blob: 7f519de1171d5c91afbbe50f16d988259c50d1b8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2015 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
* Contributors:
* Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation
* Symbols service.
#ifndef D_symbols
#define D_symbols
#include <tcf/framework/context.h>
#include <tcf/framework/protocol.h>
* Symbol information can change at any time as result of target background activities.
* Clients should not cache symbol information, and should not retain the information
* longer than one dispatch cycle.
typedef struct Symbol Symbol;
typedef struct FunctionCallInfo FunctionCallInfo;
#define SYM_CLASS_VALUE 1 /* Symbol represents a constant value */
#define SYM_CLASS_REFERENCE 2 /* Symbol is an address of an object (variable) in memory */
#define SYM_CLASS_FUNCTION 3 /* Symbol is an address of a function */
#define SYM_CLASS_TYPE 4 /* Symbol represents a type declaration */
#define SYM_CLASS_COMP_UNIT 5 /* Symbol represents a compilation unit */
#define SYM_CLASS_BLOCK 6 /* Symbol represents a block of code */
#define SYM_CLASS_NAMESPACE 7 /* Symbol represents a namespace */
#define SYM_CLASS_VARIANT_PART 8 /* Symbol represents a variant part of a structure */
#define SYM_CLASS_VARIANT 9 /* Symbol represents a member of a variant part of a structure */
typedef uint32_t SYM_FLAGS;
#define SYM_FLAG_PARAMETER 0x00000001
#define SYM_FLAG_TYPEDEF 0x00000002
#define SYM_FLAG_CONST_TYPE 0x00000004
#define SYM_FLAG_PACKET_TYPE 0x00000008
#define SYM_FLAG_SUBRANGE_TYPE 0x00000010
#define SYM_FLAG_VOLATILE_TYPE 0x00000020
#define SYM_FLAG_RESTRICT_TYPE 0x00000040
#define SYM_FLAG_UNION_TYPE 0x00000080
#define SYM_FLAG_CLASS_TYPE 0x00000100
#define SYM_FLAG_INTERFACE_TYPE 0x00000200
#define SYM_FLAG_SHARED_TYPE 0x00000400
#define SYM_FLAG_REFERENCE 0x00000800
#define SYM_FLAG_BIG_ENDIAN 0x00001000
#define SYM_FLAG_LITTLE_ENDIAN 0x00002000
#define SYM_FLAG_OPTIONAL 0x00004000
#define SYM_FLAG_EXTERNAL 0x00008000
#define SYM_FLAG_VARARG 0x00010000
#define SYM_FLAG_ARTIFICIAL 0x00020000
#define SYM_FLAG_TYPE_PARAMETER 0x00040000
#define SYM_FLAG_PRIVATE 0x00080000
#define SYM_FLAG_PROTECTED 0x00100000
#define SYM_FLAG_PUBLIC 0x00200000
#define SYM_FLAG_ENUM_TYPE 0x00400000
#define SYM_FLAG_STRUCT_TYPE 0x00800000
#define SYM_FLAG_STRING_TYPE 0x01000000
#define SYM_FLAG_INHERITANCE 0x02000000
#define SYM_FLAG_BOOL_TYPE 0x04000000
#define SYM_FLAG_INDIRECT 0x08000000
#define SYM_FLAG_RVALUE 0x10000000
/* Additional (uncommon) symbol properties */
typedef struct SymbolProperties {
int binary_scale; /* The exponent of the base two scale factor to be applied to an instance of the type */
int decimal_scale; /* The exponent of the base ten scale factor to be applied to an instance of the type */
} SymbolProperties;
/* Symbol properties update policies */
typedef void EnumerateSymbolsCallBack(void *, Symbol *);
#if ENABLE_DebugContext
typedef struct LocationCommands {
LocationExpressionCommand * cmds;
unsigned cnt;
unsigned max;
} LocationCommands;
typedef struct DiscriminantRange {
int64_t x;
int64_t y;
} DiscriminantRange;
typedef struct LocationInfo {
ContextAddress code_addr;
ContextAddress code_size;
int big_endian;
unsigned args_cnt;
LocationCommands value_cmds;
DiscriminantRange * discr_lst;
unsigned discr_cnt;
} LocationInfo;
/* Stack tracing command sequence */
typedef struct StackFrameRegisterLocation {
RegisterDefinition * reg;
unsigned cmds_cnt;
unsigned cmds_max;
LocationExpressionCommand cmds[1];
} StackFrameRegisterLocation;
typedef struct StackFrameInlinedSubroutine {
Symbol * sym;
CodeArea area;
} StackFrameInlinedSubroutine;
/* Complete stack tracing info for a range of instruction addresses */
typedef struct StackTracingInfo {
ContextAddress addr;
ContextAddress size;
StackFrameRegisterLocation * fp;
StackFrameRegisterLocation ** regs;
int reg_cnt;
StackFrameInlinedSubroutine ** subs;
int sub_cnt;
} StackTracingInfo;
#if ENABLE_Symbols
* Find symbol information for given symbol name in given context.
* On error, returns -1 and sets errno.
* On success returns 0.
extern int find_symbol_by_name(Context * ctx, int frame, ContextAddress ip, const char * name, Symbol ** sym);
* Find symbol information for given symbol name in given context and visibility scope.
* On error, returns -1 and sets errno.
* On success returns 0.
extern int find_symbol_in_scope(Context * ctx, int frame, ContextAddress ip, Symbol * scope, const char * name, Symbol ** sym);
* Find symbol information for given address in given context.
* On error, returns -1 and sets errno.
* On success returns 0.
extern int find_symbol_by_addr(Context * ctx, int frame, ContextAddress addr, Symbol ** sym);
* find_symbol_* functions return first symbol that matches the search criteria.
* Clients can use find_next_symbol() to get the rest of matching symbols,
* for example, to get all symbols for overloaded functions.
extern int find_next_symbol(Symbol ** sym);
* Enumerate symbols in given context.
* If frame >= 0 enumerates local symbols and function arguments.
* If frame < 0 enumerates global symbols.
* On error returns -1 and sets errno.
* On success returns 0.
extern int enumerate_symbols(Context * ctx, int frame, EnumerateSymbolsCallBack *, void * args);
* Get (relatively) permanent symbol ID that can be used across dispatch cycles.
extern const char * symbol2id(const Symbol * sym);
* Find symbol by symbol ID.
* On error, returns -1 and sets errno.
* On success returns 0.
extern int id2symbol(const char * id, Symbol ** sym);
/*************** Functions for retrieving symbol properties ***************************************/
* Each function retrieves one particular attribute of an object or type.
* On error returns -1 and sets errno.
* On success returns 0.
/* Get symbol class */
extern int get_symbol_class(const Symbol * sym, int * symbol_class);
/* Get symbol type.
* If the symbol is a modified type, like "volatile int", return original (unmodified) type.
* If the symbol is unmodified type, return the symbol itself. */
extern int get_symbol_type(const Symbol * sym, Symbol ** type);
/* Get type class, see TYPE_CLASS_* */
extern int get_symbol_type_class(const Symbol * sym, int * type_class);
/* Get symbol owner ID and update policy ID.
* Symbol owner can be memory space or executable context.
* Certain changes in owner state can invalidate cached symbol properties.
* Update policy ID selects a specific set of rules that a client should follow
* if it wants to cache symbol properties.
* The string returned shall not be modified by the client,
* and it may be overwritten by a subsequent calls to symbol functions */
extern int get_symbol_update_policy(const Symbol * sym, char ** parent_id, int * policy);
/* Get symbol name.
* The string returned shall not be modified by the client,
* and it may be overwritten by a subsequent calls to symbol functions */
extern int get_symbol_name(const Symbol * sym, char ** name);
/* Get value size of the type, in bytes */
extern int get_symbol_size(const Symbol * sym, ContextAddress * size);
/* Get base type: pointer or member pointer - pointed object type,
* array - elements type, function - result type */
extern int get_symbol_base_type(const Symbol * sym, Symbol ** base_type);
/* Get array index type */
extern int get_symbol_index_type(const Symbol * sym, Symbol ** index_type);
/* Get containing type: field (member) or member pointer - parent structure */
extern int get_symbol_container(const Symbol * sym, Symbol ** container);
/* Get array length (number of elements) */
extern int get_symbol_length(const Symbol * sym, ContextAddress * length);
/* Get array index lower bound (index of first element) */
extern int get_symbol_lower_bound(const Symbol * sym, int64_t * value);
/* Get children IDs of a type (struct, union, class, function and enum).
* The array returned is allocated by tmp_alloc() */
extern int get_symbol_children(const Symbol * sym, Symbol *** children, int * count);
/* Get offset in parent type (fields) */
extern int get_symbol_offset(const Symbol * sym, ContextAddress * offset);
/* Get value (constant objects and enums).
* The array returned shall not be modified by the client,
* and it may be overwritten by a subsequent calls to symbol functions */
extern int get_symbol_value(const Symbol * sym, void ** value, size_t * size, int * big_endian);
/* Get address (variables) */
extern int get_symbol_address(const Symbol * sym, ContextAddress * address);
/* Get register if the symbol is a register variable */
extern int get_symbol_register(const Symbol * sym, Context ** ctx, int * frame, RegisterDefinition ** reg);
/* Get symbol flags, see SYM_FLAG_* */
extern int get_symbol_flags(const Symbol * sym, SYM_FLAGS * flags);
/* Get additional symbol properties, see SymbolProperties */
extern int get_symbol_props(const Symbol * sym, SymbolProperties * props);
/* Get symbol stack frame */
extern int get_symbol_frame(const Symbol * sym, Context ** ctx, int * frame);
/* Get a type that represents an array of elements of given base type.
* If 'length' is zero, returned type represents pointer to given type */
extern int get_array_symbol(const Symbol * sym, ContextAddress length, Symbol ** ptr);
* Check if given address is inside a PLT section, then return run-time address of the section.
* Return 0 and set errno in case of an error.
* If not a PLT address, return 0;
extern ContextAddress is_plt_section(Context * ctx, ContextAddress addr);
* Get instruction set architecture name for given address in a context memory.
* 'range_addr' and 'range_size' are assigned an address range of same ISA.
* Return -1 and set errno in case of an error.
* Return 0 on success.
extern int get_context_isa(Context * ctx, ContextAddress addr, const char ** isa,
ContextAddress * range_addr, ContextAddress * range_size);
* Get object location information
* Return -1 and set errno in case of an error.
* Return 0 on success.
extern int get_location_info(const Symbol * sym, LocationInfo ** info);
* Get information about function call injection.
* Return -1 and set errno in case of an error.
* Return 0 on success.
extern int get_funccall_info(const Symbol * func,
const Symbol ** args, unsigned args_cnt, FunctionCallInfo ** info);
* For given context and instruction address,
* search for stack tracing information.
* Return -1 and set errno in case of an error.
* Return 0 on success.
* Set 'info' to NULL if no stack tracing information found for the address.
extern int get_stack_tracing_info(Context * ctx, ContextAddress addr, StackTracingInfo ** info);
* Get name of a symbol file that is used for a given module.
extern const char * get_symbol_file_name(Context * ctx, MemoryRegion * module);
* Initialize symbol service.
extern void ini_symbols_service(Protocol * proto);
extern void ini_symbols_lib(void);
#endif /* ENABLE_Symbols */
#endif /* D_symbols */