blob: 9bdc9b96e54c8930e7be01d7c767976a61c89139 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2015 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
* Contributors:
* Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation
* Target service implementation: run control (TCF name RunControl)
* All run control contexts are grouped by corresponding memory address spaces.
* Other service implementations can ask run control to execute arbitrary code while all contexts in
* a particular group - address space - are stopped.
* Run control service manages a queue of such requests ("safe events queue") and
* makes a fair effort to optimize such requests. It can, for example, coalesce
* multiple requests for same address space, which often significantly improves performance.
* "Safe event" code is guaranteed to run while relevant contexts are stopped and will not be resumed
* during the event execution, with a single exception of single instruction step support
* that would resume only the specified context.
* Run control service distinguishes between context being stopped and being intercepted.
* A context is stopped when it is suspended for any reason - breakpoint, safe event, a suspend request, etc..
* A context is intercepted when it is reported up (to UI or value-add) as suspended.
* For example, a breakpoint hit handling sequence looks like this:
* 1. context stopped by breakpoint, call post_safe_event()
* 2. run control suspends all contexts in the "stop" context group.
* 3. run control calls safe event callback that evaluates breakpoint condition:
* if condition false, do step over the breakpoint - call safe_context_single_step()
* else intercept the context and report breakpoint hit up to UI - call suspend_debug_context()
* 4. if no more safe events, run control resumes all contexts that are not intercepted.
* Despite the fact that many contexts can be stopped as result of breakpoint hit,
* normally, only one of them will be intercepted, and only one "suspended" message will be sent up to UI.
* If a breakpoint needs to intercept more then one context,
* it can be be done using breakpoint attribute "StopGroup".
#ifndef D_runctrl
#define D_runctrl
#include <tcf/config.h>
#include <tcf/framework/events.h>
#include <tcf/framework/context.h>
#include <tcf/framework/protocol.h>
#if SERVICE_RunControl
* Lock run control: don't resume any thread while run control is locked.
* Each call to run_ctrl_lock() increments lock counter.
extern void run_ctrl_lock(void);
* Unlock run control: resume debuggee threads that are not intercepted.
* Each call to run_ctrl_unlock() decrements lock counter, debuggee resumed when the counter reaches zero.
extern void run_ctrl_unlock(void);
* Lock run control: don't resume the context while its run control is locked.
* Each call to run_ctrl_ctx_lock() increments lock counter.
extern void run_ctrl_ctx_lock(Context * ctx);
* Unlock run control: resume the context - if it is not intercepted.
* Each call to run_ctrl_unlock() decrements lock counter, debuggee resumed when the counter reaches zero.
extern void run_ctrl_ctx_unlock(Context * ctx);
* Add "safe" event.
* Stops debuggee threads.
* Callback function 'done' will be called when threads are stopped and
* it is safe to access debuggee memory, plant breakpoints, etc.
* Only threads that belong to same "stop" context group as 'ctx' are stopped.
* post_safe_event() uses run_ctrl_lock()/run_ctrl_unlock() to suspend/resume debuggee.
extern void post_safe_event(Context * ctx, EventCallBack * done, void * arg);
* Return 1 if called from safe event handler.
extern int is_safe_event(void);
* Single step a context during handling of safe event.
* "Safe" step is executed with all other contexts stopped,
* and it is expected to take only a short time to execute.
* It is intended to be used in breakpoints implementation.
* Returns 0 if no errors, otherwise returns -1 and sets errno.
* Note: this function is asynchronous, it returns before context finishes the step.
extern int safe_context_single_step(Context * ctx);
* Check that all threads in a context are stopped and
* it is safe to access debuggee memory, plant breakpoints, etc.
* The function is intended to be used in an ACPM transaction.
* If the check fails, the function requests the threads to stop and
* calls cache_wait() to abort current transaction. The transaction will
* be re-executed later, when relevant threads are stopped.
extern void check_all_stopped(Context * ctx);
* Return 1 if all threads in a debuggee are stopped and handling of incoming messages
* is suspended, and it is safe to access debuggee memory, plant breakpoints, etc.
* Only threads that belong to CONTEXT_GROUP_STOP of 'ctx' are checked.
extern int is_all_stopped(Context * ctx);
* Return 1 if the context is intercepted.
* A context is intercepted when it is reported up (to UI or value-add) as suspended.
extern int is_intercepted(Context * ctx);
* Terminate debug context - thread or process.
* Returns 0 if no errors, otherwise returns -1 and sets errno.
* Note: this function is asynchronous, it returns before context is terminated.
extern int terminate_debug_context(Context * ctx);
* Detach debug context.
* Returns 0 if no errors, otherwise returns -1 and sets errno.
* Note: this function is asynchronous, it returns before context is detached.
extern int detach_debug_context(Context * ctx);
* Resume debug context.
* If "ctx" is a process, resume all children.
* 'c' - channel to access symbols info, can be NULL if the info is provided locally.
* 'mode' - of context resume modes defined in context.h
* 'count' - number of steps if 'mode' is stepping mode.
* 'range_start', range_end' - instruction address range if 'mode' is stepping in a range.
* Returns 0 if no errors, otherwise returns -1 and sets errno.
* Note: this function is asynchronous, it returns before contexts are resumed.
extern int continue_debug_context(Context * ctx, Channel * c,
int mode, int count, ContextAddress range_start, ContextAddress range_end);
* Suspend (stop and intercept) debug context - thread or process.
* If "ctx" is a process, suspend all children.
* RunControl.suspended event is sent if it was not sent before.
* Returns 0 if no errors, otherwise returns -1 and sets errno.
* Note: this function is asynchronous, it returns before contexts are suspended.
extern int suspend_debug_context(Context * ctx);
* Suspend (stop and intercept) debug context - thread or process.
* This function is intended to be used by the Breakpoints service.
extern int suspend_by_breakpoint(Context * ctx, Context * trigger, const char * bp, int skip_prologue);
* Return NULL-terminated array of breakpoint IDs if the context is suspended by breakpoint.
* Otherwise return NULL.
extern char ** get_context_breakpoint_ids(Context * ctx);
* Set context state name if it is other than Running,
* for example: "Sleeping", "Reset", "No Clock"
* The name is only applicable if the context is not intercepted.
extern void set_context_state_name(Context * ctx, const char * name);
/* RunControl event listener */
typedef struct RunControlEventListener {
void (*context_intercepted)(Context * ctx, void * args);
void (*context_released)(Context * ctx, void * args);
} RunControlEventListener;
* Add/remove a listener for RunControl service events.
extern void add_run_control_event_listener(RunControlEventListener * listener, void * args);
extern void rem_run_control_event_listener(RunControlEventListener * listener);
* Initialize run control service.
extern void ini_run_ctrl_service(Protocol * proto, TCFBroadcastGroup * bcg);
#define run_ctrl_lock() do {} while(0)
#define run_ctrl_unlock() do {} while(0)
#define is_intercepted(x) 0
#define is_safe_event() 0
#define post_safe_event(ctx, done, arg) ((void)ctx, post_event(done, arg))
#define check_all_stopped(x) do {} while(0)
#endif /* SERVICE_RunControl */
#endif /* D_runctrl */