blob: 416a5fd4d7ba5153c663047030f8e422fbe2b130 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011-2019 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
* Contributors:
* Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation
* This module implements access to ELF dynamic loader data.
#include <tcf/config.h>
#if ENABLE_ELF && ENABLE_DebugContext
#include <tcf/framework/myalloc.h>
#include <tcf/framework/exceptions.h>
#include <tcf/services/symbols.h>
#include <tcf/services/dwarfcache.h>
#include <tcf/services/elf-loader.h>
static ContextAddress to_address(uint8_t * buf, size_t size, int big_endian) {
size_t i;
ContextAddress addr = 0;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
addr = addr << 8;
addr |= buf[big_endian ? i : size - i - 1];
return addr;
static int get_dynamic_tag(Context * ctx, ELF_File * file, int tag, ContextAddress * addr) {
unsigned i, j;
for (i = 1; i < file->section_cnt; i++) {
ELF_Section * sec = file->sections + i;
if (sec->size == 0) continue;
if (sec->name == NULL) continue;
if (strcmp(sec->name, ".dynamic") == 0) {
ContextAddress sec_addr = elf_map_to_run_time_address(ctx, file, sec, (ContextAddress)sec->addr);
if (errno) return -1;
if (elf_load(sec) < 0) return -1;
if (file->elf64) {
unsigned cnt = (unsigned)(sec->size / sizeof(Elf64_Dyn));
for (j = 0; j < cnt; j++) {
Elf64_Dyn dyn = *((Elf64_Dyn *)sec->data + j);
if (file->byte_swap) SWAP(dyn.d_tag);
if (dyn.d_tag == DT_NULL) break;
if (dyn.d_tag == tag) {
if (context_read_mem(ctx, sec_addr + j * sizeof(dyn), &dyn, sizeof(dyn)) < 0) return -1;
if (file->byte_swap) {
if (dyn.d_tag != tag) continue;
if (addr != NULL) *addr = (ContextAddress)dyn.d_un.d_ptr;
return 0;
else {
unsigned cnt = (unsigned)(sec->size / sizeof(Elf32_Dyn));
for (j = 0; j < cnt; j++) {
Elf32_Dyn dyn = *((Elf32_Dyn *)sec->data + j);
if (file->byte_swap) SWAP(dyn.d_tag);
if (dyn.d_tag == DT_NULL) break;
if (dyn.d_tag == tag) {
if (context_read_mem(ctx, sec_addr + j * sizeof(dyn), &dyn, sizeof(dyn)) < 0) return -1;
if (file->byte_swap) {
if (dyn.d_tag != tag) continue;
if (addr != NULL) *addr = (ContextAddress)dyn.d_un.d_ptr;
return 0;
errno = ENOENT;
return -1;
static int sym_name_cmp(const char * x, const char * y) {
while (*x && *x == *y) {
if (*x == 0 && *y == 0) return 0;
if (*x == '@' && *(x + 1) == '@' && *y == 0) return 0;
if (*x < *y) return -1;
return 1;
static int get_global_symbol_address(Context * ctx, ELF_File * file, const char * name, ContextAddress * addr) {
unsigned i, j;
for (i = 1; i < file->section_cnt; i++) {
ELF_Section * sec = file->sections + i;
if (sec->size == 0) continue;
if (sec->type == SHT_SYMTAB) {
ELF_Section * str = NULL;
if (sec->link == 0 || sec->link >= file->section_cnt) {
errno = EINVAL;
return -1;
str = file->sections + sec->link;
if (elf_load(sec) < 0) return -1;
if (elf_load(str) < 0) return -1;
if (file->elf64) {
unsigned cnt = (unsigned)(sec->size / sizeof(Elf64_Sym));
for (j = 0; j < cnt; j++) {
Elf64_Sym sym = *((Elf64_Sym *)sec->data + j);
if (ELF64_ST_BIND(sym.st_info) != STB_GLOBAL) continue;
if (file->byte_swap) SWAP(sym.st_name);
if (sym_name_cmp((char *)str->data + sym.st_name, name) != 0) continue;
switch (ELF64_ST_TYPE(sym.st_info)) {
case STT_FUNC:
if (file->byte_swap) SWAP(sym.st_value);
*addr = elf_map_to_run_time_address(ctx, file, NULL, (ContextAddress)sym.st_value);
if (errno == 0) return 0;
else {
unsigned cnt = (unsigned)(sec->size / sizeof(Elf32_Sym));
for (j = 0; j < cnt; j++) {
Elf32_Sym sym = *((Elf32_Sym *)sec->data + j);
if (ELF32_ST_BIND(sym.st_info) != STB_GLOBAL) continue;
if (file->byte_swap) SWAP(sym.st_name);
if (sym_name_cmp((char *)str->data + sym.st_name, name) != 0) continue;
switch (ELF32_ST_TYPE(sym.st_info)) {
case STT_FUNC:
if (file->byte_swap) SWAP(sym.st_value);
*addr = elf_map_to_run_time_address(ctx, file, NULL, (ContextAddress)sym.st_value);
if (errno == 0) return 0;
errno = ENOENT;
return -1;
ContextAddress elf_get_debug_structure_address(Context * ctx, ELF_File ** file_ptr) {
ELF_File * file = NULL;
ContextAddress addr = 0;
for (file = elf_list_first(ctx, 0, ~(ContextAddress)0); file != NULL; file = elf_list_next(ctx)) {
if (file->type != ET_EXEC) {
/* Check for PIE executable */
ContextAddress flags = 0;
if (file->type != ET_DYN) continue;
if (get_dynamic_tag(ctx, file, DT_FLAGS_1, &flags) != 0) continue;
if ((flags & DF_1_PIE) == 0) continue;
if (file_ptr != NULL) *file_ptr = file;
if (get_dynamic_tag(ctx, file, DT_MIPS_RLD_MAP, &addr) == 0) {
if (elf_read_memory_word(ctx, file, addr, &addr) < 0) continue;
if (get_dynamic_tag(ctx, file, DT_DEBUG, &addr) == 0) break;
if (get_global_symbol_address(ctx, file, "_r_debug", &addr) == 0) break;
return addr;
#if ENABLE_Symbols
static void read_field(Context * ctx, const Symbol * sym, ContextAddress base, ContextAddress * value) {
LocationInfo * loc_info = NULL;
LocationExpressionState * state = NULL;
uint64_t args[1];
void * buf = NULL;
size_t size = 0;
size_t i;
args[0] = base;
if (get_location_info(sym, &loc_info) < 0) exception(errno);
if (loc_info->args_cnt != 1) str_exception(ERR_OTHER, "Wrong object kind");
state = evaluate_location_expression(ctx, NULL,
loc_info->value_cmds.cmds, loc_info->value_cmds.cnt, args, 1);
if (state->pieces_cnt > 0) {
read_location_pieces(state->ctx, state->stack_frame,
state->pieces, state->pieces_cnt, loc_info->big_endian, &buf, &size);
else {
ContextAddress sym_size = 0;
if (state->stk_pos != 1) str_exception(ERR_OTHER, "Invalid location expression");
if (get_symbol_size(sym, &sym_size) < 0) exception(errno);
size = (size_t)sym_size;
buf = tmp_alloc(size);
if (context_read_mem(state->ctx, (ContextAddress)state->stk[0], buf, size) < 0) exception(errno);
*value = 0;
for (i = 0; i < size && i < sizeof(ContextAddress); i++) {
*value = *value << 8;
*value |= ((uint8_t *)buf)[loc_info->big_endian ? i : size - i - 1];
static ContextAddress find_module(Context * ctx, ELF_File * exe_file, ELF_File * module,
ContextAddress r_map, ContextAddress r_brk, ContextAddress * tls_offs) {
#if ENABLE_Symbols
Symbol * sym = NULL;
int i = 0, n = 0;
Symbol ** children = NULL;
ContextAddress link = r_map;
Symbol * sym_l_addr = NULL;
Symbol * sym_l_next = NULL;
Symbol * sym_l_tls_modid = NULL;
Symbol * sym_l_tls_offset = NULL;
if (find_symbol_by_name(ctx, STACK_NO_FRAME, r_brk, "link_map", &sym) < 0)
str_exception(errno, "Cannot find loader symbol: link_map");
if (get_symbol_children(sym, &children, &n) < 0) exception(errno);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
char * name = NULL;
if (get_symbol_name(children[i], &name) < 0) exception(errno);
if (name == NULL) continue;
if (strcmp(name, "l_map_start") == 0) sym_l_addr = children[i];
else if (strcmp(name, "l_next") == 0) sym_l_next = children[i];
else if (strcmp(name, "l_tls_modid") == 0) sym_l_tls_modid = children[i];
else if (strcmp(name, "l_tls_offset") == 0) sym_l_tls_offset = children[i];
if (sym_l_addr == NULL || sym_l_next == NULL || sym_l_tls_modid == NULL)
str_exception(ERR_OTHER, "Invalid 'link_map' fields");
while (link != 0) {
ContextAddress l_tls_modid = 0;
read_field(ctx, sym_l_tls_modid, link, &l_tls_modid);
if (l_tls_modid != 0) {
ContextAddress l_addr = 0;
ELF_File * link_file = NULL;
read_field(ctx, sym_l_addr, link, &l_addr);
elf_map_to_link_time_address(ctx, l_addr, 0, &link_file, NULL);
if (link_file != NULL) {
if (link_file == module || get_dwarf_file(link_file) == module) {
if (sym_l_tls_offset != NULL) read_field(ctx, sym_l_tls_offset, link, tls_offs);
return l_tls_modid;
read_field(ctx, sym_l_next, link, &link);
return 0;
static ContextAddress get_module_id(Context * ctx, ELF_File * module, ContextAddress * tls_offs) {
ELF_File * exe_file = NULL;
ContextAddress addr = elf_get_debug_structure_address(ctx, &exe_file);
size_t word_size = exe_file && exe_file->elf64 ? 8 : 4;
Trap trap;
if (addr == 0 || exe_file == NULL) str_exception(ERR_OTHER, "Cannot find loader debug data");
if (set_trap(&trap)) {
ContextAddress r_map = 0;
ContextAddress r_brk = 0;
ContextAddress mod_id = 0;
if (elf_read_memory_word(ctx, exe_file, addr + word_size * 1, &r_map) < 0) exception(errno);
if (elf_read_memory_word(ctx, exe_file, addr + word_size * 2, &r_brk) < 0) exception(errno);
if (r_map != 0 && r_brk != 0) mod_id = find_module(ctx, exe_file, module, r_map, r_brk, tls_offs);
if (mod_id) return mod_id;
else {
str_exception(trap.error, "Cannot access target ELF loader data");
str_exception(ERR_OTHER, "Cannot get TLS module ID");
return 0;
ContextAddress get_tls_address(Context * ctx, ELF_File * file) {
/* Note: handling TLS needs libc debug info on the target machine (apt install libc6-dbg) */
uint8_t buf[8];
ContextAddress mod_tls_addr = 0;
RegisterIdScope reg_id_scope;
ContextAddress tcb_addr = 0;
ContextAddress tls_addr = 0;
ContextAddress dtv_addr = 0; /* Address of Dynamic Thread Vector */
ContextAddress tls_offs = 0;
ContextAddress mod_id = get_module_id(ctx, file, &tls_offs);
RegisterDefinition * reg_def = NULL;
memset(&reg_id_scope, 0, sizeof(reg_id_scope));
reg_id_scope.machine = file->machine;
reg_id_scope.os_abi = file->os_abi;
reg_id_scope.elf64 = file->elf64;
reg_id_scope.big_endian = file->big_endian;
reg_id_scope.id_type = REGNUM_DWARF;
/* Element type of the DTV:
typedef union {
size_t counter;
struct {
void * val;
void * to_free;
} pointer;
} dtv_t;
val == (void *) -1l means allocation is delayed
switch (file->machine) {
case EM_386:
case EM_X86_64:
reg_def = get_reg_by_id(ctx, 58, &reg_id_scope);
if (reg_def == NULL) exception(errno);
if (context_read_reg(ctx, reg_def, 0, reg_def->size, buf) < 0)
str_exception(errno, "Cannot read TCB base register");
tcb_addr = to_address(buf, reg_def->size, reg_def->big_endian);
if (elf_read_memory_word(ctx, file, tcb_addr + (file->elf64 ? 8 : 4), &dtv_addr) < 0)
str_exception(errno, "Cannot read TCB");
case EM_AARCH64:
reg_def = get_reg_definitions(ctx);
if (reg_def == NULL) str_exception(ERR_OTHER, "TLS register not found");
while (reg_def->name != NULL && strcmp(reg_def->name, "tls") != 0) reg_def++;
if (reg_def->name == NULL) str_exception(ERR_OTHER, "TLS register not found");
if (context_read_reg(ctx, reg_def, 0, reg_def->size, buf) < 0)
str_exception(errno, "Cannot read TLS register");
tls_addr = to_address(buf, reg_def->size, reg_def->big_endian);
if (elf_read_memory_word(ctx, file, tls_addr, &dtv_addr) < 0)
str_exception(errno, "Cannot read TLS");
if (dtv_addr == 0) {
"Thread local storage access is not supported yet for machine type %d",
if (elf_read_memory_word(ctx, file, dtv_addr + mod_id * (file->elf64 ? 16 : 8), &mod_tls_addr) < 0)
str_exception(errno, "Cannot read DTV");
if (mod_tls_addr == ~(ContextAddress)0 && tls_offs != 0 && tls_offs != ~(ContextAddress)0) {
mod_tls_addr = tcb_addr ? tcb_addr - tls_offs : tls_addr + tls_offs;
if (mod_tls_addr == 0 || mod_tls_addr == ~(ContextAddress)0)
str_exception(ERR_OTHER, "Thread local storage is not allocated yet");
return mod_tls_addr;