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<title>Getting Started</title>
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<h1>Getting Started</h1>
<p>In this part the user can find some basic concepts on Subversion&reg;, general information on Subversive plug-in, integration instructions and the answer for the common questions on the product.</p>
<p>Also the Subversive architecture, modules and extension points information is included for more experienced users. We hope this information might be quite useful.</p>
<p>If you are new to SVN or version control systems please first of all refer to the <a href="gettingStarted/subversion/svn_intro.html">'Subversion&reg; (SVN)'</a>. You'll find there the introduction to Subversion&reg;, information about subversion folders and some useful links, which can help you to get closer to SVN&reg;.</p>
<p>First of all the user would like to install the Team plug-in. Before installation the user should familiarize himself with <a href="gettingStarted/aboutSubversive/requirements.html">requirements</a>. To get detailed installation instructions refer to the <a href="gettingStarted/aboutSubversive/install.html">'Subversive installation instructions'</a> topic of this guide part.</p>
<p>Subversive plug-in can be easily integrated with FastTrack, Buckminster and Mylyn. To get detailed instructions on Mylyn integration refer to <a href="gettingStarted/aboutSubversive/mylyn.html">Mylyn integration</a> topic of this guide part.</p>
<h2>Where shall I go further?</h2>
<p>In the <a href="prefs.html"><b>'Preferences'</b></a> part the user can find an information on Subversive plug-in options and configuring them.</p>
<p>To find the information on an everyday work with the Subversive the user should refer <a href="teamSupport.html"><b>'Team support with SVN'</b></a> part. There he would find an information on GUI, SVN&reg; actions, example of a typical working cycle with SVN&reg; and a lot of useful recommendations.</p>
<p>We do hope you'll find the structure of this guide comfortable.</p>
<p>To get answers on a frequently asked questions refer to <a href="faq.html">'FAQ'</a> topic in the root of this guide.</p>
<img src="images/inside.png"/>
<a href="gettingStarted/subversion/svn_intro.html">Subversion (SVN)</a>
<a href="gettingStarted/subversive.html">About Subversive and Subversive User Guide</a>