blob: b1b52ccfb189ea5565dde9b0de5449a6f2e020c9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2015 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
* Contributors:
* Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation
* Expression evaluation service.
#ifndef D_expressions
#define D_expressions
#include <tcf/config.h>
#include <tcf/framework/protocol.h>
#include <tcf/framework/context.h>
#include <tcf/services/symbols.h>
#if SERVICE_Expressions
/* Expression evaluation modes: */
#define EXPRESSION_MODE_NORMAL 0 /* All attributes of expression value are computed */
#define EXPRESSION_MODE_TYPE 1 /* Expression type is computed, but not value or address */
#define EXPRESSION_MODE_SKIP 2 /* Only expression syntax is checked */
typedef struct Value Value;
* ExpressionIdentifierCallBack is called for every identifier found in an expression during evaluation,
* If callback knows value of the identifier it should fill Value struct and return 1,
* otherwise it should return 0.
typedef int ExpressionIdentifierCallBack(Context *, int /*frame*/, char * /*name*/, Value *);
* ExpressionFunctionCallBack is called to handle a function call in expression.
* The callback can use exceptions to report errors.
* The callback pointer is provided by ExpressionIdentifierCallBack -
* if the identifier represents a function.
typedef void ExpressionFunctionCallBack(int /* mode */, Value * /* function */, Value * /* args */, unsigned /* args_cnt */);
* ExpressionFieldCallBack is called to handle an object field selection in expression.
* The callback can use exceptions to report errors.
* The callback pointer is provided by ExpressionIdentifierCallBack -
* if the identifier represents a struct.
typedef void ExpressionFieldCallBack(int /* mode */, Value * /* object */, const char * /* field_name */);
/* Value represents result of expression evaluation */
struct Value {
Symbol * sym; /* Value symbol, can be NULL */
Symbol * type; /* Value type symbol, can be NULL */
int type_class; /* See symbols.h for type class definitions */
void * value; /* Pointer to value data buffer, or NULL if remote value */
RegisterDefinition * reg; /* Not NULL if the value represents a register variable */
LocationExpressionState * loc; /* Value location at remote target, if available */
ContextAddress address; /* Address of value data in remote target memory if Value.remote = 1 */
ContextAddress size; /* Value size in bytes */
int remote; /* 1 if value data is in remote target memory, 0 if loaded into a local buffer */
int constant; /* 1 if the value is not expected to change during execution of value context */
int big_endian; /* 1 if the value is big endian */
int function; /* 1 if the value represents a function */
int binary_scale; /* The exponent of the base two scale factor to be applied to the value */
int decimal_scale; /* The exponent of the base ten scale factor to be applied to the value */
Symbol ** sym_list; /* Symbol list, if applicable, NULL terminated */
Context * ctx; /* Debug context of the value */
/* Client call-back pointers */
ExpressionFunctionCallBack * func_cb;
ExpressionFieldCallBack * field_cb;
* Evaluate given expression in given context.
* 'ctx' - debug context to use for memory access and symbols lookup.
* 'frame' - stack frame to use for registers and local variables values.
* 'addr' - instruction address for symbols lookup, ignored if frame != STACK_NO_FRAME.
* 's' - the expression text.
* If load != 0 then result value is always loaded into a local buffer,
* otherwise 'v' can point to a value in the target memory.
* Return 0 if no errors, otherwise return -1 and sets errno.
extern int evaluate_expression(Context * ctx, int frame, ContextAddress addr, char * s, int load, Value * v);
* Cast a Value to another type ("boolean" means 0 or 1).
* Returns 0 if no errors, otherwise returns -1 and sets errno.
int value_to_boolean(Value * v, int * res);
int value_to_address(Value * v, ContextAddress * res);
int value_to_signed(Value * v, int64_t * res);
int value_to_unsigned(Value * v, uint64_t * res);
int value_to_double(Value * v, double * res);
* Allocate and fill local data buffer for a value.
* The buffer is freed automatically at the end of current event dispatch cycle.
extern void set_value(Value * v, void * data, size_t size, int big_endian);
* Add identifier callback to the list of expression callbacks.
* The callbacks are called for each identifier found in an expression during evaluation.
extern void add_identifier_callback(ExpressionIdentifierCallBack * callback);
extern void ini_expressions_service(Protocol * proto);
#endif /* SERVICE_Expressions */
#endif /* D_expressions */