blob: d7da8ce9a0c8cb884070a46a9d75a8c32dd712b8 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.stem.tests.util;
* Copyright (c) 2006, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.URIConverter;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.URIConverterImpl;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.Constants;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.Utility;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.common.CommonPackage;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.common.DublinCore;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.common.Identifiable;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.Graph;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.GraphFactory;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.Node;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.spatial.SpatialProviderAdapter;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.labels.AreaLabel;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.labels.LabelsFactory;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.labels.PopulationLabel;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.labels.impl.AreaLabelImpl;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.labels.impl.PopulationLabelImpl;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.nodes.NodesFactory;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.nodes.Region;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.nodes.impl.RegionImpl;
import org.eclipse.stem.tests.util.CountryDirectoryUtilities.CountryCode;
* This class generates the plugged in Graph files for STEM from the basic
* properties files.
public class CountryGraphCreator {
* The directory in the plugin that is the root of all resources (i.e.
* files, data, etc.)
public static final String RESOURCES_DIR = "resources";
* This is the name of the root directory containing data for the
* definitions of graphs.
public static final String DATA_DIR = "data";
* The name of the directory under {@link #DATA_DIR} that contains "country"
* sub-directories named by their ISO30166-1 alpha3 codes. The country
* directories contain the property files that define the details for each
* country.
public static final String COUNTRY_DIR = "country";
* The root directory for generated files.
public static final String ROOT_OUTPUT_DIR = "temp";
* This is the name of the directory under the {@link #ROOT_OUTPUT_DIR} that
* contains the directories that contain the graphs that define the
* geographies and features of countries.
public static final String GRAPH_OUTPUT_DIR = "graphs";
* This is the path to the country graphs directory
public static final String COUNTRY_GRAPH_PATH = ROOT_OUTPUT_DIR
+ File.separator + GRAPH_OUTPUT_DIR + File.separator + COUNTRY_DIR;
* The name of the STEM category
public static final String STEM = "STEM";
public static final String GEOGRAPHY = "Geography";
public static final String POLITICAL = "Political";
public static final String COUNTRIES = "Countries";
public static final String LEVEL = "Level";
private static final String ID_GEOGRAPHY_PLUGIN = "org.eclipse.stem."
+ GEOGRAPHY.toLowerCase();
* This is the prefix of the platform URI for geography graphs and models
public static final String GEOGRAPHY_FILE_URI_PREFIX = "platform:/plugin/"
+ ID_GEOGRAPHY_PLUGIN + "/resources/data";
* This is the format string for the identifier of a country graph or model
* file
public static final String IDENTIFIER_FORMAT = "{0}/" + COUNTRY_DIR
+ "/{1}/{2}.{3}";
* This is the id of the top-level STEM category for graphs
private static final String ID_STEM_GRAPH_CATEGORY = Constants.ID_ROOT
+ ".core.graph";
* This is the id of the extension point extended by graphs that are plugged
* into STEM
// private static final String ID_GRAPH_EXTENSION_POINT = Constants.ID_ROOT
// + ".core.graph";
* This is the id of the extension point extended by graphs with geographic
* information that are plugged into STEM
+ "." + GEOGRAPHY.toLowerCase();
* This is the id of the extension point extended by graphs with geographic
* political information that are plugged into STEM
+ "." + POLITICAL.toLowerCase();
* This is the id of the extension point extended by graphs with geographic
* political information that are plugged into STEM
+ "." + COUNTRIES.toLowerCase();
* The name of the file that the generated extension points are written to
public static final String GRAPH_EXTENSION_POINT_FILE_NAME = "extension.xml";
* The name of the file that the generated properties are written to
public static final String GRAPH_PLUGIN_PROPERTIES_POINT_FILE_NAME = "";
* This is the opening xml element for a graph extension point in a
* plugin.xml file
public static final String XML_EXTENSION_POINT_OPEN = "<extension point=\"{0}\">";
* This is the closing xml element for a graph extension point in a
* plugin.xml file
public static final String XML_EXTENSION_POINT_CLOSE = "</extension>";
* This is the opening xml element for a category in a plugin.xml file
public static final String XML_CATEGORY_ELEMENT_OPEN = "<category id=\"{0}\" name=\"{1}\" parent_id=\"{2}\"/>";
* This is the opening xml element for a category in a plugin.xml file
private static final String XML_DUBLIN_CORE_ELEMENT_OPEN = "<dublin_core category_id=\"{0}\" ";
private static final String NLS_DELIMITER = "_";
* This is the format of the generated NLS keys for categories
private static final String NLS_CATEGORY_KEY_FORMAT = "_UI_{0}_graph_category";
private static final String NLS_DC_FEATURE_KEY_FORMAT = "_UI"
+ "{2}" + NLS_DELIMITER + "{3}" + NLS_DELIMITER + "{4}";
private static final EList dcFeatures = CommonPackage.Literals.DUBLIN_CORE
* @param args
public static void main(final String[] args) {
// Now create the graphs
final List<CountryCode> countryCodes = CountryDirectoryUtilities
final CountryGraphCreator cgc = new CountryGraphCreator();
final Map<CountryCode, List<GraphRecord>> nodeGraphs = cgc
.createGraphRecords(GEOGRAPHY_FILE_URI_PREFIX, countryCodes,
final Map<CountryCode, List<GraphRecord>> populationGraphs = cgc
.createGraphRecords(GEOGRAPHY_FILE_URI_PREFIX, countryCodes,
final Map<CountryCode, List<GraphRecord>> areaGraphs = cgc
.createGraphRecords(GEOGRAPHY_FILE_URI_PREFIX, countryCodes,
try {
cgc.serializeCountryGraphs(nodeGraphs, COUNTRY_GRAPH_PATH);
cgc.serializeCountryGraphs(populationGraphs, COUNTRY_GRAPH_PATH);
cgc.serializeCountryGraphs(areaGraphs, COUNTRY_GRAPH_PATH);
final List<Map<CountryCode, List<GraphRecord>>> graphRecords = new ArrayList<Map<CountryCode, List<GraphRecord>>>();
int maxAdminLevel = 0;
maxAdminLevel = Math.max(maxAdminLevel,
maxAdminLevel = Math.max(maxAdminLevel,
maxAdminLevel = Math.max(maxAdminLevel,
final File graphExtensionFile = new File(COUNTRY_GRAPH_PATH
final File graphPluginPropertiesFile = new File(COUNTRY_GRAPH_PATH
final BufferedWriter graphOut = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
final BufferedWriter pluginOut = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
// Create a snippet of xml that can be included in a plugin.xml file
// to plug into STEM the graphs we just serialized.
cgc.generateGraphExtensionPointXML(graphRecords, countryCodes,
maxAdminLevel, graphOut, pluginOut);
} // try
catch (final IOException e) {
* Map<String, List<Map<String, Graph>>> countryGraphs = new
* HashMap<String, List<Map<String, Graph>>>(); List<String> graphTypes
* = new ArrayList<String>();
* final CountryGraphCreator cgc = new CountryGraphCreator();
* final List<Map<String, Graph>> countryNodeGraph = cgc
* .createCountryNodeGraphs(MIN_ADMIN_LEVEL, MAX_ADMIN_LEVEL,
* GEOGRAPHY_FILE_URI_PREFIX + "/graphs", countryCodes); final
* List<Map<String, GraphRecord>> countryAreaGraphRecord = cgc
* .createCountryAreaGraphs(MIN_ADMIN_LEVEL, MAX_ADMIN_LEVEL,
* GEOGRAPHY_FILE_URI_PREFIX + "/graphs", countryCodes);
* final Map<String, List<Map<String, GraphRecord>>>
* countryPopulationGraphs = cgc
* .createCountryPopulationGraphs(MIN_ADMIN_LEVEL, MAX_ADMIN_LEVEL,
* GEOGRAPHY_FILE_URI_PREFIX + "/graphs", countryCodes);
* cgc.serializeCountryGraphs(countryNodeGraph, COUNTRY_GRAPH_PATH,
* cgc.serializeCountryGraphs(countryAreaGraphRecord,
* for (String populationIdentifer : countryPopulationGraphs.keySet()) {
* final List<Map<String, GraphRecord>> populationGraphRecord =
* countryPopulationGraphs .get(populationIdentifer);
* cgc.serializeCountryGraphs(populationGraphRecord, COUNTRY_GRAPH_PATH,
* COUNTRY_POPULATION_GRAPH); } // for each population
* countryGraphs.put(COUNTRY_NODE_GRAPH, countryNodeGraph);
* graphTypes.add(COUNTRY_NODE_GRAPH);
* countryGraphs.put(COUNTRY_AREA_GRAPH, countryAreaGraphRecord);
* graphTypes.add(COUNTRY_AREA_GRAPH);
* try { final File graphExtensionFile = new File(COUNTRY_GRAPH_PATH +
* graphPluginPropertiesFile = new File(COUNTRY_GRAPH_PATH +
* final BufferedWriter graphOut = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
* graphExtensionFile));
* final BufferedWriter pluginOut = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
* graphPluginPropertiesFile)); // Create a snippet of xml that can be
* included in a plugin.xml file // to plug the graphs we just
* serialized into STEM.
* cgc.generateGraphExtensionPointXML(countryGraphs, graphTypes,
* graphOut, pluginOut); } // try catch (IOException e) {
* e.printStackTrace(); }
} // main
* @param nodeGraphs *
* @return the maximum administration level found
public static int getMaxAdminLevel(
final Map<CountryCode, List<GraphRecord>> nodeGraphs) {
int maxAdminLevel = 0;
for (final List<GraphRecord> list : nodeGraphs.values()) {
maxAdminLevel = Math.max(maxAdminLevel, getMaxAdminLevel(list));
} // for
return maxAdminLevel;
} // getMaxAdminLevel
* @param graphRecords
* @return the maximum administration level found
public static int getMaxAdminLevel(final List<GraphRecord> graphRecords) {
int maxAdminLevel = 0;
for (final GraphRecord graphRecord : graphRecords) {
maxAdminLevel = Math
.max(maxAdminLevel, graphRecord.getAdminLevel());
return maxAdminLevel;
} // getMaxAdminLevel
* @param uriPathString
* the path to the root directory to serialize the graphs in
* @param countryGraphs
* a map of lists of the graph records keyed by country code
* @param graphDataType
* the type of data in the graphs contained in the graph records
* @throws IOException
private void serializeCountryGraphs(
final Map<CountryCode, List<GraphRecord>> graphs,
final String uriPathString) throws IOException {
for (final CountryCode countryCode : graphs.keySet()) {
for (final GraphRecord graphRecord : graphs.get(countryCode)) {
} // for each graph record for each country
} // for each country code
// for (List<GraphRecord> records: graphs.values()) {
// Record.serializeRecords((List<Record>)records, uriPathString);
// }
} // serializeCountryGraphs
* @param countryNodeGraphs
* a list of maps of graphs of nodes for countries for each
* adminstration level
* @param graphOut
* the output writer for the plugin.xml file contents
* @param pluginOut
* the output writer for the file contents
private void generateGraphExtensionPointXML(
final List<Map<CountryCode, List<GraphRecord>>> graphRecords,
final List<CountryCode> countryCodes, final int maxAdminLevel,
final Writer graphOut, final Writer pluginOut) {
// The dublin core instances of the graphs likely share common
// attributes, we can avoid duplicate entries in the files we generate
// by finding the duplicate entries and only generating a single key for
// the generated plugins file content.
final Map<String, String> dcValueKeyMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
// We also don't want to generate duplicate country categories
final Map<String, String> countryCategories = new HashMap<String, String>();
try {
graphOut.write("<!-- Generated content. Do not modify -->\n");
new Object[] { Constants.ID_GRAPH_EXTENSION_POINT }));
.write("#Graph NLS Keys. Automatically generated, do not modify. "
+ Calendar.getInstance().getTime()
+ " "
+ System.getProperty("") + "\n");
// Output the categories that make up the hierarchy for the graph
// plugins (all except for the country categories which we output
// below)
final String[] levelCategoryId = outputCategories(
maxAdminLevel + 1, graphOut, pluginOut);
for (final CountryCode countryCode : countryCodes) {
for (final Map<CountryCode, List<GraphRecord>> graphRecordMap : graphRecords) {
for (final GraphRecord graphRecord : graphRecordMap
.get(countryCode)) {
outputGraphRecord(graphRecord, dcValueKeyMap,
countryCategories, levelCategoryId, graphOut,
} // for each type of graph Record
} // for each country code
} catch (final IOException e) {
}// generateGraphExtensionPointXML
* @param graphRecord
* @param dcValueKeyMap
* @param countryCategories
* @param levelCategoryId
* @param graphOut
* @param pluginOut
* @throws IOException
private void outputGraphRecord(final GraphRecord graphRecord,
final Map<String, String> dcValueKeyMap,
final Map<String, String> countryCategories,
final String[] levelCategoryId, final Writer graphOut,
final Writer pluginOut) throws IOException {
// Make everything come out in alphabetical order
final String countryCodeString = graphRecord.getId().toLowerCase();
final String countryCategoryId = levelCategoryId[graphRecord
+ "." + countryCodeString;
// Have we seen this country category id before?
if (countryCategories.get(countryCategoryId) == null) {
// No
// Create a category for the country
new Object[] { countryCategoryId, graphRecord.getId(),
levelCategoryId[graphRecord.getAdminLevel()] }));
// ...and remember we did so we don't do it again
countryCategories.put(countryCategoryId, countryCategoryId);
} // if we haven't seen this category id before
// pluginOut.write("# Dublin Core for "
// + graphRecord.getCountryCode().toString() + "\n");
// // We don't NLS the ISO30166 alpha-3 codes
outputDublinCore(graphRecord, countryCategoryId, dcValueKeyMap,
graphOut, pluginOut);
} // outputGraphRecord
* @param record
* @param countryCategoryId
* @param dcValueKeyMap
* @param graphOut
* @param pluginOut
* @throws IOException
public static void outputDublinCore(final Record record,
final String countryCategoryId,
final Map<String, String> dcValueKeyMap, final Writer graphOut,
final Writer pluginOut) throws IOException {
final DublinCore dc = record.getDublinCore();
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MessageFormat.format(
new Object[] { countryCategoryId }));
for (final Iterator featuresIter = dcFeatures.iterator(); featuresIter
.hasNext();) {
final EStructuralFeature dcFeature = (EStructuralFeature) featuresIter
// Is it set?
if (dc.eIsSet(dcFeature)) {
// Yes
final String featureValue = (String) dc.eGet(dcFeature);
// Should the dublin core attribute be NLS's or not?
if (isDublinCoreNLSFeature(dcFeature)) {
// Yes
// Have we output this feature value before?
String dcFeatureKey = dcValueKeyMap.get(featureValue);
if (dcFeatureKey == null) {
// No
dcFeatureKey = MessageFormat
new Object[] {
dcFeature.getName() });
// Now we have
dcValueKeyMap.put(featureValue, dcFeatureKey);
// Write the key and value out to the plugins file
pluginOut.write(dcFeatureKey + " = " + featureValue
+ "\n");
} // if not output this value before
else {
// Yes
// So we just use the key again because it's already in
// properties file
} else {
// No
// No NLS, just use the value inline in the Dublin Core
// element
sb.append("\" ");
} // if feature set
} // for features
final String result = sb.toString();
} // outputDublinCore
* @param dcFeature
* a {@link DublinCore} feature
* @return true if the feature should be NLS's
private static boolean isDublinCoreNLSFeature(
final EStructuralFeature dcFeature) {
boolean retValue = false;
switch (dcFeature.getFeatureID()) {
case CommonPackage.DUBLIN_CORE__COVERAGE:
case CommonPackage.DUBLIN_CORE__CREATOR:
case CommonPackage.DUBLIN_CORE__LICENSE:
case CommonPackage.DUBLIN_CORE__PUBLISHER:
case CommonPackage.DUBLIN_CORE__RELATION:
case CommonPackage.DUBLIN_CORE__REQUIRED:
case CommonPackage.DUBLIN_CORE__RIGHTS:
// case CommonPackage.DUBLIN_CORE__SOURCE:
case CommonPackage.DUBLIN_CORE__SUBJECT:
case CommonPackage.DUBLIN_CORE__TITLE:
retValue = true;
retValue = false;
} // switch
return retValue;
} // isDublinCoreNLSFeature
* @param numLevels
* the number of administration levels to generate categories for
* @param graphOut
* the output writer for the plugin.xml file contents
* @param pluginOut
* the output writer for the file contents
* @return an array indexed by administration level of the category ideas of
* the different administration levels
* @throws IOException
* if there is a problem writing to the output writers
private String[] outputCategories(final int numLevels,
final Writer graphOut, final Writer pluginOut) throws IOException {
// The categories
outputCategory(ID_STEM_GRAPH_CATEGORY, STEM, "/",
NLS_CATEGORY_KEY_FORMAT, graphOut, pluginOut);
// Geography
// Political
// Country
final String[] levelCategoryId = new String[numLevels];
// Level
for (int adminLevel = 0; adminLevel < numLevels; adminLevel++) {
// Level category
levelCategoryId[adminLevel] = ID_GRAPH_COUNTRIES_CATEGORY + "."
+ LEVEL.toLowerCase() + adminLevel;
outputCategory(levelCategoryId[adminLevel], LEVEL + adminLevel,
graphOut, pluginOut);
} // for adminLevel
return levelCategoryId;
} // outputcategories
* @param extensionPointId
* @param categoryId
* @param parentCategoryId
* @param nlsKeyFormat
* @param graphOut
* @param pluginOut
* @throws IOException
public static void outputCategory(final String extensionPointId,
final String categoryId, final String parentCategoryId,
final String nlsKeyFormat, final Writer graphOut,
final Writer pluginOut) throws IOException {
final String nlsKey = createCategoryNLSKey(categoryId, nlsKeyFormat);
.format(XML_CATEGORY_ELEMENT_OPEN, new Object[] {
extensionPointId, "%" + nlsKey, parentCategoryId }));
// Hack alert!
// For "levels", the categoryId looks like this "Level0", we want it to
// look like this "Level 0" when we put it in the plugin.properites file
// because this is what people will see in the application
final String temp = categoryId.startsWith(LEVEL) ? LEVEL + " "
+ categoryId.substring(LEVEL.length()) : categoryId;
pluginOut.write(nlsKey + " = " + temp + "\n");
} // outputCategory
* @param key
* @param nlsKeyFormat
* @return a NLS key for categories in the plugin.properites file
public static String createCategoryNLSKey(final String key,
final String nlsKeyFormat) {
return MessageFormat.format(nlsKeyFormat, new Object[] { key });
} // createCategoryNLSKey
* Process all of the data that defines the graph of the population labels
* for countries and create graphs of just population labels for a specified
* range of administration levels.
* @param countryCodes
* the ISO3166-1 alpha-3 codes of the countries to generate
* graphs for
* @param dataType
* the type of graph to creates
* @return stuff
public Map<CountryCode, List<GraphRecord>> createGraphRecords(
final List<CountryCode> countryCodes, final DataType dataType) {
return createGraphRecords(GEOGRAPHY_FILE_URI_PREFIX, countryCodes,
} // createGraphRecords
* Process all of the data that defines the graph of the population labels
* for countries and create graphs of just population labels for a specified
* range of administration levels.
* @param dataFileURIPrefix
* the URI prefix for the country graphs being created
* @param countryCodes
* the ISO3166-1 alpha-3 codes of the countries to generate
* graphs for
private Map<CountryCode, List<GraphRecord>> createGraphRecords(
final String dataFileURIPrefix,
final List<CountryCode> countryCodes, final DataType dataType) {
final Map<CountryCode, List<GraphRecord>> retValue = new HashMap<CountryCode, List<GraphRecord>>();
// Iterate through each country
for (final CountryCode countryCode : countryCodes) {
// Get all of the data files for the country
final List<File> dataFiles = CountryDirectoryUtilities
.getDataFiles(countryCode, dataType.toString());
for (final File file : dataFiles) {
// Get the graph record for the file
final GraphRecord graphRecord = RecordFactory.INSTANCE
.createGraphRecord(dataType, countryCode,
dataFileURIPrefix, file);
// Did we have trouble creating the graph?
if (graphRecord.getGraph() != null) {
// No
// Have we processed this country code before?
List<GraphRecord> countryList = retValue.get(countryCode);
if (countryList == null) {
// No
countryList = new ArrayList<GraphRecord>();
retValue.put(countryCode, countryList);
} // if no problem creating the graph
} // for file
} // for each country code
return retValue;
} // createGraphRecords
* This class represents all of the different types of data files that can
* be defined for a country
public enum DataType {
} // DataType
protected static class CountryData {
// Nothing
} // CountryData
* This class contains the data that defines node in a country graph.
private static class NodeData extends CountryData {
* The name of the node.
String name = null;
* The identifier for the node.
String identifier = null;
* @param name
* name of the node.
* @param identifier
* identifier for the node.
public NodeData(final String identifier, final String name) { = name;
this.identifier = identifier;
} // NodeData
* @return the code
public final String getIdentifier() {
return identifier;
* @param identifier
* the identifier to set
public final void setIdentifier(final String identifier) {
this.identifier = identifier;
* @return the name
public final String getName() {
return name;
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(name);
sb.append(" (");
return sb.toString();
} // NodeData
* This class represents the area in square kilometers for a specific node
* in a specific adminstration level
private static class AreaData extends CountryData {
// ISO-3166-1, ISO-3166-2, or ISO-3166-2 alpha's
// The identifier of the node
String identifier = "";
// Square Km's
String area = "";
* @param identifier
* The identifier of the node
* @param area
* the area of the node in square kilometers
public AreaData(final String identifier, final String area) {
this.identifier = identifier;
this.area = area;
} // AreaData
* @return the area of the node in square kilometers
public final String getArea() {
return area;
* @return the identifier of the node
public final String getIdentifier() {
return identifier;
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
return identifier + " = " + area;
} // toString
} // AreaData
* This class represents the number of population members of a particular
* type who occupy a specific node. It also, includes an optional
* specification of the area that the population lives in. This is intended
* to provide better population density values when a population lives in a
* small area (e.g., a city) compared to the total area of the node.
private static class PopulationData extends CountryData {
// ISO-3166-1, ISO-3166-2, or ?
String nodeCode = "";
// Individuals
String count = "";
// Optional area occupied by population
String area = null;
* @param nodeCode
* the unique identifier of the node
* @param dataString
* the string that contains the population count and optional
* area extent
public PopulationData(final String nodeCode, final String dataString) {
this.nodeCode = nodeCode;
// The data string contains the population count and an optional
// specifiation of the area in square kilometers that the population
// is distributed over. The optional area specification is used to
// facillitate more accurate computation of the population density
// for cases where the area of a region being labeled by the
// population is much larger than the area where most of the
// population exists. For instance, the case of a single city in an
// otherwise large unoccupied region. The format of the string is
// either a single integer for the population count, or an integer
// followed by a comma followed by an double for the area. e.g.
// "123" or "123, 45.6"
final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(dataString, ", ");
count = st.nextToken();
area = st.hasMoreTokens() ? st.nextToken() : null;
} // PopulationData
* @return the count
public final String getCount() {
return count;
* @return the nodeCode
public final String getNodeCode() {
return nodeCode;
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(nodeCode);
sb.append(" (");
sb.append(area != null ? "/" + area + "km^2" : "");
return sb.toString();
} // toString
} // PopulationData
* This class is a factory for GraphRecords
public static class RecordFactory {
* The singleton instance of the factory
public static final RecordFactory INSTANCE = new RecordFactory();
* @param dataType
* @param countryCode
* @param dataFileURIPrefix
* @param file
* @return the graph record extracted from the data file
public GraphRecord createGraphRecord(final DataType dataType,
final CountryCode countryCode, final String dataFileURIPrefix,
final File file) {
GraphRecord retValue = null;
switch (dataType) {
case node:
retValue = new NodeGraphRecord();
case area:
retValue = new AreaGraphRecord();
case population:
retValue = new PopulationGraphRecord();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(dataType.toString()
+ " not a recognized data type");
} // switch
retValue.initialize(countryCode, dataFileURIPrefix, file);
return retValue;
} // createGraphRecord
} // RecordFactory
* This class contains metadata for a graph, model or scenario
abstract public static class Record {
protected static final URIConverter converter = new URIConverterImpl();
* This is an identifier for the graph/model/scenario being created.
* e.g., CountryCode
protected String id = "";
protected Identifiable identifiable = null;
protected List<Integer> adminLevels = new ArrayList<Integer>();
* The maximum administration level in the graph/model
protected int maxAdminLevel = -1;
* Default Constructor
public Record() {
// nothing
} // Record
* @param identifiable
* the identifiable (graph/model/scenario) that the metadata
* describes
* @param id
* a short identifier of the identifiable (e.g., country
* code)
* @param adminLevel
* the administration level of the contents of the
* identifiable
public Record(final Identifiable identifiable, final String id,
final int adminLevel) {
this(identifiable, id, Collections.singletonList(Integer
} // Record
* @param identifiable
* the identifiable (graph/model/scenario) that the metadata
* describes
* @param id
* a short identifier of the identifiable (e.g., country
* code)
* @param adminLevels
* the administration levels of the contents of the
* identifiable
public Record(final Identifiable identifiable, final String id,
final List<Integer> adminLevels) {
this.identifiable = identifiable; = id;
} // Record
* @return the dublin core instance of the contained Identifiable
public DublinCore getDublinCore() {
return identifiable.getDublinCore();
} // getDublinCore
* @return e.g., "graph", "model", "scenario"
abstract public String getOutputType();
* @return the id
public final String getId() {
return id;
} // getId
* @param adminLevel
* the administration level to add to the record
public void addAdminLevel(final int adminLevel) {
} // addAdminLevel
* @param adminLevel
* the administration level to add to the record
public void addAdminLevel(final Integer adminLevel) {
// Is the admin level already in our collection?
if (!adminLevels.contains(adminLevel)) {
// No
maxAdminLevel = Math.max(maxAdminLevel, adminLevel.intValue());
} // addAdminLevel
* Add a list of administration levels to the colleciton of
* administration levels
* @param adminLevels
* a list of administration levels
public void addAdminLevels(final List<Integer> adminLevels) {
for (final Integer adminLevel : adminLevels) {
} // addAdminLevels
* @return the administration levels
public final List<Integer> getAdminLevels() {
return adminLevels;
} // getAdminLevels
* @return the number of administration levels represented in the
* identifiable.
public int getNumAdminLevels() {
return adminLevels.size();
} // getNumAdminLevels
* @return the maximum administration level in teh data
public final int getMaxAdminLevel() {
return maxAdminLevel;
* Serialize a list of records.
* @param records
* a list of Records to be serialized
* @param uriPathString
* the path to the root directory to serialize the graphs in
* @throws IOException
public static void serializeRecords(final List<Record> records,
final String uriPathString) throws IOException {
for (final Record record : records) {
} // for each graph record for each country
} // serializeRecords
* @param uriPathString
* the path to the root serialization directory
* @throws IOException
public void serialize(final String uriPathString) throws IOException {
Utility.serializeIdentifiable(identifiable, converter.normalize(URI
.createFileURI(uriPathString + File.separator + id
+ File.separator + getSerializationFileName())));
} // serialize
* @param delmiter
* the string to place between the administration level
* integers
* @return the administration level integers concatenated together with
* a "_" as a delimiter
public Object getAdminLevelsAsString(final String delmiter) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < adminLevels.size(); i++) {
// Is this the first one?
if (i != 0) {
// No
return sb.toString();
} // getAdminLevelsAsString
* @return a string that specifies the type of Record (e.g., "node",
* "model")
abstract public String getType();
* @return the serialization file name
* @see
public String getSerializationFileName() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getId());
return sb.toString();
} // getSerializationFileName
} // Record
* This class represents
abstract public static class GraphRecord extends Record {
* This is the property in a data file that specifies the date range
* that the data is valid for.
public static final String VALID_PROPERTY = "VALID";
* This is the property in a data file that specifies the administration
* level the data applies to.
public static final String ADMIN_LEVEL_PROPERTY = "ADMIN_LEVEL";
* This is the property in a data file that specifies the source of the
* data.
public static final String SOURCE_PROPERTY = "SOURCE";
protected Map<String, String> nonDataProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
* The file name of the properties file (?)
protected String fileName = null;
* The dublin core source of the data that created the graph
protected String source = null;
protected int year = -1;
protected GraphRecord() {
// nothing
} // GraphRecord
* @param graph
* @param adminLevel
* @param year
protected GraphRecord(final CountryCode countryCode,
final String fileName, final Graph graph, final String source,
final int adminLevel, final int year) {
super(graph, countryCode.toString(), adminLevel);
this.fileName = fileName;
this.source = source;
this.year = year;
} // GraphRecord
* @return the file name
public final String getFileName() {
return fileName;
* @return the graph
public final Graph getGraph() {
return (Graph) identifiable;
} // getGraph
* @return the year
public final int getYear() {
return year;
protected void initialize(final CountryCode countryCode,
final String dataFileURIPrefix, final File dataFile) { = countryCode.toString();
fileName = dataFile.getName().substring(0,
if (dataFile.isFile() && dataFile.canRead()) {
final Properties dataProperties = new Properties();
try {
final FileInputStream dataFileInputStream = new FileInputStream(
// Are all of the required properties in the file?
if (allNonDataPropertiesCollected()) {
// Yes
final List<CountryData> dataSet = new ArrayList<CountryData>();
for (final Entry<Object, Object> entry : dataProperties
.entrySet()) {
final String dataPropertyKey = (String) entry
// Is this a data property?
if (isDataProperty(dataPropertyKey)) {
// Yes
final CountryData data = createData(
dataPropertyKey, ((String) entry
} // if data property
} // for
identifiable = createGraph(countryCode, dataSet);
countryCode, fileName, "graph")));
// identifiable.getDublinCore().setIdentifier(
// MessageFormat.format(IDENTIFIER_FORMAT,
// dataFileURIPrefix, countryCode,
// fileName, "graph"));
} // if all properties are present
else {
// No
System.err.println("The file \"" + dataFile.getName()
+ "\" is missing the following properites: "
+ getMissingNonDataProperties());
} // else
} catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (final IOException e) {
} else {
System.err.println("Trouble reading \"" + dataFile + "\"");
}// initialize
* @param dataPropertyKey
* @param dataProperty
abstract protected CountryData createData(String dataPropertyKey,
String dataProperty);
* @param countryCode2
* @param dataSet
abstract protected Graph createGraph(CountryCode countryCode2,
List<CountryData> dataSet);
* @param dataProperties
protected void collectNonDataProperties(final Properties dataProperties) {
// Get the source
final String source = dataProperties.getProperty(SOURCE_PROPERTY);
if (source != null) {
nonDataProperties.put(SOURCE_PROPERTY, source);
// Get the valid date range
final String valid = dataProperties.getProperty(VALID_PROPERTY);
if (valid != null) {
nonDataProperties.put(VALID_PROPERTY, valid);
// Get the admin level
final String adminLevel = dataProperties
if (adminLevel != null) {
nonDataProperties.put(ADMIN_LEVEL_PROPERTY, adminLevel);
} // collectNonDataProperties
* @return true if the property is a data property
protected boolean isDataProperty(final String property) {
return !(property.equals(VALID_PROPERTY)
|| property.equals(ADMIN_LEVEL_PROPERTY) || property
} // isDataProperty
* @return true if all of the non-data properties have been collected
protected boolean allNonDataPropertiesCollected() {
return nonDataProperties.get(SOURCE_PROPERTY) != null
&& nonDataProperties.get(ADMIN_LEVEL_PROPERTY) != null
&& nonDataProperties.get(VALID_PROPERTY) != null;
} // allDataPropertiesCollected
* @return a string with the names of the properties missing from the
* non data properties
protected CharSequence getMissingNonDataProperties() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
.append(nonDataProperties.get(SOURCE_PROPERTY) == null ? (SOURCE_PROPERTY + " ")
: "");
.append(nonDataProperties.get(ADMIN_LEVEL_PROPERTY) == null ? (ADMIN_LEVEL_PROPERTY + " ")
: "");
.append(nonDataProperties.get(VALID_PROPERTY) == null ? (VALID_PROPERTY + " ")
: "");
return sb.toString();
} // getMissingNonDataProperties
protected void setFieldsFromNonDataProperties() {
source = nonDataProperties.get(SOURCE_PROPERTY);
year = extractYear(nonDataProperties.get(VALID_PROPERTY));
} // setFieldsFromNonDataProperties
* @param validString
* @return the year of the start date
private int extractYear(final String validString) {
// String is of format start=2006-.... we want the 2006
return Integer.parseInt(validString.substring(6, 10));
} // extractYear
* @return the administration level of the graph
public int getAdminLevel() {
assert adminLevels.size() == 1;
return adminLevels.get(0).intValue();
} // getAdminLevel
* @see
public String getSerializationFileName() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(fileName);
return sb.toString();
} // getSerializationFileName
* @see
public String getType() {
return getGraphType();
* @see
public String getOutputType() {
return "graph";
* @return a string that is the name of the graph type
public abstract String getGraphType();
} // GraphRecord
* This class bundles a graph of geographic nodes.
private static class NodeGraphRecord extends GraphRecord {
* This is the property in a spatial (GML) data file that specifies the
* file that contains the latitude/longitude data for the nodes.
public static final String SPATIAL_PROPERTY = "SPATIAL_URI";
protected String spatialURI = null;
public NodeGraphRecord() {
} // NodeGraphRecord
* @see org.eclipse.stem.utility.geography.graph.CountryGraphCreator2.GraphRecord#createData(java.lang.String,
* java.lang.String)
protected CountryData createData(final String dataPropertyKey,
final String dataProperty) {
return new NodeData(dataPropertyKey, dataProperty);
} // createData
* @param dataProperties
protected void collectNonDataProperties(final Properties dataProperties) {
// Get the population level dates
spatialURI = dataProperties.getProperty(SPATIAL_PROPERTY);
if (spatialURI != null) {
nonDataProperties.put(SPATIAL_PROPERTY, spatialURI);
} // collectNonDataProperties
* @see
protected boolean isDataProperty(final String property) {
return (!property.equals(SPATIAL_PROPERTY))
&& super.isDataProperty(property);
} // isDataProperty
protected boolean allNonDataPropertiesCollected() {
// return nonDataProperties.get(SPATIAL_PROPERTY) != null
// && super.allNonDataPropertiesCollected();
return super.allNonDataPropertiesCollected();
} // allDataPropertiesCollected
protected String getMissingNonDataProperties() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(super
.append(nonDataProperties.get(SPATIAL_PROPERTY) == null ? (SPATIAL_PROPERTY + " ")
: "");
return sb.toString();
} // getMissingNonDataProperties
* @see org.eclipse.stem.utility.geography.graph.CountryGraphCreator2.GraphRecord#createGraph(,
* java.util.List)
protected Graph createGraph(final CountryCode countryCode,
final List<CountryData> dataSet) {
Graph retValue = null;
// Was there any data for this country at this administration level?
if (dataSet.size() > 0) {
// Yes
final String adminLevel = nonDataProperties
retValue = GraphFactory.eINSTANCE.createGraph();
final DublinCore dc = retValue.getDublinCore();
+ " Nodes (Level "
+ adminLevel
+ ", "
+ nonDataProperties.get(VALID_PROPERTY)
+ ", "
+ dataSet.size()
+ (dataSet.size() == 1 ? " node)" : " nodes)"));
for (final CountryData nodeData : dataSet) {
countryCode, spatialURI, nodeData));
} // for each node data
} // if any data
return retValue;
} // createGraph
* @return a node that represents a geographic place within the context
* of a specified country at a specified administration level
private static Node createNode(final int adminLevel,
final CountryCode countryCode, final String spatialFileURI,
final CountryData countryData) {
final NodeData nodeData = (NodeData) countryData;
final Region retValue = NodesFactory.eINSTANCE.createRegion();
nodeData.getName() + " " + nodeData.getIdentifier());
final String dcSpatial = (spatialFileURI == null ? null
+ spatialFileURI + "#" + nodeData.getIdentifier());
return retValue;
} // createNode
* @return "node"
public String getGraphType() {
return "node";
} // getGraphType
} // NodeGraphRecord
* This class bundles a graph of area labels together with the details of
* the labels.
private static class AreaGraphRecord extends GraphRecord {
public AreaGraphRecord() {
* @param countryCode
* @param fileName
* @param graph
* @param source
* @param adminLevel
* @param year
public AreaGraphRecord(final CountryCode countryCode,
final String fileName, final Graph graph, final String source,
final int adminLevel, final int year) {
super(countryCode, fileName, graph, source, adminLevel, year);
* @see org.eclipse.stem.utility.geography.graph.CountryGraphCreator2.GraphRecord#createData(java.lang.String,
* java.lang.String)
protected CountryData createData(final String dataPropertyKey,
final String dataProperty) {
return new AreaData(dataPropertyKey, dataProperty);
} // createData
* @see org.eclipse.stem.utility.geography.graph.CountryGraphCreator2.GraphRecord#createGraph(,
* java.util.List)
protected Graph createGraph(final CountryCode countryCode,
final List<CountryData> dataSet) {
Graph retValue = null;
// Was there any data for this country at this administration level?
if (dataSet.size() > 0) {
// Yes
final String adminLevel = nonDataProperties
retValue = GraphFactory.eINSTANCE.createGraph();
final DublinCore dc = retValue.getDublinCore();
+ " Area (Level "
+ adminLevel
+ ", "
+ nonDataProperties.get(VALID_PROPERTY)
+ ", "
+ dataSet.size()
+ (dataSet.size() == 1 ? " label)" : " labels)"));
for (final CountryData dataInstance : dataSet) {
.parseInt(adminLevel), countryCode, dataInstance));
} // for each node data
} // if any data
return retValue;
} // createGraph
* @param adminLevel
* the level of the country node the area label labels
* @param countryCode
* the identifier of the country to which the labeled node
* belongs
* @param areaData
* the area data
* @return an Area label
protected AreaLabel createAreaLabel(final int adminLevel,
final CountryCode countryCode, final CountryData countryData) {
final AreaData areaData = (AreaData) countryData;
final AreaLabel retValue = LabelsFactory.eINSTANCE
countryCode.toString(), areaData.getIdentifier()));
return retValue;
} // createAreaLabel
* @return "area"
public String getGraphType() {
return "area";
} // getGraphType
} // AreaGraphRecord
* This class bundles a graph of population labels together with the details
* of the labels. For instance, the year of the data, the administration
* level and the population identifier.
private static class PopulationGraphRecord extends GraphRecord {
* This is the property in a population data file that specifies the
* population identifier.
public static final String POPULATION_PROPERTY = "POPULATION";
private String populationIdentifier = null;
protected PopulationGraphRecord() {
* @param populationGraph
* @param adminLevel
* @param year
* @param populationIdentifier
protected PopulationGraphRecord(final CountryCode countryCode,
final String fileName, final Graph populationGraph,
final String source, final int adminLevel, final int year,
final String populationIdentifier) {
super(countryCode, fileName, populationGraph, source, adminLevel,
this.populationIdentifier = populationIdentifier;
protected void setFieldsFromNonDataProperties() {
populationIdentifier = nonDataProperties.get(POPULATION_PROPERTY);
} // setFieldsFromNonDataProperties
* @param countryCode
* @param dataSet
protected Graph createGraph(final CountryCode countryCode,
final List<CountryData> dataSet) {
Graph retValue = null;
// Was there any data for this country at this administration level?
if (dataSet.size() > 0) {
// Yes
final String adminLevel = nonDataProperties
retValue = GraphFactory.eINSTANCE.createGraph();
final DublinCore dc = retValue.getDublinCore();
+ " Population (Level "
+ adminLevel
+ ", "
+ nonDataProperties.get(POPULATION_PROPERTY)
+ ", "
+ nonDataProperties.get(VALID_PROPERTY)
+ ", "
+ dataSet.size()
+ (dataSet.size() == 1 ? " label)" : " labels)"));
for (final CountryData populationData : dataSet) {
.parseInt(adminLevel), countryCode,
} // for each node data
} // if any data
return retValue;
} // createGraph
* @param adminLevel
* the level of the country node the area label labels
* @param countryCode
* the identifier of the country to which the labeled node
* belongs
* @param populationIdentifier
* the identifier of the population
* @param populationData
* the data to use to initialize the population label
* @return a population label
private static PopulationLabel createPopulationLabel(
final int adminLevel, final CountryCode countryCode,
final String populationIdentifier, final CountryData dataSet) {
final PopulationData populationData = (PopulationData) dataSet;
final PopulationLabel retValue = LabelsFactory.eINSTANCE
adminLevel, countryCode.toString(), populationIdentifier,
"2006", populationData.getNodeCode()));
// Was an area specified for the population?
if (populationData.area != null) {
// Yes
return retValue;
} // createPopulationLabel
* @param dataPropertyKey
* @param dataProperty
protected CountryData createData(final String dataPropertyKey,
final String dataProperty) {
return new PopulationData(dataPropertyKey, dataProperty);
} // createData
* @param dataProperties
protected void collectNonDataProperties(final Properties dataProperties) {
// Get the population level dates
final String populationIdentifier = dataProperties
if (populationIdentifier != null) {
.put(POPULATION_PROPERTY, populationIdentifier);
} // collectNonDataProperties
protected final String getPopulationIdentifier() {
return populationIdentifier;
protected boolean isDataProperty(final String property) {
return (!property.equals(POPULATION_PROPERTY))
&& super.isDataProperty(property);
protected boolean allNonDataPropertiesCollected() {
return nonDataProperties.get(POPULATION_PROPERTY) != null
&& super.allNonDataPropertiesCollected();
} // allDataPropertiesCollected
protected String getMissingNonDataProperties() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(super
.append(nonDataProperties.get(POPULATION_PROPERTY) == null ? (POPULATION_PROPERTY + " ")
: "");
return sb.toString();
} // getMissingNonDataProperties
* @return "population"
public String getGraphType() {
return "population";
} // getGraphType
} // PopulationGraphRecord
} // CountryGraphCreator2