<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | |
<contexts> | |
<context id="newdisease_contextid" title="About New Disease Wizard"> | |
<description>This Wizard allows you to create and define properties of a new Disease.</description> | |
<topic href="help/html/interface/wizards/diseasewizard.html" label="Disease Wizard"/> | |
</context> | |
<context id="newexperiment_contextid" title="About New Experiment Wizard"> | |
<description>This Wizard allows you to create and define the properties of a new Experiment.</description> | |
<topic href="help/html/interface/wizards/experimentwizard.html" label="Experiment Wizard"/> | |
</context> | |
<context id="newgraph_contextid" title="About New Graph Wizard"> | |
<description>This Wizard allows you to create and define the properties of a new Graph.</description> | |
<topic href="help/html/interface/wizards/graphwizard.html" label="Graph Wizard"/> | |
</context> | |
<context id="newfoodproduction_contextid" title="About Food Production Wizard"> | |
<description>This Wizard allows you to create and define an object to transform a source population into food.</description> | |
<topic href="help/html/interface/wizards/foodwizard.html" label="FoodProduction Wizard"/> | |
</context> | |
<context id="newinfectorinoculator_contextid" title="About New Infection/Inoculation Point Wizard"> | |
<description>This Wizard allows you to create and define the properties of a new Infector or Inoculator.</description> | |
<topic href="help/html/interface/wizards/infectorwizard.html" label="Infector/Inoculator Wizard"/> | |
</context> | |
<context id="newmodel_contextid" title="About New Model Wizard"> | |
<description>This Wizard allows you to create and define the properties of a new Model.</description> | |
<topic href="help/html/interface/wizards/modelwizard.html" label="Model Wizard"/> | |
</context> | |
<context id="newmodifier_contextid" title="About New Modifier Wizard"> | |
<description>This Wizard allows you to create and define the properties of a new Modifier.</description> | |
<topic href="help/html/interface/wizards/modifierwizard.html" label="Modifier Wizard"/> | |
</context> | |
<context id="newpopulation_contextid" title="About New Population Model Wizard"> | |
<description>This Wizard allows you to define the properties of a new Population Model.</description> | |
<topic href="help/html/interface/wizards/populationwizard.html" label="Population Model Wizard"/> | |
</context> | |
<context id="newpopulationinitializer_contextid" title="About New Population Initializer Wizard"> | |
<description>This Wizard allows you to define the initial state of a Population.</description> | |
<topic href="help/html/interface/wizards/populationinitializerwizard.html" label="Population Initializer Wizard"/> | |
</context> | |
<context id="newpredicate_contextid" title="About New Predicate Wizard"> | |
<description>This Wizard allows you to create and define the properties of a new Predicate.</description> | |
<topic href="help/html/interface/wizards/predicatewizard.html" label="Predicate Wizard"/> | |
</context> | |
<context id="newrealtimesequencer_contextid" title="About New Real Time Sequencer Wizard"> | |
<description>This Wizard allows you to create and define the properties of a new Real-Time Sequencer.</description> | |
<topic href="help/html/interface/wizards/realtimesequencerwizard.html" label="Real Time Sequencer Wizard"/> | |
</context> | |
<context id="newscenario_contextid" title="About New Scenario Wizard"> | |
<description>This Wizard allows you to create and define the properties of a new Scenario.</description> | |
<topic href="help/html/interface/wizards/scenariowizard.html" label="Scenario Wizard"/> | |
</context> | |
<context id="newsequentialsequencer_contextid" title="About New Sequential Sequencer Wizard"> | |
<description>This Wizard allows you to create and define the properties of a new Sequential Sequencer.</description> | |
<topic href="help/html/interface/wizards/sequentialsequencerwizard.html" label="Sequential Sequencer Wizard"/> | |
</context> | |
<context id="newstemproject_contextid" title="About New STEM Project Wizard"> | |
<description>This Wizard allows you to create and define the properties of a new STEM Project.</description> | |
<topic href="help/html/interface/wizards/stemprojectwizard.html" label="STEM Project Wizard"/> | |
</context> | |
<context id="newtrigger_contextid" title="About New Trigger Wizard"> | |
<description>This Wizard allows you to create and define the properties of a new Trigger.</description> | |
<topic href="help/html/interface/wizards/triggerwizard.html" label="Trigger Wizard"/> | |
</context> | |
<context id="newautomaticexp_contextid" title="About New Auto Exp Wizard"> | |
<description>This Wizard allows you to create and define the properties of an automatic experiment</description> | |
<topic href="help/html/interface/wizards/autoexpwizard.html" label="AutoExp Wizard"/> | |
</context> | |
<context id="invalidnesting_contextid" title="Model nesting"> | |
<description>Possible model nesting problem.</description> | |
<topic href="help/html/tutorials/modelnesting.html" label="Scenario initialization"/> | |
</context> | |
</contexts> | |