blob: 352f0eeb049c333eb9f521752728dc491ac9e8a6 [file] [log] [blame]
* <copyright>
* Copyright (c) 2008-2016 See4sys, itemis and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* See4sys - Initial API and implementation
* itemis - Removed obsolete messages and improved message names
* itemis - [485407] Enable eager post-load proxy resolution to support manifold URI fragments referring to the same object
* Siemens - [574930] Model load manager extension
* </copyright>
package org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.workspace.internal.messages;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
public class Messages extends NLS {
private static final String BUNDLE_NAME = "org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.workspace.internal.messages.Messages"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Model loading messages
public static String job_loadingModels;
public static String task_loadingModelsInProject;
public static String job_loadingModel;
public static String task_loadingModelInProject;
public static String job_loadingModelResources;
public static String task_loadingModelFiles;
public static String subtask_analyzingFile;
public static String subtask_loadingFile;
public static String subtask_initializingProxyResolutionForModelInRoot;
public static String subtask_resolvingProxiesInResource;
public static String task_unloadingModelsInProject;
public static String task_unloadingModelInProject;
public static String job_unloadingModelResources;
public static String task_unloadingModelFiles;
public static String job_reloadingModels;
public static String task_reloadingModelsInProject;
public static String job_reloadingModel;
public static String task_reloadingModelInProject;
public static String job_reloadingModelResources;
public static String task_reloadingModelFiles;
public static String job_unresolvingUnreachableCrossProjectReferences;
public static String task_unresolvingUnreachableCrossProjectReferencesInProject;
public static String operation_unresolvingUnreachableCrossProjectReferencesInModel;
public static String subtask_unresolvingUnreachableCrossProjectReferencesInResource;
public static String job_updatingResourceURIs;
public static String task_updatingResourceURIs;
public static String subtask_updatingResourceURI;
* Model project and file creation
public static String subTask_addingProjectNatures;
public static String subTask_creatingNewModelProject;
* Model splitting
public static String operation_splitModel_label;
public static String subTask_savingModels;
* Error messages
public static String error_createEditingDomainFactory;
public static String error_createMapping;
public static String error_createModelLoadManager;
public static String error_multipleMappingsConfigured;
public static String error_notFound_editingDomainFactory;
public static String error_unexpectedSourceType;
public static String error_unsupportedLoadOperation;
public static String warning_multipleOverridesForSameURIChangeDetectorDelegate;
public static String warning_multipleURIChangeDetectorDelegatesContributedForSameResourceType;
public static String warning_multipleOverridesForSameURIChangeListener;
* Warning messages
static {
// initialize resource bundle
NLS.initializeMessages(BUNDLE_NAME, Messages.class);
private Messages() {