[422484] Add org.eclipse.swtbot.generator bundle to launch config

When using New > SWTBot > Record SWTBot test, the LaunchConfiguration
that is selected gets augmented with a reference to the generator
bundle, so users don't have to think about adding SWTBot generator
into their target-platform

Change-Id: If4cd8dada8c975820eb1ee822973ed12bce1862e
6 files changed
tree: 9f26de676f332eab0507bda7babef3a5ee82cda5
  1. artwork/
  2. devtools/
  3. examples/
  4. org.eclipse.swt.examples/
  5. org.eclipse.swtbot/
  6. org.eclipse.swtbot.ant.junit/
  7. org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse/
  8. org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.core/
  9. org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.dsl/
  10. org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder/
  11. org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder.test/
  12. org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.gef/
  13. org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.gef.finder/
  14. org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.junit.headless/
  15. org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.spy/
  16. org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.test.junit/
  17. org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.test.junit4/
  18. org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.ui/
  19. org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.ui.test/
  20. org.eclipse.swtbot.forms/
  21. org.eclipse.swtbot.forms.finder/
  22. org.eclipse.swtbot.forms.finder.test/
  23. org.eclipse.swtbot.generator/
  24. org.eclipse.swtbot.generator.feature/
  25. org.eclipse.swtbot.generator.jdt/
  26. org.eclipse.swtbot.generator.jdt.test/
  27. org.eclipse.swtbot.generator.test/
  28. org.eclipse.swtbot.generator.ui/
  29. org.eclipse.swtbot.go/
  30. org.eclipse.swtbot.ide/
  31. org.eclipse.swtbot.junit4_x/
  32. org.eclipse.swtbot.releng/
  33. org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.demo/
  34. org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder/
  35. org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.test/
  36. org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.test.keyboards/
  37. org.eclipse.swtbot.test/
  38. org.eclipse.swtbot.updatesite/
  39. org.eclipse.ui.forms.examples/
  40. .git-svn-authors
  41. .gitignore
  42. .project
  44. pom.xml
  45. README.md


SWTBot is a Java API that interacts with SWT by using high-level operations. It is generally use to write UI tests efficiently since the grain of the API is the same grain as UI operation. It makes easier to transform a user scenario to an automated tests.

Documentation & links



GitHub tracker and pull requests are currently not supported by the contribution process.

Please read http://wiki.eclipse.org/SWTBot/Contributing to know how to interact well with the community. For further questions about contributing to SWTBot, please send a mail to swtbot-dev@eclipse.org .