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<title>Note for Linux users</title>
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<h3>Note for Linux users</h3>
<p>The SVN Connectors' plug-in doesn't contain binaries of JavaHL library for Linux OS.
So if you want to use JavaHL connector to access the repository, you should build the
library by yourself or use already built for Linux OS one.</p>
<p>Also you should pay special attention, that JVM uses the value of LD_LIBRARY_PATH to look for used libraries,
so the JavaHL library must be there also. But if you want to have it in another place you should let the JVM know about this.</br>
The easiest way is to add a following line to eclipse.ini as any line after -vmargs: "-Djava.library.path=<i>input
here the path to the library</i>".</br>
Also you can use any other appropriable to do this.</p>