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<h1>Report View</h1>
<p><font size="2">The current distribution of STEM provides users with
configurable run time Report Views with which to study running simulations. In
the current distribution the available reports are:</font><ul>
<li><font size="2">The Time Series View</font></li>
<li><font size="2">The Phase Space View</font></li>
<p><font size="2">All STEM views are create using the
<a href="">Eclipse Business Intelligence
Reporting Tool (BIRT).</a>&nbsp; </font></p>
<p><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">The Report Views complement the various Map visualization
views. While the Map gives a qualitative visualization of a running
simulation (e.g. a spreading infectious disease), the Report Views provide
more quantitative information about the simulation state either at specific
locations or aggregated a different levels.</font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman"><b>1) Loading the Report Views</b></font></p>
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">To load or activate the reports, first launch
(and run) stem. Then, on the top menu bar click on </font></p>
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2" face="Arial">&gt;window&gt;other...&gt;Time Series</font></p>
<font FACE="Helv">
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2">Select it. Go back to the top menu bar and click
on </font></p>
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2" face="Arial">&gt;window&gt;other...&gt;Phase Space</font></p>
<font FACE="Helv">
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2">This will open two different BIRT Report Views.
Other views would be activated in the same way.</font></p>
<p DIR="LTR"><b>2) Starting the Report Views</b></p>
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2">Next go to the scenarios tab and expand </font>
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2" face="Arial">-&gt;STEM-&gt;Geography-&gt;Political-&gt;Country-&gt;Japan</font></p>
<font FACE="Helv">
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2">double click on the built in scenario<i><br>
Pandemic Demo, Tokyo, Japan, 2000<br>
</i>to start it.</font></p>
<table border="1" cellspacing="1" width="60%">
<p align="center"><font FACE="Helv">
<img border="0" src="img/timeseriesview.jpg" width="1000" height="800"></font></td>
<p align="center"><b>Figure 1: Running the built in Japan Scenario
with the TimeSeries view displayed below the map.</b></td>
<p DIR="LTR"><b>3) Adding and removing locations to Monitor</b></p>
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2">Look at the time series and phase space views.
You will probably see a single chart which should show the data for all of
Japan. If you click on any location on the map, a new report will be added
for that new location. In this release clicking on the map will generate a
new report of every type that is currently loaded (e.g., both Time Series
and Phase Space reports will be added for that location if they are both
active). In the future we will add a selector so map clicking will generate
user specified types of new reports.<br>
Keep clicking on the map to get new reports. T<br>
To remove a report simply click the remove
button in the report window.</font></p>
<p DIR="LTR"><b>4) Remembering User preferences</b></p>
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2">The STEM report views use Eclipse DialogSettings to
automatically remember user preferences. This feature is always enabled and
begins as soon as you enable any report view. The preferences that are
&quot;remembered&quot; are the map locations the user was most recently monitoring
with one or more report views. Preferences are stored independently for each
type of report so the system will allow (and remember) that the user wishes
to monitor, for example, one set of locations with Time Series reports and
another set of locations with Phase Space reports. The users preferences are
stored on disk in a directory:</font></p>
<font FACE="Arial">
<p DIR="LTR">...\runtime-stem.product\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.stem.ui.reports</p>
<font FACE="Helv">
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2">where the directory \runtime-stem.product is located in the
same parent directory as the users STEM eclipse workspace (for example
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2">Preferences for the Time Series views are stored in a file:<br>
Preferences for the Phase Space views are stored in a file:<br>
<p DIR="LTR"><b>5) Configuring the TimeSeries Report</b></p>
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2">On the lower left hand side of every TimeSeries Report view
window are two combo boxes one atop the other. If a simulation is running,
the top combo box allows a user to take data from different &quot;decorators&quot;
that exist at selected locations. In most cases the user will be running
only one disease at a time and there will be only one location decorator to
chose from (the running disease). In general one can configure scenarios in
STEM to simultaneous run multiple diseases in which case one can examine the
state of each disease in turn via this to combo box. </font> </p>
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2">The bottom combo box is not used by the TimeSeries Report. The
bottom combo box shows the different &quot;labels&quot; processed by the selected
decorator. For a particular disease model these labels might <i>include</i>,
for example,</font></p>
<p DIR="LTR">S - the population fraction&nbsp; Susceptible (0.0 &lt;= S &lt;= 1.0)</p>
<p DIR="LTR">E - the population fraction&nbsp; Exposed (0.0 &lt;= E &lt;= 1.0)</p>
<p DIR="LTR">I - the population fraction Infectious (0.0 &lt;= I &lt;= 1.0)</p>
<p DIR="LTR">R - the population fraction Recovered (0.0 &lt;= R &lt;= 1.0) </p>
<p DIR="LTR"><i><font size="2">Rather than display only a single variable or label S, E, I,
or R, the Time Series viewer simultaneously displays multiple labels for the
selected decorator in configurable colors. </font> </i><font size="2">See the colored lines in
Figure 1. By default the labels displayed in the Time Series view are S, E,
I, and R in Blue, Yellow, Red, and Green respectively. If these labels do
not exist in the selected decorator then the STEM report view will attempt
to render every label for which relative values (0-&gt;1) are defined. The
default color (blue) would be used.</font></p>
<p DIR="LTR"><b>6) Configuring the Labels and Colors</b></p>
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2">To configure or change the default labels and colors displayed
in the Time Series view, go to the top menu bar and select</font></p>
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2">&gt;Window&gt;preferences</font></p>
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2">a dialog will open. On the left hand side expand -&gt;STEM -&gt;
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2">and click on visualization. The displayed labels and their
associated colors may be changed in this dialog. See Figure 2 below.</font></p>
<table border="1" cellspacing="1" width="60%">
<p align="center">
<img border="0" src="img/reportPreferences.jpg" width="600" ></td>
<td><b>Figure 3: The Default Labels and Colors may be configured in
the view preferences <i>(see text).</i></b></td>
<p DIR="LTR"><i><font size="2">Please note, you must specify only valid label values for a
running model. If you type a label name that does not exist (e.g., X) the
Report Viewer will not find that label or associated values to plot. If you
are using one of STEMs built in Models it will not be necessary to change
these default values.</font></i></p>
<p DIR="LTR"><b>7) Configuring the PhaseSpace Report</b></p>
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2">On the lower left hand side of every PhaseSpace
Report view window are four combo boxes. The left hand pair (one atop the
other) determine the y-axis value displayed. The right hand pair (one atop
the other) determine the x-axis value displayed.. If a simulation is
running, both top combo boxes allows a user to take data from different
&quot;decorators&quot; that exist at selected locations. In most cases the user will
be running only one disease at a time and there will be only one location
decorator to chose from (the running disease). The two bottom combo boxes
allow the user to select among the different &quot;labels&quot; processed by the
selected decorator. As discussed above, for a particular disease model these
labels might <i>
include</i>, for example, S, E, I, and R.&nbsp; The PhaseSpace view allows
one to view the &quot;trajectory&quot; of one system variable plotted against another
in a phase space of two variables. Typically epidemiologist will plot I(t)
vs S(t). Not that time is not an explicit axis label in this view. Rather
the resulting curve represents the trajectory of I vs S in time.</font></p>
<table border="1" cellspacing="1" width="60%">
<p align="center"><font FACE="Helv">
<img border="0" src="img/PhaseSpaceView.jpg" width="1000" height="800" ></font></td>
<p align="center"><b>Figure 4: <font FACE="Helv">Running the built
in Japan Scenario with the PhaseSpace view <br>
displayed below the map.</font></b></td>
<p DIR="LTR">&nbsp; </p>
<p DIR="LTR"><b>8) For Code Developers</b></p>
<p DIR="LTR"><font size="2">All of the source code for the Report Viewers
may be found in the STEM package:</font></p>
</font><font FACE="Courier New" size="2">
<p DIR="LTR">org.eclipse.stem.ui.reports.views</p>