blob: c6ac8a68b3800b113820906c16dfd8c4da4c2513 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006, 2014 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
* Contributors:
* Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation
* This module implements caching of DWARF debug information.
* Cached data stays in memory at least until end of the current event dispatch cycle.
* To lock data for longer period of time clients can use ELF_File.ref_cnt.
* Functions in this module use exceptions to report errors, see exceptions.h
#ifndef D_dwarfcache
#define D_dwarfcache
#include <tcf/config.h>
#if ENABLE_ELF && ENABLE_DebugContext
#include <tcf/framework/errors.h>
#include <tcf/services/tcf_elf.h>
#include <tcf/services/dwarfio.h>
typedef struct FileInfo FileInfo;
typedef struct ObjectInfo ObjectInfo;
typedef struct PubNamesInfo PubNamesInfo;
typedef struct PubNamesTable PubNamesTable;
typedef struct SymbolInfo SymbolInfo;
typedef struct PropertyValue PropertyValue;
typedef struct LineNumbersState LineNumbersState;
typedef struct CompUnit CompUnit;
typedef struct SymbolSection SymbolSection;
typedef struct UnitAddressRange UnitAddressRange;
typedef struct FrameInfoRange FrameInfoRange;
typedef struct FrameInfoIndex FrameInfoIndex;
typedef struct ObjectHashTable ObjectHashTable;
typedef struct DWARFCache DWARFCache;
struct FileInfo {
const char * mName;
const char * mDir;
U4_T mModTime;
U4_T mSize;
unsigned mNameHash;
FileInfo * mNextInHash;
CompUnit * mCompUnit;
unsigned mAreaCnt;
#define TAG_fund_type 0x2000
#define TAG_index_range 0x2001
#define TAG_mod_pointer 0x2002
#define TAG_mod_reference 0x2003
#define DOIF_declaration 0x000001
#define DOIF_external 0x000002
#define DOIF_artificial 0x000004
#define DOIF_specification 0x000008
#define DOIF_abstract_origin 0x000010
#define DOIF_extension 0x000020
#define DOIF_private 0x000040
#define DOIF_protected 0x000080
#define DOIF_public 0x000100
#define DOIF_children_loaded 0x000200
#define DOIF_ranges 0x000400
#define DOIF_aranges 0x000800
#define DOIF_find_mark 0x001000
#define DOIF_load_mark 0x002000
#define DOIF_pub_mark 0x004000
#define DOIF_low_pc 0x008000
#define DOIF_need_frame 0x010000
#define DOIF_mips_linkage_name 0x020000
#define DOIF_linkage_name 0x040000
#define DOIF_mangled_name 0x080000
#define DOIF_optional 0x100000
#define DOIF_location 0x200000
#define DOIF_data_location 0x400000
#define DOIF_const_value 0x800000
struct ObjectInfo {
/* 'mID' is link-time debug information entry address:
* address of .debug_info section + offset in the section */
ContextAddress mID;
ObjectInfo * mHashNext;
ObjectInfo * mSibling;
ObjectInfo * mChildren;
ObjectInfo * mParent;
ObjectInfo * mDefinition;
U2_T mTag;
U4_T mFlags;
CompUnit * mCompUnit;
ObjectInfo * mType;
const char * mName;
union {
U2_T mFundType;
struct {
ELF_Section * mSection;
ContextAddress mLowPC;
union {
U8_T mRanges;
ContextAddress mAddr;
} mHighPC;
} mCode;
struct {
U2_T mFmt;
union {
I8_T mValue;
struct {
U1_T * mAddr;
size_t mSize;
} mExpr;
} mLow;
union {
I8_T mValue;
struct {
U1_T * mAddr;
size_t mSize;
} mExpr;
} mHigh;
} mRange;
} u;
struct PubNamesInfo {
unsigned mNext;
ObjectInfo * mObject;
struct PubNamesTable {
unsigned mHashSize;
unsigned * mHash;
PubNamesInfo * mNext;
unsigned mCnt;
unsigned mMax;
struct PropertyValue {
Context * mContext;
int mFrame;
ObjectInfo * mObject;
U2_T mAttr;
U2_T mForm;
U8_T mValue;
U1_T * mAddr;
size_t mSize;
int mBigEndian;
ELF_Section * mSection;
LocationPiece * mPieces;
U4_T mPieceCnt;
#define LINE_IsStmt 0x01
#define LINE_BasicBlock 0x02
#define LINE_PrologueEnd 0x04
#define LINE_EpilogueBegin 0x08
#define LINE_EndSequence 0x10
struct LineNumbersState {
ContextAddress mAddress;
char * mFileName;
U4_T mSection;
U4_T mStatesIndexPos;
U4_T mFile;
U4_T mLine;
U2_T mColumn;
U1_T mFlags;
U1_T mISA;
U1_T mOpIndex;
U1_T mDiscriminator;
struct CompUnit {
ObjectInfo * mObject;
ELF_File * mFile;
ELF_Section * mTextSection;
U2_T mLanguage;
DIO_UnitDescriptor mDesc;
RegisterIdScope mRegIdScope;
U8_T mLineInfoOffs;
char * mDir;
U4_T mFilesCnt;
U4_T mFilesMax;
FileInfo * mFiles;
U4_T mDirsCnt;
U4_T mDirsMax;
char ** mDirs;
U4_T mStatesCnt;
U4_T mStatesMax;
LineNumbersState * mStates;
LineNumbersState ** mStatesIndex;
U1_T mLineInfoLoaded;
CompUnit * mBaseTypes;
CompUnit * mNextTypeUnit;
/* Address range of a compilation unit. A unit can occupy multiple address ranges. */
struct UnitAddressRange {
CompUnit * mUnit; /* Compilation unit */
U4_T mSection; /* Index of ELF file section that contains the range */
ContextAddress mAddr; /* Link-time start address of the range */
ContextAddress mSize; /* Size of the range */
struct FrameInfoIndex {
int mRelocatable;
ELF_Section * mSection;
FrameInfoRange * mFrameInfoRanges;
unsigned mFrameInfoRangesCnt;
unsigned mFrameInfoRangesMax;
FrameInfoIndex * mNext;
struct ObjectHashTable {
ObjectInfo * mCompUnits;
ObjectInfo ** mObjectHash;
unsigned mObjectHashSize;
CompUnit ** mCompUnitsIndex;
unsigned mCompUnitsIndexSize;
#define DWARF_CACHE_MAGIC 0x34625490
struct DWARFCache {
int magic;
ELF_File * mFile;
ErrorReport * mErrorReport;
ELF_Section * mDebugLineV1;
ELF_Section * mDebugLineV2;
ELF_Section * mDebugLoc;
ELF_Section * mDebugRanges;
ObjectHashTable * mObjectHashTable; /* per ELF section */
struct ObjectArray * mObjectList;
unsigned mObjectArrayPos;
UnitAddressRange * mAddrRanges;
unsigned mAddrRangesCnt;
unsigned mAddrRangesMax;
int mAddrRangesRelocatable;
PubNamesTable mPubNames;
FrameInfoIndex * mFrameInfo;
unsigned mFileInfoHashSize;
FileInfo ** mFileInfoHash;
int mLineInfoLoaded;
CompUnit ** mTypeUnitHash;
unsigned mTypeUnitHashSize;
/* Return DWARF cache for given file, create and populate the cache if needed, throw an exception if error */
extern DWARFCache * get_dwarf_cache(ELF_File * file);
/* Load children of DWARF object - if not loaded already. Return obj->mChildren */
extern ObjectInfo * get_dwarf_children(ObjectInfo * obj);
/* Load parent of DWARF object - if not loaded already. Return obj->mParent */
extern ObjectInfo * get_dwarf_parent(ObjectInfo * obj);
# define get_dwarf_children(obj) ((obj)->mChildren)
# define get_dwarf_parent(obj) ((obj)->mParent)
/* Return file name hash. The hash is used to search FileInfo. */
extern unsigned calc_file_name_hash(const char * s);
/* Load line number information for given compilation unit, throw an exception if error */
extern void load_line_numbers(CompUnit * unit);
/* Find ObjectInfo by ID */
extern ObjectInfo * find_object(ELF_Section * sec, ContextAddress ID);
/* Search and return first compilation unit address range in given link-time address range 'addr_min'..'addr_max' (inclusive). */
extern UnitAddressRange * find_comp_unit_addr_range(DWARFCache * cache, ELF_Section * section,
ContextAddress addr_min, ContextAddress addr_max);
* Read a property of a DWARF object, perform ELF relocations if any.
* FORM_ADDR values are mapped to run-time address space.
extern void read_dwarf_object_property(Context * Ctx, int Frame, ObjectInfo * Obj, U2_T Attr, PropertyValue * Value);
* Read and evaluate a property of a DWARF object, perform ELF relocations if any.
* FORM_ADDR values are mapped to run-time address space.
extern void read_and_evaluate_dwarf_object_property_with_args(
Context * ctx, int frame, ObjectInfo * obj, U2_T attr,
uint64_t * args, unsigned args_cnt, PropertyValue * value);
#define read_and_evaluate_dwarf_object_property(ctx, frame, obj, attr, value) \
read_and_evaluate_dwarf_object_property_with_args(ctx, frame, obj, attr, NULL, 0, value)
* Convert PropertyValue to a number.
* Note: result of location expression evaluation can be converted only if the expression represents a memory address.
extern U8_T get_numeric_property_value(PropertyValue * Value);
* Search and return first compilation unit address range in given run-time address range 'addr_min'..'addr_max' (inclusive).
* If 'range_rt_addr' not NULL, *range_rt_addr is assigned run-time address of the range.
extern struct UnitAddressRange * elf_find_unit(Context * ctx, ContextAddress addr_min, ContextAddress addr_max, ContextAddress * range_rt_addr);
#endif /* ENABLE_ELF && ENABLE_DebugContext */
#endif /* D_dwarfcache */