blob: af8013f2a97a0f1594dde63a60ffce6f00929945 [file] [log] [blame]
Feb - 05 - 2007
*An Introduction to STEM II Data Conversion Utilities for Europe*
The set of data generators were initially developed for the Diva format. However, the countries in the European data set come in a different format.
Before we can run the data generation utilities to generate properties files and maps on the European data set, we need to run a set of utilities
that will convert the European data into the Diva format that the generators expect.
NOTE: All of the conversion utilities for Europe are found under org.eclipse.stem\src\generators.
**Overview of the data conversion process from the Europe data set format into the Diva set format :**
1) Data Cleaning/Grouping : start by running EuropeDataCleaner. This program will
remove all unnecesary data (i.e. columns) in the original source file. In
addition, this program will group the data based on its ID (i.e. NO,IT,FR,UK,
etc). The result will be a file named EuropeSorted.txt with cleaned data.
In other words : Europe.txt (input) --> ||EuropeDataCleaner|| --> EuropeSorted.txt (output)
NOTE: EuropeSorted.txt will be used as the input for the remaining part of
the process.
2) Data Formatting : run EuropeDataFormatter to break down the data source
(EuropeSorted.txt) into multiple data files, one for each country as
indicated by the ID (i.e. NO,IT,FR,UK, etc). The result will be multiple data
files (i.e. italy.txt, spain.txt, etc). Each file will be found under a
folder with same name as the country (i.e. ITALY\italy.txt, SPAIN\spain.txt,
3) Data Converter : run EuropeDataConverter to convert into Diva format.
4) Area and Population Data Extraction : run EuropeDataExtractor to extract
all area and population data for each country. The new area and population data files will be found under
org.eclipse.stem.utility/dataMigration/input/AreaPopulationData. For every country, say for Spain, there will
be corresponding area and population data files : SPAIN_AREA.txt and SPAIN_POPULATION.txt.
After all four steps are done and we have converted the Europe data set into a Diva format, we now can run the
set of data generators to create the properties files and maps as explained in "An Introduction to STEM II Data Generation Utilities for Diva".