blob: d797d30d47bd79452340e0243facfe6567a57d5d [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.stem.util.analysis;
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.stem.analysis.States;
import org.eclipse.stem.analysis.impl.ReferenceScenarioDataMapImpl.ReferenceScenarioDataInstance;
* Estimate parameters for an SI, SIR or SEIR model
public class NonLinearSEIRParameterEstimator extends SEIRparameterEstimator {
// Unique states for this estimator
double [] e;
double [] r;
* @param data
public NonLinearSEIRParameterEstimator(ReferenceScenarioDataInstance data) {
List<Double> sToFit = new ArrayList<Double>();
List<Double> eToFit = new ArrayList<Double>();
List<Double> iToFit = new ArrayList<Double>();
List<Double> rToFit = new ArrayList<Double>();
List<Double> iList = data.getData().get(States.statesToFit[States.INFECTIOUS]);
List<Double> sList = data.getData().get(States.statesToFit[States.SUSCEPTIBLE]);
List<Double> rList = data.getData().get(States.statesToFit[States.RECOVERED]);
List<Double> eList = data.getData().get(States.statesToFit[States.EXPOSED]);
// ToDo: Why are we skipping the first value?
for (int icount = 1; icount < iList.size(); icount ++) {
this.numDataPoints = iToFit.size();
if(numDataPoints < MINSIZE) return;
dataValid = true;
this.s = new double[this.numDataPoints];
this.e = new double[this.numDataPoints];
this.i = new double[this.numDataPoints];
this.r = new double[this.numDataPoints];
this.t = new double[this.numDataPoints];
int npts = this.numDataPoints;
double[][] dataS = new double[2][npts - 1];
double[][] dataE = new double[2][npts - 1];
double[][] dataI = new double[2][npts - 1];
double[][] dataR = new double[2][npts - 1];
for (int icount = 0; icount < this.numDataPoints; icount ++) {
s[icount] = sToFit.get(icount).doubleValue();
e[icount] = eToFit.get(icount).doubleValue();
i[icount] = iToFit.get(icount).doubleValue();
r[icount] = rToFit.get(icount).doubleValue();
t[icount] = icount;
// init the raw data for plotting
// *****************************************************************************************
// TODO need to fill the selected array in the code for this class *************************
// *****************************************************************************************
if(icount < this.numDataPoints-1) {
dataS[0][icount] = (s[icount]+s[icount+1])/2.0;
dataE[0][icount] = (e[icount]+e[icount+1])/2.0;
dataI[0][icount] = (i[icount]+i[icount+1])/2.0;
dataR[0][icount] = (r[icount]+r[icount+1])/2.0;
dataS[1][icount] = (s[icount]+s[icount+1])/2.0;
dataE[1][icount] = (e[icount]+e[icount+1])/2.0;
dataI[1][icount] = (i[icount]+i[icount+1])/2.0;
dataR[1][icount] = (r[icount]+r[icount+1])/2.0;
// init the selected data array
for (int chartIndex = 0; chartIndex < 4; chartIndex ++ ) {
dataS[1][icount] = 0.0;
dataE[1][icount] = 0.0;
dataI[1][icount] = 0.0;
dataR[1][icount] = 0.0;
}// init selected
}// init the date
}// for icount
}// constructor
* Estimate the parameters
* @param localDensity
* @param localPopulation
* @param locationID
* @return the ModelParameters estimate
public ModelParameters estimate(double localDensity, double localPopulation, String locationID) {
ModelParameters fittedParms = null;
final double CRITICAL_SUSCEPTIBLE = 0.3;
int npts = s.length;
assert(npts == e.length);
* Begin SEIR fitting to find parameters including beta function
//first find alpha and epsilon
double[] dS = new double[npts];
double[] lnE = new double[npts];
double[] dlnE = new double[npts];
for(int j = 0; j < npts; j++){
lnE[j] = Math.log(e[j]);
//derivatives of endpoints
dS[0] = s[1] - s[0];
dS[npts-1] = s[npts-1] - s[npts-2];
dlnE[0] = lnE[1] - lnE[0];
dlnE[npts-1] = lnE[npts-1] - lnE[npts-2];
//derivatives of all other points
for(int j = 1;j < npts-1;j++)
dS[j] = (s[j+1] - s[j-1])/2;
dlnE[j] = (lnE[j+1] - lnE[j-1])/2;
//x and y for least squares fitting
double[] x = new double[npts];
double[] y = new double[npts];
for(int j = 0; j < npts; j++){
x[j] = r[j]/e[j];
y[j] = (1/e[j])*dS[j]+dlnE[j];
//sums for least squares fitting
double sumx = 0;
double sumy = 0;
double sumxy = 0;
double sumx2 = 0;
double sumy2 = 0;
double sum = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < npts; j++){
sumx += x[j];
sumy += y[j];
sumxy += x[j] * y[j];
sumx2 += x[j] * x[j];
sumy2 += y[j] * y[j];
sum += 1;
//delta for Cramer's Rule
double delta = -(sum*sumx2 - sumx*sumx);
double alpha = -(sum*sumxy - sumx*sumy)/delta;
double epsilon = (sumx2*sumy - sumx*sumxy)/delta;
//variance and std
double variance = (sumy2 + sum*epsilon*epsilon + alpha*alpha*sumx2
-2*(alpha*sumxy - epsilon*sumy + epsilon*alpha*sumx))/(npts-2);
double varAlpha = -(variance/delta)*sum;
double varEpsilon = -(variance/delta)*sumx2;
double stdAlpha = Math.sqrt(varAlpha);
double stdEpsilon = Math.sqrt(varEpsilon);
//now find beta and lambda
//x and y for least squares fitting
// TODO Question for Barbara Jone
// PROBLEM: what does it mean when
// (alpha*r - dS) is negative ??
// this gives NaN for log
for(int j = 0; j < npts; j++){
x[j] = Math.log(((s[j]+e[j]+i[j])-CRITICAL_SUSCEPTIBLE)/(1-CRITICAL_SUSCEPTIBLE));
y[j] = Math.log((alpha*r[j] - dS[j])/(s[j]*i[j]));
//sums for least squares fitting, set back to zero
sumx = 0;
sumy = 0;
sumxy = 0;
sumx2 = 0;
sumy2 = 0;
sum = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < npts; j++){
sumx += x[j];
sumy += y[j];
sumxy += x[j] * y[j];
sumx2 += x[j] * x[j];
sumy2 += y[j] * y[j];
sum += 1;
delta = sum*sumx2 - sumx*sumx;
double lnBeta = (sumy*sumx2 - sumx*sumxy)/delta;
double lambda = (sum*sumxy - sumx*sumy)/delta;
double beta = Math.exp(lnBeta);
//variance and std
variance = (sumy2 + lnBeta*lnBeta*sum + lambda*lambda*sumx2
-2*(lnBeta*sumy + lambda*sumxy + lnBeta*lambda*sumx))/(npts-2);
double varLnBeta = (variance/delta)*sumx2;
double varLambda = (variance/delta)*sum;
double stdLnBeta = Math.sqrt(varLnBeta);
double stdLambda = Math.sqrt(varLambda);
//TODO How to find std and variance of Beta rather than lnBeta
fittedParms = new ModelParameters();
double newbeta = beta;
if(!useFreqDependantBeta) newbeta *= ((ModelParameters.REFERENCE_POPULATION_DENSITY)/localDensity);
fittedParms.addParameter(Parameter.BETA, new Parameter(Parameter.BETA, newbeta));
fittedParms.addParameter(Parameter.LNBETA, new Parameter(Parameter.LNBETA, lnBeta, stdLnBeta, varLnBeta));
fittedParms.addParameter(Parameter.ALPHA, new Parameter(Parameter.ALPHA, alpha, stdAlpha, varAlpha));
fittedParms.addParameter(Parameter.EPSILON, new Parameter(Parameter.EPSILON, epsilon, stdEpsilon, varEpsilon));
fittedParms.addParameter(Parameter.LAMBDA, new Parameter(Parameter.LAMBDA, lambda, stdLambda, varLambda));
return fittedParms;
} // estimate