blob: 98f3e31594c1e81ec5067276a21b2e165ca4272a [file] [log] [blame]
# * Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
# * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# *
# *
# * Contributors:
# * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# *******************************************************************************/
# New Project Wizard
NSTEMProWiz.page_title = Specify the name of the new STEM Project
NSTEMProWiz.title = Create a STEM project
NSTEMProWiz.page_description = Create a new STEM project in the workspace or in an external location.
NSTEMProWiz.creating_directories = Creating project directories
NSTEMProWiz.creating_project = Creating new STEM project
NSTEMProWiz.graph_folder = Graphs
NSTEMProWiz.model_folder = Models
NSTEMProWiz.scenario_folder = Scenarios
NSTEMProWiz.decorator_folder = Decorators
NSTEMProWiz.Create_Problem=Problem creating project
# New Identifier Wizard (super class to Graph/Model/Scenario wizards
NIdWiz.noProjErr=No projects exist
NIdWiz.nameMissingErr=Name is missing
NIdWiz.nameErr=Invalid Name
NIdWiz.saveErr=Problem Saving
# Dublin Core Page
NDublinCore.page_title = Dublin Core
NDublinCore.page_description = Initialize the Dublin Core Metadata.
NDublinCore.titleDesc=A name given to the resource. Usually the formal name of the resource.
NDublinCore.descDesc=An account of the content of the resource. Typically a short abstract.
NDublinCore.creatorDesc=An entity primarily responsible for making the content of the resource. Typically the name of a person or organization.
NDublinCore.dateDesc=A date associated with an event in the life cycle of the resource. Typically YYYY-MM-DD. e.g. 2007-01-18
NDublinCore.validDesc=Date (often a range) of validity of a resource. e.g. start=2006-03-29; end=2006-03-30; or simply start=2006-03-29; if there is no end to the validity.
NDublinCore.createdDesc=The creation date of the resource. Typically YYYY-MM-DD. e.g. 2007-01-18
NDublinCore.sourceDesc=A reference to a resource from which the present resource is derived. The original source of the contents of the resource. e.g. a URL.
NDublinCore.publisherDesc=An entity responsible for making the resource available. Typically the name of a person, organization or service.
NDublinCore.coverageDesc=The extent or scope of the content of the resource. Could include spatial location, temporal period (date or date range), jurisdiction, etc.
NDublinCore.contributorDesc=An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource. Typically the name of a person, organization or service.
NDublinCore.relationDesc=A reference to a related resource. e.g. a URL
NDublinCore.rightsDesc=Information about rights held in and over the resource. Typically, a rights management statement. e.g. Copyright FooBar 2006
NDublinCore.subjectDesc=The topic of the content of the resource. Typically keywords or classification codes.
NDublinCore.languageDesc=A language of the intellectual content of the resource. e.g. en-GB
NDublinCore.citationDesc=A bibliographic reference for the resource.
NDublinCore.licensDesc=A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource.
NDublinCore.requiredDesc=The described resource requires the referenced resource to support its function, delivery, or coherence of content.
NDublinCore.spatialDesc=Spatial characteristics of the intellectual content of the resource.
NDublinCore.formatDesc=A predefined, STEM specific, URI that uniquely specifies the format of the resource. Not user defined.
NDublinCore.typeDesc=A predefined, STEM specific, URI that uniquely specifies the type of the resource. Not user defined.
NDublinCore.requiredField=required field
NDublinCore.titleErr=The Title is empty.
NDublinCore.createdErr=Created date not formatted correctly: YYYY-MM-DD
NDublinCore.dateErr=Date not formatted correctly: YYYY-MM-DD
NDublinCore.validErr=Valid date range not formatted correctly: start=YYYY-MM-DD; or start=YYYY-MM-DD; end=YYYY-MM-DD;
# Model Wizard
NModelWiz.wizard_title = New Model
NModelWiz.page_title = Model
NModelWiz.page_description = Create a new STEM Model in a project.
NModelWiz.DC_DESCRIPTION = Model "{0}"
# Model Scenario
NScenarioWiz.wizard_title = New Scenario
NScenarioWiz.page_title = Scenario
NScenarioWiz.page_description = Create a new STEM Scenario in a project.
NScenarioWiz.DC_DESCRIPTION = Scenario "{0}"
NScenarioWiz.solver = Pick a solver
# Model Sequencer
NSequencerWiz.cycleTime = Cycle period
NSequencerWiz.milliseconds = milliseconds
NSequencerWiz.millisecond = millisecond
NSequencerWiz.seconds = seconds
NSequencerWiz.second = second
NSequencerWiz.minutes = minutes
NSequencerWiz.minute = minute
NSequencerWiz.hours = hours
NSequencerWiz.hour = hour
NSequencerWiz.days = days = day
# Model Sequential Sequencer
NSeqSequencerWiz.cycleTimeErr = The cycle time must be 1 or greater.
NSeqSequencerWiz.cycleTimeFormatErr = The cycle time is not a valid integer.
NSeqSequencerWiz.wizard_title = New Sequential Sequencer
NSeqSequencerWiz.page_title = Sequential Sequencer
NSeqSequencerWiz.page_description = Create a new STEM Sequential Sequencer in a project.
NSeqSequencerWiz.startTime = Start Date
NSeqSequencerWiz.endTime = Specify End Date
NSeqSequencerWiz.startDateErr = Start Date not formatted correctly: YYYY-MM-DD
NSeqSequencerWiz.missingStartDateErr = The Start date is missing.
NSeqSequencerWiz.endDateErr = End Date not formatted correctly: YYYY-MM-DD
NSeqSequencerWiz.endBeforeErr = The end date occurs before the start date.
NSeqSequencerWiz.DC_TITLE1 = Sequential Sequencer (Start: {0}, End: {1}, Cycle Period: {2}).
NSeqSequencerWiz.DC_TITLE2 = Sequential Sequencer (Start: {0}, Cycle Period: {1}).
NSeqSequencerWiz.DC_DESCRIPTION1 = Sequential Sequencer starting from {0} to {1} with a cycle period of {2}.
NSeqSequencerWiz.DC_DESCRIPTION2 = Sequential Sequencer starting from {0}, with no end and a cycle period of {1}.
# Model Real-Time Sequencer
NRTSequencerWiz.wizard_title = New Real-Time Sequencer
NSRTSequencerWiz.DC_TITLE = Real-Time Sequencer (Cycle Period: {0}).
NSRTSequencerWiz.DC_DESCRIPTION1 = Real-Time Sequencer starting from the current date/time, with a cycle period of {0}.
# Model Experiment
NExperimentWiz.wizard_title = New Experiment
NExperimentWiz.page_title = Experiment
NExperimentWiz.page_description = Create a new STEM Experiment in a project
NExperimentWiz.DC_DESCRIPTION = Experiment "{0}"
# Modifier
NModifierWiz.wizard_title = New Modifier
NModifierWiz.page_title = Modifier
NModifierWiz.page_description = Create a new STEM Modifier in a project
NModifierWiz.DC_DESCRIPTION = Modifier "{0}"
# Trigger
NTriggerWiz.wizard_title = New Trigger
NTriggerWiz.page_title = Trigger
NTriggerWiz.page_description = Create a new STEM Trigger in a project
NTriggerWiz.DC_DESCRIPTION = Trigger "{0}"
# Predicate
NPredicateWiz.wizard_title = New Predicate
NPredicateWiz.page_title = Predicate
NPredicateWiz.page_description = Create a new STEM Predicate in a project
NPredicateWiz.DC_DESCRIPTION = Predicate "{0}"
# Modifiers
Range.type = Range
Sequence.type = Sequence
Single.type = Single
# Matrix Editor
Matrix.invalid.value = Invalid Value {0}
Matrix.dialog.okay = Okay
Matrix.dialog.cancel = Cancel = +
Matrix.dialog.minus = -
#Location picker
NLocWizCNTRY = Country
NLocWizL1 = Level 1
NLocWizL2 = Level 2
NLocWizL3 = Level 3
NLocWizOk = Okay
NLocWizCancel = Cancel = Select Globally
NLocPickerWiz.inproject = Select Within Project
NLocPickerWiz.gettingLocations = Retrieving list of locations for current project...
#Rename/copy dialog
Rename.dialog.okay = Okay
Rename.dialog.cancel = Cancel
rename = Rename File
copy = Copy File
# Graph Generators
GGDC.3=Problem creating Graph Generator instance
YES = Yes
NO = No
# Lattice graph generator
xSize = X Size
ySize = Y Size
xSizeUNIT = Grids
ySizeUNIT = Grids
xSizeTT = Number of grids along X axis
ySizeTT = Number of grids along Y axis
useNearestNeighbors = Nearest Neighbors
useNearestNeighborsUNIT =
useNearestNeighborsTT = Connect grids with nearest neighbor edges
useNextNearestNeighbors = Next Nearest Neighbors
useNextNearestNeighborsUNIT =
useNextNearestNeighborsTT = Connect grids using next nearest neighbor edges
periodicBoundaries = Periodic Boundaries
periodicBoundariesUNIT =
periodicBoundariesTT = Use Periodic Boundaries
# For generic property editor
fileChooserButtonText=Select File...
dirChooserButtonText=Select Directory...
fileChooserButtonTooltipText=A file is being used for loading data for one specific node
dirChooserButtonTooltipText=A directory is being used for loading a collection of files (usually for more than one node)
fileChooserDialogTitle=Select CSV File
dirChooserDialogTitle=Select Directory
NPickLoc = Pick
NPickLocTitle = Pick a location
#Double and string values
identifier = Identifier
identifierUNIT =
value = Value
valueUNIT =