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<a class="content" href="#install">How to install Subversive?</a>
<a class="content" href="#create">How can I create a repository and fill it with data?</a>
<a class="content" href="#checked">How to start use Subversive with already checked out projects?</a>
<a class="content" href="#changes">Subversive doesn't see the file changes.</a>
<a class="content" href="#linux">How can I use JavaHL Connector on Linux OS?</a>
<h2>Versions and compatibility</h2>
<a class="content" href="#version">Which plug-in version should I install in the Eclipse Platform package I downloaded from the site just now?</a>
<a class="content" href="#compatibility">I'm using an older Eclipse Platform version. Exactly which one of the recent plug-in versions can I install?</a>
<a class="content" href="#bug">How to send a bug report?</a>
<a class="content" href="#improve">How can I participate in Subversive improvement?</a>
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<h3>How to install Subversive?</h3>
<p align="justify" id="install">The most friendly installation process - point Eclipse update manager to Subversive Update Site and follow instructions of the Installation wizard. If for some reason you can't use the update site you can download then the so-called Archived Update Site and point Eclipse update manager to this file locally on your computer. Please refer <a href="gettingStarted/aboutSubversive/install.html">Installation instructions</a> topic for details on how to install, update and manage Subversive.</p>
<h3>How can I create a repository and fill it with data?</h3>
<p id="create">In order to create repository you should have either one: native JavaHL or SVN Kit based connector installed. Otherwise you'll have to do it manually using 'svnadmin create' command. In the last case you'll also need to create a repository location for the created repository using <a href="teamSupport/new_location_wiz.html">'SVN Repository Location Wizard'</a>, then you can share required project (or projects) using <a href="teamSupport/sharing_wiz.html">'SVN Sharing Wizard'</a> and perform the initial commit.</p>
<h3>How to start using Subversive with the projects already checked out?</h3>
<p id="checked">
<u>If you have a project checked out by another Eclipse SVN plug-in and want to work with it using Subversive</u><br/>
You need to disconnect the project first. Select the project and execute <i>'Team > Disconnect'</i>. Select "Do not delete SVN meta information" in disconnect dialog and SVN working copy will not be deleted. It'll give you a possibility to use the project's working copy later with Subversive and avoid re-checkout process. Note that if the disconnect action was skipped before the source control plug-in is uninstalled, it will cause a problem in the feature, since you will be unable to reconnect the project to another source control plug-in or disconnect it afterwards. The only solution then will be to delete and re-checkout the project.
<li>Now you can connect the project to the repository using Subversive. Select the project and execute Team > Share Project. Select Subversive SVN provider in Share Project wizard and at the end you will be prompted to choose the SVN location. You can use repository settings defined in the project or reconnect to an another repository.</li>
<u>If you have the project checked out by an another SVN client</u>
If project has meta-information (.svn folders) you can just import it into the workspace, which will cause the project to automatically reconnect to its repository within the Eclipse IDE. If the corresponding repository location does not exist yet, it will be automatically created based on the project SVN meta-information. In order to perform import select <i>'File > Import... > General > Existing projects into Workspace'</i>.
<h3>Subversive doesn't see the file's changes.</h3>
<p id="changes">Did you edit the file outside Eclipse IDE? If so, please hit refresh (F5) button over the project node.</p>
<h3>How can I use the JavaHL-based connector on Linux OS?</h3>
<p id="linux">Please refer to <a href="gettingStarted/aboutSubversive/linux.html">'Note for Linux users'</a> documentation page.</p>
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<h2 id="versions">Versions and compatibility</h2>
<h3>Which plug-in version should I install in the Eclipse Platform package I downloaded from the site just now?</h3>
<p id="version">The answer is pretty simple: Subversive plug-in is included into the Eclipse simultaneous release train. So, you just need to choose release update site for your Eclipse Platform version, open the '<b>Collaboration</b>' section and select Subversive plug-in features you require installed.</p>
<h3>I'm using an older Eclipse Platform version. Exactly which one of the recent plug-in versions can I install?</h3>
<p id="compatibility">Each Subversive plug-in version supports up to three last Eclipse Platform versions back. So, if you're using Eclipse Mars (4.5), for example, then you may install any of the plug-in versions that were distributed with Eclipse Mars (4.5), Neon (4.6) or Oxygene (4.7).</p>
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<h3>How to send a bug report?</h3>
<p id="bug">Subversive handles errors and in case the error is detected you'll be asked to send an automatic error report. This report contains most of the required information such as stack trace and Java environment. You can also provide your comments regarding the problem, which will help developers to find the reason of the problem. Note that the report doesn't contain any confidential information and you can review what exactly will be sent. All what you need to do to send such a report is just to press a button in the problem notification dialog.</p>
<h3>How can I participate in Subversive's improvement?</h3>
<p id="improve">
We cordially invite everyone of the Subversive community to get involved with the project at the <a href ="">community forum</a> (more below). Synergy of the Subversive team and the Community will lead the way towards accomplishing common purposes such as making SVN friendlier and closer to the user.<br/><br/>
<u>How to participate in discussion:</u><br/>
You can post your comments about the Subversive project proposal or share your vision about the Subversive as a whole, at the <a href="">community forum</a>.
In order to participate in discussions you should just create yourself a free account <a href="">here</a>.<br/><br/>