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<title>Epidemiological Modeling Overview</title>
<h1>Epidemiological Modeling</h1>
<img src="images/sis.gif" align=RIGHT HSPACE=10 VSPACE=10 width=25%>
<p> Compartmental disease models are some of the most widely used
models of infectious disease. In these models individuals (or portions of
an individual) are considered to be in a compartments based on their
disease status. By convention, commonly used compartmental models are
designated by the first letters of the compartments and the order
people move between them. So, the model for a disease where people
start out Susceptible, become Infectious after catching the disease,
and then after some time clear the disease and become Susceptible again
would be an SIS model. The four most commonly used compartments
are <u>S</u>usceptible, <u>E</u>xposed, <u>I</u>nfectious, and
<u>R</u>emoved. <u>S</u>usceptible contains those individuals
who can still be infected with disease. <u>E</u>xposed contains individuals
who have been infected with the disease, but have not yet become
infectious themselves. <u>I</u>nfectious contains those individuals who
are infected and infectious. <u>R</u>emoved (sometimes called <u>R</u>ecovered)
contains those individuals who have been removed from the system
either through death or immunity. The disease state of a population
is speccified by knowing the nuber of individuals (or proportion of
the population) that is in each compartment.
<p> There are two main types of compartmental models: deterministic
and stochastic. In deterministic model, rates of movements between
compartments are used to represent the processes by which individuals
are infected, become ill and eventually recover from disease. These
rates specify a set of differential or difference equations, which
can be evaluated to give that state of the model at a future time
point. In deterministic models compartments need not contain an
integer number of individuals.
<p>Deterministic models only give the <i>expected</i> behavior of
the disease in a population under a set of assumptions about
the natural history and epidemiology of the disease. Often
we would also like to know how the disease behaves in more
extreme cases, and what the distribution of this behavior
is. Stochastic models provide a method for addressing this
issue. In a stochastic model, whole individuals are moved
between compartments based on a random draw from some specified
distribution. To get informative results from a stochastic
compartmental model it is necessary to do hundreds, or even
thousands of experiments.
<p>Compartamental models also may have "closed" or "open" populations.
In closed populations the set of individuals represented by the model
is static, no one comes in and no one comes out. It is of note that
in such populations any disease that confers permanent immunity
after infection will eventually become extinct. In an open
population there is continuous immigration and emigration from
the population, usually via birth and death.
<p>STEM comes with deterministic implementations for three commonly used
compartmental models: SI(S), SIR(S), and SIER(S). These models are
implemented as having open populations, but closed populations can
be easily simulated by setting the immigration/emigration rate to
zero. Which model is appropriate for a modeling project depends
on both the disease of interest and the timescale that we are
interested in modeling our results.
<h2>The SI(S) Model</h2>
<a href="simath.html">
<img src="images/sis.gif" align=CENTER HSPACE=10 VSPACE=10 width=24% border=0>
<p>SI(S) are useful for modeling diseases with a short latent period (the time
between being infected and becoming infectious) that either confer no long term
immunity (in the case of SIS models) or result in permanent infection (in the case
of SI models). Diseases of this type include the common cold and many
macro-parasite infections. Susceptible individuals are infected at the
rate of <em>&beta;I</em>, at which time they lose infectiousness
at the rate of <em>&gamma;</em>. Mathematical details of this model
can be viewed <a href="simath.html">here</a>.
<h2>The SIR(S) Model</h2>
<a href="sirmath.html">
<img src="images/sirs.gif" align=CENTER HSPACE=10 VSPACE=10 width=36% border=0>
<p> SIR(S) models are useful for modeling diseases with a short latent
period that confer immunity after infection, whether permanently (an SIR
model), or temporarily (an SIRS model). Such a model might be useful for
modeling diseases such as influenza or chicken-pox. Susceptible individuals are infected
at the rate of <em>&beta;I</em>. They then loose infectiousness at the rate of
<em>&gamma;</em> and then become immune to further infection. Immunity is lost
at the rate of <em>&sigma;</em>. Mathematical details of this model can be
viewed <a href="sirmath.html">here</a>.
<h2>The SEIR(S) Model</h2>
<a href="seirmath.html">
<img src="images/seirs.gif" align=CENTER HSPACE=10 VSPACE=10 width=48% border=0>
<p> SEIR(S) models are useful for modeling diseases that have a long latent
period in which infected individuals are not themselves infectious. Measles,
influenza and smallpox are all diseases that might be appropriately characterized
by this model. Susceptible individuals are infected at the rate of <em>&beta;I</em>.
These individuals become infectious at the rate of <em>&epsilon;</em>, and
then loose infectiousness at the rate of
<em>&gamma;</em>, becoming immune to further infection. Immunity is lost
at the rate of <em>&sigma;</em>. Mathematical details of this model can be
viewed <a href="swirmath.html">here</a>.
<h2>Further Reading</h2>
<li> Hethcote, H. W. 2000. The Mathematics of Infectious Diseases.
SIAM Rev. 42, 4 (Dec. 2000), 599-653. DOI=
<li> Ford, D. A., Kaufman, J. H., Eiron, I.,2006. An extensible spatial
and temporal epidemiological modeling system.
Int J Health Geogr. 5, 4 (Jan. 2006). DOI=