blob: 4ebb5d834c5b1ea80c9e6164e82314f059fa6eaf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// File: EPTF_COAP_Transport_Definitions.ttcn
// Description:
// Rev: R1A
// Prodnr: CNL 113 858
// Updated: 2017-09-01
// Contact:
module EPTF_COAP_Transport_Definitions
import from CoAP_Types all;
import from IPL4asp_Types all;
type function fcb_EPTF_COAP_Transport_receiveMessage(in EPTF_COAP_PDU pl_message) runs on self;
type function fcb_EPTF_COAP_Transport_receiveEvent(in ASP_Event p_event) runs on self;
type function fcb_EPTF_COAP_Transport_sendMessage(in EPTF_COAP_PDU pl_msg) runs on self;
type function fcb_EPTF_COAP_Transport_apiRequest(in EPTF_COAP_Transport_Request pl_req) runs on self;
type function fcb_EPTF_COAP_Transport_apiResponse(in EPTF_COAP_Transport_Response pl_rsp) runs on self;
type record EPTF_COAP_PDU
CoAP_ReqResp pdu,
EPTF_COAP_TransportParameters transportParams,
integer eIdx,
integer fsmIdx
type record EPTF_COAP_TransportParameters
Socket localAddress,
Socket remoteAddress,
ProtoTuple proto
type record EPTF_COAP_Transport_Request
integer eIdx,
integer fsmIdx,
EPTF_COAP_Transport_RequestParams params optional
const EPTF_COAP_Transport_Request c_EPTF_COAP_Transport_Request_init :=
eIdx := -1,
fsmIdx := -1,
params := omit
type union EPTF_COAP_Transport_RequestParams
EPTF_COAP_Transport_startListening startListening
type record EPTF_COAP_Transport_startListening
Socket localAddress
type record EPTF_COAP_Transport_Response
boolean succ,
integer eIdx,
integer fsmIdx,
EPTF_COAP_Transport_ResponseParams params optional
const EPTF_COAP_Transport_Response c_EPTF_COAP_Transport_Response_init :=
succ := false,
eIdx := -1,
fsmIdx := -1,
params := omit
type union EPTF_COAP_Transport_ResponseParams
boolean listening
type component EPTF_COAP_Transport_Provider_CT
var fcb_EPTF_COAP_Transport_receiveMessage vf_EPTF_COAP_Transport_receiveMessage := null;
var fcb_EPTF_COAP_Transport_receiveEvent vf_EPTF_COAP_Transport_receiveEvent := null;
var fcb_EPTF_COAP_Transport_apiResponse vf_EPTF_COAP_Transport_apiResponse := null;
type component EPTF_COAP_Transport_User_CT
var fcb_EPTF_COAP_Transport_sendMessage vf_EPTF_COAP_Transport_send := null;
var fcb_EPTF_COAP_Transport_apiRequest vf_EPTF_COAP_Transport_apiRequest := null;