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<title>Subversive overview</title>
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<h1>Subversive overview</h1>
Subversive is a totally new Eclipse plug-in, that provides you a probability to use supported SVN&reg; clients easily directly
from your workbench. Friendly user interface of Subversive makes it much more comfortable to operate repositories. All
SVN&reg; operations are supported and there are no difficulties while working with command line from now on.<br/>
For more information refer to the <a href="gettingStarted.html">Getting started</a> part of the documentation.</p>
<h2>Getting SVN Connectors</h2>
<p>In order to work with SVN the plug-in user should also install one of SVN connectors, which are distributed from different update-site
through the legacy reasons. The plug-in won't work without SVN Connectors.
So please pay special attention to this fact in the <a href="gettingStarted/aboutSubversive/install.html">Installation instruction</a>.</p>