blob: 6efb6057db489608e0ccd7b656c5bc58ebaa088f [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.spatial.geo;
* Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
* This class is a JUnit test for PlatformLatLongDataProvider.
* @see PlatformLatLongDataProvider
* @see InlineLatLongDataProviderTest
* @see InlineLatLongDataProvider
public class PlatformLatLongDataProviderTest extends LatLongDataProviderTest {
// This is the project that contains the test files
private static String PROJECT_NAME = "org.eclipse.stem.tests.definitions";
// This is the path to the test files
private static String PATH = "data/spatial/geo";
// This is the name of a file
private static String FILE_NAME1 = "test1gml.gml";
private static final String LATLONG_ERROR_FILENAME = "testlatlongerror.gml";
private static final String BAD_FORMAT_ERROR_FILENAME = "testbadformaterror.gml";
private static final String ELEMENT_ERROR_FILENAME = "testelementerror.gml";
// private static final String WHITE_SPACE_FILENAME = "testwhitespace.gml";
* This is the complete string that would be extracted from a dublin core
* "spatial" attribute
public static String TEST_PLATFORM_LAT_LONG_URI_STRING1 = PlatformLatLongDataProvider.PLATFORM_SCHEME
+ ":/plugin/" + PROJECT_NAME + "/" + PATH + "/";
// These are the node identifiers and the counts of the number of segments
// in their latitude/longitude data
public static String AK02013 = "#US-AK-02013";
public static int AK02013COUNT = 0;
public static String AK02290 = "#US-AK-02290";
public static int AK02290COUNT = 0;
public static String AL01001 = "#US-AL-01001";
public static int AL01001COUNT = 1;
public static String AL01003 = "#US-AL-01003";
public static int AL01003COUNT = 1;
public static String AL01095 = "#US-AL-01095";
public static int AL01095COUNT = 2;
public static String CA06037 = "#US-CA-06037";
public static int CA06037COUNT = 3;
public static String CA06083 = "#US-CA-06083";
public static int CA06083COUNT = 3;
public static String UNKNOWNID = "#UNKNOWNID";
public static int UNKNOWNIDCOUNT = 0;
static String[] ID_FRAGMENTS = new String[] { AK02013, AK02290, AL01001,
AL01003, AL01095, CA06037, CA06083, UNKNOWNID };
static int[] ID_SEGMENT_COUNTS = new int[] { AK02013COUNT, AK02290COUNT,
* @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
setFixture(new PlatformLatLongDataProvider());
* @see junit.framework.TestCase#tearDown()
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
private PlatformLatLongDataProvider getFixture() {
return (PlatformLatLongDataProvider) fixture;
} // getFixture
* Test method for
* {@link org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.spatial.PlatformLatLongDataProvider#getLatLong(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI)}.
public void testGetLatLong() {
final PlatformLatLongDataProvider fixture = getFixture();
for (int i = 0; i < ID_FRAGMENTS.length; i++) {
LatLong result = fixture.getLatLong(URI
assertTrue(result.size() == ID_SEGMENT_COUNTS[i]);
} // for i
} // testGetLatLong
* Test method for
* {@link org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.spatial.PlatformLatLongDataProvider#getLatLong(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI)}.
public void testGetLatLongError() {
final PlatformLatLongDataProvider fixture = getFixture();
LatLong result = fixture.getLatLong(URI
assertTrue(result.size() == 0);
} // testGetLatLongError
* Test method for
* {@link org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.spatial.PlatformLatLongDataProvider#getLatLong(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI)}.
public void testGetLatLongElementError() {
final PlatformLatLongDataProvider fixture = getFixture();
// This test prints on to System.err, so I've commented it out.
// Otherwise it works.
// LatLong result = fixture.getLatLong(URI
// assertTrue(result.size() == 0);
} // testGetLatLongError
* Test method for
* {@link org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.spatial.PlatformLatLongDataProvider#getLatLong(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI)}.
public void testGetLatLongBadFormatError() {
final PlatformLatLongDataProvider fixture = getFixture();
// This test prints on to System.err, so I've commented it out.
// Otherwise it works.
// LatLong result = fixture.getLatLong(URI
// assertTrue(result.size() == 0);
} // testGetLatLongBadFormatError
* Test method for
* {@link org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.spatial.PlatformLatLongDataProvider#getLatLong(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI)}.
public void testGetLatLongWhitespaceProcessing() {
final PlatformLatLongDataProvider fixture = getFixture();
// This test prints on to System.err, so I've commented it out.
// Otherwise it works.
// LatLong result = fixture.getLatLong(URI
// assertTrue(result.size() != 0);
} // testGetLatLongBadFormatError
* This "test" does a scan of a gml data file and checks that each polygon
* is closed. It reports the ones that are not.
public void testDataSanity() {
final PlatformLatLongDataProvider fixture = getFixture();
final String URI_STRING = "platform:/plugin/";
// polygonCheck(fixture, URI_STRING);
// duplicateCheck(fixture, URI_STRING);
} // testDataSanity
* @param fixture
* @param URI_STRING
// private void polygonCheck(final PlatformLatLongDataProvider fixture,
// final String uriString) {
// final URI uri = URI.createURI(uriString);
// final Collection<String> ids = fixture.getIds(uri);
// System.out.println("The following Segments are not polygons");
// for (String id : ids) {
// boolean firstTime = true;
// boolean foundNotPolygon = false;
// int segmentCount = 0;
// final LatLong result = fixture.getLatLong(URI.createURI(uriString
// + "#" + id));
// // Get each segment and test for polygoness
// for (Segment segment : result.getSegments()) {
// // Is this a polygon?
// if (!segment.isPolygon()) {
// // No
// foundNotPolygon = true;
// // Print the id?
// if (firstTime) {
// // Yes
// System.out.println("ID: \"" + id + "\"");
// firstTime = false;
// }
// System.out.println("\tSegment " + segmentCount + ": "
// + segment.toString());
// } // if not a polygon
// segmentCount++;
// } // for each segment
// // not a polygon?
// if (foundNotPolygon) {
// // Yes
// System.out.println();
// }
// } // for each id
// } // polygonCheck
* Examine the segments in the data for duplications
* @param fixture
* @param uri_string
// private void duplicateCheck(PlatformLatLongDataProvider fixture,
// String uriString) {
// final URI uri = URI.createURI(uriString);
// final Collection<String> ids = fixture.getIds(uri);
// // We get every segment and put it into a map keyed by its hashcode.
// // Before we put them into the map however, we see if something with
// // that hash code is already there. If so we check for equality and if
// // they're equal we've got duplication.
// Map<Integer, DuplicateMapEntry> map = new HashMap<Integer, DuplicateMapEntry>();
// List<DuplicateMapEntry> dupList = new ArrayList<DuplicateMapEntry>();
// for (String id : ids) {
// final LatLong result = fixture.getLatLong(URI.createURI(uriString
// + "#" + id));
// int segmentCount = 0;
// // Get each segment and test for polygoness
// for (Segment segment : result.getSegments()) {
// Integer hashcode = new Integer(segment.hashCode());
// DuplicateMapEntry entry = map.get(hashcode);
// // Is the segment in the map already?
// if (entry == null) {
// // No
// map.put(hashcode, new DuplicateMapEntry(id, segmentCount,
// segment));
// } // if
// else {
// // Yes
// // Dup!
// // Are they truely EQUAL!
// if (entry.segment.equals(segment)) {
// // Yes
// entry.add(new DuplicateMapEntry(id, segmentCount,
// segment));
// // Add this to the dup list?
// if (entry.duplicates.size() == 1) {
// // Yes
// dupList.add(entry);
// }
// }
// } // else Dup!
// segmentCount++;
// } // for each segment
// } // for each id
// // Are there any duplications?
// if (dupList.size() > 0) {
// // Yes
// System.out.println();
// System.out.println("There are " + dupList.size()
// + " duplicate segments.\n");
// System.out.println();
// // The duplicates are on the dup list...
// for (DuplicateMapEntry entry : dupList) {
// System.out.println("Id: " + + " segment "
// + entry.segmentNumber + ": \""
// + entry.segment.toString() + "\"");
// for (DuplicateMapEntry dupEntry : entry.duplicates) {
// System.out.println("\tId: " + + " segment "
// + dupEntry.segmentNumber + ": \""
// + dupEntry.segment.toString() + "\"");
// }
// System.out.println();
// } // for
// }
// } // duplicateCheck
// private static class DuplicateMapEntry {
// String id = null;
// int segmentNumber = -1;
// Segment segment = null;
// List<DuplicateMapEntry> duplicates = null;
// /**
// * @param id
// * @param segmentNumber
// * @param segment
// */
// protected DuplicateMapEntry(String id, int segmentNumber,
// Segment segment) {
// = id;
// this.segmentNumber = segmentNumber;
// this.segment = segment;
// } // DuplicateMapEntry
// public void add(DuplicateMapEntry entry) {
// // Any duplicates already
// if (duplicates == null) {
// // No
// duplicates = new ArrayList<DuplicateMapEntry>();
// }
// duplicates.add(entry);
// }
// } // DuplicateMapEntry
} // PlatformLatLongDataProviderTest