blob: 92442f1a1c9e4ab7fc4a5b4d6e9bdafda8fe9b28 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Xilinx, Inc. and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* You may elect to redistribute this code under either of these licenses.
* Contributors:
* Xilinx - initial API and implementation
#include <tcf/config.h>
#if !defined(ENABLE_GdbRemoteSerialProtocol)
# define ENABLE_GdbRemoteSerialProtocol 0
#if ENABLE_GdbRemoteSerialProtocol
#include <assert.h>
#include <tcf/framework/errors.h>
#include <tcf/framework/exceptions.h>
#include <tcf/framework/myalloc.h>
#include <tcf/framework/mdep-inet.h>
#include <tcf/framework/asyncreq.h>
#include <tcf/framework/context.h>
#include <tcf/framework/trace.h>
#include <tcf/framework/link.h>
#include <tcf/framework/json.h>
#include <tcf/services/runctrl.h>
#include <tcf/services/registers.h>
#include <tcf/services/breakpoints.h>
#include <tcf/services/memorymap.h>
#include <machine/i386/tcf/cpu-regs-gdb.h>
#include <machine/x86_64/tcf/cpu-regs-gdb.h>
#include <machine/arm/tcf/cpu-regs-gdb.h>
#include <machine/a64/tcf/cpu-regs-gdb.h>
#include <machine/powerpc/tcf/cpu-regs-gdb.h>
#include <machine/ppc64/tcf/cpu-regs-gdb.h>
#include <machine/microblaze/tcf/cpu-regs-gdb.h>
#include <machine/microblaze64/tcf/cpu-regs-gdb.h>
#include <machine/riscv/tcf/cpu-regs-gdb.h>
#include <machine/riscv64/tcf/cpu-regs-gdb.h>
#include <tcf/main/gdb-rsp.h>
(gdb) set remotetimeout 1000
(gdb) target extended-remote localhost:3000
#ifndef DEBUG_RSP
# define DEBUG_RSP 0
#define ID_ANY ~0u
typedef struct GdbServer {
LINK link_a2s;
LINK link_s2c;
int disposed;
AsyncReqInfo req;
char port[32];
char isa[32];
} GdbServer;
typedef struct GdbClient {
LINK link_s2c;
LINK link_c2p;
size_t buf_max;
uint8_t * buf;
AsyncReqInfo req;
GdbServer * server;
ClientConnection client;
int closed;
/* Command packet */
char * cmd_buf;
unsigned cmd_pos;
unsigned cmd_max;
unsigned cmd_end;
int cmd_esc;
/* Response packet */
char * res_buf;
unsigned res_pos;
unsigned res_max;
unsigned xfer_range_offs;
unsigned xfer_range_size;
unsigned start_timer;
unsigned process_id_cnt;
unsigned cur_c_pid;
unsigned cur_c_tid;
unsigned cur_g_pid;
unsigned cur_g_tid;
int no_ack_mode;
int multiprocess;
int swbreak;
int hwbreak;
int extended;
int stopped;
int waiting;
} GdbClient;
typedef struct GdbProcess {
LINK link_c2p;
LINK link_p2t;
LINK link_p2b;
GdbClient * client;
unsigned pid;
Context * ctx;
unsigned thread_id_cnt;
int attached;
} GdbProcess;
typedef struct GdbBreakpoint {
LINK link_p2b;
unsigned type;
unsigned kind;
uint64_t addr;
GdbProcess * process;
BreakpointInfo * bp;
} GdbBreakpoint;
typedef struct GdbThread {
LINK link_p2t;
GdbProcess * process;
unsigned tid;
Context * ctx;
RegisterDefinition ** regs_nm_map;
unsigned regs_nm_map_index_mask;
int locked;
GdbBreakpoint * bp_arr;
unsigned bp_cnt;
unsigned bp_max;
} GdbThread;
typedef struct GdbRegister {
unsigned regnum;
char name[256];
unsigned bits;
int id;
} GdbRegister;
typedef struct MonitorCommand {
const char * name;
void (*func)(GdbClient *, const char *);
} MonitorCommand;
#define link_a2s(x) ((GdbServer *)((char *)(x) - offsetof(GdbServer, link_a2s)))
#define link_s2c(x) ((GdbClient *)((char *)(x) - offsetof(GdbClient, link_s2c)))
#define link_c2p(x) ((GdbProcess *)((char *)(x) - offsetof(GdbProcess, link_c2p)))
#define link_p2t(x) ((GdbThread *)((char *)(x) - offsetof(GdbThread, link_p2t)))
#define link_p2b(x) ((GdbBreakpoint *)((char *)(x) - offsetof(GdbBreakpoint, link_p2b)))
#define client2gdb(c) ((GdbClient *)((char *)(c) - offsetof(GdbClient, client)))
static size_t context_extension_offset = 0;
static int ini_done = 0;
static LINK link_a2s;
static GdbProcess * add_process(GdbClient * c, Context * ctx) {
GdbProcess * p = (GdbProcess *)loc_alloc_zero(sizeof(GdbProcess));
assert(ctx->mem == ctx);
p->client = c;
p->pid = ++c->process_id_cnt;
p->ctx = ctx;
list_add_last(&p->link_c2p, &c->link_c2p);
return p;
static GdbProcess * find_process_pid(GdbClient * c, unsigned pid) {
LINK * l;
for (l = c->; l != &c->link_c2p; l = l->next) {
GdbProcess * p = link_c2p(l);
if (p->pid == pid) return p;
return NULL;
static GdbProcess * find_process_ctx(GdbClient * c, Context * ctx) {
LINK * l;
for (l = c->; l != &c->link_c2p; l = l->next) {
GdbProcess * p = link_c2p(l);
if (p->ctx == ctx) return p;
return NULL;
static void add_thread(GdbClient * c, Context * ctx) {
GdbThread * t = (GdbThread *)loc_alloc_zero(sizeof(GdbThread));
t->process = find_process_ctx(c, context_get_group(ctx, CONTEXT_GROUP_PROCESS));
t->tid = ++t->process->thread_id_cnt;
t->ctx = ctx;
list_add_last(&t->link_p2t, &t->process->link_p2t);
if (c->stopped) {
t->locked = 1;
if (suspend_debug_context(ctx) < 0) {
char * name = ctx->name;
if (name == NULL) name = ctx->id;
trace(LOG_ALWAYS, "GDB Server: cannot suspend context %s: %s", name, errno_to_str(errno));
static GdbThread * find_thread(GdbClient * c, unsigned pid, unsigned tid) {
GdbProcess * p = find_process_pid(c, pid);
if (p != NULL) {
LINK * l;
for (l = p->; l != &p->link_p2t; l = l->next) {
GdbThread * t = link_p2t(l);
if (t->tid == tid) return t;
return NULL;
static void free_thread(GdbThread * t) {
if (t->process->client->stopped) {
t->locked = 0;
static void free_breakpoint(GdbBreakpoint * b) {
if (b->bp != NULL) destroy_eventpoint(b->bp);
static void free_process(GdbProcess * p) {
while (!list_is_empty(&p->link_p2t)) {
while (!list_is_empty(&p->link_p2b)) {
static const char * get_regs(GdbClient * c) {
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "i386") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_i386;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "i486") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_i386;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "i586") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_i386;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "i686") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_i386;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "x86") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_i386;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "ia32") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_i386;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "x86_64") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_x86_64;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "amd64") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_x86_64;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "x64") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_x86_64;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "arm") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_arm;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "a32") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_arm;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "arm64") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_a64;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "aarch64") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_a64;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "a64") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_a64;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "ppc") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_powerpc;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "ppc32") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_powerpc;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "power32") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_powerpc;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "powerpc") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_powerpc;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "ppc64") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_ppc64;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "power64") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_ppc64;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "microblaze") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_microblaze;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "microblaze64") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_microblaze64;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "mb") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_microblaze;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "mb64") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_microblaze64;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "riscv32") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_riscv32;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "riscv64") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_riscv64;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "rv32") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_riscv32;
if (strcmp(c->server->isa, "rv64") == 0) return cpu_regs_gdb_riscv64;
set_fmt_errno(ERR_OTHER, "Unsupported ISA %s", c->server->isa);
return NULL;
static int check_process_isa(GdbClient * c, Context * prs) {
ContextISA isa;
const char * regs = get_regs(c);
if (regs != NULL) {
memset(&isa, 0, sizeof(isa));
if (context_get_isa(prs, 0, &isa) < 0) {
trace(LOG_ALWAYS, "Cannot get process ISA: %s", errno_to_str(errno));
return 0;
if (isa.def != NULL) {
if (strcmp(isa.def, "386") == 0) return regs == cpu_regs_gdb_i386;
if (strcmp(isa.def, "X86_64") == 0) return regs == cpu_regs_gdb_x86_64;
if (strcmp(isa.def, "ARM") == 0) return regs == cpu_regs_gdb_arm;
if (strcmp(isa.def, "Thumb") == 0) return regs == cpu_regs_gdb_arm;
if (strcmp(isa.def, "ThumbEE") == 0) return regs == cpu_regs_gdb_arm;
if (strcmp(isa.def, "Jazelle") == 0) return regs == cpu_regs_gdb_arm;
if (strcmp(isa.def, "A64") == 0) return regs == cpu_regs_gdb_a64;
if (strcmp(isa.def, "PPC") == 0) return regs == cpu_regs_gdb_powerpc;
if (strcmp(isa.def, "PPC64") == 0) return regs == cpu_regs_gdb_ppc64;
if (strcmp(isa.def, "MicroBlaze") == 0) return regs == cpu_regs_gdb_microblaze;
if (strcmp(isa.def, "MicroBlaze64") == 0) return regs == cpu_regs_gdb_microblaze64;
if (strcmp(isa.def, "Riscv32") == 0) return regs == cpu_regs_gdb_riscv32;
if (strcmp(isa.def, "Riscv64") == 0) return regs == cpu_regs_gdb_riscv64;
return 0;
static unsigned reg_name_hash(const char * name) {
unsigned h = 5381;
while (*name) h = ((h << 5) + h) + *name++;
return h;
static RegisterDefinition * find_register(GdbThread * t, GdbRegister * r) {
RegisterDefinition ** map = t->regs_nm_map;
unsigned n = 0;
if (r->id >= 0) {
RegisterDefinition * def = get_reg_definitions(t->ctx);
if (def == NULL) return NULL;
while (def->name != NULL) {
if (def->dwarf_id == r->id) return def;
return NULL;
if (map == NULL) {
unsigned map_len = 0;
unsigned map_len_p2 = 1;
RegisterDefinition * def = get_reg_definitions(t->ctx);
if (def == NULL) return NULL;
while (def->name != NULL) {
if (map_len == 0) return NULL;
while (map_len_p2 < map_len * 3) map_len_p2 <<= 2;
map = (RegisterDefinition **)loc_alloc_zero(sizeof(RegisterDefinition *) * map_len_p2);
t->regs_nm_map_index_mask = map_len_p2 - 1;
def = get_reg_definitions(t->ctx);
while (def->name != NULL) {
unsigned h = reg_name_hash(def->name) & t->regs_nm_map_index_mask;
while (map[h] != NULL) h = (h + 1) & t->regs_nm_map_index_mask;
map[h] = def;
t->regs_nm_map = map;
n = reg_name_hash(r->name) & t->regs_nm_map_index_mask;
while (map[n] != NULL) {
if (strcmp(map[n]->name, r->name) == 0) return map[n];
n = (n + 1) & t->regs_nm_map_index_mask;
return NULL;
static int open_server(const char * port) {
int err = 0;
int sock = -1;
struct addrinfo hints;
struct addrinfo * reslist = NULL;
struct addrinfo * res = NULL;
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
hints.ai_family = PF_INET;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;
err = loc_getaddrinfo(NULL, port, &hints, &reslist);
if (err) {
return -1;
for (res = reslist; res != NULL; res = res->ai_next) {
const int i = 1;
sock = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol);
if (sock < 0) continue;
if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&i, sizeof(i)) < 0) err = errno;
if (!err && bind(sock, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen)) err = errno;
if (!err && listen(sock, 4)) err = errno;
if (!err) break;
sock = -1;
return sock;
static void dispose_server(GdbServer * s) {
s->req.u.acc.sock = -1;
s->disposed = 1;
if (list_is_empty(&s->link_s2c)) {
static void lock_threads(GdbClient * c) {
LINK * l;
if (c->stopped) return;
for (l = c->; l != &c->link_c2p; l = l->next) {
LINK * m;
GdbProcess * p = link_c2p(l);
for (m = p->; m != &p->link_p2t; m = m->next) {
GdbThread * t = link_p2t(m);
Context * ctx = t->ctx;
if (suspend_debug_context(ctx) < 0) {
char * name = ctx->name;
if (name == NULL) name = ctx->id;
trace(LOG_ALWAYS, "GDB Server: cannot suspend context %s: %s", name, errno_to_str(errno));
t->locked = 1;
c->stopped = 1;
static void unlock_threads(GdbClient * c) {
LINK * l;
if (!c->stopped) return;
for (l = c->; l != &c->link_c2p; l = l->next) {
LINK * m;
GdbProcess * p = link_c2p(l);
for (m = p->; m != &p->link_p2t; m = m->next) {
GdbThread * t = link_p2t(m);
Context * ctx = t->ctx;
t->locked = 0;
t->bp_cnt = 0;
c->stopped = 0;
static void attach_process(GdbProcess * p) {
GdbClient * c = p->client;
LINK * l;
if (p->attached) return;
p->attached = 1;
for (l =; l != &context_root; l = l->next) {
Context * ctx = ctxl2ctxp(l);
if (!ctx->exited && context_has_state(ctx) && context_get_group(ctx, CONTEXT_GROUP_PROCESS) == p->ctx) {
add_thread(c, ctx);
static void detach_process(GdbProcess * p) {
if (!p->attached) return;
while (!list_is_empty(&p->link_p2t)) {
p->attached = 0;
static int is_all_intercepted(GdbClient * c) {
LINK * l, * m;
for (l = c->; l != &c->link_c2p; l = l->next) {
GdbProcess * p = link_c2p(l);
for (m = p->; m != &p->link_p2t; m = m->next) {
GdbThread * t = link_p2t(m);
if (!is_intercepted(t->ctx)) return 0;
return 1;
static void start_client(void * args) {
GdbClient * c = (GdbClient *)args;
if (c->start_timer > 10 || (c->stopped && is_all_intercepted(c))) {
if (c->stopped && !is_all_intercepted(c)) {
LINK * l;
c->cur_g_pid = 0;
c->cur_g_tid = 0;
for (l = c->; l != &c->link_c2p; l = l->next) {
GdbProcess * p = link_c2p(l);
c->req.u.sio.rval = 0;
if (!c->stopped) {
LINK * l;
/* Select initial debug target */
for (l =; l != &context_root; l = l->next) {
Context * ctx = ctxl2ctxp(l);
if (!ctx->exited && context_has_state(ctx)) {
Context * prs = context_get_group(ctx, CONTEXT_GROUP_PROCESS);
GdbProcess * p = find_process_ctx(c, prs);
if (p != NULL) {
post_event_with_delay(start_client, args, 500000);
static void close_client(GdbClient * c) {
if (!c->closed) {
c->closed = 1;
static void dispose_client(ClientConnection * cc) {
GdbClient * c = client2gdb(cc);
GdbServer * s = c->server;
while (!list_is_empty(&c->link_c2p)) {
if (s->disposed && list_is_empty(&s->link_s2c)) {
static char hex_digit(unsigned d) {
assert(d < 0x10);
if (d < 10) return (char)('0' + d);
/* Note: don't use capital 'E' - GDB can take it as error reply */
return (char)('a' + d - 10);
static void add_res_ch_no_esc(GdbClient * c, char ch) {
if (c->res_pos >= c->res_max) {
c->res_max = c->res_max == 0 ? 0x1000 : c->res_max * 2;
c->res_buf = (char *)loc_realloc(c->res_buf, c->res_max);
c->res_buf[c->res_pos++] = ch;
static void add_res_ch(GdbClient * c, char ch) {
switch (ch) {
case '}':
case '$':
case '#':
case '*':
add_res_ch_no_esc(c, '}');
ch ^= 0x20;
add_res_ch_no_esc(c, ch);
static void add_res_str(GdbClient * c, const char * s) {
while (*s != 0) add_res_ch(c, *s++);
static void add_res_hex(GdbClient * c, uint64_t n) {
char s[17];
unsigned i = sizeof(s);
s[--i] = 0;
do {
unsigned d = n & 0xf;
s[--i] = hex_digit(d);
n = n >> 4;
while (n != 0 && i > 0);
add_res_str(c, s + i);
static void add_res_hex8(GdbClient * c, unsigned n) {
char s[3];
unsigned i = sizeof(s);
s[--i] = 0;
do {
unsigned d = n & 0xf;
s[--i] = hex_digit(d);
n = n >> 4;
while (i > 0);
add_res_str(c, s);
static void add_res_ptid(GdbClient * c, unsigned pid, unsigned tid) {
if (c->multiprocess) {
add_res_ch(c, 'p');
add_res_hex(c, pid);
add_res_ch(c, '.');
add_res_hex(c, tid);
static int add_res_target_info(GdbClient * c) {
const char * regs = get_regs(c);
if (regs == NULL) return -1;
add_res_str(c, "l<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n");
add_res_str(c, "<!DOCTYPE target SYSTEM \"gdb-target.dtd\">\n");
add_res_str(c, "<target version=\"1.0\">\n");
add_res_str(c, regs);
add_res_str(c, "</target>\n");
return 0;
static int add_res_exec_file(GdbClient * c, unsigned pid) {
GdbProcess * p = find_process_pid(c, pid);
if (p != NULL) {
MemoryMap * client_map;
MemoryMap * target_map;
unsigned i;
if (memory_map_get(p->ctx, &client_map, &target_map) < 0) return -1;
for (i = 0; i < target_map->region_cnt; i++) {
MemoryRegion * r = target_map->regions + i;
if (r->file_name != NULL) {
add_res_ch(c, 'l');
add_res_str(c, r->file_name);
return 0;
add_res_str(c, "E01");
return 0;
static void add_res_reg_value(GdbClient * c, GdbThread * t, GdbRegister * r) {
RegisterDefinition * def = NULL;
unsigned size = (r->bits + 7) / 8;
void * buf = tmp_alloc_zero(size);
unsigned i = 0;
if (t != NULL) def = find_register(t, r);
if (def != NULL) {
unsigned rd = def->size < size ? def->size : size;
if (context_read_reg(t->ctx, def, 0, rd, buf) >= 0) {
/* Register bytes are transmitted in the target byte order */
if (def->big_endian) swap_bytes(buf, rd);
if (t->ctx->big_endian) swap_bytes(buf, size);
else {
def = NULL;
while (i < size) {
if (def == NULL) {
add_res_str(c, "xx");
else {
add_res_hex8(c, ((uint8_t *)buf)[i]);
static void add_res_stop_reason(GdbClient * c) {
GdbThread * t = find_thread(c, c->cur_g_pid, c->cur_g_tid);
if (t != NULL) {
unsigned i;
add_res_str(c, "T05");
add_res_str(c, "thread:");
add_res_ptid(c, c->cur_g_pid, c->cur_g_tid);
add_res_ch(c, ';');
for (i = 0; i < t->bp_cnt; i++) {
GdbBreakpoint * bp = t->bp_arr + i;
switch (bp->type) {
case 0:
if (c->swbreak) add_res_str(c, "swbreak:;");
case 1:
if (c->hwbreak) add_res_str(c, "hwbreak:;");
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
if (bp->type == 3) add_res_ch(c, 'r');
if (bp->type == 4) add_res_ch(c, 'a');
add_res_str(c, "watch:");
add_res_hex(c, bp->addr);
add_res_ch(c, ';');
else {
add_res_str(c, "W00");
static int send_res(GdbClient * c) {
unsigned i;
unsigned char sum = 0;
assert(c->res_pos > 0);
assert(c->res_buf[0] == '$');
for (i = 1; i < c->res_pos; i++) {
sum += (unsigned char)c->res_buf[i];
add_res_ch_no_esc(c, '#');
add_res_hex8(c, sum);
printf("GDB <- %.*s\n", c->res_pos, c->res_buf);
return send(c->req.u.sio.sock, c->res_buf, c->res_pos, 0);
static char * get_cmd_word(GdbClient * c, char ** p) {
char * s = *p;
char * e = s;
char * w = NULL;
while (e < c->cmd_buf + c->cmd_end) {
if (*e == ':') break;
if (*e == ';') break;
if (*e == ',') break;
w = (char *)tmp_alloc_zero(e - s + 1);
memcpy(w, s, e - s);
*p = e;
return w;
static uint8_t get_cmd_uint8(GdbClient * c, char ** p) {
char * s = *p;
uint8_t n = 0;
while (s < c->cmd_buf + c->cmd_end && s < *p + 2) {
char ch = *s;
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') n = (n << 4) + (ch - '0');
else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') n = (n << 4) + (ch - 'A' + 10);
else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') n = (n << 4) + (ch - 'a' + 10);
else break;
*p = s;
return n;
static unsigned get_cmd_uint(GdbClient * c, char ** p) {
char * s = *p;
unsigned n = 0;
while (s < c->cmd_buf + c->cmd_end) {
char ch = *s;
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') n = (n << 4) + (ch - '0');
else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') n = (n << 4) + (ch - 'A' + 10);
else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') n = (n << 4) + (ch - 'a' + 10);
else break;
*p = s;
return n;
static uint64_t get_cmd_uint64(GdbClient * c, char ** p) {
char * s = *p;
uint64_t n = 0;
while (s < c->cmd_buf + c->cmd_end && s < *p + 16) {
char ch = *s;
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') n = (n << 4) + (ch - '0');
else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') n = (n << 4) + (ch - 'A' + 10);
else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') n = (n << 4) + (ch - 'a' + 10);
else break;
*p = s;
return n;
static void get_cmd_ptid(GdbClient * c, char ** pp, unsigned * res_pid, unsigned * res_tid) {
char * s = *pp;
unsigned pid = 0;
unsigned tid = 0;
int neg_pid = 0;
int neg_tid = 0;
if (*s == 'p') {
if (*s == '-') {
neg_pid = 1;
pid = get_cmd_uint(c, &s);
if (*s == '.') s++;
if (*s == '-') {
neg_tid = 1;
tid = get_cmd_uint(c, &s);
if (neg_pid) {
pid = ID_ANY;
else if (pid == 0) {
LINK * l;
pid = 0;
for (l = c->; l != &c->link_c2p; l = l->next) {
GdbProcess * p = link_c2p(l);
if (p->attached) {
pid = p->pid;
if (neg_tid || pid == ID_ANY) {
tid = ID_ANY;
else if (tid == 0) {
GdbProcess * p = find_process_pid(c, pid);
tid = 0;
if (p != NULL && !list_is_empty(&p->link_p2t)) {
tid = link_p2t(p->>tid;
*pp = s;
*res_pid = pid;
*res_tid = tid;
static void get_xfer_range(GdbClient * c, char ** p) {
c->xfer_range_offs = get_cmd_uint(c, p);
if (**p != ',') return;
c->xfer_range_size = get_cmd_uint(c, p);
static int read_reg_attributes(const char * p, unsigned n, GdbRegister * r) {
const char * p0 = p;
memset(r, 0, sizeof(GdbRegister));
r->regnum = n;
r->id = -1;
while (*p == ' ') p++;
if (strncmp(p, "<reg ", 5) != 0) return 0;
p += 5;
while (*p) {
if (*p == '\n') break;
if (p[0] == '=' && (p[1] == '"' || p[1] == '\'')) {
char q = p[1];
const char * n0 = p;
const char * n1 = p;
const char * v0 = p + 2;
const char * v1 = p + 2;
while (*v1 != 0 && *v1 != q) v1++;
while (n0 > p0 && *(n0 - 1) != ' ') n0--;
if (n1 - n0 == 4 && strncmp(n0, "name", 4) == 0) {
size_t l = v1 - v0 + 1;
if (l > sizeof(r->name)) l = sizeof(r->name);
strlcpy(r->name, v0, l);
if (n1 - n0 == 7 && strncmp(n0, "bitsize", 7) == 0) {
r->bits = (unsigned)atoi(v0);
if (n1 - n0 == 6 && strncmp(n0, "regnum", 6) == 0) {
r->regnum = (unsigned)atoi(v0);
if (n1 - n0 == 2 && strncmp(n0, "id", 2) == 0) {
r->id = atoi(v0);
if (*v1 != q) break;
p = v1;
return r->name[0] && r->bits > 0;
static void breakpoint_cb(Context * ctx, void * args) {
GdbBreakpoint * b = (GdbBreakpoint *)args;
GdbProcess * p = b->process;
LINK * l;
for (l = p->; l != &p->link_p2t; l = l->next) {
GdbThread * t = link_p2t(l);
if (t->ctx == ctx) {
if (t->bp_cnt >= t->bp_max) {
t->bp_max += 8;
t->bp_arr = (GdbBreakpoint *)loc_realloc(t->bp_arr, t->bp_max * sizeof(GdbBreakpoint));
t->bp_arr[t->bp_cnt++] = *b;
ctx->pending_intercept = 1;
static void monitor_ps(GdbClient * c, const char * args) {
LINK * l;
unsigned cnt = 0;
for (l = c->; l != &c->link_c2p; l = l->next) {
char * m = NULL;
GdbProcess * p = link_c2p(l);
if (context_has_state(p->ctx)) {
const char * state = get_context_state_name(p->ctx);
m = tmp_printf("%u: %s (%s)\n", (unsigned)p->pid, p->ctx->name ? p->ctx->name : p->ctx->id, state);
else {
m = tmp_printf("%u: %s\n", (unsigned)p->pid, p->ctx->name ? p->ctx->name : p->ctx->id);
while (*m) add_res_hex8(c, *m++);
if (cnt == 0) {
const char * m = "No processes\n";
while (*m) add_res_hex8(c, *m++);
static MonitorCommand mon_cmds[] = {
{ "ps", monitor_ps },
{ NULL }
static int handle_g_command(GdbClient * c) {
/* Read general registers */
GdbThread * t = find_thread(c, c->cur_g_pid, c->cur_g_tid);
const char * regs = get_regs(c);
const char * p = regs;
const char * q = regs;
unsigned regnum = 0;
if (p == NULL) return -1;
while (*p) {
if (*p++ == '\n') {
GdbRegister r;
if (read_reg_attributes(q, regnum, &r)) {
add_res_reg_value(c, t, &r);
regnum = r.regnum + 1;
q = p;
return 0;
static int handle_m_command(GdbClient * c) {
/* Read memory */
char * s = c->cmd_buf + 2;
ContextAddress addr = (ContextAddress)get_cmd_uint64(c, &s);
GdbThread * t = find_thread(c, c->cur_g_pid, c->cur_g_tid);
void * buf = NULL;
size_t size = 0;
if (*s == ',') {
size = (size_t)get_cmd_uint(c, &s);
buf = tmp_alloc_zero(size);
if (t == NULL || context_read_mem(t->ctx, addr, buf, size) < 0) {
add_res_str(c, "E01");
else {
unsigned i = 0;
while (i < size) {
add_res_hex8(c, ((uint8_t *)buf)[i++]);
return 0;
static int handle_M_command(GdbClient * c) {
/* Write memory */
char * s = c->cmd_buf + 2;
ContextAddress addr = (ContextAddress)get_cmd_uint64(c, &s);
GdbThread * t = find_thread(c, c->cur_g_pid, c->cur_g_tid);
void * buf = NULL;
size_t size = 0;
if (*s == ',') {
size = (size_t)get_cmd_uint(c, &s);
buf = tmp_alloc_zero(size);
if (*s == ':') {
unsigned i = 0;
while (i < size) {
((uint8_t *)buf)[i++] = get_cmd_uint8(c, &s);
if (t == NULL || context_write_mem(t->ctx, addr, buf, size) < 0) {
add_res_str(c, "E01");
else {
add_res_str(c, "OK");
return 0;
static int handle_p_command(GdbClient * c) {
/* Read register */
char * s = c->cmd_buf + 2;
GdbThread * t = find_thread(c, c->cur_g_pid, c->cur_g_tid);
unsigned reg = get_cmd_uint(c, &s);
const char * regs = get_regs(c);
const char * p = regs;
const char * q = regs;
unsigned regnum = 0;
if (p == NULL) return -1;
while (*p) {
if (*p++ == '\n') {
GdbRegister r;
if (read_reg_attributes(q, regnum, &r)) {
if (r.regnum == reg) {
add_res_reg_value(c, t, &r);
return 0;
regnum = r.regnum + 1;
q = p;
add_res_str(c, "E01");
return 0;
static int handle_P_command(GdbClient * c) {
/* Write register */
char * s = c->cmd_buf + 2;
GdbThread * t = find_thread(c, c->cur_g_pid, c->cur_g_tid);
unsigned reg = get_cmd_uint(c, &s);
const char * regs = get_regs(c);
const char * p = regs;
const char * q = regs;
unsigned regnum = 0;
if (p == NULL) return -1;
while (*p) {
if (*p++ == '\n') {
GdbRegister r;
if (read_reg_attributes(q, regnum, &r)) {
if (r.regnum == reg) {
RegisterDefinition * def = NULL;
unsigned size = (r.bits + 7) / 8;
void * buf = tmp_alloc_zero(size);
if (*s++ == '=') {
unsigned i = 0;
while (i < size) ((uint8_t *)buf)[i++] = get_cmd_uint8(c, &s);
if (t != NULL) def = find_register(t, &r);
if (def != NULL && context_write_reg(t->ctx, def, 0, def->size < size ? def->size : size, buf) == 0) {
add_res_str(c, "OK");
return 0;
regnum = r.regnum + 1;
q = p;
add_res_str(c, "E01");
return 0;
static int handle_q_command(GdbClient * c) {
char * s = c->cmd_buf + 2;
char * w = get_cmd_word(c, &s);
if (strcmp(w, "Supported") == 0) {
if (*s++ == ':') {
while (s < c->cmd_buf + c->cmd_end) {
char name[256];
char value[256];
unsigned i = 0;
while (s < c->cmd_buf + c->cmd_end) {
if (*s == ';' || *s == '+' || *s == '-' || *s == '=') break;
if (i < sizeof(name) - 1) name[i++] = *s;
name[i] = 0;
if (*s == '+') {
if (strcmp(name, "multiprocess") == 0) c->multiprocess = 1;
if (strcmp(name, "swbreak") == 0) c->swbreak = 1;
if (strcmp(name, "hwbreak") == 0) c->hwbreak = 1;
else if (*s == '-') {
else if (*s == '=') {
i = 0;
while (s < c->cmd_buf + c->cmd_end) {
if (*s == ';') break;
if (i < sizeof(value) - 1) value[i++] = *s;
value[i] = 0;
if (*s == ';') s++;
add_res_str(c, "PacketSize=4000");
add_res_str(c, ";QStartNoAckMode+");
add_res_str(c, ";qXfer:features:read+");
add_res_str(c, ";qXfer:exec-file:read+");
if (c->multiprocess) add_res_str(c, ";multiprocess+");
if (c->swbreak) add_res_str(c, ";swbreak+");
if (c->hwbreak) add_res_str(c, ";hwbreak+");
#if 0
add_res_str(c, ";QNonStop+;QAgent+");
add_res_str(c, ";QPassSignals+;QProgramSignals+");
add_res_str(c, ";ConditionalBreakpoints+;BreakpointCommands+");
add_res_str(c, ";qXfer:osdata:read+;qXfer:threads:read+");
add_res_str(c, ";qXfer:libraries-svr4:read+");
add_res_str(c, ";qXfer:auxv:read+");
add_res_str(c, ";qXfer:spu:read+;qXfer:spu:write+");
add_res_str(c, ";qXfer:siginfo:read+;qXfer:siginfo:write+");
return 0;
if (strcmp(w, "Attached") == 0) {
add_res_str(c, "1");
return 0;
if (strcmp(w, "TStatus") == 0) {
add_res_str(c, "T0");
return 0;
if (strcmp(w, "C") == 0) {
add_res_str(c, "QC");
add_res_ptid(c, c->cur_g_pid, c->cur_g_tid);
return 0;
if (strcmp(w, "Xfer") == 0 && *s++ == ':') {
w = get_cmd_word(c, &s);
if (strcmp(w, "features") == 0 && *s++ == ':') {
w = get_cmd_word(c, &s);
if (strcmp(w, "read") == 0 && *s++ == ':') {
w = get_cmd_word(c, &s);
if (strcmp(w, "target.xml") == 0) {
if (add_res_target_info(c) < 0) return -1;
if (*s++ == ':') get_xfer_range(c, &s);
return 0;
if (strcmp(w, "exec-file") == 0 && *s++ == ':') {
w = get_cmd_word(c, &s);
if (strcmp(w, "read") == 0 && *s++ == ':') {
int pid = get_cmd_uint(c, &s);
if (pid == 0) pid = c->cur_g_pid;
if (add_res_exec_file(c, pid) < 0) return -1;
if (*s++ == ':') get_xfer_range(c, &s);
return 0;
return 0;
if (strcmp(w, "fThreadInfo") == 0) {
LINK * l;
unsigned cnt = 0;
for (l = c->; l != &c->link_c2p; l = l->next) {
GdbProcess * p = link_c2p(l);
LINK * m;
for (m = p->; m != &p->link_p2t; m = m->next) {
GdbThread * t = link_p2t(m);
if (cnt == 0) add_res_ch(c, 'm');
else add_res_ch(c, ',');
add_res_ptid(c, p->pid, t->tid);
if (cnt == 0) add_res_ch(c, 'l');
return 0;
if (strcmp(w, "sThreadInfo") == 0) {
add_res_ch(c, 'l');
return 0;
if (strcmp(w, "ThreadExtraInfo") == 0) {
const char * m = NULL;
if (*s++ == ',') {
unsigned pid = 0;
unsigned tid = 0;
GdbThread * t = NULL;
get_cmd_ptid(c, &s, &pid, &tid);
t = find_thread(c, pid, tid);
if (t != NULL) {
Context * ctx = t->ctx;
const char * state = get_context_state_name(ctx);
m = ctx->name;
if (m == NULL) m = ctx->id;
if (state != NULL && *state) {
m = tmp_strdup2(m, ": ");
m = tmp_strdup2(m, state);
if (m == NULL) m = "Invalid ID";
while (*m) add_res_hex8(c, *m++);
return 0;
if (strcmp(w, "Rcmd") == 0) {
if (*s++ == ',') {
unsigned i = 0;
unsigned max = (c->cmd_buf + c->cmd_end - s) / 2 + 2;
char * cmd = (char *)tmp_alloc_zero(max);
MonitorCommand * mon_cmd = NULL;
unsigned mon_cnt = 0;
unsigned cmd_pos = 0;
const char * res = NULL;
while (i < max - 1) {
char ch = get_cmd_uint8(c, &s);
if (ch == 0) break;
cmd[i++] = ch;
for (i = 0;; i++) {
unsigned j;
MonitorCommand * m = mon_cmds + i;
if (m->name == NULL) break;
for (j = 0;; j++) {
if (cmd[j] != m->name[j] || m->name[j] == 0) {
if (j > 0 && (cmd[j] == ' ' || cmd[j] == 0)) {
mon_cmd = m;
cmd_pos = j;
if (mon_cnt > 1) {
res = "Ambiguous command\n";
else if (mon_cmd == NULL) {
res = "Invalid command\n";
else {
while (cmd[cmd_pos] == ' ') cmd_pos++;
mon_cmd->func(c, cmd + cmd_pos);
if (res) {
while (*res) add_res_hex8(c, *res++);
return 0;
add_res_str(c, "E02");
return 0;
static int handle_Q_command(GdbClient * c) {
char * s = c->cmd_buf + 2;
char * w = get_cmd_word(c, &s);
if (strcmp(w, "StartNoAckMode") == 0) {
add_res_str(c, "OK");
c->no_ack_mode = 1;
return 0;
return 0;
static int handle_H_command(GdbClient * c) {
if (c->cmd_end > 2) {
char * s = c->cmd_buf + 3;
if (c->cmd_buf[2] == 'c') {
get_cmd_ptid(c, &s, &c->cur_c_pid, &c->cur_c_tid);
else {
get_cmd_ptid(c, &s, &c->cur_g_pid, &c->cur_g_tid);
add_res_str(c, "OK");
return 0;
static int handle_qm_command(GdbClient * c) {
GdbThread * t = find_thread(c, c->cur_g_pid, c->cur_g_tid);
if (t != NULL) {
if (is_intercepted(t->ctx)) {
else {
c->waiting = 1;
return 0;
add_res_str(c, "W00");
return 0;
static int handle_v_command(GdbClient * c) {
char * s = c->cmd_buf + 2;
char * w = get_cmd_word(c, &s);
if (strcmp(w, "Attach") == 0) {
if (*s++ == ';') {
unsigned pid = get_cmd_uint(c, &s);
GdbProcess * p = find_process_pid(c, pid);
if (p != NULL) {
if (!p->attached) attach_process(p);
if (list_is_empty(&p->link_p2t)) {
add_res_str(c, "N");
else {
GdbThread * t = link_p2t(p->;
c->cur_g_pid = p->pid;
c->cur_g_tid = t->tid;
if (is_all_intercepted(c)) {
else {
c->waiting = 1;
return 0;
add_res_str(c, "E01");
return 0;
if (strcmp(w, "Cont?") == 0) {
add_res_str(c, "vCont;c;C;s;S;t;r");
return 0;
if (strcmp(w, "Cont") == 0) {
while (*s++ == ';') {
char mode = *s++;
unsigned sig = 0;
ContextAddress range_fr = 0;
ContextAddress range_to = 0;
switch (mode) {
case 'C':
case 'S':
sig = get_cmd_uint8(c, &s);
case 'r':
range_fr = (ContextAddress)get_cmd_uint64(c, &s);
if (*s == ',') {
range_to = (ContextAddress)get_cmd_uint64(c, &s);
if (*s == ':') {
get_cmd_ptid(c, &s, &c->cur_g_pid, &c->cur_g_tid);
if (c->cur_g_tid == ID_ANY) {
GdbProcess * p = find_process_pid(c, c->cur_g_pid);
switch (mode) {
case 'c':
continue_debug_context(p->ctx, NULL, RM_RESUME, 1, 0, 0);
case 't':
else {
GdbThread * t = find_thread(c, c->cur_g_pid, c->cur_g_tid);
if (t != NULL) {
switch (mode) {
case 'c':
continue_debug_context(t->ctx, NULL, RM_RESUME, 1, 0, 0);
case 'C':
sigset_set(&t->ctx->pending_signals, sig, 1);
continue_debug_context(t->ctx, NULL, RM_RESUME, 1, 0, 0);
case 's':
continue_debug_context(t->ctx, NULL, RM_STEP_INTO, 1, 0, 0);
case 'S':
sigset_set(&t->ctx->pending_signals, sig, 1);
continue_debug_context(t->ctx, NULL, RM_STEP_INTO, 1, 0, 0);
case 'r':
continue_debug_context(t->ctx, NULL, RM_STEP_INTO_RANGE, 1, range_fr, range_to);
case 't':
if (list_is_empty(&c->link_c2p)) {
add_res_str(c, "N");
else {
c->waiting = 1;
return 0;
return 0;
static int handle_T_command(GdbClient * c) {
char * s = c->cmd_buf + 2;
unsigned pid = 0;
unsigned tid = 0;
GdbThread * t = NULL;
get_cmd_ptid(c, &s, &pid, &tid);
t = find_thread(c, pid, tid);
if (t != NULL) {
add_res_str(c, "OK");
else {
add_res_str(c, "E01");
return 0;
static int handle_D_command(GdbClient * c) {
char * s = c->cmd_buf + 2;
if (*s++ == ';') {
unsigned pid = get_cmd_uint(c, &s);
GdbProcess * p = find_process_pid(c, pid);
if (p != NULL) {
if (c->cur_g_pid == p->pid) {
c->cur_g_pid = 0;
c->cur_g_tid = 0;
/* According to the GDB manual: Detaching the process continues its execution. */
if (!p->ctx->exited) continue_debug_context(p->ctx, NULL, RM_RESUME, 1, 0, 0);
add_res_str(c, "OK");
return 0;
add_res_str(c, "E01");
return 0;
static int handle_Z_command(GdbClient * c) {
char * s = c->cmd_buf + 2;
unsigned type = get_cmd_uint(c, &s);
if (*s++ == ',') {
uint64_t addr = get_cmd_uint64(c, &s);
if (*s++ == ',') {
unsigned kind = get_cmd_uint(c, &s);
GdbProcess * p = find_process_pid(c, c->cur_g_pid);
unsigned size = kind;
unsigned mode = 0;
if (type < 2) {
size = 1;
else if (type == 2) {
else if (type == 3) {
else if (type == 4) {
else {
/* not supported */
return 0;
if (p != NULL) {
GdbBreakpoint * b = (GdbBreakpoint *)loc_alloc_zero(sizeof(GdbBreakpoint));
static const char * attr_list[] = {
BreakpointAttribute * attrs = NULL;
BreakpointAttribute ** ref = &attrs;
char str[32];
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(attr_list) / sizeof(char *); i++) {
ByteArrayOutputStream buf;
BreakpointAttribute * attr = (BreakpointAttribute *)loc_alloc_zero(sizeof(BreakpointAttribute));
OutputStream * out = create_byte_array_output_stream(&buf);
attr->name = loc_strdup(attr_list[i]);
switch (i) {
case 0:
json_write_boolean(out, 1);
case 1:
json_write_long(out, mode);
case 2:
write_stream(out, '[');
json_write_string(out, p->ctx->id);
write_stream(out, ']');
case 3:
snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%#" PRIx64, (uint64_t)addr);
json_write_string(out, str);
case 4:
json_write_long(out, size);
case 5:
json_write_string(out, "GDB-RSP");
write_stream(out, 0);
get_byte_array_output_stream_data(&buf, &attr->value, NULL);
*ref = attr;
ref = &attr->next;
b->type = type;
b->addr = addr;
b->kind = kind;
b->process = p;
list_add_last(&b->link_p2b, &p->link_p2b);
b->bp = create_eventpoint_ext(attrs, NULL, breakpoint_cb, b);
add_res_str(c, "OK");
return 0;
add_res_str(c, "E01");
return 0;
static int handle_z_command(GdbClient * c) {
char * s = c->cmd_buf + 2;
unsigned type = get_cmd_uint(c, &s);
if (*s++ == ',') {
uint64_t addr = get_cmd_uint64(c, &s);
if (*s++ == ',') {
unsigned kind = get_cmd_uint(c, &s);
GdbProcess * p = find_process_pid(c, c->cur_g_pid);
if (p != NULL) {
LINK * l;
for (l = p->; l != &p->link_p2b; l = l->next) {
GdbBreakpoint * b = link_p2b(l);
if (b->type == type && b->addr == addr && b->kind == kind) {
add_res_str(c, "OK");
return 0;
add_res_str(c, "E01");
return 0;
static int handle_command(GdbClient * c) {
if (c->cmd_end < 2) return 0;
switch (c->cmd_buf[1]) {
case 'A': add_res_str(c, "E01"); return 0;
case 'b': return 0;
case 'B': return 0;
case 'd': return 0;
case 'g': return handle_g_command(c);
case 'm': return handle_m_command(c);
case 'M': return handle_M_command(c);
case 'p': return handle_p_command(c);
case 'P': return handle_P_command(c);
case 'q': return handle_q_command(c);
case 'Q': return handle_Q_command(c);
case 'H': return handle_H_command(c);
case '!': c->extended = 1; add_res_str(c, "OK"); return 0;
case '?': return handle_qm_command(c);
case 'v': return handle_v_command(c);
case 'T': return handle_T_command(c);
case 'D': return handle_D_command(c);
case 'Z': return handle_Z_command(c);
case 'z': return handle_z_command(c);
return 0;
static int read_packet(GdbClient * c, unsigned len) {
unsigned char * b = c->buf;
unsigned char * e = b + len;
while (b < e) {
char ch = *b++;
if (c->cmd_pos > 0 || ch == '$') {
if (ch == 0x7d && !c->cmd_esc) {
c->cmd_esc = 1;
if (ch == '#') {
c->cmd_end = c->cmd_pos;
if (c->cmd_esc) {
c->cmd_esc = 0;
ch = (char)(ch ^ 0x20);
if (c->cmd_pos >= c->cmd_max) {
c->cmd_max = c->cmd_max == 0 ? 0x100 : c->cmd_max * 2;
c->cmd_buf = (char *)loc_realloc(c->cmd_buf, c->cmd_max);
c->cmd_buf[c->cmd_pos++] = ch;
if (c->cmd_end > 0 && c->cmd_pos == c->cmd_end + 3) {
if (!c->no_ack_mode && send(c->req.u.sio.sock, "+", 1, 0) < 0) return -1;
printf("GDB -> %.*s\n", c->cmd_pos, c->cmd_buf);
c->waiting = 0;
c->res_pos = 0;
c->xfer_range_offs = 0;
c->xfer_range_size = 0;
add_res_ch_no_esc(c, '$');
if (handle_command(c) < 0) return -1;
if (!c->waiting || c->res_pos > 1) {
c->waiting = 0;
if (c->xfer_range_offs > 0 || (c->xfer_range_size > 0 && c->xfer_range_size + 2 < c->res_pos)) {
unsigned offs = c->xfer_range_offs + 2; /* First bytes are "$l" */
unsigned size = c->xfer_range_size;
assert(c->res_buf[0] == '$');
assert(c->res_buf[1] == 'l');
if (offs >= c->res_pos) {
offs = 2;
size = 0;
else if (offs + size > c->res_pos) {
size = c->res_pos - offs;
else {
c->res_buf[1] = 'm';
memmove(c->res_buf + 2, c->res_buf + offs, size);
c->res_pos = size + 2;
if (send_res(c) < 0) return -1;
c->cmd_pos = 0;
c->cmd_end = 0;
c->cmd_esc = 0;
else if (!c->no_ack_mode && ch == '-' && c->res_pos > 0) {
if (send(c->req.u.sio.sock, c->res_buf, c->res_pos, 0) < 0) return -1;
else if (ch == 3) {
LINK * l;
for (l = c->; l != &c->link_c2p; l = l->next) {
LINK * m;
GdbProcess * p = link_c2p(l);
for (m = p->; m != &p->link_p2t; m = m->next) {
GdbThread * t = link_p2t(m);
Context * ctx = t->ctx;
if (suspend_debug_context(ctx) < 0) {
char * name = ctx->name;
if (name == NULL) name = ctx->id;
trace(LOG_ALWAYS, "GDB Server: cannot suspend context %s: %s", name, errno_to_str(errno));
return 0;
static void recv_done(void * args) {
GdbClient * c = (GdbClient *)((AsyncReqInfo *)args)->client_data;
if (c->req.error) {
trace(LOG_ALWAYS, "GDB Server connection closed: %s", errno_to_str(c->req.error));
else if (c->req.u.sio.rval == 0) {
else {
if (read_packet(c, c->req.u.sio.rval) < 0) {
trace(LOG_ALWAYS, "GDB Server connection terminated: %s", errno_to_str(errno));
c->req.u.sio.rval = 0;
static void accept_done(void * args) {
GdbServer * s = (GdbServer *)((AsyncReqInfo *)args)->client_data;
GdbClient * c = NULL;
const int opt = 1;
int sock = 0;
LINK * l;
if (s->req.error) {
trace(LOG_ALWAYS, "GDB Server terminated: %s", errno_to_str(s->req.error));
sock = s->req.u.acc.rval;
c = (GdbClient *)loc_alloc_zero(sizeof(GdbClient));
c->server = s;
c->buf_max = 0x1000;
c->buf = (uint8_t *)loc_alloc(c->buf_max);
c->req.type = AsyncReqRecv;
c->req.client_data = c;
c->req.done = recv_done;
c->req.u.sio.sock = sock;
c->req.u.sio.bufp = c->buf;
c->req.u.sio.bufsz = c->buf_max;
c->req.u.sio.flags = 0;
list_add_last(&c->link_s2c, &s->link_s2c);
c->client.dispose = dispose_client;
for (l =; l != &context_root; l = l->next) {
Context * ctx = ctxl2ctxp(l);
if (!ctx->exited && context_has_state(ctx)) {
Context * prs = context_get_group(ctx, CONTEXT_GROUP_PROCESS);
if (check_process_isa(c, prs)) {
GdbProcess * p = find_process_ctx(c, prs);
if (p == NULL) p = add_process(c, prs);
if (setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *)&opt, sizeof(opt)) < 0) {
trace(LOG_ALWAYS, "GDB Server setsockopt failed: %s", errno_to_str(errno));
if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *)&opt, sizeof(opt)) < 0) {
trace(LOG_ALWAYS, "GDB Server setsockopt failed: %s", errno_to_str(errno));
post_event(start_client, c);
static void event_context_created(Context * ctx, void * args) {
if (context_has_state(ctx)) {
LINK * l, * n;
Context * prs = context_get_group(ctx, CONTEXT_GROUP_PROCESS);
for (l =; l != &link_a2s; l = l->next) {
GdbServer * s = link_a2s(l);
for (n = s->; n != &s->link_s2c; n = n->next) {
GdbClient * c = link_s2c(n);
if (check_process_isa(c, prs)) {
GdbProcess * p = find_process_ctx(c, prs);
if (p == NULL) p = add_process(c, prs);
else if (p->attached) add_thread(c, ctx);
static void event_context_exited(Context * ctx, void * args) {
LINK * l, *n, *m, *o;
for (l =; l != &link_a2s; l = l->next) {
GdbServer * s = link_a2s(l);
for (n = s->; n != &s->link_s2c; n = n->next) {
GdbClient * c = link_s2c(n);
for (m = c->; m != &c->link_c2p; m = m->next) {
GdbProcess * p = link_c2p(m);
if (p->ctx == ctx) {
if (c->waiting) {
if (is_all_intercepted(c)) {
c->res_pos = 0;
c->waiting = 0;
add_res_ch_no_esc(c, '$');
add_res_str(c, "W00;process:");
add_res_hex(c, p->pid);
if (send_res(c) < 0) trace(LOG_ALWAYS, "GDB Server send error: %s", errno_to_str(errno));
for (o = p->; o != &p->link_p2t; o = o->next) {
GdbThread * t = link_p2t(o);
if (t->ctx == ctx) {
static void event_register_definitions_changed(void * args) {
LINK * l, * n, * m, * o;
for (l =; l != &link_a2s; l = l->next) {
GdbServer * s = link_a2s(l);
for (n = s->; n != &s->link_s2c; n = n->next) {
GdbClient * c = link_s2c(n);
for (m = c->; m != &c->link_c2p; m = m->next) {
GdbProcess * p = link_c2p(m);
for (o = p->; o != &p->link_p2t; o = o->next) {
GdbThread * t = link_p2t(o);
t->regs_nm_map = NULL;
static void event_context_intercepted(Context * ctx, void * args) {
LINK * l, *n, *m, *o;
for (l =; l != &link_a2s; l = l->next) {
GdbServer * s = link_a2s(l);
for (n = s->; n != &s->link_s2c; n = n->next) {
GdbClient * c = link_s2c(n);
if (c->waiting) {
for (m = c->; m != &c->link_c2p; m = m->next) {
GdbProcess * p = link_c2p(m);
for (o = p->; o != &p->link_p2t; o = o->next) {
GdbThread * t = link_p2t(o);
if (t->ctx == ctx) {
if (!c->stopped) {
c->cur_g_pid = p->pid;
c->cur_g_tid = t->tid;
if (c->stopped && is_all_intercepted(c)) {
c->res_pos = 0;
c->waiting = 0;
add_res_ch_no_esc(c, '$');
if (send_res(c) < 0) trace(LOG_ALWAYS, "GDB Server send error: %s", errno_to_str(errno));
static ContextEventListener context_listener = {
static RegistersEventListener registers_listener = {
static RunControlEventListener run_ctrl_listener = {
int ini_gdb_rsp(const char * conf) {
GdbServer * s = NULL;
char port[64];
const char * isa = NULL;
const char * sep = strchr(conf, ':');
int sock = -1;
strlcpy(port, conf, sizeof(port));
if (sep != NULL) {
isa = sep + 1;
if ((size_t)(sep - conf) < sizeof(port)) port[sep - conf] = 0;
else {
#if defined(_AMD64_) || defined(__x86_64__)
isa = "amd64";
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
isa = "aarch64";
#elif defined(__arm__)
isa = "arm";
#elif defined(__powerpc64__)
isa = "powerpc64";
#elif defined(__powerpc__)
isa = "powerpc";
#elif defined(__MICROBLAZE__)
isa = "microblaze";
#elif defined(__MICROBLAZE64__)
isa = "microblaze64";
#elif defined(__riscv) && __riscv_xlen == 32
isa = "riscv32";
#elif defined(__riscv) && __riscv_xlen == 64
isa = "riscv64";
#elif defined(__riscv) && __riscv_xlen == 128
isa = "riscv128";
isa = "i386";
if (ini_done) {
LINK * l;
for (l =; l != &link_a2s; l = l->next) {
GdbServer * g = link_a2s(l);
if (strcmp(g->port, port) == 0) {
if (strcmp(g->isa, isa) == 0) return 0;
set_fmt_errno(ERR_OTHER, "Port is used by '%s:%s' server", g->port, g->isa);
return -1;
sock = open_server(port);
if (sock < 0) return -1;
if (!ini_done) {
context_extension_offset = context_extension(sizeof(LINK));
add_context_event_listener(&context_listener, NULL);
add_registers_event_listener(&registers_listener, NULL);
add_run_control_event_listener(&run_ctrl_listener, NULL);
ini_done = 1;
s = (GdbServer *)loc_alloc_zero(sizeof(GdbServer));
list_add_last(&s->link_a2s, &link_a2s);
s->req.type = AsyncReqAccept;
s->req.client_data = s;
s->req.done = accept_done;
s->req.u.acc.sock = sock;
s->req.u.acc.rval = 0;
strlcpy(s->port, port, sizeof(s->port));
strlcpy(s->isa, isa, sizeof(s->isa));
return 0;
#endif /* ENABLE_GdbRemoteSerialProtocol */