blob: 95137cf4d7705559d57a7c0d1bce805bb9da7a94 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.stem.graphsynchronizer.impl;
* Copyright (c) 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.XMLResource;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.Utility;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.DynamicLabel;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.Edge;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.Graph;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.GraphFactory;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.IntegrationLabel;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.IntegrationLabelValue;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.Node;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.graph.NodeLabel;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.model.Decorator;
import org.eclipse.stem.core.model.IntegrationDecorator;
import org.eclipse.stem.definitions.labels.RelativePhysicalRelationshipLabel;
import org.eclipse.stem.diseasemodels.standard.DiseaseModelLabel;
import org.eclipse.stem.graphsynchronizer.Activator;
import org.eclipse.stem.graphsynchronizer.Messenger;
import org.eclipse.stem.graphsynchronizer.MessengerException;
import org.eclipse.stem.graphsynchronizer.SynchGraphPartitioner;
import org.eclipse.stem.populationmodels.standard.StandardPopulationModelLabel;
* This class is responsible for synchronizing a STEM simulation across multiple running STEM instances.
* It uses the underlying Messenger to send and receive subgraph changes to other worker nodes.
public class SimulationGraphSynchronizer implements ISimulationListenerSync{
public final static long RETRY_WAIT = 1000; //ms
public final static int MAX_SEND_RETRIES = 60; // one minute
* EMF Save Options
private static final Map<String,Object> EMF_SERIALIZATION_OPTIONS
= new HashMap<String,Object>();
static {
EMF_SERIALIZATION_OPTIONS.put(XMLResource.OPTION_ZIP, Boolean.FALSE); // Change to Boolean.FALSE to turn compression of XMI data over network.
public static Messenger messenger;
* The graphs that is shared with other running instances. The index into this array
* is important. If for instance the node rank of this instance is 3 out of a total number
* of nodes 5, index 0-2 are the nodes with rank 0-2 and index 3 is the node with rank 4.
private static Graph [] mySharedGraphs;
* Remote graphs received from other running instances. The index follows the same
* rule as for mySharedGraphs.
private static Graph [] remoteSharedGraphs;
// Whether to use binary serialization
public static boolean BINARYSERIALIZATION;
// Whether to zip the messages
public static boolean ZIPMESSAGES;
* Instrumentation
private long totalSendTime = 0;
private long totalRecvTime = 0;
private long totalTime = 0;
private ISimulation simulation;
public SimulationGraphSynchronizer(ISimulation sim) {
this.simulation = sim;
SynchGraphPartitioner sgp = (SynchGraphPartitioner)SimulationManager.getManager().getGraphPartitioner();
// Clear out from old simulation
mySharedGraphs = new Graph[sgp.getNumNodes()-1];
remoteSharedGraphs = new Graph[sgp.getNumNodes()-1];
boolean busy = false;
int cycle = 0;
* Called by the Simulation whenever the state of a simulation changes. We are interested in the the COMPLETED_CYCLE
* event since that's where the graphs are synchronized.
public void simulationChangedSync(SimulationEvent event) {
// Initialize with the current simulation. If this has already been done, the method will return right away
// At the end of a cycle, we send the graphs around
if(event.getSimulationState().equals(SimulationState.RUNNING)) {
if(event.getSimulationState().equals(SimulationState.COMPLETED_CYCLE)) {
if(cycle == 1) { // first cycle has lots of overhead, skip
totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // resets it
totalSendTime = 0;
totalRecvTime = 0;
if(((SynchGraphPartitioner) SimulationManager.getManager().getGraphPartitioner()).getNumNodes() == 1) return; // nothing to do
if(busy) {
Activator.logError("Error received re-entrant callback in graph synchronizer", new Exception()); //$NON-NLS-1$
busy = false;
busy = true;
// Instrumentation
// long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
EList<Decorator>el = simulation.getScenario().getCanonicalGraph().getDecorators();
// We only synchronize the decorators that calculates deltas, those would
// be instances of IntegrationDecorator;
EList<Decorator> idecorators = new BasicEList<Decorator>();
for(Decorator d:el)
if(d instanceof IntegrationDecorator) idecorators.add(d);
if(mySharedGraphs[0] == null) initSharedGraph(idecorators);
// Copy the latest values from the graph labels to the shared graphs
for(Graph graph:mySharedGraphs)
for(Map.Entry<URI, NodeLabel>entry : graph.getNodeLabels().entrySet()) {
URI uri = entry.getKey();
NodeLabel latestVal = simulation.getScenario().getCanonicalGraph().getNodeLabels().get(uri);
if(latestVal == null)
Activator.logError("Cannot find node label with URI "+uri, new Exception());
else (((IntegrationLabelValue)entry.getValue().getCurrentValue())).set((IntegrationLabelValue)(latestVal.getCurrentValue()));
// Now send the updated graph
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(int n=0;n<mySharedGraphs.length;++n)
sendGraph(mySharedGraphs[n], n);
long then = System.currentTimeMillis();
totalSendTime += (then-now);
// and receive the update from the other running instance
now = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(int n=0;n<mySharedGraphs.length;++n)
remoteSharedGraphs[n] = receiveGraph(n);
then = System.currentTimeMillis();
totalRecvTime += (then-now);
// and update local label values from the remote values
// Copy the latest values from the graph labels to the shared graph
for(Graph graph:remoteSharedGraphs) {
if(graph == null) break; // Null value means the simulation was stopped
for(Map.Entry<URI, NodeLabel>entry : graph.getNodeLabels().entrySet()) {
URI uri = entry.getKey();
NodeLabel latestVal = simulation.getScenario().getCanonicalGraph().getNodeLabels().get(uri);
if(latestVal == null)
Activator.logError("Cannot find node label with URI "+uri, new Exception());
else {
// Need to set both current and temp value since this instance will only set the temp
// value to the current value for the nodes it manages.
// long then = System.currentTimeMillis();
// this.totalCommTime += (then - now);
} else if(event.getSimulationState().equals(SimulationState.STOPPED)) {
try {
} catch(MessengerException me) {
Activator.logError("Cannot wake up blocked recv", me);
} else if(event.getSimulationState().equals(SimulationState.PAUSED)) {
totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - totalTime;
Activator.logInformation("Total send time:"+this.totalSendTime);
Activator.logInformation("Total recv time:"+this.totalRecvTime);
Activator.logInformation("Total simulation time:"+this.totalTime);
busy = false;
public ISimulation getSimulation() {
return simulation;
* This is an important method where the graphs (containing a list of dynamic node labels) are calculated
* for each remote server this instance is communicating with. The mySharedGraphs array is populated
* with the graph.
* @param idecorators
private void initSharedGraph(EList<Decorator>idecorators) {
// Get the graph partitioner
SynchGraphPartitioner gp =(SynchGraphPartitioner)SimulationManager.getManager().getGraphPartitioner();
for(int i=0;i<gp.getNumNodes()-1;++i) {
mySharedGraphs[i] = GraphFactory.eINSTANCE.createGraph();
// Clear out all unnecessary data to reduce size
for(Decorator d:idecorators) {
EList<DynamicLabel>myLabels = gp.partitionDecoratorLabels(d);
// Retrieve the node edges and see if it points outside the update set
// for this decorator. If so, we add the label to the shared set
for(DynamicLabel dl:myLabels) {
if(dl.getIdentifiable() instanceof Node) { // Always true but be safe
Node n = (Node)dl.getIdentifiable();
EList<Edge>edges = n.getEdges();
for(Edge e:edges) {
if(e.getLabel() instanceof RelativePhysicalRelationshipLabel)
Node otherNode = null;
// See if the edge connects in any way to a node that is outside the working set
// of this instance.
if(gp.getNodeRank() != gp.getIdentifiableRank(e.getB())) otherNode = e.getB();
if(gp.getNodeRank() != gp.getIdentifiableRank(e.getA())) otherNode = e.getA();
if(otherNode != null) {
int otherRank = gp.getIdentifiableRank(otherNode);
// We clone the label so we can get rid of
// label values not needed, reducing the size
// of the sent graph
DynamicLabel cloneLabel = (DynamicLabel)EcoreUtil.copy(dl);
// Remember to detach from parent or we'll get duplicate node labels
if(cloneLabel instanceof IntegrationLabel) {
// clean out unnecessary data
cloneLabel.setDublinCore(null); // We don't need to pass Dublin core.
// Special cleaning
if(cloneLabel instanceof StandardPopulationModelLabel) {
if(cloneLabel instanceof DiseaseModelLabel) {
// Activator.logInformation("Adding "+cloneLabel.getURI()+" to shared graph");
// Make sure we get the right graph. For instance, a node 1 communicating with node
// 2 and 0 will have two graphs. Node 0 goes in index 0, and Node 2 goes in index 1.
int index = (otherRank >= mySharedGraphs.length)? otherRank-1:otherRank;
mySharedGraphs[index].getNodeLabels().put(cloneLabel.getURI(), (NodeLabel)cloneLabel);
for(int i=0;i<gp.getNumNodes()-1;++i)
Activator.logInformation("Shared graph "+i+" is size "+mySharedGraphs[i].getNodeLabels().keySet().size());
private void sendGraph(Graph g, int nodeRank) {
try {
URI tmpFileURI = URI.createURI("platform:/tmp.xmi"); // does it matter?
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Utility.serializeIdentifiableToStream(g, tmpFileURI, baos, EMF_SERIALIZATION_OPTIONS, BINARYSERIALIZATION);
int retries = 0;
do {
// send it
try {
messenger.sendMsg(baos.toByteArray(), nodeRank);
} catch(MessengerException me) {
// A connection was probably refused. Retry until the connection is available or maximum retries have been exceeded.
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
} while(retries++ < MAX_SEND_RETRIES);
if(retries >= MAX_SEND_RETRIES)
throw new MessengerException("Unable to send message to node "+nodeRank+", retried "+MAX_SEND_RETRIES+" times", new Exception());
} catch(MessengerException me) {
Activator.logError("Exception caught sending message to node "+nodeRank, me);
} catch(IOException io) {
Activator.logError("Exception caught seralizing message",io);
private Graph receiveGraph(int nodeRank) {
byte [] xmi = null;
try {
xmi = messenger.recvMsg(nodeRank);
} catch(MessengerException me) {
Activator.logError("Exception caught receiving data from node "+nodeRank, me);
return null;
if(xmi == null) return null; // Null value is returned when the blocked listener is forced to wake up, e.g. when the simulation stops.
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(xmi);
URI tmpFileURI = URI.createURI("platform:/tmp.xmi"); // does it matter?
Graph g = (Graph)Utility.getIdentifiableFromStream(tmpFileURI, bais, EMF_SERIALIZATION_OPTIONS, BINARYSERIALIZATION);
if(g == null)
Activator.logError("Recieved null graph from "+nodeRank, new Exception()); //$NON-NLS-1$
return g;