blob: d33612d6d4494a6bba9d1f9e96909dce4c414130 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 SSI Schaefer IT Solutions GmbH and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* SSI Schaefer IT Solutions GmbH
package org.eclipse.tea.core;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.contexts.ContextInjectionFactory;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.contexts.IEclipseContext;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.di.InjectionException;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.di.annotations.Execute;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.di.annotations.Optional;
import org.eclipse.e4.core.di.extensions.Service;
import org.eclipse.tea.core.annotations.TaskChainContextInit;
import org.eclipse.tea.core.annotations.TaskChainSuppressLifecycle;
import org.eclipse.tea.core.annotations.lifecycle.BeginTask;
import org.eclipse.tea.core.annotations.lifecycle.BeginTaskChain;
import org.eclipse.tea.core.annotations.lifecycle.CreateContext;
import org.eclipse.tea.core.annotations.lifecycle.DisposeContext;
import org.eclipse.tea.core.annotations.lifecycle.FinishTask;
import org.eclipse.tea.core.annotations.lifecycle.FinishTaskChain;
import org.eclipse.tea.core.internal.OutputRedirector;
import org.eclipse.tea.core.internal.TaskProgressEstimationService;
import org.eclipse.tea.core.internal.TaskProgressExtendedTracker;
import org.eclipse.tea.core.internal.TaskProgressTrackerImpl;
import org.eclipse.tea.core.internal.TaskingEngineActivator;
import org.eclipse.tea.core.internal.model.TaskingModel;
* Controls the execution of a {@link TaskChain}.
public class TaskExecutionContext {
private final TaskChain chain;
private final IEclipseContext context;
private final List<Object> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<TaskingLifeCycleListener> listeners = new ArrayList<>();
public TaskExecutionContext(IEclipseContext context, TaskChain chain,
@Service List<TaskingLifeCycleListener> listeners) throws Exception {
this.chain = chain;
this.context = context;
// create fresh instances of all listeners - later use PROTOTYPE in DS
// 1.3
for (TaskingLifeCycleListener listener : listeners) {
TaskingLifeCycleListener l = listener.getClass().newInstance();
// register listener for internal direct access
context.set(l.getClass().getName(), l);
this.listeners.sort((a, b) -> {
int prioA = 10;
int prioB = 10;
TaskingLifeCyclePriority pA = a.getClass().getAnnotation(TaskingLifeCyclePriority.class);
TaskingLifeCyclePriority pB = b.getClass().getAnnotation(TaskingLifeCyclePriority.class);
if (pA != null) {
prioA = pA.value();
if (pB != null) {
prioB = pB.value();
int x = prioB - prioA;
if (x != 0) {
return x;
return a.getClass().getName().compareTo(b.getClass().getName());
// make ourself available to the task chain
context.set(TaskExecutionContext.class, this);
// initialize this context
ContextInjectionFactory.invoke(chain, TaskChainContextInit.class, context);
// in case the context contains background-able tasks
Object barrierTask = BackgroundTask.allBarrier(tasks);
if (barrierTask != null) {
// only notify about context creation if there is something to do. an
// empty context will not have any effect on anything and will, in fact,
// not be executed at all by the engine.
if (!isEmpty()) {
notifyAll(CreateContext.class, context);
* @return the dependency injection context for the
* {@link TaskExecutionContext}
public IEclipseContext getContext() {
return context;
* @return the number of retries that are allowed on failure
public int getRetries() {
TaskChainId id = chain.getClass().getAnnotation(TaskChainId.class);
if (id == null) {
return 1;
return id.retries();
* @return the underlying {@link TaskChain} which serves as a template for
* this execution context. Only to be used for informational
* purposes
public TaskChain getUnderlyingChain() {
return chain;
* @return whether there are any tasks to execute in this context.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return tasks.isEmpty();
* @param o
* an arbitrary task that has a method annotated with the
* {@link Execute} annotation. Can be either the actual object or
* a the {@link Class} for the object to be created. It is also
* possible to add an instance or {@link Class} object of type
* {@link TaskChain}, which will inline expand all the tasks
* contained in the {@link TaskChain}.
public void addTask(Object o) {
if (o instanceof TaskChain) {
ContextInjectionFactory.invoke(o, TaskChainContextInit.class, context);
} else if (o instanceof Class && TaskChain.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<?>) o)) {
Object tc = ContextInjectionFactory.make((Class<?>) o, context);
ContextInjectionFactory.invoke(tc, TaskChainContextInit.class, context);
} else {
public void addTaskAt(int index, Object o) {
tasks.add(index, o);
* @param chain
* a TaskChain which should be initialized and executed lazily at
* this point in the task chain.
public void addLazyChain(TaskChain chain) {
tasks.add(new TaskLazyChainWrapper(this, chain));
* Executes the tasks in the context. Exposes status and progress handling
* to tasks, manages life cycle events.
public void execute(TaskingLog log, @Optional @Service TaskProgressEstimationService progressService,
@Optional IProgressMonitor monitor) {
MultiStatus status = new MultiStatus(TaskingEngineActivator.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.OK,
"Tasking Execution Context Status", null);
context.set(IWorkspace.class, ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace());
context.set(MultiStatus.class, status);
Map<Object, IEclipseContext> taskContexts = new LinkedHashMap<>();
int totalAmount = prepareTaskProgressTracking(log, progressService, taskContexts);
context.set(TaskingInjectionHelper.CTX_TASK_CONTEXTS, taskContexts);
notifyAll(BeginTaskChain.class, context);
SubMonitor rootMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, "Executing " + TaskingModel.getTaskChainName(chain),
// execute tasks
try {
for (Map.Entry<Object, IEclipseContext> ctx : taskContexts.entrySet()) {
Object task = ctx.getKey();
IEclipseContext taskCtx = ctx.getValue();
Integer amount = (Integer) taskCtx.get(TaskingInjectionHelper.CTX_TASK_WORK_AMOUNT);
// setup dedicated progress monitor, based on previous work
// amount calculation
SubMonitor taskMonitor = rootMonitor.split(amount);
taskMonitor.beginTask("Execute Task", amount);
TaskProgressTracker tracker = new TaskProgressTrackerImpl(task, taskMonitor);
taskCtx.set(TaskProgressExtendedTracker.class, (TaskProgressExtendedTracker) tracker);
notifyAll(BeginTask.class, taskCtx);
// handle estimation request of tasks
// (TaskProgressEstimated)
String estimationId = progressService == null ? null : progressService.calculateId(task);
if (estimationId != null) {
// begin tracking with the real tracker
progressService.begin(estimationId, tracker);
// forbid explicit updating of worked amount for tasks.
tracker = new TaskProgressTrackerImpl.RestrictedProgressTrackerImpl(tracker);
// tracker is available in any case. if estimated it is
// restricted.
taskCtx.set(TaskProgressTracker.class, tracker);
try {
// actually execute the task
executeSingleTask(log, task, taskCtx);
} finally {
// override status if cancelled
if (rootMonitor.isCanceled()) {
taskCtx.set(IStatus.class, Status.CANCEL_STATUS);
// in case the task set it's own status
IStatus taskStatus = taskCtx.get(IStatus.class);
// stop estimated progress for this task
if (estimationId != null && progressService != null) {
progressService.finish(estimationId, taskStatus);
notifyAll(FinishTask.class, taskCtx);
// handle ERROR and CANCEL status publishes when the task did
// not throw an exception
IStatus taskStatus = taskCtx.get(IStatus.class);
if (taskStatus.getSeverity() >= IStatus.ERROR) {
log.error("Task aborted with status " + taskStatus);
// update the root monitor to reflect the child amount of work
// that is now consumed after the task finished for good or bad.
totalAmount -= amount;
} catch (Throwable t) {
new Status(IStatus.ERROR, TaskingEngineActivator.PLUGIN_ID, "Failed to texecute " + toString(), t));
throw t;
} finally {
notifyAll(FinishTaskChain.class, context);
// need a second step to avoid races with listener list.
notifyAll(DisposeContext.class, context);
* @param log
* the log to use if required
* @param task
* the task to execute
* @param taskCtx
* the {@link IEclipseContext} to use for dependency injection.
private static void executeSingleTask(TaskingLog log, Object task, IEclipseContext taskCtx) {
OutputRedirector redir = new OutputRedirector(task, log);
new Status(IStatus.OK, TaskingEngineActivator.PLUGIN_ID, "Task: " + TaskingModel.getTaskName(task)));
try {
// possibly redirect system.out and system.err to the log
// make task's context the active leaf
// and run the task
Object result = ContextInjectionFactory.invoke(task, Execute.class, taskCtx);
// check if a status was returned
if (result instanceof IStatus) {
taskCtx.set(IStatus.class, (IStatus) result);
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (t instanceof InjectionException && t.getCause() instanceof OperationCanceledException) {
OperationCanceledException oce = (OperationCanceledException) t.getCause();
taskCtx.set(IStatus.class, new Status(IStatus.CANCEL, TaskingEngineActivator.PLUGIN_ID,
"Cancelled: " + TaskingModel.getTaskName(task), oce));
} else {
taskCtx.set(IStatus.class, new Status(IStatus.ERROR, TaskingEngineActivator.PLUGIN_ID,
"Fatal failure while executing " + TaskingModel.getTaskName(task), t));
} finally {
// reset redirection
// notify listeners and deactivate the context last.
* Prepares progress tracking for tasks by:
* <ol>
* <li>creating task instances where required, so that all tasks are
* available
* <li>call
* {@link #prepareSingleTaskProgressTracking(TaskingLog, TaskProgressEstimationService, Map, Object)}
* for each task
* <li>summing up the amount of work for each task and returning the total
* amount of work.
* </ol>
* @param log
* the log to use if required
* @param progressService
* the {@link TaskProgressEstimationService} if available,
* otherwise <code>null</code>
* @param taskContexts
* a map (probably want to use {@link LinkedHashMap}) that will
* be filled with task-to-context mapping
* @return the total amount of work for all tasks
private int prepareTaskProgressTracking(TaskingLog log, TaskProgressEstimationService progressService,
Map<Object, IEclipseContext> taskContexts) {
List<Object> instances = prepareTaskInstances();
context.set(TaskingInjectionHelper.CTX_PREPARED_TASKS, instances);
// gather progress information in two stages.
int totalAmount = 0;
for (Object o : instances) {
totalAmount += prepareSingleTaskProgressTracking(log, progressService, taskContexts, o);
return totalAmount;
* @param log
* the log to use if required
* @param progressService
* the {@link TaskProgressEstimationService} if available,
* <code>null</code> otherwise.
* @param taskContexts
* a map (probably want to use {@link LinkedHashMap}) that will
* be filled with task-to-context mapping
* @param o
* the task to prepare tracking for
* @return the amount of work that this single task will allocate
private int prepareSingleTaskProgressTracking(TaskingLog log, TaskProgressEstimationService progressService,
Map<Object, IEclipseContext> taskContexts, Object o) {
Integer amount = getTaskWorkAmount(log, o, progressService);
IEclipseContext taskContext = context.createChild(o.getClass().getName());
taskContext.set(TaskingInjectionHelper.CTX_TASK_WORK_AMOUNT, amount);
taskContext.set(TaskingInjectionHelper.CTX_TASK, o);
taskContexts.put(o, taskContext);
return amount;
* Determines the work amount of a single task. This may either be
* <ul>
* <li>an explicit value given by a {@link TaskProgressProvider} method
* <li>an estimation provided by the given
* {@link TaskProgressEstimationService}.
* </ul>
* @param log
* the log to use if required
* @param o
* the task to get work amount for
* @param service
* the {@link TaskProgressEstimationService} if available,
* <code>null</code> otherwise
* @return the absolute amount of work for this single task
private Integer getTaskWorkAmount(TaskingLog log, Object o, TaskProgressEstimationService service) {
String id = service == null ? null : service.calculateId(o);
if (id != null) {
return service.getEstimatedTicks(id);
} else {
// this code path will only hit if there is a TaskProgressProvider
// method found by the service
try {
return (Integer) ContextInjectionFactory.invoke(o, TaskProgressProvider.class, context,
} catch (Exception e) {
log.debug("Failed to determine amount of work for " + TaskingModel.getTaskName(o), e);
return 1;
* Prepares tasks by creating instances for tasks that have been added as
* {@link Class}.
* @return a list of task instances
private List<Object> prepareTaskInstances() {
List<Object> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object o : tasks) {
if (o instanceof Class) {
o = ContextInjectionFactory.make((Class<?>) o, context);
return result;
private boolean isSuppressed(Class<? extends TaskChain> tcClass) {
TaskChainSuppressLifecycle ann = tcClass.getAnnotation(TaskChainSuppressLifecycle.class);
if (ann == null || ann.value() == false) {
return false;
return true;
* Notify all registered {@link TaskingLifeCycleListener} about a given
* event.
* @param event
* the event
* @param ctx
* the context used for dependency injection on the listeners.
private void notifyAll(Class<? extends Annotation> event, IEclipseContext ctx) {
if (isSuppressed(chain.getClass())) {
for (TaskingLifeCycleListener l : listeners) {
ContextInjectionFactory.invoke(l, event, ctx, null);
public String toString() {
return "ExecutionContext[" + chain.getClass().getName() + "]";