blob: 918876f0e57ab9dd50065753311ee81b50c87a30 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
* IBM Corporation, BfR, and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation and new features
* Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung - Pajek Graph interface, new Veterinary Models
package org.eclipse.stem.populationmodels.standard.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.IItemPropertyDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.IItemPropertySource;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.provider.PropertySource;
import org.eclipse.stem.analysis.util.CSVScenarioStreamer;
import org.eclipse.stem.analysis.util.CSVscenarioLoader;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.Utility;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.common.Identifiable;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.common.util.LogInitializationException;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.DynamicLabel;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.ExchangePool;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.Graph;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.IntegrationLabel;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.NodeLabel;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.model.Decorator;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.model.STEMTime;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.scenario.ScenarioInitializationException;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.relativevalue.RelativeValueProvider;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.relativevalue.RelativeValueProviderAdapter;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.adapters.relativevalue.RelativeValueProviderAdapterFactory;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.labels.PopulationLabel;
import org.eclipse.stem.populationmodels.Activator;
import org.eclipse.stem.populationmodels.standard.ExternalDataSourcePopulationModel;
import org.eclipse.stem.populationmodels.standard.PopulationModel;
import org.eclipse.stem.populationmodels.standard.PopulationModelLabel;
import org.eclipse.stem.populationmodels.standard.PopulationModelLabelValue;
import org.eclipse.stem.populationmodels.standard.StandardFactory;
import org.eclipse.stem.populationmodels.standard.StandardPackage;
import org.eclipse.stem.populationmodels.standard.StandardPopulationModelLabel;
import org.eclipse.stem.populationmodels.standard.StandardPopulationModelLabelValue;
import org.eclipse.stem.populationmodels.standard.provider.StandardItemProviderAdapterFactory;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* An implementation of the model object '<em><b>External Datasource Population Model</b></em>'.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* <p>
* The following features are implemented:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.stem.populationmodels.standard.impl.ExternalDataSourcePopulationModelImpl#getDataPath <em>Data Path</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.stem.populationmodels.standard.impl.ExternalDataSourcePopulationModelImpl#getBufferSize <em>Buffer Size</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.stem.populationmodels.standard.impl.ExternalDataSourcePopulationModelImpl#isRestart <em>Restart</em>}</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @generated
public class ExternalDataSourcePopulationModelImpl extends PopulationModelImpl implements ExternalDataSourcePopulationModel {
protected Set<String> BIRTH_KEY_SET = new HashSet<String>();
protected Set<String> DEATHS_KEY_SET = new HashSet<String>();
protected Set<String> COUNT_KEY_SET = new HashSet<String>();
public static String labelBirths = null ;
public static String labelDeaths = null ;
public static String labelCount = null ;
// We need to tell the streamer which states are cumulative (so that it can restart streaming and keep adding).
private String[] cumulativeStates = {"Births", "Deaths"};
// When we know the population model that generated the data (stored in the runparameters file),
// the descriptors of the properties are stored here, mapped by the population id
protected Map<String, List<IItemPropertyDescriptor>> propertyDescriptors;
// Used to detect when the user has restarted a simulation.
private STEMTime previousTime = null;
// The streamer
CSVScenarioStreamer streamer;
private double fileLineCounter = 0.0;
private String populationType;
private Decorator populationModel;
* This prefix precedes the node id and must be removed in the
* filterFilename method to auto-generate the output file name.
public static final String LOCATIONID_PREFIX = "/node/geo/region/";
* The default value of the '{@link #getDataPath() <em>Data Path</em>}' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #getDataPath()
* @generated
* @ordered
protected static final String DATA_PATH_EDEFAULT = null;
* The cached value of the '{@link #getDataPath() <em>Data Path</em>}' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #getDataPath()
* @generated
* @ordered
protected String dataPath = DATA_PATH_EDEFAULT;
* The default value of the '{@link #getBufferSize() <em>Buffer Size</em>}' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #getBufferSize()
* @generated
* @ordered
protected static final int BUFFER_SIZE_EDEFAULT = 250;
* The cached value of the '{@link #getBufferSize() <em>Buffer Size</em>}' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #getBufferSize()
* @generated
* @ordered
protected int bufferSize = BUFFER_SIZE_EDEFAULT;
* The default value of the '{@link #isRestart() <em>Restart</em>}' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #isRestart()
* @generated
* @ordered
protected static final boolean RESTART_EDEFAULT = true;
* The cached value of the '{@link #isRestart() <em>Restart</em>}' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see #isRestart()
* @generated
* @ordered
protected boolean restart = RESTART_EDEFAULT;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated NOT
public ExternalDataSourcePopulationModelImpl() {
* Override this method to return static population labels with identifiers found in logged files
* @param populationIdentifier
* the population being labeled Only used if not found in logged files
* @param graph
* the graph to search
* @return the PopulationLabel instances of the graph that match the
* identifier.
protected Collection<PopulationLabel> getPopulationLabels(
final String populationIdentifier, final Graph graph) {
final List<PopulationLabel> retValue = new ArrayList<PopulationLabel>();
// If already done nothing will happen here
// Iterate through all of the population labels in the graph
EList<NodeLabel> labels = graph.getNodeLabelsByTypeURI(
for (NodeLabel pl:labels) {
if(getTargetISOKey() != null && !getTargetISOKey().trim().equals("") && pl.getNode() != null && //$NON-NLS-1$
!isContained(pl.getNode(), getTargetISOKey()) &&
!pl.getNode().getURI().lastSegment().equals("ZZZ")) //$NON-NLS-1$
final PopulationLabel populationLabel = (PopulationLabel) pl;
List<String>pops = this.streamer.getPopulationIdentifiers();
// Is this label for the population we're looking for?
if(pops == null) {
if (populationLabel.getPopulationIdentifier().equals(
populationIdentifier)) {
// Yes
// If there is a problem with the "node uri" of the population
// label then it would not have been associated with a node
// instance in the graph at this point. This is a problem for
// disease models that are trying to label the node (there isn't
// one!). So filter out those mistakes here.
// Does the population label have an associated node?
if (populationLabel.getNode() != null)
} // if the population we're looking for
} else for(String p:pops)
if (populationLabel.getPopulationIdentifier().equals(p)) {
if (populationLabel.getNode() != null) {
// Yes
} // if the population label has a node
} // for each population label
} // For each label
return retValue;
} // getPopulationLabels
* Need to override this to set the initial value to the first row in the log file
* @generated NOT
public void resetLabels() throws ScenarioInitializationException {
fileLineCounter = 0.0;
try {
if(streamer != null)
} catch(IOException ioe) {
throw new ScenarioInitializationException("IOException closing streamer", this, ioe);
streamer = null;
for (final Iterator<DynamicLabel> labelIter = getLabelsToUpdate()
.iterator(); labelIter.hasNext();) {
final StandardPopulationModelLabel popLabel = (StandardPopulationModelLabel);
final StandardPopulationModelLabelValue deltaState = (StandardPopulationModelLabelValue)popLabel.getDeltaValue();
importPopulationData(deltaState, popLabel, null, 0); // last params not used
while(deltaState.getArrivals().size()>0) ExchangePool.POOL.release(deltaState.getArrivals().remove(0));
while(deltaState.getDepartures().size()>0) ExchangePool.POOL.release(deltaState.getDepartures().remove(0));
} // resetLabels
* get the constants which identify the disease label state variables
* @param diseaseLabel
private void setPropertyLabels() {
StandardItemProviderAdapterFactory itemProviderFactory = new StandardItemProviderAdapterFactory();
if(populationModel == null) {
// We do not know the disease model and hence the label values needed
StandardPopulationModelLabelValue popLabelValue = (StandardPopulationModelLabelValue) StandardFactory.eINSTANCE.createStandardPopulationModelLabel().getCurrentValue();
IItemPropertySource propertySource = (IItemPropertySource) itemProviderFactory.adapt(popLabelValue, PropertySource.class);
List<IItemPropertyDescriptor> properties = propertySource.getPropertyDescriptors(null);
IItemPropertyDescriptor propertyBirths = properties.get(StandardPackage.STANDARD_POPULATION_MODEL_LABEL_VALUE__BIRTHS);
IItemPropertyDescriptor propertyDeaths = properties.get(StandardPackage.STANDARD_POPULATION_MODEL_LABEL_VALUE__DEATHS);
IItemPropertyDescriptor propertyCount = properties.get(StandardPackage.STANDARD_POPULATION_MODEL_LABEL_VALUE__COUNT);
labelBirths = propertyBirths.getDisplayName(propertyBirths);
labelDeaths = propertyDeaths.getDisplayName(propertyDeaths);
labelCount = propertyCount.getDisplayName(propertyCount);
} else {
PopulationModel pm = (PopulationModel)populationModel;
for(String popId:streamer.getPopulationIdentifiers()) {
PopulationModelLabel spml = pm.createPopulationModelLabel(popId);
final RelativeValueProviderAdapter rvp = (RelativeValueProviderAdapter) RelativeValueProviderAdapterFactory.INSTANCE
.adapt(spml, RelativeValueProvider.class);
List<IItemPropertyDescriptor> properties = rvp.getProperties();
// IItemPropertySource propertySource = (IItemPropertySource) itemProviderFactory.adapt(dmlv, PropertySource.class);
// List<IItemPropertyDescriptor> properties = propertySource.getPropertyDescriptors(null);
if(propertyDescriptors == null) propertyDescriptors = new HashMap<String, List<IItemPropertyDescriptor>>();
propertyDescriptors.put(popId, properties);
}// setPropertyLabels
public synchronized void calculateDeltas(STEMTime time,double t, long timeDelta,
EList<DynamicLabel> labels) {
/* if(firstSTEMTime == null || time.getTime().equals(firstSTEMTime.getTime()))
fileLineCounter = 1;
fileLineCounter = (int)((time.getTime().getTime() - firstSTEMTime.getTime().getTime()) / timeDelta)+1;
if(firstSTEMTime == null) firstSTEMTime = time;
if(previousTime != null && time.getTime().before(previousTime.getTime()))
try {
} catch(IOException ioe) {
Activator.logError("IOException closing streaming files", ioe);
if(previousTime == null) previousTime = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createSTEMTime();
// Determine how many rows in the log file one step of the sequencer corresponds to
double rowsPerSequencerStep = (double)timeDelta/(double)streamer.getTimeStepMS();
fileLineCounter = t * rowsPerSequencerStep;
for (final DynamicLabel dynLabel : labels) {
final StandardPopulationModelLabel popLabel = (StandardPopulationModelLabel) dynLabel;
assert popLabel.getIdentifier().equals(getPopulationIdentifier());
final StandardPopulationModelLabelValue deltaState = (StandardPopulationModelLabelValue)popLabel.getDeltaValue();
importPopulationData(deltaState, popLabel, time, timeDelta);
// Check that the counts match the births and deaths reported.
double births = deltaState.getBirths();
double deaths = deltaState.getDeaths();
double deltaCount = deltaState.getCount();
if(births - deaths != deltaCount) {
double diff = deltaCount - (births-deaths);
if(diff > 0)
births = births + diff;
deaths = deaths + diff;
computeAdditionalDeltasAndExchanges((IntegrationLabel)dynLabel, time, t, timeDelta);
} // for
* This method reads the next state data from the external dataFile
* @param deltaState
* @param diseaseLabel
* @param time
* @param timeDelta
* @return
public StandardPopulationModelLabelValue importPopulationData(
final StandardPopulationModelLabelValue deltaState,
final StandardPopulationModelLabel popLabel,
final STEMTime time,
final long timeDelta) {
try {
// Will only be set up first time called
if(labelCount==null && propertyDescriptors == null)
Identifiable ident = popLabel.getIdentifiable();
String fileName = ident.getURI().toString();
int last = fileName.lastIndexOf(LOCATIONID_PREFIX);
last += LOCATIONID_PREFIX.length();
String location = fileName.substring(last,fileName.length());
int adminLevel = Utility.keyLevel(location);
String population = popLabel.getPopulationIdentifier();
StandardPopulationModelLabelValue currentValue = (StandardPopulationModelLabelValue)popLabel.getCurrentValue();
// String id = ident.getURI().toString();
// int strt = id.indexOf(URI_PREFIX_PATTERN);
// if(strt>=0) {
// id = id.substring(strt+URI_PREFIX_PATTERN.length(),id.length());
// }
// if((dataInstance!=null)&&(dataInstance.instance.containsKey(id))) {
//if(dataInstance!=null) {
// compute the changes
if(adminLevel > -1) {
// First, if we do not know the various compartments etc used for the disease
// assume it's an SI, SIR or SEIR
double fraction = this.fileLineCounter - Math.floor(this.fileLineCounter);
int row = (int)Math.floor(this.fileLineCounter);
if(streamer.getDecorator() == null) {
double deltaCount = 0.0;
double deltaBirths = 0.0;
double deltaDeaths = 0.0;
// Population is not known so use the unknown key
population = CSVscenarioLoader.UNKNOWN_POP_IDENTIFIER_KEY;
//List<Double>data = null;
if(populationType.equals(IMPORT_TYPE_STANDARD_POPULATION)) {
List<Double>data1 = null;
List<Double>data2 = null;
while(streamer.getCurrentRow(population, adminLevel, labelCount) <= fileLineCounter)
streamer.streamRow(population, adminLevel, labelCount);
data1 = streamer.getNthFetchedRow(population, adminLevel, labelCount, row);
data2 = streamer.getNthFetchedRow(population, adminLevel, labelCount, row+1);
int pos = streamer.getDataPosition(population, adminLevel, location);
if(pos >=0) {
double d = interpolate((data1.size()>pos)? data1.get(pos):null, data2.get(pos), fraction);
deltaCount = d - currentValue.getCount();
while(streamer.getCurrentRow(population, adminLevel, labelBirths) <= fileLineCounter)
streamer.streamRow(population, adminLevel, labelBirths);
data1 = streamer.getNthFetchedRow(population, adminLevel, labelBirths, row);
data2 = streamer.getNthFetchedRow(population, adminLevel, labelBirths, row+1);
if(pos >=0) {
double d = interpolate((data1.size()>pos)? data1.get(pos):null, data2.get(pos), fraction);
deltaBirths = d - currentValue.getBirths();
if(deltaBirths < 0)
while(streamer.getCurrentRow(population, adminLevel, labelDeaths) <= fileLineCounter)
streamer.streamRow(population, adminLevel, labelDeaths);
data1 = streamer.getNthFetchedRow(population, adminLevel, labelDeaths, row);
data2 = streamer.getNthFetchedRow(population, adminLevel, labelDeaths, row+1);
if(pos >=0) {
double d = interpolate((data1.size()>pos)? data1.get(pos):null, data2.get(pos), fraction);
deltaDeaths= d - currentValue.getDeaths();
if (populationType.equals(IMPORT_TYPE_STANDARD_POPULATION)) {
return new StandardPopulationModelLabelValueImpl();
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("ExternalDataSource Invalid Type "+populationType+" must be Standard Population Model");
} else {
List<Double>data1 = null;
List<Double>data2 = null;
// We have the property descriptors for the label value we need to set.
for(IItemPropertyDescriptor propDesc:propertyDescriptors.get(population)) {
// This is the name used in the CSV files
String dispName = propDesc.getDisplayName(propDesc);
if(!streamer.containsState(population, adminLevel, dispName))
continue; // Skip properties that are missing in the log files (Display Warning?)
int pos = streamer.getDataPosition(population, adminLevel, location);
while(streamer.getCurrentRow(population, adminLevel, dispName) <= fileLineCounter)
streamer.streamRow(population, adminLevel, dispName);
data1 = streamer.getNthFetchedRow(population, adminLevel, dispName, row);
data2 = streamer.getNthFetchedRow(population, adminLevel, dispName, row+1);
if(pos >=0) {
double d = interpolate((data1.size()>pos)? data1.get(pos):null, data2.get(pos), fraction);
EStructuralFeature feature = (EStructuralFeature)propDesc.getFeature(null);
double currentVal = (Double)currentValue.eGet(feature);
if(!feature.isDerived() && feature.isChangeable())
deltaState.eSet(feature, d - currentVal);
}// admin level > -1
} catch(IOException ioe) {
Activator.logError("Exception streaming data", ioe);
return null;
* interpolate. Linearly interpolate the two values
* @param double1
* @param double2
* @param fraction
* @return
private double interpolate(Double double1, Double double2, double fraction) {
if(double1 == null ) return double2;
return double1+fraction*(double2-double1);
private synchronized void setupStreaming() {
if(streamer == null) {
try {
streamer = new CSVScenarioStreamer(this.dataPath, this.getBufferSize(), this.isRestart(), cumulativeStates);
this.populationModel = streamer.getDecorator();
if(this.populationModel == null) {
streamer.prepareForStreaming(CSVscenarioLoader.UNKNOWN_POP_IDENTIFIER_KEY, -1);
// Set the disease type here since we don't need that
// input from the end-user any longer
this.populationType = streamer.getType(CSVscenarioLoader.UNKNOWN_POP_IDENTIFIER_KEY).name();
} else {
for(String pop:streamer.getPopulationIdentifiers())
streamer.prepareForStreaming(pop, -1);
} catch(LogInitializationException sie) {
Activator.logError("Error reading scenario files", sie);
} catch(IOException ioe) {
Activator.logError("IOExceptopn reading scenario files", ioe);
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
protected EClass eStaticClass() {
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public String getDataPath() {
return dataPath;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public void setDataPath(String newDataPath) {
dataPath = newDataPath;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public int getBufferSize() {
return bufferSize;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public void setBufferSize(int newBufferSize) {
bufferSize = newBufferSize;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public boolean isRestart() {
return restart;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public void setRestart(boolean newRestart) {
restart = newRestart;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public Object eGet(int featureID, boolean resolve, boolean coreType) {
switch (featureID) {
return getDataPath();
return getBufferSize();
return isRestart();
return super.eGet(featureID, resolve, coreType);
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public void eSet(int featureID, Object newValue) {
switch (featureID) {
super.eSet(featureID, newValue);
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public void eUnset(int featureID) {
switch (featureID) {
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public boolean eIsSet(int featureID) {
switch (featureID) {
return DATA_PATH_EDEFAULT == null ? dataPath != null : !DATA_PATH_EDEFAULT.equals(dataPath);
return bufferSize != BUFFER_SIZE_EDEFAULT;
return restart != RESTART_EDEFAULT;
return super.eIsSet(featureID);
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public String toString() {
if (eIsProxy()) return super.toString();
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(super.toString());
result.append(" (dataPath: ");
result.append(", bufferSize: ");
result.append(", restart: ");
return result.toString();
public PopulationModelLabel createPopulationModelLabel(String populationIdentifier) {
PopulationModelLabel retValue = null;
if(streamer.getDecorator() == null) {
if (populationType==IMPORT_TYPE_STANDARD_POPULATION) retValue = StandardFactory.eINSTANCE.createStandardPopulationModelLabel();
else retValue = StandardFactory.eINSTANCE.createStandardPopulationModelLabel();
} else {
// We know the actual disease model used, call its methods to create the label
retValue = ((PopulationModel)streamer.getDecorator()).createPopulationModelLabel(populationIdentifier);
return retValue;
public PopulationModelLabelValue createPopulationModelLabelValue(String populationIdentifier) {
PopulationModelLabelValue retValue = null;
if(streamer.getDecorator() == null) {
if (populationType==IMPORT_TYPE_STANDARD_POPULATION) retValue = StandardFactory.eINSTANCE.createStandardPopulationModelLabelValue();
else retValue = StandardFactory.eINSTANCE.createStandardPopulationModelLabelValue();
} else {
// We know the actual disease model used, call its methods to create the label
retValue = ((PopulationModel)streamer.getDecorator()).createPopulationModelLabelValue(populationIdentifier);
return retValue;
} //ExternalDatasourcePopulationModelImpl