blob: 5b437884bde11e78e2ea6663f31a62457b0f8c8e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
* IBM Corporation, BfR, and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation and new features
* Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung - Pajek Graph interface, new Veterinary Models
import java.awt.Polygon;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.spatial.geo.LatLong;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.spatial.geo.PlatformLatLongDataProvider;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.spatial.geo.LatLong.Segment;
* NeighborUtility generates the CommonBorder property file.
* <pre>
* NeighborUtility has to run as an Eclipse Plugin application
* because it uses Platform.LatLongProvider to process the
* LatLong xml files and it will only run in a plugin environment.
* *** NOTE ***
* The path for the Eclipse workspace is hardcoded below.
* Change the value for &quot;baseFolder&quot; to reflect your environment.
* Also the output is generated in whereever your system defines
* as the &quot;Temporary&quot; folder. You would then copy the files to
* resources/data/relationship/commonborder
* and commit them to CVS.
* To generate the required launch script:
* - From PackageExplorer, RightClick src for NeighborUtilityTest
* - Select RunAs-&gt;JUnit Plug-in Test
* It should startup a new image of Eclipse, run NeighborUtility
* and terminate. The console output should indicate any errors.
* To make it easier to invoke, we use the JUnit plugin environment
* to setup the plugin environment and invoke the following
* NeighborUtilityTest.
* NeighborUtilityTest will invoke the following methods in MeighborUtility
* &lt;pre&gt;
* doAllInternal - creates neighbor list for the admin 1 or 2 areas in
* each country. creates where
* CCC is the country code.
* doWorld - creates a list of neighboring countries from the
* list of all countries. creates
* doAllBorders - uses to identify neighboring
* countries and builds bordering neighbor lists
* from the admin 2 (or admin 1) areas in each country.
* The methods setBBox and ProcessBBox do the actual processing.
* API for setBBox and processBBox
* //Interate through the nodes.
* for (final Iterator nodeIter = canonicalGraph.getNodes().values()
* .iterator(); nodeIter.hasNext();) {
* final Node node = (Node);
* final LatLongProvider latLongProvider = (LatLongProvider) LatLongProviderAdapterFactory.INSTANCE
* .adapt(node, LatLongProvider.class);
* //The node may or may not have lat/long data associated with
* //it, if it doesn't the list that's returned will be empty.
* final LatLong latLong = latLongProvider.getLatLong();
* //Now for each node we create a BoundingBox for each polygon
* // and call setBBox to save the BoundingBox in a map.
* String name = node.getDublinCore().getTitle();
* NeighborUtility.setBBox(map,bbox);
* } // for
* // We now have a map of AdminArea for one country and another map for
* // for the neighboring country
* //Now we call the processBBox method to do the processing
* // BBox1 is adjacent to BBox2 if any of the corners of BBox1 is contained
* // in BBox2 or any corner of BBox2 is contained in BBox1
* // if that is true they they might be neighbors and we check further
* // We compare all of the points of Polygon1 to match against polygon2
* // If we find a match then they are neighbors.
* //
* // If no match try again this time looking for points that match within
* // a small delta.
* // ifstill not match we make one more try,
* // check if any of the points for
* // polygon1 are contained inside polygon2 or visaversa.
* List&lt;String[]&gt; list = NeighborUtility.processBBox(bbox1,bbox2);
* -&gt; testAdjacency(bbox1,bbox2) test AdminArea containment
* -&gt; testAdjacencyMatch(bbox1,box2) Test if points match
* // The resulting ArrayList contains an array of 2 Strings , each
* // representing 2 neighboring areas.
* // We then call the writeProperties method to write the
* // properties file.
* writeProperties(list,admin0a,admin0b);
* // The properties files will be written to the temporary directory
* // On Windosw: c:/tmp/commonborders/
* //
* It needs to be copied to
* /
* and then checked into CVS/SVN
* &lt;/pre&gt;
public class NeighborUtility {
* User 's unique folder where they keep all of the STEM code. ******* Must
* be changed *****
public static String workspaceFolder = "c:/stem/";
* if true then debug info can be written
public static boolean DEBUG = true;
static int MAX = 50;
static int counter = 0;
* URI reference to the LatLong data baseURI/country/CCC/CCC_0_MAP.xml
public static String baseURI = "platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.stem.geography/"
+ "resources/data/geo/country/";
* Hard coded File reference to the above URI Needed because we don;t know
* how to convert a URI to a file path
public static String baseFolder = workspaceFolder
+ "org.eclipse.stem.geography/" + "resources/data/geo/country/";
* Hard coded File reference to the common border property files. Needed
* because we don;t know how to convert a URI to a file path
public static String commonborderFolder = workspaceFolder
+ ""
+ "resources/data/relationship/commonborder/";
* Used to build an error message for neighbors with no common border
public static StringBuffer problems = new StringBuffer(2000);
* statistics
private static int c_bboxNeighbors = 0;
private static int c_pointNeighbors = 0;
private static int c_closeNeighbors = 0;
private static int c_segmentNeighbors = 0;
private static int c_Neighbors = 0;
private static long c_start = new Date().getTime();
private static final long start = new Date().getTime();
* if true then only check for neighbors using BBox check This is used for
* generating the ZZZ world list.
public static boolean bboxCheckOnly = false;
// ****************************************************************
// static methods
// ****************************************************************
* Build neighbor list for neighbors within a country We will call
* setBBoxArea for each Admin area in the country then we will call
* processBBox to prepare the list of neighbors.
* @param fixture
* instance of PlatformLatLongDataProvider
* @param admin0
* Admin0 name for the country (i.e USA)
* @param adminFile
* Admin file (i.e. USA_2_MAP.xml)
* #return list of String[2] where [0] is an Admin Area (1 or 2) and [1] is
* a neighboring Admin area (1 or 2)
static List<String[]> neighborCheck(
final PlatformLatLongDataProvider fixture, final String admin0,
final String adminFile) {
final String uriStr = baseURI + admin0 + "/" + adminFile;
// final URI uri = URI.createURI(uriString);
// final Collection<String> ids = fixture.getIds(uri);
* Map of areas and Boundaryboxes used for the process.
final Map<String, AdminArea[]> map = buildMap(fixture, uriStr);
// new HashMap<String,AdminArea[]>(4000);
// for (String id : ids) {
// final LatLong latLong = fixture.getLatLong(URI.createURI(uriString
// + "#" + id));
// NeighborUtility.setArea(map,id, latLong);
// } // for each id
final List<String[]> list = NeighborUtility.processAreas(map);
return list;
* Build neighbor list for neighbors in bordering countries
* @param fixture
* @param admin0
* Admin0A name for the country (i.e USA)
* @param adminFile
* AdminFileA file (i.e. USA_2_MAP.xml)
* @param admin0
* Admin0B name for the country (i.e MEX)
* @param adminFile
* AdminFileB file (i.e. MEX_2_MAP.xml)
* @return List containing array of String
static List<String[]> neighborCheck(
final PlatformLatLongDataProvider fixture, final String admin0A,
final String adminFileA, final String admin0B,
final String adminFileB) {
final String uriString1 = baseURI + admin0A + "/" + adminFileA;
final String uriString2 = baseURI + admin0B + "/" + adminFileB;
final Map<String, AdminArea[]> map1 = buildMap(fixture, uriString1);
final Map<String, AdminArea[]> map2 = buildMap(fixture, uriString2);
final List<String[]> list = NeighborUtility.matchArea(map1, map2);
return list;
} // neighborCheck
* Build Map of areas and Boundaryboxes used for the process.
* @param fixture
* @param uriStr
* URI to obtain lat/long data
private static Map<String, AdminArea[]> buildMap(
final PlatformLatLongDataProvider fixture, final String uriStr) {
final Map<String, AdminArea[]> map = new HashMap<String, AdminArea[]>(
final URI uri = URI.createURI(uriStr);
final Collection<String> ids = fixture.getIds(uri);
for (final String id : ids) {
final LatLong latLong = fixture.getLatLong(URI.createURI(uriStr
+ "#" + id));
NeighborUtility.setArea(map, id, latLong);
} // for each id
return map;
* Build neighbor list for neighbors within a country for all of the
* countries in the world.
* @param fixture
static void doAllInternal(final PlatformLatLongDataProvider fixture) {
final List<String> world = getAdmin0List();
for (final String admin0 : world) {
final String admin = getAdmin(admin0);
if (admin.contains("_0_")) {
// do not make xxx_0_xxx_0 file
if (admin != null) {
// debug(admin0+": "+admin);
output("** " + admin0);
final List<String[]> list = neighborCheck(fixture, admin0,
writeProperties(list, admin0, admin, admin0, admin);
if (list.size() == 0) {
problems.append(admin0 + ": " + admin + "\n");
if (problems.length() > 0) {
debug("*** Admin areas with no internal neighbors:");
problems = new StringBuffer(2000);
* This will generate a list of neighboring countries.
* @param fixture
* needed to get the LatLong data
* @param doAll
* true if doAllBorders will be run next using the returned list.
static List<String[]> doWorld(final PlatformLatLongDataProvider fixture,
final boolean doAll) {
* Map of areas and Boundaryboxes used for the process.
final Map<String, AdminArea[]> map = new HashMap<String, AdminArea[]>(
final List<String> listZZZ = getAdmin0List();
if (doAll) {
// we will get more world matches this way
// and remove them from the ZZZ list as we go
bboxCheckOnly = true;
for (final String admin0 : listZZZ) {
// debug("Do: "+admin0);
if (admin0.equals("ALB") || admin0.equals("GRC")) {
final String adminFile = getAdmin0(admin0);
if (!adminFile.contains("_0_")) {
output(admin0 + " admin 0 file does not exist");
// continue;
final String uriString = baseURI + admin0 + "/" + adminFile;
final URI uri = URI.createURI(uriString);
final Collection<String> ids = fixture.getIds(uri);
if (ids == null || ids.size() == 0) {
output(admin0 + ": " + adminFile + " does not exist");
} else {
for (final String id : ids) {
final LatLong latLong = fixture.getLatLong(URI
.createURI(uriString + "#" + id));
if (adminFile.contains("_0_")) {
// debug("call setArea for id: "+id);
NeighborUtility.setArea(map, id, latLong);
} else {
// Since we are using the admin1 file instead of
// the admin 9 file , we have to lie about the
// id for the polygons.
// debug("call setArea for admin0: "+admin0);
NeighborUtility.setArea(map, admin0, latLong);
} // for each id
debug("doWorld: area setup complete.");
// find the neighboring countries based on bbox
final List<String[]> list = processAreas(map);
debug("ZZZ: ");
// list now has neighbors for each country in world
// Now process each set of bordering countries
writeProperties(list, "ZZZ", "ZZZ_0", "ZZZ", "ZZZ_0");
// statistics();
return list;
* This will generate a list of neighbors for all neighboring countries. It
* uses an array list (from DoWorld) as the source of neighbor countries.
* @param fixture
* needed to get the LatLong data
* @param worldList
* List of neighboring admin0 areas
* @return true
public static boolean doAllBorders(
final PlatformLatLongDataProvider fixture,
final List<String[]> worldList) {
output("doAllBorders: " + worldList.size());
bboxCheckOnly = false;
final ListIterator<String[]> it = worldList.listIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
final String[] b =;
final String admin0A = b[0];
final String admin0B = b[1];
final String adminA = getAdmin(admin0A);
final String adminB = getAdmin(admin0B);
if (adminA == null || adminB == null) {
output(admin0A + ":" + adminA + " : " + admin0B + ":" + adminB);
final List<String[]> list = neighborCheck(fixture, admin0A, adminA,
admin0B, adminB);
if (list.size() == 0) {
output("*** Remove from ZZZ: " + admin0A + ":" + admin0B);
} else {
writeProperties(list, admin0A, adminA, admin0B, adminB);
writeProperties(worldList, "ZZZ", "ZZZ_0", "ZZZ", "ZZZ_0");
return true;
* This will generate a list of neighbors for all neighboring countries. It
* uses as the source of neighbor countries.
* @param fixture
* needed to get the LatLong data
static void doAllBorders(final PlatformLatLongDataProvider fixture) {
// get the version of ZZZ that we just built
// String folder = NeighborUtility.getPropertyFolder();
// Get the checked in version of ZZZ
final String folder = commonborderFolder;
final List<String[]> worldList = new ArrayList<String[]>();
Properties world = null;
File f = null;
FileInputStream is = null;
try {
f = new File(folder, "");
is = new FileInputStream(f);
world = new Properties();
String key = null;
final Enumeration<Object> e = world.keys();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
key = (String) e.nextElement();
try {
final int n = Integer.parseInt(key);
} catch (final NumberFormatException e1) {
final String value = world.getProperty(key);
if (value != null) {
final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value, ",");
if (st.countTokens() >= 2) {
final String v1 = st.nextToken().trim();
final String v2 = st.nextToken().trim();
final String[] b = { v1, v2 };
output("worldList size: " + worldList.size());
doAllBorders(fixture, worldList);
} catch (final FileNotFoundException e1) {
} catch (final IOException e1) {
} finally {
try {
if (is != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Ignore exceptions on close
* Get the file name for the most detailed admin area for the specified
* admin 0
* @param admin0
* @return file name for the admin area (i.e. USA_2_MAP.xml)
public static String getAdmin(final String admin0) {
String adminfile2 = null;
String adminfile0 = null;
final File parent = new File(baseFolder + "/" + admin0);
if (parent.exists()) {
final String[] files = parent.list();
for (final String file : files) {
if (file.contains("_2_")) {
adminfile2 = file;
} else if (file.contains("_1_")) {
// use _1_ if _2_ does not exist
adminfile2 = file;
} else if (file.contains("_0_")) {
adminfile0 = file;
if (adminfile2 == null) {
return adminfile0;
return adminfile2;
* Get the file name for the admin0 file (or admin1 if admin0 does not
* exist)
* @param admin0
* @return file name for the admin area (i.e. USA_0_MAP.xml)
public static String getAdmin0(final String admin0) {
String admin = null;
final File parent = new File(baseFolder + "/" + admin0);
if (parent.exists()) {
final String[] files = parent.list();
for (final String file : files) {
if (file.contains("_0_")) {
admin = file;
} else if (file.contains("_1_")) {
admin = file;
} else if (file.contains("_2_")) {
admin = file;
debug("getAdmin0: file: " + file);
return admin;
* Get the list of admin 0 areas
* @return List of admin0 areas ( 3 character country codes)
static List<String> getAdmin0List() {
final String worldFolder = baseFolder;
final String[] admin0 = new File(worldFolder).list();
final List<String> world = new ArrayList<String>();
for (final String e : admin0) {
if (e.equals(".svn")) {
if (e.equals("CVS")) {
return world;
* Write the property file based on the List of neighbors if called with
* (list,"USA","USA_2_MAP", "MEX","MEX_2_MAP" then it will write a file
* that contains entries like 1 = US-AZ-35023, SON, 0
* @param list
* List of String[2]
* @param admin0A
* Admin0 code for area 1
* @param adminA
* Admin file
* @param admin0B
* Admin0 code for area 2
* @param adminB
* Admin file
static void writeProperties(final List<String[]> list,
final String admin0A, final String adminA, final String admin0B,
final String adminB) {
try {
OutputStream os = null;
try {
final File folder = new File(NeighborUtility
if (!folder.mkdir()) {
throw new IOException("Unable to create property folder: "+ folder.getAbsolutePath());
final File fn = new File(folder, adminA.substring(0, 5) + "_"
+ adminB.substring(0, 5) + ".properties");
debug("Output File: " + fn);
os = new FileOutputStream(fn, false);
String title = "Common Border relationship between country "
+ admin0A + " and " + admin0B;
if (admin0A.equals(admin0B)) {
title = "Common Border relationship within country "
+ admin0A;
if (admin0A.equals("ZZZ")) {
title = "Common Border relationship between all countries in the world";
String comments = "# " + "\n" + "# File generated from:"
+ "\n" + "# " + baseFolder + admin0A + "/" + adminA
+ "\n" + "# " + baseFolder + admin0B + "/" + adminB
+ "\n" + "#\n" + "# Generated by: "
+ NeighborUtility.class + "\n" + "# " + "\n";
if (admin0A.equals(admin0B)) {
comments = "# " + "\n" + "# File generated from:" + "\n"
+ "# " + baseFolder + admin0A + "/" + adminA
+ "\n" + "#\n" + "# Generated by: "
+ NeighborUtility.class + "\n" + "# " + "\n";
String property = "RECORD_CLASSNAME ="
+ "\n";
property = "TITLE = " + title + "\n";
property = "VALID = start=2006-01-01;" + "\n";
final String levelA = adminA.substring(4, 5);
final String levelB = adminB.substring(4, 5);
String keyInfo = "ISOKEY_0 = " + admin0A + "\n";
keyInfo += "ISOKEY_0_LEVEL = " + levelA + "\n";
keyInfo += "ISOKEY_1 = " + admin0B + "\n";
keyInfo += "ISOKEY_1_LEVEL = " + levelB + "\n";
final int n = list.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
final String[] entry = list.get(i);
final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(80);
sb.append("" + (i + 1));
sb.append(" = ");
sb.append(", ");
sb.append(", 0");
} catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (final IOException e) {
* Called to input another LatLong object This builds a Map of lat/long
* areas for an admin area
* @param map
* HashMap of ID to BoundaryBox for polygon
* @param id
* Admin area id
* @param latLong
* Latitude/longitude info
public static void setArea(final Map<String, AdminArea[]> map,
final String id, final LatLong latLong) {
final List<Segment> list = latLong.getSegments();
final int s = list.size();
final Segment[] segments = new Segment[s];
for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) {
segments[i] = list.get(i);
final Polygon[] polygons = getPolygons(latLong);
final int n = polygons.length;
final AdminArea[] areas = new AdminArea[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
final Rectangle rectangle = polygons[i].getBounds();
areas[i] = new AdminArea(segments[i], rectangle, id);
// debug("create: "+name+": ");
final AdminArea[] orig = map.get(id);
if (orig == null) {
map.put(id, areas);
} else {
final int l = areas.length;
int o = orig.length;
final AdminArea[] newAreas = new AdminArea[l + o];
for (int i = 0; i < o; i++) {
newAreas[i] = orig[i];
final int a = areas.length;
for (int i = 0; i < a; i++, o++) {
newAreas[o] = areas[i];
map.put(id, newAreas);
// }
* After all the latLong data has been submitted this method is called to
* generate the list of internal neighbors from this Map of AdminAreas.
* BBox1 is adjacent to BBox2 if any of the corners of BBox1 is contained in
* BBox2 or any corner of BBox2 is contained in BBox1
* @param map
* Map of AdminArea rectangles keyed by admin area
* @return List of neighbors.
public static List<String[]> processAreas(final Map<String, AdminArea[]> map) {
* List of neighboring areas. This is the result and needs to be turned
* into a properties file.
final List<String[]> outlist = new ArrayList<String[]>(4000);
int counter = 0;
String[] entry; // = new String[2];
final Set<String> set = map.keySet();
final int n = set.size();
final String[] keys = set.toArray(new String[n]);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
final String key = keys[i];
// Rectangle[] bboxes = map.get(key);
// debug(key);
for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
if (key.contains("ALB") && keys[j].contains("GRC")) {
final boolean neighbor = isNeighbor(map, map, key, keys[j]);
if (neighbor) {
debug(counter + " = " + key + ", " + keys[j] + ", 0");
entry = new String[2];
entry[0] = key;
entry[1] = keys[j];
// debug("Number of Neighbors: "+counter);
return outlist;
* After all the latLong data has been submitted this method is called to
* generate the list of neighbors between the first set of Admin areas and
* the 2nd
* @param map1
* Map of AdminArea rectangles keyed by admin area
* @param map2
* Map of AdminArea rectangles keyed by admin area
* @return List of neighbors.
public static List<String[]> matchArea(final Map<String, AdminArea[]> map1,
final Map<String, AdminArea[]> map2) {
* List of neighboring areas. This is the result and needs to be turned
* into a properties file.
final List<String[]> outlist = new ArrayList<String[]>(4000);
//int counter = 0;
String[] entry = null;
final Set<String> set1 = map1.keySet();
final int n1 = set1.size();
final String[] keys1 = set1.toArray(new String[n1]);
final Set<String> set2 = map2.keySet();
final int n2 = set2.size();
final String[] keys2 = set2.toArray(new String[n2]);
for (int i = 0; i < n1; i++) {
final String key = keys1[i];
for (int j = 0; j < n2; j++) {
final String key2 = keys2[j];
// if ( key.contains("SON") && key2.contains("AZ")){
// debug("** "+key+" : "+key2);
// }
final boolean neighbor = isNeighbor(map1, map2, key, key2);
if (neighbor) {
debug("isNeighbor match: " + key + " " + key2);
entry = new String[2];
entry[0] = key;
entry[1] = key2;
// if (counter == 0) {
// debug("Number of Neighbors: "+counter);
// }
return outlist;
* Given a LatLong, generate an array of polygons.
* @param latLong
* @return array of Polygons
private static Polygon[] getPolygons(final LatLong latLong) {
final List<Segment> list = latLong.getSegments();
final int numareas = list.size();
final Polygon[] polygons = new Polygon[numareas];
for (int i = 0; i < numareas; i++) {
final Segment segment = list.get(i);
final Polygon polygon = getPolygon(segment);
// debug("Polygon: "+polygon);
polygons[i] = polygon;
return polygons;
* Given a LatLong Segment generate a polygon.
* @param segment
* @return Polygon
private static Polygon getPolygon(final Segment segment) {
final Polygon polygon = new Polygon();
final int size = segment.size();
for (int p = 0; p < size; p++) {
final double x = segment.longitude(p);
final double y = segment.latitude(p);
final int xint = (int) ((x + 180) * 1000);
final int yint = (int) ((y + 90) * 1000);
polygon.addPoint(xint, yint);
return polygon;
} // getPolygon
* Given the names of 2 administrative areas, determine if they are
* neighbors. For each admin area we have one or more bounding boxes. They
* may be neighbors if any bounding box is adjacent to any bounding box for
* the other admin area. If the bounding box test is true then it is worth
* checking if they are really neighbors by checking first if any points on
* the borders match. If so they are really neighbors and it returns true.
* if not it checks if any point on the border of one area is contained in
* the polygon for the other area.
* @param map1
* @param map2
* @param key1
* area name
* @param key2
* area name
* @return true if neighboring areas
private static boolean isNeighbor(final Map<String, AdminArea[]> map1,
final Map<String, AdminArea[]> map2, final String key1,
final String key2) {
boolean neighbor = false;
final AdminArea[] areas1 = map1.get(key1);
final AdminArea[] areas2 = map2.get(key2);
for (final AdminArea area1 : areas1) {
for (final AdminArea area2 : areas2) {
// provide a place to set breakpoint
if (key1.contains("ALB") && key2.contains("GRC")) {
debug(key1 + " : " + key2);
neighbor = testAdjacency(area1, area2); // bbox ck
if (neighbor) {
// debug("*BBox Match: "+key1+" : "+key2);
if (bboxCheckOnly) {
// debug("*AdminArea Match:"+key1+" : "+key2);
// potential neighbor
return true;
// Now we know that they are potential neighbors
// now check if at least one border point matches
neighbor = testAdjacencyMatch(area1, area2);
if (!neighbor) {
// not found by matching points try containment
neighbor = testAdjacencyContains(area1, area2);
if (neighbor) {
debug("*Border containment Match: " + key1 + " : "
+ key2);
return true;
// keep checking areas
} else {
// We have neighbors
// counting was done in above method
return true;
return neighbor;
* Test adjacency by containment of any corner of two bounding boxes If any
* corner of AdminArea 1 is contained in AdminArea 2 or any corner of
* AdminArea 2 is contained in AdminArea 1 then they are adjacent.
* @param bbox1
* bounding box 1
* @param bbox2
* bounding box 2
* @return true if adjacent or containment true
public static boolean testAdjacency(final AdminArea bbox1,
final AdminArea bbox2) {
final Rectangle r1 = bbox1.bbox;
final Rectangle r2 = bbox2.bbox;
// coords of corners of first bounding box
final double xMin1 = r1.getMinX();
final double xMax1 = r1.getMaxX();
final double yMin1 = r1.getMinY();
final double yMax1 = r1.getMaxY();
// test overlap of bbox 1 to bbox2
boolean adjacent = true;
while (true) {
if (r2.contains(xMin1, yMin1)) {
if (r2.contains(xMin1, yMax1)) {
if (r2.contains(xMax1, yMax1)) {
if (r2.contains(xMax1, yMin1)) {
adjacent = false;
if (!adjacent) {
// coords of corners of second bounding box
final double xMin2 = r2.getMinX();
final double xMax2 = r2.getMaxX();
final double yMin2 = r2.getMinY();
final double yMax2 = r2.getMaxY();
// test overlap of bbox2 to bbox1
adjacent = true;
while (true) {
if (r1.contains(xMin2, yMin2)) {
if (r1.contains(xMin2, yMax2)) {
if (r1.contains(xMax2, yMax2)) {
if (r1.contains(xMax2, yMin2)) {
adjacent = false;
// if (adjacent) {
// debug(" AdminArea match: "+
//" : ";
// }
return adjacent;
* Test adjacency by matching the points on the border of each area for a
* match
* @param area1
* AdminArea class containing polygon1
* @param area2
* AdminArea class containing polygon2
* @return true if adjacent or containment true
public static boolean testAdjacencyMatch(final AdminArea area1,
final AdminArea area2) {
boolean adjacent = false;
final Segment s1 = area1.segment;
final Segment s2 = area2.segment;
final String key1 =;
final String key2 =;
final int size1 = s1.size();
final int size2 = s2.size();
// For every point is segment 1
// see if there is a matching point in segment2
for (int i = 0; i < size1; i++) {
final double lt = s1.latitude(i);
final double ln = s1.longitude(i);
for (int j = 0; j < size2; j++) {
if (lt == s2.latitude(j) && ln == s2.longitude(j)) {
// found a match
debug("*Border point Match: " + key1 + " : " + key2);
adjacent = true;
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < size1; i++) {
final double lt = Math.abs(s1.latitude(i));
final double ln = Math.abs(s1.longitude(i));
for (int j = 0; j < size2; j++) {
if (closeTo(lt, ln, Math.abs(s2.latitude(j)), Math.abs(s2
.longitude(j)))) {
debug(" closeTo match point: " + key1 + " : " + key2);
debug(String.format("%f %f %f %f", s1.latitude(i), s1
.longitude(i), s2.latitude(j), s2.longitude(j)));
return true;
return adjacent;
* Check if point1 is close to point 2 by the amount of the delta. A delta
* of 0.01 is approx 1.11 km
* @param lt1
* Point 1 latitude
* @param ln1
* Point 1 longitude
* @param lt2
* point 2 latitude
* @param ln2
* point 2 longitude
* @return true if within delta.
public static boolean closeTo(final double lt1, final double ln1,
final double lt2, final double ln2) {
final double delta = 0.01;
if ((lt1 <= lt2 + delta && lt1 >= lt2 - delta)
&& (ln1 <= ln2 + delta && ln1 >= ln2 - delta)) {
return true;
return false;
* Test adjacency by checking if any point on the border of one area is
* contained in the polygon for the other area
* @param bbox1
* AdminArea class containing polygon1
* @param bbox2
* AdminArea class containing polygon2
* @return true if adjacent or containment true
public static boolean testAdjacencyContains(final AdminArea bbox1,
final AdminArea bbox2) {
boolean adjacent = false;
final Segment s1 = bbox1.segment;
final Segment s2 = bbox2.segment;
final String key1 =;
final String key2 =;
final int size1 = s1.size();
final int size2 = s2.size();
// try bbox2 polygon contains BBox1 points
final Polygon polygon2 = getPolygon(s2);
for (int i = 0; i < size1; i++) {
final double lt = s1.latitude(i);
final double ln = s1.longitude(i);
final double x = ((ln + 180) * 1000);
final double y = ((lt + 90) * 1000);
adjacent = polygon2.contains(x, y);
if (adjacent) {
debug(" segment2 contains point " + i + " " + key1 + " : "
+ key2);
adjacent = true;
return true;
// still not found adjacency,
// try bbox1 polygon contains BBox2 points
for (int i = 0; i < size2; i++) {
final double lt = s2.latitude(i);
final double ln = s2.longitude(i);
final Polygon polygon1 = getPolygon(s1);
final double x = ((ln + 180) * 1000);
final double y = ((lt + 90) * 1000);
adjacent = polygon1.contains(x, y);
if (adjacent) {
debug(" segment1 contains point " + i + " " + key1 + " : "
+ key2);
adjacent = true;
return true;
return adjacent;
* get the folder to use for output.
* @return Fully qualified path (e.g. c:/tmp/commonborder)
public static String getPropertyFolder() {
String tmpFolder = null;
try {
final File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("test", ".txt");
tmpFolder = tmpFile.getParent();
if (!tmpFile.delete()) {
debug("Warning: Unable to delete temporary file: "+ tmpFile.getAbsolutePath());
tmpFolder = tmpFolder + "/commonborder/";
} catch (final IOException e) {
debug("Unable to determine tmp folder for property files.");
return tmpFolder;
* print the statistics
public static void statistics() {
final long doneAt = new Date().getTime() - c_start;
System.out.println("* Neighbor Areas based on BoundingBox: "
+ c_bboxNeighbors);
System.out.println("* Neighbor Areas based on Matching points: "
+ c_pointNeighbors);
.println("* Neighbor Areas based on very close Matching points: "
+ c_closeNeighbors);
System.out.println("* Neighbor Areas based on containment: "
+ c_segmentNeighbors);
System.out.println("* Final count of Neighbor Areas: "
+ c_Neighbors);
System.out.println("* Elapsed time: " + doneAt);
c_bboxNeighbors = 0;
c_pointNeighbors = 0;
c_closeNeighbors = 0;
c_segmentNeighbors = 0;
c_Neighbors = 0;
c_start = new Date().getTime();
* print debug messages to the r log.
* @param msg
public static void debug(final String msg) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println(getClock() + " " + msg);
* print messages to the log.
* @param msg
public static void output(final String msg) {
System.out.println(getClock() + " " + msg);
* debug output for exceptions
* @param msg
* @param e
public static void debug(final String msg, final Throwable e) {
// log(msg,e);
private static String getClock() {
final long now = new Date().getTime() - start;
return Long.toString(now);
// *************************************************************
// *************************************************************
* Class used to hold both the polygon and bounding box so it can be stored
* in a HashMap and passed around to methods that need both.
public static class AdminArea {
String name = null;
Rectangle bbox = null;
Segment segment = null;
* constructor
* @param segment
* Contains the latLong info for polygon
* @param bbox
* Bounding box for polygon
* @param name
* Name associated with polygon
public AdminArea(final Segment segment, final Rectangle bbox,
final String name) { = name;
this.bbox = bbox;
this.segment = segment;