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* <copyright>
* Copyright (c) 2016 itemis and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* itemis - Initial API and implementation
* itemis - [503063] Provide launching support for Sphinx Workflows
* </copyright>
package org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.util
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI
* Useful API extensions for {@link URI}.
class URIExtensions {
public static final String URI_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR = "/" // $NON-NLS-1$
public static final String URI_QUERY_SEPARATOR = "?" // $NON-NLS-1$
public static final String URI_FRAGMENT_SEPARATOR = "#" // $NON-NLS-1$
* Indicates whether the given URI is an actual URI. An actual URI is a URI that "looks like" a URI and can be clearly distinguished from a simple string.
* This is generally the case for all URIs that have at least one of the following components: a {@link URI#scheme() scheme}, a {@link URI#hasDevice() device},
* an {@link URI#hasAuthority() authority}, a {@link URI#hasPath() path} with more than 1 {@link URI#segments() segment},
* a {@link URI#hasTrailingPathSeparator() trailing separator}, a {@link URI#hasQuery() query}, or a {@link URI#hasFragment() fragment}.
* @param uri The URI to be examined.
* @return <code>true</code> if the given URI is an actual URI, <code>false</code> otherwise.
def static boolean isActual(URI uri) {
return !uri.scheme.nullOrEmpty ||
uri.hasDevice ||
uri.hasAuthority ||
(uri.hasPath && uri.segmentCount > 1) ||
uri.hasTrailingPathSeparator ||
uri.hasQuery ||
* Retrieves the {@link URI#fragment() fragment} of the given {@link URI} and converted into a URI of its own.
* @param uri The URI whose fragment is to be returned as URI.
* @return The given URI's fragment as URI, or <code>null</code> if given URI has no fragment.
def static URI getFragment(URI uri) {
if (uri.hasFragment) {
var fragment = uri.fragment()
// Fragment with empty root segment?
if (fragment.startsWith(URI_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR + "" + URI_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR)) {
// Don't use URI#createURI to make sure that empty root segment plus subsequent segment don't get interpreted as authority
val queryIdx = fragment.indexOf(URI_QUERY_SEPARATOR)
val path = if(queryIdx != -1) fragment.substring(0, queryIdx) else fragment
val query = if (queryIdx != -1 && fragment.length > queryIdx + 1)
fragment.substring(queryIdx + 1, fragment.length)
return URI::createHierarchicalURI(path.split(URI_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR), query, null)
} else {
return URI::createURI(fragment, true)
return null
* Returns a copy of the given {@link URI} where the {@link URI#fragment() fragment} has been substituted
* with the string value of provided fragment URI. The returned URI will have no fragment
* if the provided fragment URI is <code>null</code>.
* @param uri The URI to be manipulated.
* @param fragment A URI specifying the fragment that the given URI's fragment is to be substituted with; may be <code>null</code>.
* @return A URI formed by replacing the fragment of the given URI with the string value of provided fragment URI
* in case that the latter is not <code>null</code>; a copy of the given URI without its fragment otherwise.
def static URI substituteFragment(URI uri, URI fragment) {
var result = uri.trimFragment
if (fragment != null) {
result = result.appendFragment(fragment.toString)
return result
* Returns a copy of the given {@link URI} that has been converted into a {@link URI#isPrefix() prefix}
* and can be used in {@link URI#replacePrefix(URI, URI)} operations.
* @param uri The URI to be returned as prefix URI.
* @return The given URI as prefix URI.
* @see URI#isPrefix()
* @see URI#replacePrefix(URI, URI)
def static URI asPrefix(URI uri) {
var result = uri.trimQuery
result = result.trimFragment
if (!result.hasTrailingPathSeparator) {
// Append empty segment to enforce presence of trailing path separator
result = result.appendSegment("") // $NON-NLS-1$
return result;
* If given old last segment matches the {@link URI#lastSegment() last segment} of given {@link URI},
* this returns a copy of the given URI where the last segment has been replaced by the provided new last segment.
* @param uri The URI to be manipulated.
* @param oldLastSegment The expected current last segment of the URI's path.
* @param newLastSegment The intended future last segment of the URI's path.
* @return A URI formed by replacing the last segment of the given URI with the provided new last segment
* in case that the given URI's existing last segment matches the provided old last segment,
* or <code>null</code> otherwise.
def static URI replaceLastSegment(URI uri, String oldLastSegment, String newLastSegment) {
Assert::isLegal(uri.segmentCount > 0)
if (uri.lastSegment.equals(oldLastSegment)) {
return uri.trimSegments(1).appendSegment(newLastSegment)
return null
* If given old base URI matches the given {@link URI}, this returns a copy of the given URI
* where all components included in the old base URI have been replaced by the provided new base URI.
* The old and new base URI may not only include a {@link URI#path() path} but also
* a {@link URI#query() query} and/or a {@link URI#fragment() fragment}.
* @param uri The URI to be manipulated.
* @param oldBaseURI The URI's expected current base URI.
* @param newBaseURI The URI's intended future base URI.
* @return A URI formed by replacing the provided old base URI in the given URI with the provided new base URI
* in case that the old base URI matches the given URI, or <code>null</code> otherwise.
def static URI replaceBaseURI(URI uri, URI oldBaseURI, URI newBaseURI) {
if (uri.hasFragment && oldBaseURI.hasFragment && newBaseURI.hasFragment) {
if (uri.trimFragment.equals(oldBaseURI.trimFragment)) {
var fragment = uri.getFragment.replacePrefix(oldBaseURI.getFragment.asPrefix,
if (fragment != null) {
return newBaseURI.substituteFragment(fragment)
} else {
return uri.replacePrefix(oldBaseURI.asPrefix, newBaseURI.asPrefix)
return null
* If given {@link URI} has a {@link URI#isHierarchical() hierarchical} {@link URI#fragment() fragment}
* and given old last fragment segment matches the {@link URI#lastSegment() last segment} of that fragment,
* this returns a copy of the given URI where the last segment of its fragment
* has been replaced by the provided new last fragment segment.
* @param uri The URI to be manipulated.
* @param oldLastSegment The expected current last segment of the URI's fragment.
* @param newLastSegment The intended future last segment of the URI's fragment.
* @return A URI formed by replacing the last segment in the fragment of the given URI
* with the provided new last fragment segment in case that the existing last segment
* in the fragment of the given URI matches the provided old last fragment segment,
* or <code>null</code> otherwise.
def static URI replaceLastFragmentSegment(URI uri, String oldLastFragmentSegment, String newLastFragmentSegment) {
var fragment = uri.getFragment
if (fragment != null) {
fragment = fragment.replaceLastSegment(oldLastFragmentSegment, newLastFragmentSegment)
if (fragment != null) {
return uri.substituteFragment(fragment)
return null