blob: 407b3690d7a33a930c7b17b0a0efa1b83a68fe82 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.stem.util.analysis;
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.eclipse.stem.analysis.ScenarioInitializationException;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.Activator;
* This class reads incidence data from files (file names keyed by location) and
* creates the new format CSV files for STEM.
* It rewrites the incidence.
* It computes and writes the SIR approximations from the incidence and the
* population data.
public class DataProcessor {
* Name of the result files
private static final String INCIDENCE_FILE_NAME = "Incidence_2.csv";
private static final String SUSCEPTIBLE_FILE_NAME = "S_2.csv";
private static final String INFECTIOUS_FILE_NAME = "I_2.csv";
private static final String RECOVERED_FILE_NAME = "R_2.csv";
private static final String POPULATION_FILE_NAME = "P_2.csv";
private static final String REPORTING_FRACTION_FILE_NAME = "reportingFraction.csv";
* Incidences per location id
private Map<String,List<Data>> incidenceMap = new HashMap<String,List<Data>>();
* Population size per location id
private Map<String,Double> populationMap = new HashMap<String,Double>();
* Maximum number of iterations (days) for a specific location
private int maxIteration = 0;
* Reference population day (day of population data versus the start date
* of the data)
private long referencePopulationDay;
* Population change per day (population size at the start date of the data
* versus the size at the end date of the data)
private double fractChangePopulationPerDay;
* Computes and writes the SIR approximations from the incidence and the
* population data.
* @param sourceFolder The folder of the source data
* @param targetFolder The target folder of the results
* @param startDate The date in which the data starts
* @param endDate The date in which the data ends
* @param populationDataFile The population data file
* @param populationSizeStartYear Population size in the first year of the data
* @param populationSizeEndYear Population size in the last year of the data
* @param recoveryRate Average time it takes an infectious person to recover
* @param susceptibleRate Rate of initial susceptible to disease
* @param immunityLossRate Immunity loss rate to disease
* @throws ScenarioInitializationException Thrown when the process fails
public void process(
String sourceFolder,
String targetFolder,
Date startDate,
Date endDate,
String populationDataFile,
long populationSizeStartYear,
long populationSizeEndYear,
double recoveryRate,
double susceptibleRate,
double immunityLossRate) throws ScenarioInitializationException {
modelDiseaseState(recoveryRate, susceptibleRate, immunityLossRate);
} // process
* Read the population data.
* @param populationDataFile The population data files
* @param startDate The date in which the data starts
* @param endDate The date in which the data ends
* @param populationSizeStartYear Population size in the first year of the data
* @param populationSizeEndYear Population size in the last year of the data
* @exception ScenarioInitializationException
* Thrown when failed to load the population data
private void readPopulationData(
String populationDataFile,
Date startDate,
Date endDate,
long populationSizeStartYear,
long populationSizeEndYear) throws ScenarioInitializationException {
final String POPULATION_YEAR = "YEAR";
File file = new File(populationDataFile);
BufferedReader fileReader = openReader(file);
if (fileReader == null) {
throw new ScenarioInitializationException(
"Failed to open population data file " + populationDataFile);
// initialize the population data year to the first year of the data
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
int populationDataYear = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
try {
String buffer = null;
while (EOF(buffer = fileReader.readLine()) != true) {
int idx = buffer.indexOf("=");
if(idx >= 0) {
String id = (buffer.substring(0,idx)).trim();
String value = (buffer.substring(idx+1,buffer.length())).trim();
if(id.equals(POPULATION_YEAR)) {
// extracts the population data year from the file
try {
populationDataYear = Integer.parseInt(value);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
// ignore
Activator.logInformation("Failed to read population year", ex);
} else if(id.indexOf("-") >= 0){
try {
populationMap.put(id,new Double(value));
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
// ignore
Activator.logInformation("Failed to read population for " + id, ex);
if(populationMap.isEmpty()) {
throw new ScenarioInitializationException("Failed to read population data from " + file.getName());
// computation of reference population day
cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1);
cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, populationDataYear); // population data year
long offset = cal.getTimeInMillis()-startDate.getTime(); // in milliseconds
referencePopulationDay = offset/(1000*60*60*24);
// computation of population change per day
offset = endDate.getTime()-startDate.getTime(); // in milliseconds
long offsetDays = offset/(1000*60*60*24);
double changePopulationPerDay =
((double)populationSizeEndYear - (double)populationSizeStartYear)/(offsetDays+1);
fractChangePopulationPerDay = changePopulationPerDay/populationSizeStartYear;
} catch(IOException ex) {
throw new ScenarioInitializationException(ex);
} // readPopulationData
* Read the source data.
* @param sourceFolder The folder of the source data
* @exception ScenarioInitializationException
* Thrown when failed to load the source data files
private void readSourceData(
String sourceFolder) throws ScenarioInitializationException {
File file = new File(sourceFolder);
int numFiles = 0;
File[] allFiles = file.listFiles();
for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.length; i++) {
try {
numFiles ++;
} catch(ScenarioInitializationException ex) {
Activator.logInformation("Failed to read data from " + allFiles[i].getName(), ex);
if(numFiles == 0) {
throw new ScenarioInitializationException("Failed to read source data from " + sourceFolder);
} // readSourceData
* Read data from a source file.
* @param file A source file
* @exception ScenarioInitializationException
* Thrown when failed to load a source file
private void readDataFromSourceFile(
File file) throws ScenarioInitializationException {
String fileName = file.getName();
if (fileName.indexOf(".txt") < 0) {
return; // ignore
BufferedReader fileReader = openReader(file);
if (fileReader == null) {
throw new ScenarioInitializationException("Failed to open file " + fileName);
int idx = fileName.indexOf(".txt");
String idInput = fileName.substring(0,idx);
String id = convertID(idInput);
if (id == null) {
throw new ScenarioInitializationException("Failed to convert " + idInput + " to STEM ID");
Double population = populationMap.get(id);
if (population == null) {
throw new ScenarioInitializationException("No population found for " + id + " from " + idInput);
if(!incidenceMap.containsKey(id)) {
List<Data> incList = new ArrayList<Data>();
incidenceMap.put(id, incList);
List<Data> incList = incidenceMap.get(id);
try {
String buffer = null;
fileReader.readLine(); // skip the header
while (EOF(buffer = fileReader.readLine()) != true) {
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(buffer, ","); //$NON-NLS-1$
String iteration = tokenizer.nextToken(",");
String time = tokenizer.nextToken(",");
String inc = tokenizer.nextToken(",");
Integer count = new Integer(iteration.trim());
double reports = (new Double(inc)).doubleValue();
double pop = getPopulation(count.intValue(), population.doubleValue());
Data data = new Data(count, time, reports, pop);
if(incList.size() > maxIteration) {
maxIteration = incList.size();
} catch(IOException ex) {
throw new ScenarioInitializationException(ex);
} // readDataFromSourceFile
* Model the S,I,R disease parameters from incidence data, population, and
* modeled parameters for reporting fraction and recovery rate.
* @param recoveryRate Average time it takes an infectious person to recover
* @param susceptibleRate Rate of initial susceptible to disease
* @param immunityLossRate Immunity loss rate to disease
private void modelDiseaseState(
double recoveryRate,
double susceptibleRate,
double immunityLossRate) {
// for all locations
Iterator<String> iter = populationMap.keySet().iterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
String id =;
if(!incidenceMap.containsKey(id)) {
// ignore - no incidences for this location id
List<Data> dataList = incidenceMap.get(id);
double minFraction = 10.0;
double bestFraction = 1.0;
double minSlope = Double.MAX_VALUE;
// drop the reporting fraction until we hit negative S
// this sets the MIN reporting fraction
boolean valid = true;
boolean pointOK = true;
final int maxdelta = 1000;
int idelta = maxdelta;
double scale = 100000;
for (int ifraction = (int)scale; ((ifraction > 1)&&valid); ifraction -= idelta) {
pointOK = true;
if((ifraction<= idelta)&&(idelta >=10)){
idelta /= 10;
double fraction = ifraction/scale;
// for all iterations
// re-scale the incidence and integrate it over time
// and subtracting from the susceptible at each time step
double integratedInfectious = 0.0;
double integratedRecoveries = 0.0;
double[] ydataS = new double[maxIteration];
double[] ydataR = new double[maxIteration];
double[] xdata = new double[maxIteration];
for(int i=0; i<maxIteration; i++) {
ydataS[i] = 0.0;
ydataR[i] = 0.0;
xdata[i] = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; ((i < dataList.size())&&valid); i ++) {
Data data = dataList.get(i);
double incidence = data.reports/fraction;
double population = data.population;
integratedInfectious += incidence;
double recoveries = integratedInfectious * recoveryRate;
integratedRecoveries += recoveries;
// set the initial recovered
integratedRecoveries += (1.0-susceptibleRate) * population;
integratedInfectious -= recoveries;
double infectious = integratedInfectious;
integratedRecoveries *= (1.0 - immunityLossRate);
double recovered = integratedRecoveries;
double susceptible = population - (infectious + recovered);
ydataS[i] = susceptible/population;
ydataR[i] = recovered/population;
xdata[i] = i;
if((susceptible >= 0.0) &&(recovered>=0.0)&&(infectious>= 0.0)){
minFraction = fraction;
data.reportingFraction = minFraction;
} else {
pointOK = false;
if(idelta > 1) {
// back up and take smaller steps
ifraction += idelta;
idelta /= 10;
} else {
valid = false;
idelta = maxdelta;
if(!(valid&&pointOK)) break;
} // for i time steps
if(valid&&pointOK) {
double slope = getSlopeLinear(xdata,ydataS);
if (Math.abs(slope) <= minSlope) {
minSlope = Math.abs(slope);
bestFraction = fraction;
} // for all reporting fractions
// set the fractions
for (int i = 0; ((i < dataList.size())&&valid); i ++) {
Data data = dataList.get(i);
if((bestFraction< 0.9)&&(bestFraction >= data.reportingFraction)){
data.reportingFraction = bestFraction;
} // for all times
} // for all locations
// for all locations
iter = populationMap.keySet().iterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
String id =;
if(!incidenceMap.containsKey(id)) {
// ignore - no incidences for this location id
List<Data> dataList = incidenceMap.get(id);
// for all iterations
// re-scale the incidence and integrate it over time
// and subtracting from the susceptible at each time step
double integratedInfectious = 0.0;
double integratedRecoveries = 0.0;
// set the data
for (int i = 0; (i < dataList.size()); i ++) {
Data data = dataList.get(i);
double fraction = data.reportingFraction;
double incidence = data.reports/fraction;
double population = data.population;
integratedInfectious += incidence;
double recoveries = integratedInfectious * recoveryRate;
integratedRecoveries += recoveries;
// set the initial recovered
integratedRecoveries += (1.0-susceptibleRate) * population;
integratedInfectious -= recoveries;
data.infectious = integratedInfectious;
integratedRecoveries *= (1.0 - immunityLossRate);
data.recovered = integratedRecoveries;
data.susceptible = population - (data.infectious + data.recovered);
} // for i time steps
} // for all locations
} // modelDiseaseState
* Write the results to the target folder.
* @param targetFolder The target folder of the results
* @exception ScenarioInitializationException
* Thrown when failed to write results
private void writeResults(
String targetFolder) throws ScenarioInitializationException {
try {
if(!targetFolder.endsWith(File.separator)) {
targetFolder += File.separator;
Writer fw1 = new FileWriter(targetFolder + INCIDENCE_FILE_NAME);
Writer fw2 = new FileWriter(targetFolder + SUSCEPTIBLE_FILE_NAME);
Writer fw3 = new FileWriter(targetFolder + INFECTIOUS_FILE_NAME);
Writer fw4 = new FileWriter(targetFolder + RECOVERED_FILE_NAME);
Writer fw5 = new FileWriter(targetFolder + POPULATION_FILE_NAME);
Writer fw6 = new FileWriter(targetFolder + REPORTING_FRACTION_FILE_NAME);
String[] keys = new String[populationMap.keySet().size()];
Iterator<String> iter = populationMap.keySet().iterator();
int counter=0;
while(iter.hasNext()) {
keys[counter++] =;
String header = "iteration,time";
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i ++) {
if (incidenceMap.containsKey(keys[i])) {
header += ","+keys[i];
header += "\n";
// for all iterations
for (int i = 0; i < maxIteration; i ++) {
// for all id (columns)
String line1 = "";
String line2 = "";
String line3 = "";
String line4 = "";
String line5 = "";
String line6 = "0,0";
for (int j = 0; j < keys.length; j ++) {
String id = keys[j];
if (incidenceMap.containsKey(id)) {
List<Data> dataList = incidenceMap.get(id);
if(i >= dataList.size()) {
Data data = dataList.get(i);
if(i==0) {
line6 += ","+data.reportingFraction;
if(j == 0) {
line1 += data.iteration.intValue()+","+data.time;
line2 += data.iteration.intValue()+","+data.time;
line3 += data.iteration.intValue()+","+data.time;
line4 += data.iteration.intValue()+","+data.time;
line5 += data.iteration.intValue()+","+data.time;
line1 += ","+data.reports;
line2 += ","+data.susceptible;
line3 += ","+data.infectious;
line4 += ","+data.recovered;
line5 += ","+data.population;
line1 += "\n";
line2 += "\n";
line3 += "\n";
line4 += "\n";
line5 += "\n";
if (i==0) line6 += "\n";
if (i==0) fw6.write(line6);
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new ScenarioInitializationException(ex);
} // writeResults
* Returns the STEM ID corresponding to the input ID
* @param inputID The location id as extracted from the file name
* @return The STEM ID as extracted from the population file
public String convertID(String inputID) {
String inputCode2 = getAdmin2Code(inputID);
Iterator<String> iter = populationMap.keySet().iterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
String id =;
if(getAdmin2Code(id).equalsIgnoreCase(inputCode2)) return id;
return null;
} // convertID
* Find the STEM ID by matching region2 code part
* @param id The location id as extracted from the file name
* @return The STEM ID as extracted from the population file
public static String getAdmin2Code(String id) {
int idx = id.lastIndexOf("-");
return id.substring(idx+1,id.length());
} // getAdmin2Code
* Do the linear fitting.
* @param xData
* @param yData
* @return slope
private double getSlopeLinear(double[] xData, double[] yData) {
LinearLeastSquaresFit linFit = new LinearLeastSquaresFit(xData, yData);
return linFit.getSlope();
} // getSlopeLinear
* Returns the population size for a given iteration.
* computation is based on
* pj(t) = pj0 + fractChangePopulationPerDay*(iteration-referencePopulationDay)
* @param iteration The iteration count (day number)
* @param refPop The size of the population as extracted from the file
* @return The population size for a given iteration
private double getPopulation(int iteration, double refPop) {
double increase = (iteration-referencePopulationDay) * fractChangePopulationPerDay;
return refPop*(1 + increase);
} // getPopulation
* Create a new BufferedReader
* @param f The file we want to open for reading
* @return a reader to a given file
public static BufferedReader openReader(File f) {
try {
if (f.exists() == false) {
return null;
return new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
} // openReader
* Indicate End-Of-File
* @param buffer A buffer of data
* @return True if we have reached End-Of-File
public static boolean EOF(String buffer) {
if (buffer == null || buffer.length() == 0)
return true;
return false;
} // EOF
* Class for each row in the input files
public class Data {
* Reported incidence
public double reports;
* Reporting fraction
public double reportingFraction = -1.0;
* S
public double susceptible = 0.0;
* I
public double infectious = 0.0;
* R
public double recovered = 0.0;
* Population size
public double population = 0.0;
* Iteration count (day number)
public Integer iteration;
* Time associated with this row
public String time;
* @param iter Iteration count (day number)
* @param time The date of the report
* @param reported Number of reported incidence
* @param pop Population size
public Data(Integer iter, String time, double reported, double pop) {
this.iteration = iter;
this.time = time;
this.reports = reported;
this.population = pop;
* @return The reference population size
public double getReferencePopulation() {
return population;
* Set the reference population size
* @param localPopulation The reference population size
public void setLocalPopulation(double localPopulation) {
this.population = localPopulation;
this.susceptible = localPopulation; // initially
} // Data
} // DataProcessor