blob: 17b198c8ad03db99b5ffeb8af907a66cd3ad0191 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.stem.graphsynchronizer.util;
* Copyright (c) 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ExtensibleURIConverterImpl;
import org.eclipse.stem.graphsynchronizer.Activator;
public class SubCountryGraphPartitionPlanner {
static int NUM_COUNTRIES = -1;
static int NUM_LEVEL_1_IDS = -1;
static int[][] level0CommonBorderMatrix = null;
static int[][] level1CommonBorderMatrix = null;
static final String STATS_FILE_0 = "worldPartioningStats.csv"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String STATS_FILE_1 = "subCountryPartioningStats.csv"; //$NON-NLS-1$
static final String CODES_FILE = "countryCodeMap.csv"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String URI_PREFIX = "platform:/plugin/";
//private static final String URI_PREFIX = "/Users/jhkauf/Documents/workspace/";
private static final URI CODES_FILE_URI = URI.createURI(URI_PREFIX + CODES_FILE);
private static final URI STATS_FILE_0_URI = URI.createURI(URI_PREFIX + STATS_FILE_0);
private static final URI STATS_FILE_1_URI = URI.createURI(URI_PREFIX + STATS_FILE_1);
static Map<String,String> regionCode2to3 = new HashMap<String,String>();
static Map<String,String> regionCode3to2 = new HashMap<String,String>();
static final List<Country> worldCountryList = new ArrayList<Country>();
static final Map<String,Country> worldCountryMap = new HashMap<String,Country>();
static final List<Region> worldStateList = new ArrayList<Region>();
static final List<String> levelOneIDList = new ArrayList<String>();
static final Map<String,Region> worldSubCountryMap = new HashMap<String,Region>();
static final double DELTA_TOLLERANCE = 0.2;
public SubCountryGraphPartitionPlanner() {
// step 0, regenerate the stats every time in case the STEM data changes
//WorldPartitioningStats wps = new WorldPartitioningStats();
// then prepare to do the plan
* Main method for testing only
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
* For testing only
String[] test = {
"WLF","WSM","YEM","ZAF","ZMB","ZWE" };
Set<String> testSet = new HashSet<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < test.length; i ++) {
SubCountryGraphPartitionPlanner subCtryPartionPlanner = new SubCountryGraphPartitionPlanner();
int numServers = 7;
// subCtryPartionPlanner.checkSumCountryStats();
final List<PartitionGroup> initialPlan = subCtryPartionPlanner.getInitialCountryLevelPlan(numServers, testSet);
//final List<PartitionGroup> initialPlan = subCtryPartionPlanner.getPlan(numServers, testSet);
List<PartitionGroup> plan = subCtryPartionPlanner.relaxPartitionPlan(initialPlan);
List<Set<String>> planCodes = subCtryPartionPlanner.planAsCodeStrings(plan);
Activator.logInformation("planning complete.... assignments are:");
int allNodes = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < plan.size(); i ++) {
PartitionGroup pg = plan.get(i);
Set<String> regionSet = planCodes.get(i);
// checksum
Set<Region> regionS = pg.regionGroup;
for(Region r:regionS) {
allNodes += r.numNodes;
double surface = pg.countUnresolvedBorderEdges();
int totalNodes = pg.getTotalNodes();
double surfaceToVolume = surface/(double)totalNodes;
// *** Activator.logInformation(" ");
Activator.logInformation("server number: "+i+" size is ["+totalNodes+"] external Edges = "+(int)surface+" surfaceToVolumeRatio= "+surfaceToVolume);
String s = "";
int icount = 0;
String[] rgns = regionSet.toArray(new String[regionSet.size()]);
for(String region: rgns) {
s += region+" ";
icount ++;
if (icount %25 == 0) s += "\n ";
}// for all countries on group
// ***** Activator.logInformation(" "+s);
}// for all groups
Activator.logInformation("total nodeCount = "+allNodes);
//now the the matrix of message size group to group
int[][] pgMatrix = getPartitionGroupBorderMatrix(plan);
Activator.logInformation("PartitionGroup Matrix");
for (int i = 0; i < plan.size(); i ++) {
String s = "";
for (int j = 0; j < plan.size(); j ++) {
if(pgMatrix[i][j]<10) s += " ";
if(pgMatrix[i][j]<100) s += " ";
s += pgMatrix[i][j]+" ";
* Generate a partition plan for a collection of level 1 regions to run
* 0. validate the number of servers
* 1. initialize an empty plan for numServers
* 2. add all level 1 regions to an unassigned set
* 3. get the level 1 regions sorted large to small
* 4. GET the total number of nodes for the ENTIRE collection to run
* 5. estimate the approximate target size per Partition Group
* 6. add the numServers largest level 1 regions in order large to small
* 6.a. find the numServers largest countries in order large to small
* 6.b.pick the largest regions inside the next largest country
* 7. we have assigned numServers level 1 regions
* 8. iterate through the unassigned level 1 regions until we have no more
* 9. check max pg size here
* 10. get the highest surface area for all candidates wrt THIS group pg
* 11. is it the overall Largest??
* 12. if we are not reducing surface area we need to change the plan
* 13. assign the selected region
* 14. remove it from the unassigned list
* @param numServers
* @param unassignedSet
* @return
public List<PartitionGroup> getPlan(int numServers, final Set<String> countries) {
//0. The regions are a list of countries
// but we really want to study admin 1 regions
// so for each country:
// i: Get the two letter code from the three letter code
// ii: From the levelOneIDList add all the level one ids
// ii: or, if there is only the level 0 id add that.
Set<String> regions = new HashSet<String>();
for(String threeLetterID: countries) {
String twoLetterPrefix = regionCode3to2.get(threeLetterID);
for(int i = 0; i < levelOneIDList.size(); i ++) {
String levelOneID = levelOneIDList.get(i);
if((twoLetterPrefix!=null) && (levelOneID.indexOf(twoLetterPrefix)>=0)) regions.add(levelOneID);
if(levelOneID.equalsIgnoreCase(threeLetterID)) regions.add(threeLetterID);
// we now have the full region set in regions
if(numServers > regions.size()) {
numServers = regions.size();
Activator.logInformation("CountryGraphPatitionPlanner.getPlan(): Warning, number of servers can not exceed number of countries. Using "+numServers+" servers for now."); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
//1. init an empty plan
List<PartitionGroup> partitionPlan = new ArrayList<PartitionGroup>();
for(int i = 0; i < numServers; i ++) {
PartitionGroup partitionGroup = new PartitionGroup(); // set of three letter region codes = plan for one server;
// 2. add all regions to an unassigned set
Set<String> unassignedSet = new HashSet<String>();
// 3. get the regions sorted large to small
Region[] unassignedRegions = getSortedRegions(unassignedSet);
//4. GET the total number of nodes for the ENTIRE collection to run
int totalProblemSize = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < unassignedRegions.length; i ++) {
totalProblemSize+= unassignedRegions[i].numNodes;
// 5. estimate the approximate target size per Partition Group
Activator.logInformation("CountryGraphPatitionPlanner.getPlan(): total problem size = "+totalProblemSize);
double targetGroupSizeD = totalProblemSize/numServers; // approximate target
Activator.logInformation("CountryGraphPatitionPlanner.getPlan(): IDEAL target partition size = "+Math.round(targetGroupSizeD));
int targetGroupSize = (int)Math.round(targetGroupSizeD);
Activator.logInformation("CountryGraphPatitionPlanner.getPlan(): Planning for max target partition size ~= "+targetGroupSize);
// 6. seed the first numServer Regions
// 6.a. find the numServers largest countries in order large to small
SubCountryGraphPartitionPlanner.Country[] parents = getSortedCountries(worldCountryList);
for(int i = 0; i < numServers; i ++) {
// the group to seed
PartitionGroup partitionGroup = partitionPlan.get(i);
String nextLargestCountry = parents[i].threeLetterCode;
Region[] unassigned = getSortedRegions(unassignedSet);
// 6.b.pick A region inside the next largest country
Region seedRegion = null;
for(int j = 0; j < unassigned.length; j ++) {
seedRegion = unassigned[j];
if(seedRegion.parentCountryCode.equalsIgnoreCase(nextLargestCountry)) {
Activator.logInformation(""+i+": seeding with "+seedRegion.regionID+" inside country "+nextLargestCountry);
// 7. we have assigned numServers regions
// 8. iterate through the unassigned regions until we have no more
double progress = 0;
while(unassignedSet.size() > 0) {
if(progress%100==0) {
Activator.logInformation(" "+unassignedSet.size()+" regions remaining to be assigned");
progress ++;
Region[] regionsToProcess=getSortedRegions(unassignedSet);
// for each partition group
Region regionToAssign = null;
PartitionGroup destinationGroup = null;
double minFactor = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for(int i = 0; i < partitionPlan.size(); i ++) {
// iterate through every unassigned region
PartitionGroup pg = partitionPlan.get(i);
// 9. check max pg size here
if(pg.getTotalNodes() < targetGroupSize) {
// 10. get the highest surface area for all candidates wrt THIS group pg
for(Region candidate: regionsToProcess) {
// for every OTHER group
double worstCaseLoadThisCandidateThisPlan = Double.MIN_VALUE;
for(int j = 0; j < partitionPlan.size(); j ++) {
// iterate through every unassigned region
if(j!=i) {
PartitionGroup pgOther = partitionPlan.get(j);
double load = getCommunicationsLoadFactor(candidate, pgOther.regionGroup, pg.regionGroup) ;
if(load > worstCaseLoadThisCandidateThisPlan) {
worstCaseLoadThisCandidateThisPlan = load;
}// if new best
}// if not this group
}// for all other planGroups
// is this a new best case
if(worstCaseLoadThisCandidateThisPlan < minFactor) {
minFactor = worstCaseLoadThisCandidateThisPlan;
}// for all unassigned regions
}// if partition group is not too big already
}// for all partitionGroups
//11. add the candidate
if((regionToAssign !=null)&&(destinationGroup != null)) {
if(unassignedSet.size()==0) break;
}// WHILE we have more unassigned regions to process
return partitionPlan;
* @param numServers
* @param countries
* @return
public List<PartitionGroup> getInitialCountryLevelPlan(int numServers, final Set<String> countries) {
Activator.logInformation("1. Getting initial Country Level Plan");
// 1. Get an INITIAL plan using the country level plannter
CountryGraphPartitionPlanner cgpp = new CountryGraphPartitionPlanner();
List<CountryGraphPartitionPlanner.PartitionGroup> initialPlan = cgpp.getPlan(numServers, countries);
List<Set<String>> initialPlanCountrySet = cgpp.planAsCodeStrings(initialPlan);
// we now have the full region set in regions
if(numServers > initialPlanCountrySet.size()) {
numServers = initialPlanCountrySet.size();
Activator.logInformation("CountryGraphPatitionPlanner.getPlan(): Warning, number of servers can not exceed number of countries. Using "+numServers+" servers for now."); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
Activator.logInformation("2. Executing initial Country Level Plan by level 1 regions");
// 2. execute this plan by the level one regions regions
// init the plan based on the country assignments
int partitionCount = 0;
List<PartitionGroup> partitionPlan = new ArrayList<PartitionGroup>();
for(Set<String> countrySet:initialPlanCountrySet) {
// define a level 1 partition group for this set
PartitionGroup partitionGroup = new PartitionGroup(); // set of three letter region codes = plan for one server;
System.out.print("Partition "+partitionCount+" adding ");
// for every country in the plan
for(String threeLetterID: countrySet) {
System.out.print(" "+threeLetterID);
String twoLetterPrefix = regionCode3to2.get(threeLetterID);
for(int i = 0; i < levelOneIDList.size(); i ++) {
String levelOneID = levelOneIDList.get(i);
if((twoLetterPrefix!=null) && (levelOneID.indexOf(twoLetterPrefix)==0)) {
Region region = worldSubCountryMap.get(levelOneID);
// or.... if only the country node
if(levelOneID.equalsIgnoreCase(threeLetterID)) {
Region region = worldSubCountryMap.get(levelOneID);
return partitionPlan;
* @param numServers
* @param countries
* @return
public List<PartitionGroup> relaxPartitionPlan(List<PartitionGroup> partitionPlan) {
//3. get an accurate count of the total nodes
int problemSize = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < partitionPlan.size(); i ++) {
PartitionGroup pg = partitionPlan.get(i);
problemSize += pg.getTotalNodes();
double idealTargetSize = problemSize/partitionPlan.size();
// 4. Relaxation.
//int pickIndex = getLargestGroupIndex(partitionPlan);
//PartitionGroup largeGroup = partitionPlan.get(pickIndex);
for(int outer = 0; outer < 500; outer ++) {
// 4.a. do an initial sort of the partitionGroups by size
PartitionGroup[] sortedPlans = partitionPlan.toArray(new PartitionGroup[partitionPlan.size()]);
for(int inner = 0; inner < 10; inner ++) {
// iterate through them
for(int i = 0; i < sortedPlans.length; i ++) {
PartitionGroup currentGroup= sortedPlans[i];
int planSize = currentGroup.getTotalNodes();
// for each group with size > target size....
if(planSize > (idealTargetSize*SIZE_MISSMATCH_TOLLERANCE)) {
// try to make a move - this really is a largeGroup
int pickIndex = i; // a large plan
double maxExternalArea = Double.MIN_VALUE;
Region regionToMove = null;
PartitionGroup groupToMoveTo = null;
//int destinationIndex = 0;
// 4a. For each region in the largest group
for(Region candidate: currentGroup.regionGroup) {
//4b. Find the other partition group with the LARGEST connections to that region
for(int j = 0; j < partitionPlan.size(); j ++) {
if(j!= pickIndex) {
// other groups only
PartitionGroup otherGroup = partitionPlan.get(j);
// small plan
double load = getCommunicationsLoadFactor(candidate, otherGroup.regionGroup, currentGroup.regionGroup) ;
if(load > maxExternalArea) {
maxExternalArea = load;
regionToMove = candidate;
groupToMoveTo = otherGroup;
//destinationIndex = j;
}// if new best
}// if small plan
}// if other group
} // for j other partitionGroups
}// for all regions in group
// 4c. Make the move
if((regionToMove !=null)&&(groupToMoveTo != null)) {
} // if plan size >> avg
else if(planSize < (idealTargetSize/SIZE_MISSMATCH_TOLLERANCE)) {
// if really small find the best outside region to add
PartitionGroup groupToMoveTo = currentGroup;
PartitionGroup groupToMoveFrom = null;
Region regionToMove = null;
int maxArea = -1;
int pickIndex = i;
// iterate through all the OTHER groups
for(int j = 0; j < partitionPlan.size(); j ++) {
if(j!= pickIndex) {
// other groups only
PartitionGroup otherGroup = partitionPlan.get(j);
for(Region candidate: otherGroup.regionGroup) {
int area = groupToMoveTo.getSurfaceArea(candidate);
if(area > maxArea) {
regionToMove = candidate;
groupToMoveFrom = otherGroup;
}// if best candidate
} //for all regions in other group
}//if other group is large
}//if other group
}// for all groups
if((regionToMove !=null)&&(groupToMoveFrom != null)) {
}// if plan size << average
}// for all plans by size
}// relax inner loop
}// relax outer loop
return partitionPlan;
} // relaxPlanByCountries
* We want the minimum communication cost with OTHER RegionGroups and the maximum surface area reduction with THIS one.
* we compute the ratio surfaceAreaOTHER/surfaceAreaTHIS. Bigger values are better to move out.
* @param regionsToProcess
* @return
public double getCommunicationsLoadFactor(Region candidate, Set<Region> outsideRegions, Set<Region> homeRegions) {
double factor = Double.MIN_VALUE;
double outSideSurfaceArea = 0;
// for each region in OutSide group
for(Region region: outsideRegions) {
outSideSurfaceArea += level1CommonBorderMatrix[candidate.index][region.index];
double inSideSurfaceArea = 0;
// for each region in OutSide group
for(Region region: homeRegions) {
inSideSurfaceArea += level1CommonBorderMatrix[candidate.index][region.index];
// weight the result by the volume of the region
//surfaceAreaTHIS *= candidate.numNodes;
if(inSideSurfaceArea <=0 ) inSideSurfaceArea = 0.01; // avoid divide by zero
if(outSideSurfaceArea ==0 ) outSideSurfaceArea = 0.1; // weight only by 0.1/surfaceAreaTHIS;
double ratio = outSideSurfaceArea/inSideSurfaceArea;
if(ratio > factor) {
factor = ratio;
return factor;
* @param partitionPlan
* @return
public int getLargestGroupIndex(List<PartitionGroup> partitionPlan) {
int pickIndex = 0;
int maxSize = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < partitionPlan.size(); i ++) {
PartitionGroup pg = partitionPlan.get(i);
int numNodes = pg.getTotalNodes();
if(numNodes > maxSize) {
maxSize = numNodes;
pickIndex = i;
Activator.logInformation("**** choosing "+pickIndex+" size = "+maxSize);
return pickIndex;
* @param partitionPlan
* @return
public List<Set<String>> planAsCodeStrings(List<PartitionGroup> partitionPlan) {
List<Set<String>> planList = new ArrayList<Set<String>>();
for(int i = 0; i < partitionPlan.size(); i ++) {
// iterate through every unassigned region
PartitionGroup pg = partitionPlan.get(i);
}// for all partitionGroups
return planList;
* gets the smallest current
* @param partitionPlan
* @return
public int getSmallestGroupIndex(List<PartitionGroup> partitionPlan) {
int smallest = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int index = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < partitionPlan.size(); i ++) {
// iterate through every unassigned region
PartitionGroup pg = partitionPlan.get(i);
int totalNodes = pg.getTotalNodes();
if(totalNodes < smallest) {
smallest = totalNodes;
index = i;
}// if partition group
}// for all partitionGroups
return index;
* Sorted Region[] large to small
* @param regionSet
* @return
public Region[] getSortedRegions(Set<String> regionSet) {
Region[] sortedRegions = new Region[regionSet.size()];
int icount = 0;
for(String region: regionSet) {
Region r = worldSubCountryMap.get(region);
if(r == null)
System.err.println("Unable to find region "+region);
sortedRegions[icount] = r;
icount ++;
return sortedRegions;
* Sorted Country[] large to small
* @param countryList
* @return
public Country[] getSortedCountries(List<Country> countryList) {
Country[] sortedCountries = countryList.toArray(new Country[countryList.size()]);
return sortedCountries;
* Sorted String[] of county names (alphabetical) large to small
* @param countryList
* @return
public String[] getSortedCountryNames(List<Country> countryList) {
String[] sortedCountries = new String[countryList.size()];
int icount = 0;
for(Country ctry: countryList) {
sortedCountries[icount] = ctry.threeLetterCode;
icount ++;
return sortedCountries;
* @param stemid
* @return administration level
public int getAdminLevel(String stemid) {
String [] splitID = stemid.split("-"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if(splitID.length == 4) {
return 3;
else if(splitID.length == 3) {
return 2;
else if(splitID.length == 2) {
return 1;
return splitID.length-1;
* Gets a compatible input stream for the given URI
* @return
* @throws IOException
private InputStream getInputStreamForURI(URI uri) throws IOException
return new ExtensibleURIConverterImpl().createInputStream(uri);
* read in a list of all countries
public void mapCodes() {
String record;
int recCount = 0;
BufferedReader d = null;
try {
d = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(getInputStreamForURI(CODES_FILE_URI)));
while ( (record=d.readLine()) != null ) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(record );
String name = st.nextToken(",");
String twoLetter = st.nextToken(",");
String threeLetter = st.nextToken(",");
} // lines
} catch (IOException e) {
// catch io errors from FileInputStream or readLine()
Activator.logInformation(" IOException error!" + e.getMessage());
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception e) { }
} // read codes
* read in a map of countries and their sizes
public void mapCountryStats() {
int index = 0;
String record;
int recCount = 0;
BufferedReader d = null;
try {
d = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(getInputStreamForURI(STATS_FILE_0_URI)));
while ( (record=d.readLine()) != null ) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(record,",");
String threeLetter = st.nextToken();
int numNodes = (new Integer(st.nextToken().trim())).intValue();
String twoLetter = regionCode3to2.get(threeLetter);
Country country = new Country(threeLetter, twoLetter, index, numNodes);
worldCountryMap.put(threeLetter, country);
} // lines
level0CommonBorderMatrix = new int[worldCountryList.size()][worldCountryList.size()];
Activator.logInformation("read "+index+" countries and their sizes");
} catch (IOException e) {
// catch io errors from FileInputStream or readLine()
Activator.logInformation(" IOException error!" + e.getMessage());
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception e) { };
} // map region stats matrix
* read in a matrix of all region neighbor statistics
public void mapSubCountryStats() {
int levelOneCount = 0;
String record;
int recCount = 0;
BufferedReader d = null;
// get the dimension of the Matrix from the first line of data
try {
d = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(getInputStreamForURI(STATS_FILE_1_URI)));
while ( (record=d.readLine()) != null ) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(record,",");
String levelOneID = st.nextToken();
int numNodes = (new Integer(st.nextToken().trim())).intValue();
if(level1CommonBorderMatrix == null) {
NUM_LEVEL_1_IDS = st.countTokens();
level1CommonBorderMatrix = new int[NUM_LEVEL_1_IDS][NUM_LEVEL_1_IDS];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LEVEL_1_IDS; i ++) {
int val = (new Integer(st.nextToken().trim())).intValue();
level1CommonBorderMatrix[levelOneCount][i] = val;
String level0Code = "";
int lvl = getAdminLevel(levelOneID);
if(lvl==0) {
level0Code = levelOneID;
} else {
String twoLetter = levelOneID.substring(0,2);
level0Code = regionCode2to3.get(twoLetter);
Country ctry = worldCountryMap.get(level0Code);
// never happens if data ok
if(ctry==null) {
Activator.logInformation("Error, ctry = null for level0Code= "+level0Code);
Region region = new Region(levelOneID, levelOneCount, numNodes,ctry.threeLetterCode);
worldSubCountryMap.put(levelOneID, region);
} // lines
Activator.logInformation("read matrix "+levelOneCount+" x "+NUM_LEVEL_1_IDS);
if(levelOneCount != NUM_LEVEL_1_IDS) {
Activator.logInformation("FAIL "+levelOneCount+" != "+NUM_LEVEL_1_IDS);
} catch (IOException e) {
// catch io errors from FileInputStream or readLine()
Activator.logInformation(" IOException error!" + e.getMessage());
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception e) { };
} // map region stats matrix
* This method is for testing only
* to validate the subCountry STATS matrix
public void checkSumCountryStats() {
String[] world = getSortedCountryNames(worldCountryList);
for(int i = 0; i < world.length; i ++) {
for(int j = 0; j < world.length; j ++) {
for(int i = 0; i < worldStateList.size(); i ++) {
int ii = getCountryIndex(worldStateList.get(i).parentCountryCode,world);
for(int j = 0; j < worldStateList.size(); j ++) {
int jj = getCountryIndex(worldStateList.get(j).parentCountryCode,world);
if(ii!=jj) level0CommonBorderMatrix[ii][jj]+= level1CommonBorderMatrix[i][j]; // don't report the internal country edges
Activator.logInformation("CheckSum for Stats Martix - compressed by country");
for (int i = 0; i < world.length; i ++) {
String s = world[i]+" ";
for (int j = 0; j < 25; j ++) {
if(level0CommonBorderMatrix[i][j]<10) s += " ";
if(level0CommonBorderMatrix[i][j]<100) s += " ";
s += level0CommonBorderMatrix[i][j]+" ";
Activator.logInformation("CheckSum for Stats Martix - compressed by country");
* @param threeLetterCode
* @param world
* @return
public static int getCountryIndex(String threeLetterCode, String[] world) {
for(int i = 0; i < world.length; i ++) {
if(world[i].equalsIgnoreCase(threeLetterCode)) return i;
Activator.logInformation("Error mapping country index");
return -1; // should never happen so
* inner class
* @author jhkauf
public class Country implements Comparable<Country> {
String threeLetterCode;
String twoLetterCode;
int index;
int numNodes;
* @param threeLetterCode
* @param twoLetterCode
* @param index
public Country(String threeLetterCode, String twoLetterCode, int index, int numNodes) {
this.threeLetterCode = threeLetterCode;
this.twoLetterCode = twoLetterCode;
this.index = index;
this.numNodes = numNodes;
* compares two countries for sort
* @param other country
public int compareTo(Country other) {
// exception - large country with ZERO neighbors
// TODO check the STEM data here
// we many note be using all these PNG nodes
// they have no neighbors
if(this.threeLetterCode.equalsIgnoreCase("PNG")) return 1; //$NON-NLS-1$
if(this.numNodes > other.numNodes) {
return -1;
} else if(this.numNodes < other.numNodes) {
return 1;
} else return 0;
* inner class
* @author jhkauf
public class Region implements Comparable<Region> {
String regionID;
int index;
int numNodes;
String parentCountryCode;
* @param regionID
* @param index
* @param numNodes
* @param parentCountry
public Region(String regionID, int index, int numNodes, String parentCountry) {
this.regionID = regionID;
this.index = index;
this.numNodes = numNodes;
this.parentCountryCode = parentCountry;
* compares two countries for sort
* @param other region
public int compareTo(Region other) {
// exception - large region with ZERO neighbors
// TODO check the STEM data here
// we many note be using all these PNG nodes
// they have no neighbors
if(this.regionID.equalsIgnoreCase("PNG")) return 1; //$NON-NLS-1$
if(this.numNodes > other.numNodes) {
return -1;
} else if(this.numNodes < other.numNodes) {
return 1;
} else return 0;
* inner class
* @author jhkauf
public class PartitionGroup implements Comparable<PartitionGroup> {
Set<Region> regionGroup = new HashSet<Region>();
Region nextCandidateMember = null;
public PartitionGroup() {
* returns the group as set of three letter region codes
* @return
Set<String> getRegionCodes() {
Set<String> planSet = new HashSet<String>();
for(Region region: regionGroup) {
return planSet;
* @return
public int getTotalNodes() {
int sum = 0;
for(Region r:regionGroup) {
sum += r.numNodes;
return sum;
}// getTotalNodes
* @param region
public void add(Region region) {
* @param other
* @return
public int getCommonBorderArea(Region other) {
int surfaceArea = 0;
for(Region region: regionGroup) {
surfaceArea += level1CommonBorderMatrix[region.index][other.index];
return surfaceArea;
* Count the unresolved or external edges in a regionGroup
* @return
public int countUnresolvedBorderEdges() {
int surfaceArea = 0;
// for every region in this group
for(Region region: regionGroup) {
// and for every possible neighbor region
for(int j = 0; j < NUM_LEVEL_1_IDS; j ++) {
// not diagonal element
if(j != region.index) {
Region target = worldStateList.get(j);
// IF region j is NOT in this group
if(!regionGroup.contains(target)) {
surfaceArea += level1CommonBorderMatrix[j][region.index];
}// if target is remote
}// not diagonal (is target is OTHER region)
}// all other target countries
}// for all countries in this group
return surfaceArea;
* @param candidate
* @return
public int getSurfaceArea(Region candidate) {
int surfaceArea = 0;
// for each region in THIS group
for(Region region: regionGroup) {
surfaceArea += level1CommonBorderMatrix[candidate.index][region.index];
return surfaceArea;
* compares two countries for sort
* @param other region
public int compareTo(PartitionGroup other) {
int thisSize = this.getTotalNodes();
int otherSize = other.getTotalNodes();
if(thisSize < otherSize) {
return 1;
} else if(thisSize > otherSize) {
return -1;
} else return 0;
}// PartitionGroup
* @param masterList
* @return
public static int[][] getPartitionGroupBorderMatrix(List<PartitionGroup> masterList) {
int numGroups = masterList.size();
int[][] matrix = new int[numGroups][numGroups];
for(int i = 0; i < numGroups; i ++) {
PartitionGroup pgi = masterList.get(i);
for(int j = 0; j < numGroups; j ++) {
matrix[i][j] = 0;
if(i!=j) {
PartitionGroup pgj = masterList.get(j);
for(Region region: pgj.regionGroup) {
matrix[i][j] += pgi.getCommonBorderArea(region);
}// for j
} // for i
return matrix;
}// CountryGraphPatitionPlanner