blob: c224cccff4b07ec7da3b2c23463cf58a1345c583 [file] [log] [blame]
# <copyright>
# Copyright (c) 2008-2010 See4sys and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# See4sys - Initial API and implementation
# </copyright>
# -------------------------------------------------------- #
# Platform messages from org.eclipse.sphinx.platform.messages #
# -------------------------------------------------------- #
arg_mustBeInstanceOf = Argument for parameter \"{0}\" must be an instance of \"{1}\".
arg_mustNotBeBlank = Argument for parameter \"{0}\" must not be blank.
arg_mustNotBeNull = Argument for parameter \"{0}\" must not be null.
error_example= Example error message.
error_caseNotYetSupported= Case not supported for the moment.
error_exceptionWhenInvokingPlugin= {0} occurred when invoking code from plug-in \"{1}\": {2}.
error_exceptionWhenInvokingUnknownPlugin= {0} occurred when invoking code from unknown plug-in: {1}.
error_messageDialogTitle= Error
error_methodResultMustNotBeNull= Result of method \"{0}\" must not be null.
error_mustBeInstanceOf= Variable \"{0}\" must be an instance of \"{1}\".
error_mustNotBeEmpty= List \"{0}\" must not be empty.
error_mustNotBeInstanceOf= Variable \"{0}\" must not be an instance of \"{1}\".
error_mustNotBeNull= Variable \"{0}\" must not be null.
error_openingStream= Error opening stream on file
error_projectMustExist= Project \"{0}\" must exist."
error_unexpectedArrayLength= Unexpected array length: {0} instead of {1}.
error_unexpectedAttributeImplementationInContribution= \"{0}\" attribute of \"{1}\" element in \"{2}\" extension contributed by \"{3}\" must refer to an implementation of \"{4}\".
error_unexpectedInstanceOf= Obtained instance of \"{0}\" whereas expected instance of \"{1}\".
error_unexpectedListSize= Unexpected list size: {0} instead of {1}.
error_unknown= An unknown error has occurred.
error_cantBeParsedToInt= \"{0}\" can't be parsed to int.
error_cantBeParsedToFloat= \"{0}\" can't be parsed to float.
error_cantBeConvertedToBinary= \"{0}\" can't be converted to binary.
error_cantBeConvertedToOctal= \"{0}\" can't be converted to octal.
error_cantBeConvertedToDecimal= \"{0}\" can't be converted to decimal.
error_cantBeConvertedToHex= \"{0}\" can't be converted to hex.
info_example= Example info message.
info_messageDialogTitle= Information
info_readExtensionPointContributions= Reading of contributions to \"{0}\" completed after {1} ms.
info_unknown= An unknown info has been encountered.
infos_whenInvokingPlugin= {0} information items issued by plug-in "{1}".
ok_example = Example OK message.
problem_example = Example problem message.
problem_messageDialogTitle = Problem
problem_unknown = An unknown problem has occurred.
problem_whenInvokingPlugin = Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in \"{0}\": {1}.
problem_whenInvokingUnknownPlugin = Problems occurred when invoking code from unknown plug-in: {0}.
warning_example=Example warning message.
warning_modelNotLoaded=Could not load model from \"{0}\"
warning_unexpectedArrayLength=Unexpected array length.
warning_unknown=An unknown warning has occurred.
warning_unresolvedProxyObject=Unresolved proxy object: {0} in \"{1}\"
cancel_couldNotPerformOperation = Could not perform operation \"{0}\".\nReason: {1}.
job_example = Example of job
job_creatingLinkFile = Creating Linked File
job_inputChanged = Input changed
job_loadingResources = Loading {0} Resources
job_savingModel = Saving {0} Model
job_updatingProblemMarkers = Updating problem markers
job_updatingLabelDecoration = Updating label decoration
pluginId_unknown=Unknown Plug-in
message_none=No message.