blob: 5770963a491a4f1183dc1fff671f914b1bc2836d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, 2014 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
* Contributors:
* Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation
* This module implements tunneling of TCF messages to another target on behalf of a client
* This service intended to be used when a client has no direct access to a target.
#include <tcf/config.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <tcf/framework/json.h>
#include <tcf/framework/proxy.h>
#include <tcf/framework/protocol.h>
#include <tcf/framework/trace.h>
#include <tcf/framework/errors.h>
#include <tcf/framework/exceptions.h>
#include <tcf/framework/myalloc.h>
typedef struct Proxy {
Channel * c;
Protocol * proto;
int other;
int instance;
} Proxy;
typedef struct RedirectInfo {
Channel * host;
char token[256];
} RedirectInfo;
static ChannelRedirectionListener redirection_listeners[16];
static int redirection_listeners_cnt = 0;
static ProxyLogFilterListener proxy_log_filter_listener;
static ProxyLogFilterListener2 proxy_log_filter_listener2;
static const char * channel_lock_msg = "Proxy lock";
static void proxy_update(Channel * c1, Channel * c2);
static void proxy_connecting(Channel * c) {
int i;
Proxy * target = (Proxy *)c->client_data;
Proxy * host = target + target->other;
assert(c == target->c);
assert(target->other == -1);
assert(c->state == ChannelStateStarted);
assert(host->c->state == ChannelStateHelloReceived);
for (i = 0; i < redirection_listeners_cnt; i++) {
redirection_listeners[i](host->c, target->c);
target->c->disable_zero_copy = !host->c->out.supports_zero_copy;
trace(LOG_PROXY, "Proxy waiting Hello from target");
static void command_redirect_done(Channel * c, void * client_data, int error) {
RedirectInfo * info = (RedirectInfo *)client_data;
if (!is_channel_closed(info->host)) {
int err = error;
if (err == 0) proxy_update (info->host, c);
write_stringz(&info->host->out, "R");
write_stringz(&info->host->out, info->token);
write_errno(&info->host->out, err);
write_stream(&info->host->out, MARKER_EOM);
#if ENABLE_Trace
if (log_mode & LOG_TCFLOG) {
Proxy * proxy = (Proxy *)info->host->client_data;
trace(LOG_TCFLOG, "%d: R %s %s", proxy->instance, info->token, errno_to_str(err));
channel_unlock_with_msg(info->host, channel_lock_msg);
static void read_peer_attr(InputStream * inp, const char * name, void * x) {
peer_server_addprop((PeerServer *)x, loc_strdup(name), json_read_alloc_string(inp));
static void command_locator_redirect(char * token, Channel * c, void * args) {
char id[256];
PeerServer * ps = NULL;
Channel * target = (Channel *)args;
RedirectInfo * info = (RedirectInfo *)loc_alloc_zero(sizeof(RedirectInfo));
if (peek_stream(&c->inp) == '{') {
ps = peer_server_alloc();
json_read_struct(&c->inp, read_peer_attr, ps);
else {
json_read_string(&c->inp, id, sizeof(id));
json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOA);
json_test_char(&c->inp, MARKER_EOM);
#if ENABLE_Trace
if (log_mode & LOG_TCFLOG) {
Proxy * proxy = (Proxy *)c->client_data;
if (ps != NULL) {
char * server_properties = channel_peer_to_json(ps);
trace(LOG_TCFLOG, "%d: C %s Locator redirect %s", proxy->instance, token, server_properties);
} else {
trace(LOG_TCFLOG, "%d: C %s Locator redirect %s", proxy->instance, token, id);
channel_lock_with_msg(c, channel_lock_msg);
info->host = c;
strlcpy(info->token, token, sizeof(info->token));
/* Send the redirect command to the next TCF entity */
if (ps != NULL) {
send_redirect_command_by_props(target, ps, command_redirect_done, info);
else {
send_redirect_command_by_id(target, id, command_redirect_done, info);
if (ps != NULL) peer_server_free(ps);
static void proxy_connected(Channel * c) {
int i;
Proxy * target = (Proxy *)c->client_data;
Proxy * host = target + target->other;
assert(target->c == c);
if (target->other == 1) {
/* We get here after sending hello to host */
assert(c->state == ChannelStateConnected);
assert(host->c->state == ChannelStateHelloReceived);
host->c->disable_zero_copy = !target->c->out.supports_zero_copy;
trace(LOG_PROXY, "Proxy connected, target services:");
for (i = 0; i < target->c->peer_service_cnt; i++) {
char * nm = target->c->peer_service_list[i];
trace(LOG_PROXY, " %s", nm);
if (strcmp(nm, "ZeroCopy") == 0) continue;
protocol_get_service(host->proto, nm);
* Intercept the Locator.redirect command to update the local list of
* services with the ones from the next TCF entity (agent), and send a
* consolidate list to the previous TCF entity (client). This is
* required in the case of more than one server between the client and
* the agent.
add_command_handler2(host->c->protocol, "Locator", "redirect",
command_locator_redirect, target->c);
for (i = 0; i < redirection_listeners_cnt; i++) {
redirection_listeners[i](host->c, target->c);
static void proxy_disconnected(Channel * c) {
Proxy * proxy = (Proxy *)c->client_data;
assert(c == proxy->c);
if (proxy[proxy->other].c->state == ChannelStateDisconnected) {
trace(LOG_PROXY, "Proxy disconnected");
if (proxy->other == -1) proxy--;
assert(proxy[0].c->bcg == NULL);
assert(proxy[1].c->bcg == NULL);
proxy[0].c->client_data = NULL;
proxy[1].c->client_data = NULL;
channel_unlock_with_msg(proxy[0].c, channel_lock_msg);
channel_unlock_with_msg(proxy[1].c, channel_lock_msg);
else {
#if ENABLE_Trace
static char log_buf[1024];
static size_t log_pos = 0;
static void log_chr(int c) {
if (log_pos + 2 < sizeof log_buf) log_buf[log_pos++] = (char)c;
static void log_str(const char * s) {
char c;
while ((c = *s++) != '\0') {
if (log_pos + 2 < sizeof log_buf) log_buf[log_pos++] = c;
static void log_byte_func(int i) {
if (i >= ' ' && i < 127) {
/* Printable ASCII */
else if (i == 0) {
log_chr(' ');
else if (i > 0) {
char buf[16];
snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "\\x%02x", i);
else if (i == MARKER_EOM) {
else if (i == MARKER_EOS) {
else {
#define log_byte(b) { if (log_mode & LOG_TCFLOG) log_byte_func(b); }
static int log_start(Proxy * proxy, char ** argv, int argc, int * limit) {
int i;
log_pos = 0;
*limit = 0;
if (log_mode & LOG_TCFLOG) {
if (proxy_log_filter_listener) {
res = proxy_log_filter_listener(proxy->c, proxy[proxy->other].c, argc, argv);
if (res) return PROXY_FILTER_FILTERED;
else if (proxy_log_filter_listener2) {
res = proxy_log_filter_listener2(proxy->c, proxy[proxy->other].c, argc, argv, limit);
/* If we have PROXY_FILTER_LIMIT, we want to see --> or <-- */
if (res == PROXY_FILTER_FILTERED) return res;
log_str(proxy->other > 0 ? "---> " : "<--- ");
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
log_chr(' ');
return res;
static void log_flush(Proxy * proxy) {
if (log_mode & LOG_TCFLOG) {
trace(LOG_TCFLOG, "%d: %s", proxy->instance, log_buf);
#define log_start(a, b, c, d) 0
#define log_byte(a) do {} while(0)
#define log_flush(a) do {} while(0)
static void proxy_default_message_handler(Channel * c, char ** argv, int argc) {
/* TODO: if proxy is connected to itself, it can deadlock when retransmitting a long message */
Proxy * proxy = (Proxy *)c->client_data;
Channel * otherc = proxy[proxy->other].c;
InputStream * inp = &c->inp;
OutputStream * out = &otherc->out;
int i = 0;
int filtered = 0;
int filter_cnt = 0;
int limit = 0;
assert(c == proxy->c);
assert(argc > 0 && strlen(argv[0]) == 1);
if (proxy[proxy->other].c->state == ChannelStateDisconnected) return;
if (argv[0][0] == 'C') {
write_stringz(out, argv[0]);
/* Prefix token with 'R'emote to distinguish from locally generated commands */
write_stream(out, 'R');
i = 1;
else if (argv[0][0] == 'R' || argv[0][0] == 'P' || argv[0][0] == 'N') {
if (argv[1][0] != 'R') {
trace(LOG_ALWAYS, "Reply with unexpected token: %s", argv[1]);
while (i < argc) write_stringz(out, argv[i++]);
filtered = log_start(proxy, argv, argc, &limit);
/* Copy body of message */
do {
if (out->supports_zero_copy &&
#if ENABLE_Trace
(log_mode & LOG_TCFLOG) == 0 &&
inp->end - inp->cur >= 0x100) {
write_block_stream(out, (char *)inp->cur, inp->end - inp->cur);
inp->cur = inp->end;
else {
i = read_stream(inp);
if ((filtered == PROXY_FILTER_NOT_FILTERED) ||
(filtered == PROXY_FILTER_LIMIT && filter_cnt < limit)) {
#if ENABLE_Trace
if (filtered == PROXY_FILTER_LIMIT && filter_cnt == limit) {
/* Don't quit the loop, we need to write the entire message */
write_stream(out, i);
while (i != MARKER_EOM && i != MARKER_EOS);
if (filtered == PROXY_FILTER_NOT_FILTERED ||
filtered == PROXY_FILTER_LIMIT) log_flush(proxy);
static void proxy_update(Channel * c1, Channel * c2) {
Proxy * proxy;
/* c1 is host */
assert (c1->state == ChannelStateConnected);
/* c2 is target */
assert (c2->state == ChannelStateHelloSent);
/* Check that both channels form a proxy */
assert(proxy_get_host_channel(c1) == c1);
assert(proxy_get_target_channel(c1) == c2);
assert(proxy_get_host_channel(c2) == c1);
assert(proxy_get_target_channel(c2) == c2);
proxy = (Proxy *)c1->client_data;
if (proxy->other == -1) proxy--;
/* Create new protocol object for the host channel. Do this
* before call to notify_channel_closed() below to be consistent
* with proxy_create(). */
proxy[0].proto = protocol_alloc();
/* Update the state of the host channel to react correctly on the
* hello message from the redirected target and notify listeners
* of the new state to give them a chance to cleanup and be ready
* for the upcoming channel redirection listener callback in
* proxy_connected() when target hello message arrives. */
c1->state = ChannelStateHelloReceived;
/* Replace protocol object for the host channel to make sure it
* does not contain any services or command handlers from before
* the redirect. */
c1->protocol = proxy[0].proto;
set_default_message_handler(proxy[0].proto, proxy_default_message_handler);
void proxy_create(Channel * c1, Channel * c2) {
TCFBroadcastGroup * bcg = broadcast_group_alloc();
Proxy * proxy = (Proxy *)loc_alloc_zero(2 * sizeof *proxy);
int i;
static int instance;
assert(c1->state == ChannelStateRedirectReceived);
assert(c2->state == ChannelStateStartWait);
/* Host */
channel_lock_with_msg(c1, channel_lock_msg);
proxy[0].c = c1;
proxy[0].proto = protocol_alloc();
proxy[0].other = 1;
proxy[0].instance = instance;
/* Target */
channel_lock_with_msg(c2, channel_lock_msg);
proxy[1].c = c2;
proxy[1].proto = protocol_alloc();
proxy[1].other = -1;
proxy[1].instance = instance++;
trace(LOG_PROXY, "Proxy created, host services:");
for (i = 0; i < c1->peer_service_cnt; i++) {
char * nm = c1->peer_service_list[i];
trace(LOG_PROXY, " %s", nm);
if (strcmp(nm, "ZeroCopy") == 0) continue;
protocol_get_service(proxy[1].proto, nm);
c1->state = ChannelStateHelloReceived;
c1->client_data = NULL;
assert(c2->protocol == NULL);
c1->connecting = proxy_connecting;
c1->connected = proxy_connected;
c1->disconnected = proxy_disconnected;
c1->client_data = proxy;
c1->protocol = proxy[0].proto;
set_default_message_handler(proxy[0].proto, proxy_default_message_handler);
c2->connecting = proxy_connecting;
c2->connected = proxy_connected;
c2->disconnected = proxy_disconnected;
c2->client_data = proxy + 1;
c2->protocol = proxy[1].proto;
set_default_message_handler(proxy[1].proto, proxy_default_message_handler);
channel_set_broadcast_group(c1, bcg);
channel_set_broadcast_group(c2, bcg);
Channel * proxy_get_host_channel(Channel * c) {
Proxy * proxy = (Proxy *)c->client_data;
if (c->connecting != proxy_connecting || proxy == NULL || c != proxy->c) return NULL;
if (proxy->other == -1) proxy--;
return proxy[0].c;
Channel * proxy_get_target_channel(Channel * c) {
Proxy * proxy = (Proxy *)c->client_data;
if (c->connecting != proxy_connecting || proxy == NULL || c != proxy->c) return NULL;
if (proxy->other == -1) proxy--;
return proxy[1].c;
void add_channel_redirection_listener(ChannelRedirectionListener listener) {
assert(redirection_listeners_cnt < (int)(sizeof(redirection_listeners) / sizeof(ChannelRedirectionListener)));
redirection_listeners[redirection_listeners_cnt++] = listener;
ProxyLogFilterListener set_proxy_log_filter_listener(ProxyLogFilterListener listener) {
ProxyLogFilterListener old = proxy_log_filter_listener;
proxy_log_filter_listener = listener;
return old;
ProxyLogFilterListener2 set_proxy_log_filter_listener2(ProxyLogFilterListener2 listener) {
ProxyLogFilterListener2 old = proxy_log_filter_listener2;
proxy_log_filter_listener2 = listener;
return old;