blob: 9014c264559a1edb9e0b0d28c6f31da892af92d8 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.stem.core.sequencer.impl;
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.NotificationChain;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.InternalEObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.ENotificationImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.common.impl.IdentifiableImpl;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.model.ModelFactory;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.model.STEMTime;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.sequencer.Sequencer;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.sequencer.SequencerPackage;
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> An implementation of the model object '<em><b>Sequencer</b></em>'.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* <p>
* The following features are implemented:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.stem.core.sequencer.impl.SequencerImpl#getStartTime <em>Start Time</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.stem.core.sequencer.impl.SequencerImpl#getEndTime <em>End Time</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.stem.core.sequencer.impl.SequencerImpl#getCurrentTime <em>Current Time</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.stem.core.sequencer.impl.SequencerImpl#getNextTime <em>Next Time</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.stem.core.sequencer.impl.SequencerImpl#getTimeDelta <em>Time Delta</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.stem.core.sequencer.impl.SequencerImpl#getDuration <em>Duration</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.stem.core.sequencer.impl.SequencerImpl#isTimeToStop <em>Time To Stop</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.stem.core.sequencer.impl.SequencerImpl#getWorkComplete <em>Work Complete</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.stem.core.sequencer.impl.SequencerImpl#getWorkIncrement <em>Work Increment</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.stem.core.sequencer.impl.SequencerImpl#getCycle <em>Cycle</em>}</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @generated
public abstract class SequencerImpl extends IdentifiableImpl implements
Sequencer {
* The cached value of the '{@link #getStartTime() <em>Start Time</em>}'
* containment reference. <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #getStartTime()
* @generated NOT
* @ordered
protected STEMTime startTime = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createSTEMTime();
* The cached value of the '{@link #getEndTime() <em>End Time</em>}' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #getEndTime()
* @generated
* @ordered
protected STEMTime endTime;
* The cached value of the '{@link #getCurrentTime() <em>Current Time</em>}' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #getCurrentTime()
* @generated
* @ordered
protected STEMTime currentTime;
* The default value of the '{@link #getTimeDelta() <em>Time Delta</em>}' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #getTimeDelta()
* @generated
* @ordered
protected static final long TIME_DELTA_EDEFAULT = 0L;
* The cached value of the '{@link #getTimeDelta() <em>Time Delta</em>}' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #getTimeDelta()
* @generated
* @ordered
protected long timeDelta = TIME_DELTA_EDEFAULT;
* The default value of the '{@link #getDuration() <em>Duration</em>}' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #getDuration()
* @generated
* @ordered
protected static final long DURATION_EDEFAULT = -1L;
* The cached value of the '{@link #getDuration() <em>Duration</em>}' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #getDuration()
* @generated
* @ordered
protected long duration = DURATION_EDEFAULT;
* The default value of the '{@link #isTimeToStop() <em>Time To Stop</em>}' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #isTimeToStop()
* @generated
* @ordered
protected static final boolean TIME_TO_STOP_EDEFAULT = false;
* The default value of the '{@link #getWorkComplete() <em>Work Complete</em>}' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #getWorkComplete()
* @generated
* @ordered
protected static final double WORK_COMPLETE_EDEFAULT = 0.0;
* The cached value of the '{@link #getWorkComplete() <em>Work Complete</em>}' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #getWorkComplete()
* @generated
* @ordered
protected double workComplete = WORK_COMPLETE_EDEFAULT;
* The default value of the '{@link #getWorkIncrement() <em>Work Increment</em>}' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #getWorkIncrement()
* @generated
* @ordered
protected static final int WORK_INCREMENT_EDEFAULT = 0;
* The default value of the '{@link #getCycle() <em>Cycle</em>}' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #getCycle()
* @generated
* @ordered
protected static final int CYCLE_EDEFAULT = 0;
* The cached value of the '{@link #getCycle() <em>Cycle</em>}' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #getCycle()
* @generated
* @ordered
protected int cycle = CYCLE_EDEFAULT;
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
protected SequencerImpl() {
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
protected EClass eStaticClass() {
return SequencerPackage.Literals.SEQUENCER;
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated NOT
public STEMTime getStartTime() {
return (STEMTime) EcoreUtil.copy(startTime);
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public NotificationChain basicSetStartTime(STEMTime newStartTime,
NotificationChain msgs) {
STEMTime oldStartTime = startTime;
startTime = newStartTime;
if (eNotificationRequired()) {
ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__START_TIME, oldStartTime, newStartTime);
if (msgs == null) msgs = notification; else msgs.add(notification);
return msgs;
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public void setStartTime(STEMTime newStartTime) {
if (newStartTime != startTime) {
NotificationChain msgs = null;
if (startTime != null)
msgs = ((InternalEObject)startTime).eInverseRemove(this, EOPPOSITE_FEATURE_BASE - SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__START_TIME, null, msgs);
if (newStartTime != null)
msgs = ((InternalEObject)newStartTime).eInverseAdd(this, EOPPOSITE_FEATURE_BASE - SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__START_TIME, null, msgs);
msgs = basicSetStartTime(newStartTime, msgs);
if (msgs != null) msgs.dispatch();
else if (eNotificationRequired())
eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__START_TIME, newStartTime, newStartTime));
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public STEMTime getEndTime() {
return endTime;
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public NotificationChain basicSetEndTime(STEMTime newEndTime,
NotificationChain msgs) {
STEMTime oldEndTime = endTime;
endTime = newEndTime;
if (eNotificationRequired()) {
ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__END_TIME, oldEndTime, newEndTime);
if (msgs == null) msgs = notification; else msgs.add(notification);
return msgs;
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public void setEndTime(STEMTime newEndTime) {
if (newEndTime != endTime) {
NotificationChain msgs = null;
if (endTime != null)
msgs = ((InternalEObject)endTime).eInverseRemove(this, EOPPOSITE_FEATURE_BASE - SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__END_TIME, null, msgs);
if (newEndTime != null)
msgs = ((InternalEObject)newEndTime).eInverseAdd(this, EOPPOSITE_FEATURE_BASE - SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__END_TIME, null, msgs);
msgs = basicSetEndTime(newEndTime, msgs);
if (msgs != null) msgs.dispatch();
else if (eNotificationRequired())
eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__END_TIME, newEndTime, newEndTime));
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated NOT
public STEMTime getCurrentTime() {
// Is the current time set yet?
if (currentTime == null) {
// No
// Then the current time is the start time.
setCurrentTime((STEMTime) EcoreUtil.copy(getStartTime()));
return (STEMTime) EcoreUtil.copy(currentTime);
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public NotificationChain basicSetCurrentTime(STEMTime newCurrentTime,
NotificationChain msgs) {
STEMTime oldCurrentTime = currentTime;
currentTime = newCurrentTime;
if (eNotificationRequired()) {
ENotificationImpl notification = new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__CURRENT_TIME, oldCurrentTime, newCurrentTime);
if (msgs == null) msgs = notification; else msgs.add(notification);
return msgs;
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public void setCurrentTime(STEMTime newCurrentTime) {
if (newCurrentTime != currentTime) {
NotificationChain msgs = null;
if (currentTime != null)
msgs = ((InternalEObject)currentTime).eInverseRemove(this, EOPPOSITE_FEATURE_BASE - SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__CURRENT_TIME, null, msgs);
if (newCurrentTime != null)
msgs = ((InternalEObject)newCurrentTime).eInverseAdd(this, EOPPOSITE_FEATURE_BASE - SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__CURRENT_TIME, null, msgs);
msgs = basicSetCurrentTime(newCurrentTime, msgs);
if (msgs != null) msgs.dispatch();
else if (eNotificationRequired())
eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__CURRENT_TIME, newCurrentTime, newCurrentTime));
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated NOT
public STEMTime getNextTime() {
setCycle(getCycle() + 1); // count this as a completed cycle
return null;
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public long getTimeDelta() {
return timeDelta;
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated NOT
public long getDuration() {
// Can we compute a duration?
if (duration == UNKNOWN_DURATION && getStartTime() != null
&& getEndTime() != null) {
// Yes
setDuration(getEndTime().getTime().getTime() - getStartTime().getTime().getTime());
return duration;
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public void setDuration(long newDuration) {
long oldDuration = duration;
duration = newDuration;
if (eNotificationRequired())
eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__DURATION, oldDuration, duration));
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public boolean isTimeToStop() {
// TODO: implement this method to return the 'Time To Stop' attribute
// Ensure that you remove @generated or mark it @generated NOT
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public double getWorkComplete() {
return workComplete;
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public void setWorkComplete(double newWorkComplete) {
double oldWorkComplete = workComplete;
workComplete = newWorkComplete;
if (eNotificationRequired())
eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__WORK_COMPLETE, oldWorkComplete, workComplete));
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public int getWorkIncrement() {
// TODO: implement this method to return the 'Work Increment' attribute
// Ensure that you remove @generated or mark it @generated NOT
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public int getCycle() {
return cycle;
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public void setCycle(int newCycle) {
int oldCycle = cycle;
cycle = newCycle;
if (eNotificationRequired())
eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__CYCLE, oldCycle, cycle));
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated NOT
public void reset() {
setCurrentTime((STEMTime) EcoreUtil.copy(getStartTime()));
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public NotificationChain eInverseRemove(InternalEObject otherEnd,
int featureID, NotificationChain msgs) {
switch (featureID) {
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__START_TIME:
return basicSetStartTime(null, msgs);
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__END_TIME:
return basicSetEndTime(null, msgs);
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__CURRENT_TIME:
return basicSetCurrentTime(null, msgs);
return super.eInverseRemove(otherEnd, featureID, msgs);
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public Object eGet(int featureID, boolean resolve, boolean coreType) {
switch (featureID) {
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__START_TIME:
return getStartTime();
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__END_TIME:
return getEndTime();
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__CURRENT_TIME:
return getCurrentTime();
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__NEXT_TIME:
return getNextTime();
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__TIME_DELTA:
return getTimeDelta();
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__DURATION:
return getDuration();
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__TIME_TO_STOP:
return isTimeToStop();
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__WORK_COMPLETE:
return getWorkComplete();
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__WORK_INCREMENT:
return getWorkIncrement();
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__CYCLE:
return getCycle();
return super.eGet(featureID, resolve, coreType);
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public void eSet(int featureID, Object newValue) {
switch (featureID) {
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__START_TIME:
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__END_TIME:
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__CURRENT_TIME:
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__DURATION:
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__WORK_COMPLETE:
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__CYCLE:
super.eSet(featureID, newValue);
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public void eUnset(int featureID) {
switch (featureID) {
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__START_TIME:
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__END_TIME:
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__CURRENT_TIME:
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__DURATION:
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__WORK_COMPLETE:
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__CYCLE:
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public boolean eIsSet(int featureID) {
switch (featureID) {
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__START_TIME:
return startTime != null;
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__END_TIME:
return endTime != null;
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__CURRENT_TIME:
return currentTime != null;
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__NEXT_TIME:
return getNextTime() != null;
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__TIME_DELTA:
return timeDelta != TIME_DELTA_EDEFAULT;
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__DURATION:
return duration != DURATION_EDEFAULT;
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__TIME_TO_STOP:
return isTimeToStop() != TIME_TO_STOP_EDEFAULT;
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__WORK_COMPLETE:
return workComplete != WORK_COMPLETE_EDEFAULT;
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__WORK_INCREMENT:
return getWorkIncrement() != WORK_INCREMENT_EDEFAULT;
case SequencerPackage.SEQUENCER__CYCLE:
return cycle != CYCLE_EDEFAULT;
return super.eIsSet(featureID);
* <!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated NOT
public String toString() {
if (eIsProxy())
return super.toString();
final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM d, yyyy");
final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
if (getEndTime() != null) {
result.append(" to ");
if (getCurrentTime() != null) {
result.append(", current=");
result.append(" (timeDelta: "); //$NON-NLS-1$
result.append(" (");
final long days = getTimeDelta() / STEMTime.Units.DAY.getMilliseconds();
result.append(days == 1 ? " day)" : " days)");
result.append(", duration: "); //$NON-NLS-1$
result.append(", workComplete: "); //$NON-NLS-1$
return result.toString();
} // SequencerImpl