blob: dfa5e19e43577bb67554ef98004f6ad9e46747fd [file] [log] [blame]
\title{Median Value}
median(x, na.rm=FALSE)
\item{x}{a numeric vector containing the values
whose median is to be computed.}
\item{na.rm}{a logical value indicating whether \code{NA}
values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.}
#ifdef unix
% TODO: comment new argument
% \item{turbo}{...
% }
Compute the sample median of the vector of values given as its argument.
Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988)
\emph{The New S Language}.
Wadsworth \& Brooks/Cole.
\seealso{\code{\link{quantile}} for general quantiles.}
median(1:4)# = 2.5 [even number]
median(c(1:3,100,1000))# = 3 [odd, robust]