blob: a0b7503927c56c100097e9ee35721ac2ccd678c3 [file] [log] [blame]
* <copyright>
* Copyright (c) 2008-2014 itemis, See4sys and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* See4sys - Initial API and implementation
* itemis - [392464] Finish up Sphinx editor socket for GMF-based graphical editors
* itemis - [393479] Enable BasicTabbedPropertySheetTitleProvider to retrieve same AdapterFactory as underlying IWorkbenchPart is using
* itemis - [458518] Add org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.editors plug-in
* </copyright>
package org.eclipse.sphinx.gmf.runtime.ui.editor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.IUndoContext;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.AdapterFactory;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.AdapterFactoryEditingDomain;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.EditingDomain;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.ItemProviderAdapter;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalEditingDomain;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Diagram;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.editors.ModelEditorUndoContextManager;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.workspace.ui.saving.BasicModelSaveablesProvider;
import org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.workspace.ui.saving.BasicModelSaveablesProvider.SiteNotifyingSaveablesLifecycleListener;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorSite;
import org.eclipse.ui.ISaveablesLifecycleListener;
import org.eclipse.ui.ISaveablesSource;
import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException;
import org.eclipse.ui.Saveable;
import org.eclipse.ui.SaveablesLifecycleEvent;
import org.eclipse.ui.navigator.SaveablesProvider;
public class BasicDiagramDocumentEditor extends DiagramDocumentEditor implements ISaveablesSource {
protected SaveablesProvider modelSaveablesProvider;
protected ModelEditorUndoContextManager undoContextManager;
public BasicDiagramDocumentEditor() {
public BasicDiagramDocumentEditor(boolean hasFlyoutPalette) {
public void init(IEditorSite site, IEditorInput input) throws PartInitException {
super.init(site, input);
modelSaveablesProvider = createModelSaveablesProvider();
undoContextManager = new ModelEditorUndoContextManager(site, this, getEditingDomain());
protected SaveablesProvider createModelSaveablesProvider() {
return new BasicModelSaveablesProvider();
* Creates an {@linkplain ISaveablesLifecycleListener}
* @return
protected ISaveablesLifecycleListener createModelSaveablesLifecycleListener() {
return new SiteNotifyingSaveablesLifecycleListener(this) {
public void handleLifecycleEvent(SaveablesLifecycleEvent event) {
if (event.getEventType() == SaveablesLifecycleEvent.DIRTY_CHANGED) {
* @see org.eclipse.ui.part.EditorPart#isSaveOnCloseNeeded()
public boolean isSaveOnCloseNeeded() {
// Leave default behavior in place which triggers a user prompt when the the editor is closed while it is still
// dirty
* !! Important Note !! We don't want to return false like
* org.eclipse.sphinx.emf.editors.forms.BasicTransactionalFormEditor does. In contrast to the domain model that
* is kept in memory when form editors are closed we consider that there is no value in doing so for the diagram
* model. We therefore unload the diagram model when the diagram editor is closed (see
* org.eclipse.sphinx.gmf.runtime.ui.editor.document.BasicDocumentProvider.DiagramElementInfo#dispose() for
* details) and consequently must prompt the user to save the latter when closing the diagram editor while it is
* still dirty.
return super.isSaveOnCloseNeeded();
* @see org.eclipse.ui.ISaveablesSource#getActiveSaveables()
public Saveable[] getActiveSaveables() {
return getSaveables();
* @see org.eclipse.ui.ISaveablesSource#getSaveables()
public Saveable[] getSaveables() {
if (modelSaveablesProvider != null) {
List<Saveable> saveables = new ArrayList<Saveable>(2);
// Add saveable of diagram
Diagram diagram = getDiagram();
Saveable diagramSaveable = modelSaveablesProvider.getSaveable(diagram);
if (diagramSaveable != null) {
// Add saveable of domain model
Saveable domainModelSaveable = modelSaveablesProvider.getSaveable(diagram.getElement());
if (domainModelSaveable != null) {
return saveables.toArray(new Saveable[saveables.size()]);
return new Saveable[0];
public Object getAdapter(Class key) {
// FIXME Retrieve IPropertySheetPage created by
// and
// register it with
// org.eclipse.sphinx.gmf.runtime.ui.internal.editor.ModelEditorUndoContextManager.setTargetPropertySheetPage(IPropertySheetPage)
if (key.equals(AdapterFactory.class)) {
return getAdapterFactory();
} else if (key.equals(IUndoContext.class)) {
// Used by undo/redo actions to get their undo context
return undoContextManager.getUndoContext();
} else {
return super.getAdapter(key);
* Returns the {@link AdapterFactory adapter factory} to be used by this {@link BasicTransactionalFormEditor form
* editor} for creating {@link ItemProviderAdapter item provider}s which control the way how {@link EObject model
* element}s from given <code>editingDomain</code> are displayed and can be edited.
* <p>
* This implementation returns the {@link AdapterFactory adapter factory} which is embedded in the given
* <code>editingDomain</code> by default. Clients which want to use an alternative {@link AdapterFactory adapter
* factory} (e.g., an {@link AdapterFactory adapter factory} that creates {@link ItemProviderAdapter item provider}s
* which are specifically designed for the {@link IEditorPart editor} in which this
* {@link BasicTransactionalFormEditor form editor} is used) may override {@link #getCustomAdapterFactory()} and
* return any {@link AdapterFactory adapter factory} of their choice. This custom {@link AdapterFactory adapter
* factory} will then be returned as result by this method.
* </p>
* @param editingDomain
* The {@link TransactionalEditingDomain editing domain} whose embedded {@link AdapterFactory adapter
* factory} is to be returned as default. May be left <code>null</code> if
* {@link #getCustomAdapterFactory()} has been overridden and returns a non-<code>null</code> result.
* @return The {@link AdapterFactory adapter factory} that will be used by this {@link BasicTransactionalFormEditor
* form editor}. <code>null</code> if no custom {@link AdapterFactory adapter factory} is provided through
* {@link #getCustomAdapterFactory()} and no <code>editingDomain</code> has been specified.
* @see #getCustomAdapterFactory()
public AdapterFactory getAdapterFactory() {
EditingDomain editingDomain = getEditingDomain();
AdapterFactory customAdapterFactory = getCustomAdapterFactory();
if (customAdapterFactory != null) {
return customAdapterFactory;
} else if (editingDomain != null) {
return ((AdapterFactoryEditingDomain) editingDomain).getAdapterFactory();
return null;
* Returns a custom {@link AdapterFactory adapter factory} to be used by this {@link BasicTransactionalFormEditor
* form editor} for creating {@link ItemProviderAdapter item provider}s which control the way how {@link EObject
* model element}s from given <code>editingDomain</code> are displayed and can be edited.
* <p>
* This implementation returns <code>null</code> as default. Clients which want to use their own
* {@link AdapterFactory adapter factory} (e.g., an {@link AdapterFactory adapter factory} that creates
* {@link ItemProviderAdapter item provider}s which are specifically designed for the {@link IEditorPart editor} in
* which this {@link BasicTransactionalFormEditor form editor} is used) may override this method and return any
* {@link AdapterFactory adapter factory} of their choice. This custom {@link AdapterFactory adapter factory} will
* then be returned as result by {@link #getAdapterFactory(TransactionalEditingDomain)}.
* </p>
* @return The custom {@link AdapterFactory adapter factory} that is to be used by this
* {@link BasicTransactionalFormEditor form editor}. <code>null</code> the default {@link AdapterFactory
* adapter factory} returned by {@link #getAdapterFactory(TransactionalEditingDomain)} should be used
* instead.
* @see #getAdapterFactory(TransactionalEditingDomain)
protected AdapterFactory getCustomAdapterFactory() {
return null;
* Overridden to deactivate sanity checking and avoid that diagram file can be synchronized/reloaded by this diagram
* editor (see #sanityCheckState() and #handleEditorInputChanged() for details). This is actually not necessary as
* reloading of diagram and domain model files is already taken in charge by Sphinx model synchronizer.
* @see
protected void enableSanityChecking(boolean enable) {
* @see
public void dispose() {
if (undoContextManager != null) {
if (modelSaveablesProvider != null) {