor} of the new file to be created.
* @return the new file's metamodel descriptor
protected T getMetaModelDescriptor() {
if (initialModelProperties != null) {
return initialModelProperties.getMetaModelDescriptor();
if (metaModelVersionPreference != null) {
return metaModelVersionPreference.get(getContainerProject());
return null;
protected String getMetaModelName() {
IMetaModelDescriptor mmDescriptor = null;
if (initialModelProperties != null) {
mmDescriptor = initialModelProperties.getMetaModelDescriptor();
if (metaModelVersionPreference != null) {
mmDescriptor = metaModelVersionPreference.getFromWorkspace();
if (mmDescriptor != null) {
if (mmDescriptor.getBaseDescriptor() != null) {
return mmDescriptor.getBaseDescriptor().getName();
return mmDescriptor.getName();
return null;
* Overridden to initialize wizard page with default file name
* @see org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardNewFileCreationPage#setVisible(boolean)
public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
if (visible) {
// Try to determine container behind current selection
if (selection != null && !selection.isEmpty()) {
Object selected = selection.iterator().next();
IFile file = EcorePlatformUtil.getFile(selected);
if (file != null) {
selected = file.getParent();
if (selected instanceof IContainer) {
// Focus wizard on parent folder or project
setContainerFullPath(((IContainer) selected).getFullPath());
// Initialize file name control with default file name
String fileName = getUniqueDefaultFileName((IContainer) selected);
if (fileName != null) {
* @see org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardNewFileCreationPage#validatePage()
protected boolean validatePage() {
// Let Eclipse check if the model file has a container project or folder, etc.
if (!super.validatePage()) {
return false;
// Make sure that we are in a (model) project that has the required nature
IProject containerProject = getContainerProject();
if (containerProject != null && !hasRequiredProjectNature(containerProject)) {
return false;
// Make sure that the (model) project's metamodel version - if any - matches that of the model file to be
// created
if (containerProject != null && !hasMatchingMetaModelVersion(containerProject)) {
return false;
// Make sure the model file has a valid extension
String fileExtension = new Path(getFileName()).getFileExtension();
Collection<String> validFileExtensions = getValidFileExtensions();
if (!validFileExtensions.isEmpty() && !validFileExtensions.contains(fileExtension)) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if the specified {@linkplain IProject project} has the required {@linkplain IProjectNature nature} that
* has been provided to this {@linkplain NewModelFileCreationPage}.
* @param project
* the {@linkplain IProject project} to be checked; must not be <code>null</code> and must be
* <em>accessible</em>
* @return <code>true</code> if specified {@linkplain IProject project} has the required {@linkplain IProjectNature
* nature} or no nature is required, <code>false</code> otherwise.
protected boolean hasRequiredProjectNature(IProject project) {
if (metaModelVersionPreference == null) {
return true;
try {
return project.hasNature(metaModelVersionPreference.getRequiredProjectNatureId());
} catch (CoreException ex) {
PlatformLogUtil.logAsError(Activator.getDefault(), ex);
return false;
* Checks if the metamodel version of the specified {@linkplain IProject project} matches that of the model file to
* be created
* @param project
* the {@linkplain IProject project} to be checked; must not be <code>null</code> and must be
* <em>accessible</em>
* @return <code>true</code> if specified {@linkplain IProject project}'s metamodel version matches that of the
* model file to be created or no metamodel version preference, <code>false</code> otherwise.
protected boolean hasMatchingMetaModelVersion(IProject project) {
if (metaModelVersionPreference == null) {
return true;
T mmDescriptor = getMetaModelDescriptor();
if (mmDescriptor != null) {
if (!mmDescriptor.equals(metaModelVersionPreference.get(project))) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns the valid file extensions for model files. They are retrieved from the content type to be used when
* creating new model file.
* @return A collection of valid file extensions for model files
protected Collection<String> getValidFileExtensions() {
String contentTypeId = getContentTypeId();
if (contentTypeId != null) {
Collection<String> validFileExtensions = ExtendedPlatform.getContentTypeFileExtensions(contentTypeId);
if (validFileExtensions.isEmpty()) {
if (!noValidFileExtensionsForContentTypeIdFoundProblemLoggedOnce) {
PlatformLogUtil.logAsWarning(Activator.getPlugin(), new RuntimeException(
"No valid file extensions for content type identifer '" + contentTypeId + "' found.")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
noValidFileExtensionsForContentTypeIdFoundProblemLoggedOnce = true;
return validFileExtensions;
return Collections.emptySet();
protected String getRequiredProjectNatureErrorMessage() {
String requiredProjectTypeName = getRequiredProjectTypeName();
return NLS.bind(Messages.error_requiredProjectNature, requiredProjectTypeName != null ? requiredProjectTypeName
: Messages.default_requiredProjectType);
protected String getMatchingMetaModelVersionErrorMessage() {
T mmDescriptor = getMetaModelDescriptor();
return NLS.bind(Messages.error_matchingMetaModelVersion, mmDescriptor != null ? mmDescriptor.getName() : ""); //$NON-NLS-1$
protected String getFileExtensionErrorMessage(Collection<String> validFileExtensions) {
return NLS.bind(Messages.error_fileExtension, convertFileExtensionsToString(validFileExtensions));
* Converts the given collection of file extensions into a string.
* @param fileExtensions
* the collection of file extensions to be converted
* @return the file extensions as string
protected String convertFileExtensionsToString(Collection<String> fileExtensions) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
ListIterator<String> iter = new ArrayList<String>(fileExtensions).listIterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
if (iter.hasPrevious()) {
buf.append(", "); //$NON-NLS-1$
buf.append("*."); //$NON-NLS-1$
return buf.toString();