| #=============================================================================# |
| # Copyright (c) 2005, 2021 Stephan Wahlbrink and others. |
| # |
| # This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the |
| # terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at |
| # https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0, or the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| # which is available at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. |
| # |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0 |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # Stephan Wahlbrink <sw@wahlbrink.eu> - initial API and implementation |
| #=============================================================================# |
| |
| contexts_TextEditorScope_name= Editing Source\u2002[StatET] |
| contexts_TextEditorScope_description= Context editing a source with a text-editor of StatET |
| contexts_StructuredElementViewer_name= Element List\u2002[StatET] |
| contexts_StructuredElementViewer_description= Context inspecting elements in view like Object Browser of StatET |
| |
| categorys_StatetSource_name= Source\u2002[StatET] |
| categorys_StatetSource_description= StatET Source Actions |
| |
| commands_SpecificContentAssist_name= Content Assist |
| commands_SpecificContentAssist_description= A parameterizable command that invokes content assist with a single completion proposal category |
| commands_SpecificContentAssist_param_CategoryId_name= proposal kind |
| commands_CopyElementName_name= Copy Element Name |
| commands_CopyElementName_description= Copy the name(s) of selected element(s) |
| commands_SelectEnclosing_name= Select Enclosing Element |
| commands_SelectEnclosing_description= Expand selection to include enclosing element |
| commands_SelectNext_name= Select Next Element |
| commands_SelectNext_description= Expand selection to include next sibling |
| commands_SelectPrevious_name= Select Previous Element |
| commands_SelectPrevious_description= Expand selection to include previous sibling |
| commands_SelectLast_name= Restore Last Selection |
| commands_SelectLast_description= Restore last selection |
| commands_GotoMatchingBracket_name= Go to Matching Bracket |
| commands_GotoMatchingBracket_description= Moves the cursor to the matching bracket |
| commands_ShowQuickSourceOutline_name= Quick Outline |
| commands_ShowQuickSourceOutline_description= Shows the document outline in a quick view |
| commands_ShowQuickElementOutline_name= Quick Structure |
| commands_ShowQuickElementOutline_description= Shows the outline of the selected element in a quick view |
| commands_ShowQuickElementHierarchy_name= Quick Hierarchy |
| commands_ShowQuickElementHierarchy_description= Shows the hierarchy of the selected element in a quick view |
| |
| commands_SearchAllElementAccess_name= Search All Occurrences |
| commands_SearchAllElementAccess_description= Searches for all element access to the selected element |
| commands_SearchWriteElementAccess_name= Search Write Access |
| commands_SearchWriteElementAccess_description= Searches for write element access to the selected element |
| commands_Search_ScopeParameter_name= Scope |
| commands_Search_ScopeParameter_Workbench_name= Workbench |
| commands_Search_ScopeParameter_Project_name= Project |
| commands_Search_ScopeParameter_File_name= File |
| |
| commands_ToggleComment_name= Toggle Comment |
| commands_ToggleComment_description= Toggles comment the selected lines |
| commands_StripComments_name= Strip Comments |
| commands_StripComments_description= Strip comments from the selected lines |
| commands_InsertAssignment_name= Insert Assignment Operator |
| commands_InsertAssignment_description= Inserts an assignment operator at the cursor position |
| commands_AddDocComment_name= Add Docu Comment |
| commands_AddDocComment_description= Comments the selection lines in documentation style |
| commands_GenerateElementComment_name= Generate Element Comment |
| commands_GenerateElementComment_description= Generates a comment for the selected element |
| commands_CorrectIndent_name= Correct Indentation |
| commands_CorrectIndent_description= Corrects the indentation of current line/selected lines |
| commands_CorrectLineWrap_name= Correct Line Wrap |
| commands_CorrectLineWrap_description= Corrects the line wrap of current line/selected lines |
| commands_ToggleReportProblemWhenTyping_name= Toggle Report Problems as you type |
| commands_ToggleReportProblemWhenTyping_description= Toggles the activation of reporting problems as you type in editors of current type |
| commands_RefactorRenameInWorkspace_name= Rename in Workspace... |
| commands_RefactorRenameInWorkspace_description= Renames the selected identifier in the workspace |
| commands_RefactorRenameInSelectedRegion_name= Rename in Selected Region... |
| commands_RefactorRenameInSelectedRegion_description= Renames identifier in the selected region |
| commands_RefactorInlineLocalVariable_name= Inline Local Variable... |
| commands_RefactorInlineLocalVariable_description= Replaces a local variable with its definition |
| commands_RefactorExtractLocalVariable_name= Extract Local Variable... |
| commands_RefactorExtractLocalVariable_description= Extracts an expression into a new local variable and uses the new local variable |
| |
| menus_Edit_ExpandSelectionTo_label= Expand Selection To |
| menus_Edit_ExpandSelectionTo_mnemonic= x |
| menus_Edit_ExpandSelectionTo_Enclosing_mnemonic= E |
| menus_Edit_ExpandSelectionTo_Next_mnemonic= N |
| menus_Edit_ExpandSelectionTo_Previous_mnemonic= P |
| menus_Edit_ExpandSelectionTo_Last_mnemonic= R |
| menus_Edit_ContentAssist_mnemonic= n |
| |
| menus_Source_ToggleComment_mnemonic= C |
| menus_Source_AddDocComment_mnemonic= D |
| menus_Source_GenerateElementComment_mnemonic= e |
| menus_Source_CorrectIndent_mnemonic= I |
| menus_Source_ShiftRight_mnemonic= R |
| menus_Source_ShiftLeft_mnemonic= L |
| |
| menus_Navigate_OpenHyperlink_mnemonic= l |
| menus_Navigate_OpenDeclaration_mnemonic= D |
| menus_Navigate_Goto_GotoMatchingBracket_label= Matching Bracket |
| menus_Navigate_GoTo_GotoMatchingBracket_mnemonic= B |
| menus_Navigate_ShowQuickOutline_mnemonic= O |
| |
| keywords_Appearance= appearance color |
| keywords_Template= template code new file |
| keywords_Editor= source editor |
| keywords_TaskTag= task tag todo xxx fixme compiler |
| keywords_Formatting= formatting formatter code style indentation tabulator |
| keywords_SpellChecking= spelling checking |
| keywords_ContentAssist= content assistant code completion proposals |
| keywords_AutoBracket= automatically typing close brackets paranthesis |
| keywords_AutoIndent= automatically typing tabulator indentation |
| keywords_AutoWrap= automatically typing wrap lines |
| |
| themes_ElementCategory_label= StatET |
| themes_DocViewBackgroundColor_label= Documentation display background |
| themes_DocViewDefaultColor_label= Documentation display default color |
| themes_DocViewFont_label= Documentation display font |
| themes_ConsoleFont_label= Console text font |
| themes_TableFont_label= Table text font |
| |
| preferencePages_SourceEditors_name= StatET |