blob: 0514eeb407e6d5841b2ad0d147575150e439e8d6 [file] [log] [blame]
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<!-- Views Contexts -->
<context id="historyViewContext">
<description>'SVN History View' provides information on a history of resource change.</description>
<topic label="SVN History View" href="teamSupport/history_view.html"/>
<context id="propertiesViewContext">
<description>'SVN Properties View' provides a probability to view SVN Properties for the resource.</description>
<topic label="SVN Properties View" href="teamSupport/props_view.html"/>
<context id="revPropertiesViewContext">
<description>'Revision Properties View' provides a probability to view, add and modify the Revision Properties of the repository location for the selected revision.</description>
<context id="repositoryViewContext">
<description>'SVN Repository View' shows SVN Repositories associated with your Workbench. If the user expands the location item the trunk, project revisions, tags and branches are shown which also are expandable, showing the files and folders of shared project contained in them.</description>
<topic label="SVN Repository View" href="teamSupport/repos_view.html"/>
<context id="repositoryBrowserViewContext">
<description>'SVN Repository Browser View' shows the structure of selected repository in the report list view. So it's simply a table-like presentation of the repository tree.</description>
<topic label="SVN Repository Browser View" href="teamSupport/repos_browser_view.html"/>
<context id="locksViewContext">
<description>'SVN Locks View' provides a probability to view SVN Locks for files.</description>
<topic label="SVN Locks View" href="teamSupport/locks_view.html"/>
<!-- Pages Contexts -->
<context id="SVNInfoContext">
<description>'SVN Info' is shown in the resource properties window if it's linked to a repository location. Here the user can find the SVN properties of the selected resource, its local path, its remote location, its state, revision number, the date and the author of last changes.</description>
<topic label="SVN Info" href="teamSupport/svn_info.html"/>
<context id="SVNPreferencesContext">
<description>Allows to customize SVN global preferences.</description>
<topic label="SVN Preferences" href="preferences/pref_svn.html"/>
<context id="annotatePreferencesContext">
<description>Allows to customize annotate preferences.</description>
<topic label="Annotate Preferences" href="preferences/pref_annotate.html"/>
<context id="autoPropsPreferencesContext">
<description>On this page user can Import, Export, Add, Remove and Edit automatic properties for specified files or define custom properties.</description>
<topic label=" Automatic Properties Preferences" href="preferences/pref_autoprops.html"/>
<context id="revisionGraphPreferencesContext">
<description>On this page user can manage repository caches.</description>
<topic label="Revision Graph Preferences" href="preferences/pref_graph.html"/>
<context id="commentTemplatesPreferencesContext">
<description>On this page user can create, edit or remove comment templates for committing, preview selected template. To add a comment template press 'New' and simply type it in an editable space of a dialog.</description>
<topic label="Comments and Input History Preferences" href="preferences/pref_comments.html"/>
<context id="consolePreferencesContext">
<description>Allows to customize SVN Console.</description>
<topic label="Console Preferences" href="preferences/pref_console.html"/>
<context id="diffViewerPreferencesContext">
<description>Allows to customize external diff/merge program.</description>
<topic label="Diff Viewer Preferences" href="preferences/pref_diff_viewer.html"/>
<context id="decorsPreferencesContext">
<description>Allows to customize and preview SVN Label Decorations.</description>
<topic label="SVN Label Decoration Preferences" href="preferences/pref_label_decors.html"/>
<context id="performancePreferencesContext">
<description>Allows to customize password management.</description>
<topic label="Performance Preferences" href="preferences/pref_performance.html"/>
<!-- Dialogs Context -->
<context id="commitDialogContext">
<description>Commit dialog allows the user to choose resources to commit and input commit comment.</description>
<topic label="Commiting" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/commit.html"/>
<context id="comparePropsDialogContext">
<description>Properties comparison dialog provides you a probability to compare resource properties. If the local comparison is launched you can also add, remove and edit your local resource properties, using context menu and compare editor.</description>
<context id="commitSetDialogContext">
<description>This dialog allows the user to add resources to a change set.</description>
<context id="mergeDialogContext">
<description>This is the Merge Dialog. There are Simple and Advanced merge modes. In simple mode the user can merge his local version with some remote one. And in advance mode user can merge his local copy with resources from different URLs. The merge operation in both modes also can be performed with some rage of revisions.</description>
<topic label="Merge Dialog" href="teamSupport/merge_dialog.html"/>
<topic label="Merging" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/merge.html"/>
<context id="editTreeConflictsContext">
<description>This is the Edit Tree Conflict Dialog which shows additional conflict information and allows to resolve the conflict.</description>
<topic label="Edit Tree Conflict Dialog" href="teamSupport/tree_conflicts.html"/>
<context id="branchDialogContext">
<description>This is the Branch Dialog. It allows to create branches of development. This may be useful in a different cases, for example if different clients wish to get the same product but with some differences in functionality. Of course it's not convenient to create both products from the beginning to the end separately, so the developers create branches.</description>
<topic label="Branching" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/branch.html"/>
<topic label="SVN Folders" href="gettingStarted/subversion/svn_folders.html"/>
<context id="tagDialogContext">
<description>This dialog allows you to create tags. Tag is a snapshot of the project state. You can create a tag of the one specified revision or a tag, containing resources of different revisions.</description>
<topic label="Creating tags" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/tag.html"/>
<topic label="SVN Folders" href="gettingStarted/subversion/svn_folders.html"/>
<context id="lockDialogContext">
<description>This dialog allows you to lock, unlock selected resources.</description>
<topic label="Locking and unlocking resources" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/locks.html"/>
<context id="setPropsDialogContext">
<description>This dialog allows you to set SVN® properties. Enter the name and the value of SVN® property. The value can be retrieved from an existent local file system file.</description>
<topic label="Setting properties" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/set_props.html"/>
<topic label="SVN Properties View" href="teamSupport/props_view.html"/>
<context id="setKeysDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to select keywords to be added to a svn:keywords property of the selected resource. This property allows Subversion® to add dynamically specified information of the versioned file right to its content.</description>
<topic label="Setting keywords" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/set_keys.html"/>
<topic label="SVN Properties View" href="teamSupport/props_view.html"/>
<context id="setExternalsDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to set external definition information to be added to a svn:externals property of the selected resource. </description>
<topic label="Setting externals" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/set_externals.html"/>
<topic label="SVN Properties View" href="teamSupport/props_view.html"/>
<context id="addToVCDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to choose resources to be added to Version Control.</description>
<topic label="Adding resources to Version Control" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/add_vc.html"/>
<context id="addToIgnoreDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to choose the ignore method for the resources to be added to svn:ignore. There is sometimes a necessity to ignore some resources while synchronizing. For example some temporary files were created and have been used by the IDE or some files used only by specific developer located in the project folder, of course there is no necessity to commit them and even to let the Subversion® care about them.</description>
<topic label="Ignoring resources from Version Control" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/ignore_vc.html"/>
<context id="copyMoveToDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to choose a refactoring action destination folder.</description>
<topic label="Refactoring" href="teamSupport/refactor.html"/>
<context id="renameDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability rename a resource using SVN® operation and input the comment for changes.</description>
<topic label="Refactoring" href="teamSupport/refactor.html"/>
<context id="remote_createFileDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to create a file on a repository and input the comment for changes.</description>
<topic label="Refactoring" href="teamSupport/refactor.html"/>
<context id="remote_createFolderDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to create a folder on a repository and input the comment for changes.</description>
<topic label="Refactoring" href="teamSupport/refactor.html"/>
<context id="remote_createProjectStructureDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to create a new project structure on a repository and input the comment for changes.</description>
<topic label="Refactoring" href="teamSupport/refactor.html"/>
<context id="switchDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to switch a project to a new URL means associating it with another repository location. It's used when the user, for example, want to continue his work with a tag or a branch after creating them or associate the project back with the trunk.</description>
<topic label="Switching project to a new URL" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/switch.html"/>
<context id="updateDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to update to a specific revision.</description>
<topic label="Update" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/update.html"/>
<context id="showAnnotationDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to show annotation for file. Here the user can select start and end revisions to show annotation.</description>
<context id="revertDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to revert changes for the chosen resources. Reverting works like if it deletes the file and then updates it to a base revision, but really it doesn't have to do those operation so it doesn't need any network.</description>
<topic label="Reverting changes" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/revert.html"/>
<context id="overrideDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to choose resources to do overriding operation with.</description>
<topic label="Overriding operations" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/override.html"/>
<context id="historyDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to choose options for SVN History View filter, allows to filter resource history by author, comment or both.</description>
<topic label="SVN History View" href="teamSupport/history_view.html"/>
<context id="revisionDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to choose a revision number to create a revision link to.</description>
<context id="remote_exportDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to export a remote resource to a local file system.</description>
<context id="remote_importDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to import a resource from the file system to repository location and enter a commit comment.</description>
<topic label="Refactoring" href="teamSupport/refactor.html"/>
<context id="savePatchInWorkspaceContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to select a file inside a workspace in which patch will be saved.</description>
<topic label="Patching" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/patch.html"/>
<context id="remote_compareDialogContext">
<description>Select a resource URL and the revision number to compare with.</description>
<topic label="Working with compare editor" href="teamSupport/compare.html"/>
<context id="reportDialogContext">
<description>Using this dialog the user can product quality report to plug-in developers. Optionally the user can input his contact information. To preview the tip the user can press 'Preview' button.</description>
<context id="previewReportDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides the user a probability to view his generated product quality report. In this preview window the report looks just like the plug-in developers will see it after receiving.</description>
<context id="errorDialogContext">
<description>If you see this dialog than the error has occurred in Subversive plug-in. To post a bug on Bugzilla, click on the 'Send Report' button and to ignore it click on 'Don't Send' button. The bug report is automatically filled with stack-trace, Subversive version and JVM configuration.</description>
<topic label="Typical SVN errors and solutions" href="teamSupport/errors.html"/>
<context id="cancelDialogContext">
<description>If you see this dialog than the operation hasn't normally finished. The error information is contained in this dialog.</description>
<context id="revisionLinkDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides the user a probability to select a revision to create a link to.</description>
<context id="showRevisionGraphDialogContext">
<description>This dialog provides the user a probability to specify options for revision graph.</description>
<topic label="Revision Graph" href="teamSupport/revision_graph.html"/>
<!-- Wizards Contexts -->
<!-- New Repository Location Wizard -->
<context id="newReposWizContext">
<description>'New SVN Repository Location Wizard' provides a possibility to add a new repository location link to your workspace. Customize all necessary options here navigating throughout the wizard's tabs.</description>
<topic label="New SVN Repository Location Wizard" href="teamSupport/new_location_wiz.html"/>
<context id="connectorDiscoveryWizContext">
<description>'Connectors Discovery Wizard' allows user to easily install SVN Connectors.</description>
<topic label="SVN Connectors Discovery Wizard" href="teamSupport/connectors_discovery.html"/>
<!-- Find/Check Out As Wizard -->
<context id="checkoutMethodSelectionContext">
<description>This page of the Find/Check Out As wizard provides the user a probability to choose a checkout method.</description>
<topic label="SVN Find/Check Out As Wizard" href="teamSupport/find_check_wiz.html"/>
<topic label="Checking out" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/check_out.html"/>
<context id="checkoutAsAFolderContext">
<description>This page of the Find/Check Out As wizard allows the user to choose the project the folder must be checked out to.</description>
<topic label="SVN Find/Check Out As Wizard" href="teamSupport/find_check_wiz.html"/>
<topic label="Checking out" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/check_out.html"/>
<context id="projectLocationSelectionContext">
<description>This page of the Find/Check Out As wizard allows the user to choose the project check out location.</description>
<topic label="SVN Find/Check Out As Wizard" href="teamSupport/find_check_wiz.html"/>
<topic label="Checking out" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/check_out.html"/>
<context id="multiSelectionContext">
<description>This page of the Find/Check Out As wizard provides the user a probability to choose a checkout method.</description>
<topic label="SVN Find/Check Out As Wizard" href="teamSupport/find_check_wiz.html"/>
<topic label="Checking out" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/check_out.html"/>
<!-- Share Project Wizard -->
<context id="editCommentContext">
<description>This page of the SVN Sharing Wizard allows the user to input sharing comment.</description>
<topic label="SVN Sharing Wizard" href="teamSupport/sharing_wiz.html.html"/>
<topic label="Sharing a project" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/share.html"/>
<context id="projectGroupContext">
<description>This page of the SVN Sharing Wizard allows the user to share a group of projects.</description>
<topic label="SVN Sharing Wizard" href="teamSupport/sharing_wiz.html.html"/>
<topic label="Sharing a project" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/share.html"/>
<context id="projectNameContext">
<description>This page of the SVN Sharing Wizard allows the user to choose project name and repository layout.</description>
<topic label="SVN Sharing Wizard" href="teamSupport/sharing_wiz.html.html"/>
<topic label="Sharing a project" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/share.html"/>
<topic label="Repository Layouts" href="teamSupport/layouts.html"/>
<context id="alreadyConnectedContext">
<description>This page of the SVN Sharing Wizard allows the user to share the project using its own sharing settings if it has SVN meta information but hasn't been shared in Eclipse.</description>
<topic label="SVN Sharing Wizard" href="teamSupport/sharing_wiz.html.html"/>
<topic label="Sharing a project" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/share.html"/>
<context id="reposLocationContext">
<description>This page of the SVN Sharing Wizard, Find/Check Out As Wizard or Project from SVN Wizard allows the user to choose a repository location to share to or create a new one.</description>
<topic label="SVN Sharing Wizard" href="teamSupport/sharing_wiz.html.html"/>
<topic label="Sharing a project" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/share.html"/>
<topic label="New SVN Repository Location Wizard" href="teamSupport/new_location_wiz.html"/>
<!-- Project from SVN Wizard -->
<context id="selectCheckResourcesContext">
<description>This page of the Project from SVN Wizard allows the user to choose a resources to be checked out in the new project.</description>
<!-- Select repository resource Wizard -->
<context id="selectRepositoryLocationContext">
<description>This page of the Select Resource Wizard allows the user to select a repository location.</description>
<context id="selectResourceContext">
<description>This page of the Select Resource Wizard allows the user to select a repository resource for external definition.</description>
<!-- Patching -->
<context id="patchOptionsContext">
<description>This page of the Create Patch wizard allows the user to set advanced patch options. These options specify what information shall the patch contain.</description>
<topic label="Patching" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/patch.html"/>
<context id="patchFileContext">
<description>This page of the Create Patch wizard allows the user to select where to save patch information.</description>
<topic label="Patching" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/patch.html"/>
<context id="patchRemoteContext">
<description>This page of the Create Patch wizard allows the user to choose a revision number to create patch comparatively to.</description>
<topic label="Patching" href="teamSupport/SVNaction/patch.html"/>
<context id="addRepositoryContext">
<description>This dialog provides a probability to create a new repository on local drive. You can specify an option to create a repository location for repository.</description>
<topic label="Creating repository" href="teamSupport/create_repository.html"/>