fixed threading bug when picking locations from local stem project
diff --git a/org.eclipse.stem/core/org.eclipse.stem.ui/src/org/eclipse/stem/ui/widgets/ b/org.eclipse.stem/core/org.eclipse.stem.ui/src/org/eclipse/stem/ui/widgets/
index 82d3bf9..28adc18 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.stem/core/org.eclipse.stem.ui/src/org/eclipse/stem/ui/widgets/
+++ b/org.eclipse.stem/core/org.eclipse.stem.ui/src/org/eclipse/stem/ui/widgets/
@@ -405,34 +405,41 @@
 				GeographicMapper.EARTH_ALPHA3_ISO_KEY, -1));
 		else {
-			IRunnableWithProgress getKeys = new IRunnableWithProgress() {
-	            public void run(IProgressMonitor progress) {
-	            	progress.beginTask(Messages.getString("NLocPickerWiz.gettingLocations"), 100);
-	            	// in case the user failed to use containment 
-	            	// and only has level ONE, TWO, or THREE keys in the graph
-	            	Object[] entries = LocationUtility.getKeys(project, 0, null).toArray();
-	            	int nextLevel = 0;
-	            	while(((entries==null)||(entries.length==0))&&(nextLevel <= 2)) {
-	            		nextLevel ++;
-	            		entries = LocationUtility.getKeys(project, nextLevel, null).toArray();
-	            	}
-	            	// add whatever is possible to add
-	        		isoKeyPicker0.setISOKeys(entries);
-	            	progress.worked(100);
-	            	progress.done();
-	            }
-			};
-			IRunnableContext context = new ProgressMonitorDialog(shell);
-			try {
-, true, getKeys);
-			} catch(Exception e) {
-				Activator.logError(e.getMessage(), e);
-			}
+        	// in case the user failed to use containment 
+        	// and only has level ONE, TWO, or THREE keys in the graph
+        	Object[] entries = LocationUtility.getKeys(project, 0, null).toArray();
+        	int nextLevel = 0;
+        	while(((entries==null)||(entries.length==0))&&(nextLevel <= 2)) {
+        		nextLevel ++;
+        		entries = LocationUtility.getKeys(project, nextLevel, null).toArray();
+        	}
+        	// add whatever is possible to add
+    		isoKeyPicker0.setISOKeys(entries);
+    		// The following is not longer thread safe in E4 to we are reiniting the LOCAL locations
+    		// in the main thread (above).
+			/*
+			 * IRunnableWithProgress getKeys = new IRunnableWithProgress() { public void
+			 * run(IProgressMonitor progress) {
+			 * progress.beginTask(Messages.getString("NLocPickerWiz.gettingLocations"),
+			 * 100);
+			 * 
+			 * // in case the user failed to use containment // and only has level ONE, TWO,
+			 * or THREE keys in the graph Object[] entries =
+			 * LocationUtility.getKeys(project, 0, null).toArray(); int nextLevel = 0;
+			 * while(((entries==null)||(entries.length==0))&&(nextLevel <= 2)) { nextLevel
+			 * ++; entries = LocationUtility.getKeys(project, nextLevel, null).toArray(); }
+			 * // add whatever is possible to add isoKeyPicker0.setISOKeys(entries);
+			 * 
+			 * 
+			 * progress.worked(100); progress.done(); } };
+			 ****
+			 * IRunnableContext context = new ProgressMonitorDialog(shell); try {
+			 *, true, getKeys); } catch(Exception e) {
+			 * Activator.logError(e.getMessage(), e); }
+			 */		
 		isoKeyPicker1.setISOKeys(new Object[] {});
 		isoKeyPicker2.setISOKeys(new Object[] {});