blob: a088479e9bbd23a87a43fefac18b57c001759087 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2017 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
* Contributors:
* Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation
* Local memory heap manager.
#include <tcf/config.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <tcf/framework/link.h>
#include <tcf/framework/trace.h>
#include <tcf/framework/events.h>
#include <tcf/framework/myalloc.h>
#define ALIGNMENT (sizeof(size_t *))
#if !defined(ENABLE_FastMemAlloc)
# define ENABLE_FastMemAlloc 1
#if !defined(USE_libc_malloc)
# define USE_libc_malloc 1
#if ENABLE_FastMemAlloc
#define POOL_SIZE (0xfff0 * MEM_USAGE_FACTOR)
static char * tmp_pool = NULL;
static size_t tmp_pool_pos = 0;
static size_t tmp_pool_max = 0;
static size_t tmp_pool_avr = 0;
static LINK tmp_alloc_list = TCF_LIST_INIT(tmp_alloc_list);
static size_t tmp_alloc_size = 0;
static int tmp_gc_posted = 0;
static void gc_event(void * args) {
tmp_gc_posted = 0;
void tmp_gc(void) {
#if ENABLE_FastMemAlloc
if (tmp_pool_pos + tmp_alloc_size >= tmp_pool_avr) {
tmp_pool_avr = tmp_pool_pos + tmp_alloc_size;
else if (tmp_pool_avr > POOL_SIZE / 0x10) {
tmp_pool_avr -= POOL_SIZE / 0x10000;
if (tmp_pool_max < tmp_pool_avr && tmp_pool_max < POOL_SIZE) {
if (tmp_pool_max < POOL_SIZE / 0x10) tmp_pool_max = POOL_SIZE / 0x10;
while (tmp_pool_max < tmp_pool_avr) tmp_pool_max *= 2;
if (tmp_pool_max > POOL_SIZE) tmp_pool_max = POOL_SIZE;
tmp_pool = (char *)loc_realloc(tmp_pool, tmp_pool_max);
else if (tmp_pool_avr < tmp_pool_max / 4 && tmp_pool_max > POOL_SIZE / 0x10) {
tmp_pool_max /= 2;
tmp_pool = (char *)loc_realloc(tmp_pool, tmp_pool_max);
tmp_pool_pos = sizeof(LINK);
while (!list_is_empty(&tmp_alloc_list)) {
LINK * l =;
tmp_alloc_size = 0;
void * tmp_alloc(size_t size) {
void * p;
LINK * l;
if (!tmp_gc_posted) {
post_event(gc_event, NULL);
tmp_gc_posted = 1;
#if ENABLE_FastMemAlloc
if (tmp_pool_pos + size + ALIGNMENT + sizeof(size_t *) > tmp_pool_max) {
if (tmp_pool != NULL) {
l = (LINK *)tmp_pool;
list_add_last(l, &tmp_alloc_list);
tmp_alloc_size += tmp_pool_pos;
tmp_pool_max = POOL_SIZE / 0x10 + size;
tmp_pool = (char *)loc_alloc(tmp_pool_max);
tmp_pool_pos = sizeof(LINK);
tmp_pool_pos += sizeof(size_t *);
tmp_pool_pos = (tmp_pool_pos + ALIGNMENT - 1) & ~(ALIGNMENT - 1);
p = tmp_pool + tmp_pool_pos;
*((size_t *)p - 1) = size;
tmp_pool_pos += size;
return p;
l = (LINK *)loc_alloc(sizeof(LINK) + size);
list_add_last(l, &tmp_alloc_list);
tmp_alloc_size += size + ALIGNMENT + sizeof(size_t *);
p = l + 1;
return p;
void * tmp_alloc_zero(size_t size) {
return memset(tmp_alloc(size), 0, size);
void * tmp_realloc(void * ptr, size_t size) {
if (ptr == NULL) return tmp_alloc(size);
#if ENABLE_FastMemAlloc
void * p;
size_t m = *((size_t *)ptr - 1);
if (m >= size) return ptr;
if ((char *)ptr >= tmp_pool && (char *)ptr <= tmp_pool + tmp_pool_max) {
size_t pos = tmp_pool_pos - m;
if (ptr == tmp_pool + pos && pos + size <= tmp_pool_max) {
tmp_pool_pos = pos + size;
*((size_t *)ptr - 1) = size;
return ptr;
p = tmp_alloc(size);
if (m > size) m = size;
return memcpy(p, ptr, m);
LINK * l = (LINK *)ptr - 1;
l = (LINK *)loc_realloc(l, sizeof(LINK) + size);
list_add_last(l, &tmp_alloc_list);
return l + 1;
char * tmp_strdup(const char * s) {
char * rval = (char *)tmp_alloc(strlen(s) + 1);
strcpy(rval, s);
return rval;
char * tmp_strdup2(const char * s1, const char * s2) {
size_t l1 = strlen(s1);
size_t l2 = strlen(s2);
char * rval = (char *)tmp_alloc(l1 + l2 + 1);
memcpy(rval, s1, l1);
memcpy(rval + l1, s2, l2 + 1);
return rval;
#if USE_libc_malloc
void * loc_alloc(size_t size) {
void * p;
if (size == 0) {
size = 1;
if ((p = malloc(size)) == NULL) {
trace(LOG_ALLOC, "loc_alloc(%u) = %#" PRIxPTR, (unsigned)size, (uintptr_t)p);
return p;
void * loc_alloc_zero(size_t size) {
void * p;
if (size == 0) size = 1;
if ((p = malloc(size)) == NULL) {
memset(p, 0, size);
trace(LOG_ALLOC, "loc_alloc_zero(%u) = %#" PRIxPTR, (unsigned)size, (uintptr_t)p);
return p;
void * loc_realloc(void * ptr, size_t size) {
void * p;
if (size == 0) size = 1;
if ((p = realloc(ptr, size)) == NULL) {
trace(LOG_ALLOC, "loc_realloc(%#" PRIxPTR ", %u) = %#" PRIxPTR, (uintptr_t)ptr, (unsigned)size, (uintptr_t)p);
return p;
void loc_free(const void * p) {
trace(LOG_ALLOC, "loc_free %#" PRIxPTR, (uintptr_t)p);
free((void *)p);
#endif /* USE_libc_malloc */
/* strdup() with end-of-memory checking. */
char * loc_strdup(const char * s) {
char * rval = (char *)loc_alloc(strlen(s) + 1);
strcpy(rval, s);
return rval;
/* strdup2() with concatenation and end-of-memory checking. */
char * loc_strdup2(const char * s1, const char * s2) {
size_t l1 = strlen(s1);
size_t l2 = strlen(s2);
char * rval = (char *)loc_alloc(l1 + l2 + 1);
memcpy(rval, s1, l1);
memcpy(rval + l1, s2, l2 + 1);
return rval;
/* strndup() with end-of-memory checking. */
char * loc_strndup(const char * s, size_t len) {
char * rval = (char *)loc_alloc(len + 1);
strncpy(rval, s, len);
rval[len] = '\0';
return rval;