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<title>New Scenario</title>
<p>The <em>New Scenario Wizard</em> is used to create and define the
properties of a new <a
href="../../concepts/modelingframework.html#scenario"> Scenario</a>. A name must be provided for
the scenario, and the Solver can be changed using a drop-down menu under "Pick a Solver".</p>
<p>If you pick the RungeKuttaSolver, you also have the option of specifying a Relative Tolerance
for the numerical integrator. The smaller the number the more precise the results, but simulations
will also take longer to run. </p>
<p>Scenarios contain a model, one or more infectors/inoculators as well as a sequencer. </p>
<img src="img/scenariowizard1.jpg" />
<img src="img/scenariowizard2.jpg" />