blob: 02a36054fe61c3d83c94249df4e14ecc81c29581 [file] [log] [blame]
// AggregateDataWriter
package org.eclipse.stem.util.analysis;
* Copyright (c) 2007,2008 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.stem.analysis.impl.ReferenceScenarioDataMapImpl;
import org.eclipse.stem.analysis.impl.ReferenceScenarioDataMapImpl.ReferenceScenarioDataInstance;
import org.eclipse.stem.diseasemodels.Activator;
* writes CSV Files
public class AggregateDataWriter {
// private static final DateFormat df =
// DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT,DateFormat.MEDIUM);
private final String aggregateFileName;
private final String incidenceFileName;
private static final String keyS = "S";
private static final String keyE = "E";
private static final String keyI = "I";
private static final String keyR = "R";
private static final String keyBirths = "Births";
private static final String keyDeaths = "Deaths";
private static final String keyDeltaBirths = "deltaBirths";
private static final String keyDeltaDeaths = "deltaDeaths";
private static final String keyIncidence = "Incidence";
private static List<String> birthsList=null;
private static List<String> deathsList=null;
private static List<String> deltaBirthsList=new ArrayList<String>();
private static List<String> deltaDeathsList=new ArrayList<String>();
* indicates if birth counts exist in data set
private boolean haveBirths = false;
* indicates if death counts exist in data set
private boolean haveDeaths = false;
* Births are stored cumulatively but we want to log the derivative
* so we will store the previous value and subtract it to get the instantaneous value
private static double pastBirths = 0.0;
* Deaths are stored cumulatively but we want to log the derivative
* so we will store the previous value and subtract it to get the instantaneous value
private static double pastDeaths = 0.0;
String[] preferredKeyOrder = {
private static final IPath PATH = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation();
private static final String sep = File.separator;
* Directory containing scenario folders
public static final String ANALYSISFOLDER = PATH.toOSString();
* Folder name for files containing aggregate data
public static final String AGGREGATE_FOLDERNAME = "aggregate";
private static final String aggregatePathSuffix = AGGREGATE_FOLDERNAME+sep;
// TODO for now all aggregate data will be in one folder called csv/aggregate
private String aggregateDirectoryName = PATH.append(sep + aggregatePathSuffix).toOSString();
* Folder name for files containing incidence data
public static final String INCIDENCE_FOLDERNAME = "incidence";
private static final String incidencePathSuffix = INCIDENCE_FOLDERNAME+sep;
// TODO for now all aggregate data will be in one folder called csv/aggregate
private String incidenceDirectoryName = PATH.append(sep + incidencePathSuffix).toOSString();
private FileWriter fw1;
private FileWriter fw2;
* @param dataFolder
* @param aggregateDataFileName
public AggregateDataWriter(final String dataFolder, final String aggregateDataFileName) {
// Determine the aggregate folder name from the data folder
IPath p = new Path(dataFolder);
p = p.removeLastSegments(1); // get rid of disease folder
this.aggregateDirectoryName = p.toOSString();
// check that the directory exists
final File dir = new File(this.aggregateDirectoryName);
if ((!dir.exists()) || (!dir.isDirectory())) {
// create it.
boolean success = dir.mkdirs();
if (!success) {
"Failed to Create Directory" + aggregateDirectoryName,
new IOException("Failed to Create Driectory"
+ aggregateDirectoryName));
p = new Path(dataFolder);
p = p.removeLastSegments(1); // get rid of disease folder
this.incidenceDirectoryName = p.toOSString();
final File dir2 = new File(this.incidenceDirectoryName);
if ((!dir2.exists()) || (!dir2.isDirectory())) {
// create it.
boolean success = dir2.mkdirs();
if (!success) {
"Failed to Create Indicence Directory" + incidenceDirectoryName,
new IOException("Failed to Create Directory"
+ incidenceDirectoryName));
aggregateFileName = aggregateDirectoryName+sep+aggregateDataFileName;
try {
fw1 = new FileWriter(aggregateFileName);
} catch (final IOException e) {
Activator.logError("Error opening data file" + aggregateDirectoryName + " "+ aggregateFileName, e);
incidenceFileName = incidenceDirectoryName+sep+aggregateDataFileName;
try {
fw2 = new FileWriter(incidenceFileName);
} catch (final IOException e) {
Activator.logError("Error opening data file" + incidenceDirectoryName + " "+ incidenceFileName, e);
} // AggregateDataWriter
* log the data for an instance
* @param data
* @param alpha the immunity Loss Rate
* @return Filename (including path) of log file
public String[] logDataInstance(final ReferenceScenarioDataInstance data, double alpha) {
String[] retVal = new String[2];
Map<String,List<String>> instance = data.getInstance();
Set<String> keySet = instance.keySet();
String[] keys = sortKeys(keySet);
List<String> dataList = instance.get(keys[0]);
String str = keys[0]+""; // this is the ITERATION_KEY = "iteration"; column
for (int i = 1; i < keys.length; i ++) {
// log the header
str += "," + keys[i].toString().trim();
str += "\n";
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
Activator.logError("Error writing aggregate data file" + aggregateDirectoryName + " "+ aggregateFileName, e);
// get the births
birthsList = data.getInstance().get(keyBirths);
data.getInstance().put(keyBirths, birthsList);
// get the deaths list
deathsList = data.getInstance().get(keyDeaths);
data.getInstance().put(keyDeaths, deathsList);
int dataSize = dataList.size();
// write the data
for(int i = 0; i < dataSize; i ++) {
// get the first column ("iterations")
String key = keys[0].toString();
List<String> valueList = data.getInstance().get(key);
str = valueList.get(i) + " ";
for (int j = 1; j < keys.length; j++) {
key = keys[j].toString();
valueList = data.getInstance().get(key);
str += ", "+valueList.get(i);
}// for all keys
str += "\n";
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
Activator.logError("Error writing aggregate data file" + aggregateDirectoryName + aggregateFileName, e);
}// for all points
str = "";
try {
if (fw1 != null) {
} catch (final IOException e) {
// do nothing
haveBirths = false;
if(birthsList!=null) {
haveBirths = true;
// get the derivative for the births list
for (int i = 0;i < birthsList.size(); i ++) {
if (deltaBirthsList != null) {
pastBirths = 0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < deltaBirthsList.size(); ii++) {
final double births = (new Double(deltaBirthsList.get(ii))).doubleValue();
deltaBirthsList.set(ii, "" + (births - pastBirths));
pastBirths = births;
haveDeaths = false;
if(deathsList!=null) {
haveDeaths = true;
// get the derivative for the deaths list
for (int i = 0;i < deathsList.size(); i ++) {
if (deltaDeathsList != null) {
pastDeaths = 0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < deltaDeathsList.size(); ii++) {
final double deaths = (new Double(deltaDeathsList.get(ii))).doubleValue();
deltaDeathsList.set(ii, "" + (deaths - pastDeaths));
pastDeaths = deaths;
data.getInstance().put(keyDeltaBirths, deltaBirthsList);
data.getInstance().put(keyDeltaDeaths, deltaDeathsList);
retVal[0] = this.aggregateFileName;
// next compute the incidence and log it too...
retVal[1] = logIncidence(data, alpha);
return retVal;
}// log the data
* log the data for an instance
* @param data
* @param alpha the immunity loss rate
* @return the incidence data file name
public String logIncidence(final ReferenceScenarioDataInstance data, double alpha) {
Map<String,List<String>> instance = data.getInstance();
Set<String> keySet = instance.keySet();
String[] keys = sortKeys(keySet);
List<String> dataList = instance.get(keys[0]);
int size = dataList.size();
// get the total population as a function of time
List<Double> popList = new ArrayList<Double>();
for (int j = 0; j < size; j ++) {
double pop = 0.0;
if(keySet.contains(keyS)) {
dataList = instance.get(keyS);
Double dObj = new Double(dataList.get(j));
pop+= dObj.doubleValue();
if(keySet.contains(keyE)) {
dataList = instance.get(keyE);
Double dObj = new Double(dataList.get(j));
pop+= dObj.doubleValue();
if(keySet.contains(keyI)) {
dataList = instance.get(keyI);
Double dObj = new Double(dataList.get(j));
pop+= dObj.doubleValue();
if(keySet.contains(keyR)) {
dataList = instance.get(keyR);
Double dObj = new Double(dataList.get(j));
pop+= dObj.doubleValue();
popList.add(new Double(pop));
//incidence = deltaI - deltaR + muI - muR (deaths in infectious and recovered)
List<Double> incidenceList = new ArrayList<Double>();
List<String> sList = instance.get(keyS);
List<String> iList = instance.get(keyI);
List<String> rList = instance.get(keyR); // ok if this is null
// get the Incidence
List<String> exactIncidence = instance.get(keyIncidence);
if(exactIncidence != null) {
// read the incidence
for(int i = 0; i < exactIncidence.size(); i ++) {
incidenceList.add(i,new Double(exactIncidence.get(i)));
} else {
// compute the incidence
incidenceList = computeIncidence(iList, rList, alpha, size) ;
}// find the incidence from file else compute it
// header info
String str = keys[0]+","+keys[1]+","+"Incidence,S,P";
if(haveBirths) str +=","+keyDeltaBirths;
if(haveDeaths) str +=","+keyDeltaDeaths;
str += "\n";
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
Activator.logError("Error writing aggregate data file" + aggregateDirectoryName + " "+ aggregateFileName, e);
// write the data
str = "";
for(int i = 0; i < size; i ++) {
str = "";
// get the first column ("iterations")
String key = keys[0].toString();
List<String> valueList = data.getInstance().get(key);
str = valueList.get(i) + " ";
// time
key = keys[1].toString();
valueList = data.getInstance().get(key);
str += ", "+valueList.get(i);
// incidence
str += ", "+incidenceList.get(i).doubleValue();
// S
str += ", "+sList.get(i);
// P
str += ", "+popList.get(i).doubleValue();
if(haveBirths) {
// deltaBirths
key = keyDeltaBirths;
valueList = data.getInstance().get(key);
if(valueList!= null && valueList.size() > 0 ) {
str += ", "+valueList.get(i);
} else {
str += ", "+0;
if(haveDeaths) {
// deltaDeaths
key = keyDeltaDeaths;
valueList = data.getInstance().get(key);
if(valueList!= null && valueList.size() > 0 ) {
str += ", "+valueList.get(i);
} else {
str += ", "+0;
str += " \n";
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
Activator.logError("Error writing aggregate data file" + incidenceDirectoryName + incidenceFileName, e);
}// for all points
str = "";
try {
if (fw2 != null) {
} catch (final IOException e) {
// do nothing
return incidenceFileName;
}// log the data
* compute the incidence - return as list of Double
* @param iList
* @param rList
* @param alpha
* @param size
* @return
private List<Double> computeIncidence(List<String> iList, List<String> rList, double alpha, int size) {
List<Double> incidenceList = new ArrayList<Double>();
// time zero point
double deltaI = (new Double(iList.get(0))).doubleValue();
double deltaR = (new Double(rList.get(0))).doubleValue();
double births = 0.0;
double deaths = 0.0;
if((birthsList!=null)&&(birthsList.size()>=1)) births = (new Double(birthsList.get(0))).doubleValue();
if((deathsList!=null)&&(deathsList.size()>=1)) deaths = (new Double(deathsList.get(0))).doubleValue();
// 1. First compute the incidence from the difference in deltaI - deltaR
// ignoring the rate of immunity loss.
Double incidence = new Double((deltaI + deltaR) + (deaths-births) );
// we can't use this one point correct for alpha because it depends on R
// at t-1 (where we have no data for t= -1 )
for (int j = 1; j < size; j ++) {
// get deltaI and deltaR from previous value
deltaI = (new Double(iList.get(j))).doubleValue();
deltaI -= (new Double(iList.get(j-1))).doubleValue();
if(rList!=null) {
deltaR = (new Double(rList.get(j))).doubleValue();
deltaR -= (new Double(rList.get(j-1))).doubleValue();
births = 0.0;
deaths = 0.0;
if((birthsList!=null)&&(birthsList.size()>=j)) births = (new Double(birthsList.get(j))).doubleValue();
if((deathsList!=null)&&(deathsList.size()>=j)) deaths = (new Double(deathsList.get(j))).doubleValue();
// Compute the incidence from the difference in deltaI - deltaR
// correcting for the rate of immunity loss.
double rValue = (new Double(rList.get(j-1))).doubleValue();
double incValue = (deltaI + deltaR) + (deaths-births) +(alpha*rValue);
incidence = new Double(incValue);
return incidenceList;
* If the keySet contains the preferred keys, return the preferred ones in the preferred order,
* otherwise just returns them.
* @param keySet
* @return the sorted keys
private String[] sortKeys(Set<String> keySet) {
String[] keys = new String[keySet.size()];
int icount = 0;
// first add the preferred keys (if they exist) in the correct order
Set<String> doneSet = new HashSet<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < preferredKeyOrder.length; i ++) {
if(keySet.contains(preferredKeyOrder[i])) {
keys[icount] = preferredKeyOrder[i].trim();
icount ++;
// then add any other keys
Iterator<String> iter = keySet.iterator();
String nextKey =;
if(!doneSet.contains(nextKey)) {
keys[icount] = nextKey;
icount ++;
return keys;
* get the key use for Susceptible data
* @return 'S'
public static String getKeyS() {
return keyS;
* @return E
public static String getKeyE() {
return keyE;
* @return I
public static String getKeyI() {
return keyI;
* @return R
public static String getKeyR() {
return keyR;
* get the key use for Incidence data
* @return 'Incidence'
public static String getKeyIncidence() {
return keyIncidence;
}// AggregateDataWriter