blob: 44cc7558683d0231f42478314c82b6cb2e8b5295 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2013 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
* Contributors:
* Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation
* Event queue manager.
* Event is a data pointer plus a function pointer (a.k.a. event handler).
* Posting event means placing event into event queue.
* Dispatching event means removing event from the queue and then calling
* event function with event data as argument.
* All events are dispatched by single thread - dispatch thread. This makes it safe
* to access global data structures from event handlers without further synchronization,
* while allows for high level of concurrency.
#include <tcf/config.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <tcf/framework/mdep-threads.h>
#include <tcf/framework/myalloc.h>
#include <tcf/framework/errors.h>
#include <tcf/framework/trace.h>
#include <tcf/framework/events.h>
#if !defined(ENABLE_FastMemAlloc)
# define ENABLE_FastMemAlloc 1
typedef struct event_node event_node;
struct event_node {
event_node * next;
struct timespec runtime;
EventCallBack * handler;
void * arg;
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
static DWORD event_thread;
# define current_thread GetCurrentThreadId()
# define is_event_thread (event_thread == current_thread)
static pthread_t event_thread;
# define current_thread pthread_self()
# define is_event_thread pthread_equal(event_thread, current_thread)
#if ENABLE_Trace
# undef trace
# define trace if ((log_mode & LOG_EVENTCORE) && log_file) print_trace
#if ENABLE_FastMemAlloc
#define EVENT_BUF_SIZE 0x200
static event_node event_buf[EVENT_BUF_SIZE];
static event_node * free_queue = NULL;
static event_node * free_bg_queue = NULL;
#define alloc_event_node(ev) \
ev = free_queue; \
if (ev != NULL) free_queue = ev->next; \
else ev = (event_node *)loc_alloc(sizeof(event_node));
#define alloc_event_node_bg(ev) \
ev = free_bg_queue; \
if (ev != NULL) free_bg_queue = ev->next; \
else ev = (event_node *)loc_alloc(sizeof(event_node));
#define free_event_node(ev) \
if (ev >= event_buf && ev < event_buf + EVENT_BUF_SIZE) { \
ev->next = free_queue; \
free_queue = ev; \
} \
else { \
loc_free(ev); \
#define alloc_event_node(ev) ev = (event_node *)loc_alloc(sizeof(event_node))
#define alloc_event_node_bg(ev) alloc_event_node(ev)
#define free_event_node(ev) loc_free(ev)
static pthread_mutex_t event_lock;
static pthread_cond_t event_cond;
static pthread_cond_t cancel_cond;
static event_node * event_queue = NULL;
static event_node * event_last = NULL;
static event_node * timer_queue = NULL;
static EventCallBack * cancel_handler = NULL;
static void * cancel_arg = NULL;
static int process_events = 0;
static int time_cmp(const struct timespec * tv1, const struct timespec * tv2) {
assert(tv1->tv_nsec < 1000000000);
assert(tv2->tv_nsec < 1000000000);
if (tv1->tv_sec < tv2->tv_sec) return -1;
if (tv1->tv_sec > tv2->tv_sec) return 1;
if (tv1->tv_nsec < tv2->tv_nsec) return -1;
if (tv1->tv_nsec > tv2->tv_nsec) return 1;
return 0;
/* Add microsecond value to timespec. */
static void time_add_usec(struct timespec * tv, unsigned long usec) {
tv->tv_sec += usec / 1000000;
tv->tv_nsec += (usec % 1000000) * 1000;
if (tv->tv_nsec >= 1000000000) {
tv->tv_nsec -= 1000000000;
static void post_from_bg_thread(EventCallBack * handler, void * arg, struct timespec * runtime) {
event_node * ev;
event_node * next;
event_node * prev;
if (cancel_handler == handler && cancel_arg == arg) {
cancel_handler = NULL;
ev->runtime = *runtime;
ev->handler = handler;
ev->arg = arg;
prev = NULL;
next = timer_queue;
while (next != NULL && time_cmp(&ev->runtime, &next->runtime) >= 0) {
prev = next;
next = next->next;
ev->next = next;
if (prev == NULL) {
timer_queue = ev;
else {
prev->next = ev;
trace(LOG_EVENTCORE, "post_event: event %#lx, handler %#lx, arg %#lx, runtime %02d%02d.%03d",
ev, ev->handler, ev->arg,
ev->runtime.tv_sec / 60 % 60, ev->runtime.tv_sec % 60, ev->runtime.tv_nsec / 1000000);
void post_event_with_delay(EventCallBack * handler, void * arg, unsigned long delay) {
struct timespec runtime;
if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &runtime)) check_error(errno);
time_add_usec(&runtime, delay);
if (is_event_thread) {
event_node * ev;
event_node * next;
event_node * prev;
ev->runtime = runtime;
ev->handler = handler;
ev->arg = arg;
prev = NULL;
next = timer_queue;
while (next != NULL && time_cmp(&ev->runtime, &next->runtime) >= 0) {
prev = next;
next = next->next;
ev->next = next;
if (prev == NULL) {
timer_queue = ev;
else {
prev->next = ev;
trace(LOG_EVENTCORE, "post_event: event %#lx, handler %#lx, arg %#lx, runtime %02d%02d.%03d",
ev, ev->handler, ev->arg,
ev->runtime.tv_sec / 60 % 60, ev->runtime.tv_sec % 60, ev->runtime.tv_nsec / 1000000);
else {
post_from_bg_thread(handler, arg, &runtime);
void post_event(EventCallBack * handler, void * arg) {
if (is_event_thread) {
event_node * ev;
ev->handler = handler;
ev->arg = arg;
ev->next = NULL;
if (event_queue == NULL) {
assert(event_last == NULL);
event_last = event_queue = ev;
else {
event_last->next = ev;
event_last = ev;
trace(LOG_EVENTCORE, "post_event: event %#lx, handler %#lx, arg %#lx", ev, ev->handler, ev->arg);
else {
static struct timespec runtime = { 0, 0 };
post_from_bg_thread(handler, arg, &runtime);
int cancel_event(EventCallBack * handler, void * arg, int wait) {
event_node * ev;
event_node * prev;
assert(handler != NULL);
assert(cancel_handler == NULL);
trace(LOG_EVENTCORE, "cancel_event: handler %#lx, arg %#lx, wait %d", handler, arg, wait);
prev = NULL;
ev = event_queue;
while (ev != NULL) {
if (ev->handler == handler && ev->arg == arg) {
if (ev->next == NULL) {
assert(event_last == ev);
event_last = prev;
if (prev == NULL) {
event_queue = ev->next;
else {
prev->next = ev->next;
return 1;
prev = ev;
ev = ev->next;
prev = NULL;
ev = timer_queue;
while (ev != NULL) {
if (ev->handler == handler && ev->arg == arg) {
if (prev == NULL) {
timer_queue = ev->next;
else {
prev->next = ev->next;
return 1;
prev = ev;
ev = ev->next;
if (!wait) {
return 0;
cancel_handler = handler;
cancel_arg = arg;
do check_error(pthread_cond_wait(&cancel_cond, &event_lock));
while (cancel_handler != NULL);
return 1;
int is_dispatch_thread(void) {
return is_event_thread;
void ini_events_queue(void) {
event_thread = current_thread;
check_error(pthread_mutex_init(&event_lock, NULL));
check_error(pthread_cond_init(&event_cond, NULL));
check_error(pthread_cond_init(&cancel_cond, NULL));
#if ENABLE_FastMemAlloc
int i;
assert(free_queue == NULL);
assert(free_bg_queue == NULL);
for (i = 0; i < EVENT_BUF_SIZE; i++) {
event_node * ev = event_buf + i;
ev->next = free_queue;
free_queue = ev;
void cancel_event_loop(void) {
process_events = 0;
void run_event_loop(void) {
unsigned event_cnt = 0;
/* Allow the event loop to run on a thread other than the initializing thread */
event_thread = current_thread;
process_events = 1;
while (process_events) {
event_node * ev = NULL;
if (event_queue == NULL || (event_cnt & 0x3fu) == 0) {
#if ENABLE_FastMemAlloc
while (free_queue != NULL && (free_bg_queue == NULL || free_bg_queue->next == NULL)) {
event_node * x = free_queue;
free_queue = x->next;
x->next = free_bg_queue;
free_bg_queue = x;
for (;;) {
if (timer_queue != NULL) {
struct timespec timenow;
if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &timenow)) {
if (time_cmp(&timer_queue->runtime, &timenow) <= 0) {
ev = timer_queue;
timer_queue = ev->next;
if (event_queue == NULL) {
int error = pthread_cond_timedwait(&event_cond, &event_lock, &timer_queue->runtime);
if (error && error != ETIMEDOUT) check_error(error);
else {
else if (event_queue == NULL) {
check_error(pthread_cond_wait(&event_cond, &event_lock));
else {
if (ev == NULL) {
assert(event_queue != NULL);
ev = event_queue;
event_queue = ev->next;
if (event_queue == NULL) {
assert(event_last == ev);
event_last = NULL;
trace(LOG_EVENTCORE, "run_event_loop: event %#lx, handler %#lx, arg %#lx", ev, ev->handler, ev->arg);