blob: 85478af26e22fe572b668492f31bf502b8f3542a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# in: file path
# out: extension
sub getFileExtension
my $path = shift;
my @lst = split( /\./ , $path );
return( (@lst<2) ? '' : $lst[@lst-1] );
#in : reference to string containing source code line, extension
#out: number of inserted line breaks
sub insertLineBreaks
my $r_line = shift;
my $extension = shift; # currently not used
my $subst_cnt = $$r_line =~ s/>\s*<([^\/])/>\n<$1/g;
return $subst_cnt;
sub isHtmldocFile
my $fname = shift;
my $htmldocexts = "html|htm";
return ($fname =~/\.($htmldocexts)$/);
# recursive scan of the given path: insert line breaks for all html files
# input : path
# output: number of changed html files
sub repairHtmlDoc
my $source_path = shift;
my %my_cnt = ( 'html' => 0, 'changed' => 0 );
opendir(DIRH, $source_path) or die("Could not open the directory: $source_path\n");
my @dirContent = readdir DIRH;
my $file;
foreach $file (@dirContent)
if (($file ne '.') and ($file ne '..'))
my $path = $source_path.'/'.$file;
if (-l $path)
# nothing to do
elsif (-d $path)
# recursive call
my %cnt = repairHtmlDoc($path);
$my_cnt{'html'} += $cnt{'html'};
$my_cnt{'changed'} += $cnt{'changed'};
else # file
if (isHtmldocFile($path))
my $inserted = 0;
my $extension = getFileExtension($path);
# read content
open(HTML_FILE, $path) or die("Could not open file '$path' for reading.\n");
my @html_content = <HTML_FILE>;
close HTML_FILE;
# overwrite file with inserted line breaks
open(HTML_FILE, "+>$path") or die("Could not open file '$path' for overwriting.\n");
my $line;
foreach $line (@html_content)
$inserted += insertLineBreaks(\$line, $extension);
print HTML_FILE $line;
close HTML_FILE;
$my_cnt{'changed'}++ if ($inserted);
print "Inserted $inserted line breaks into '$path' file.\n";
return %my_cnt;
# get directory name
die "Usage: $0 <path_to_naturaldocs_documentation_directory>\n" if (@ARGV!=1);
my $dirname = $ARGV[0];
# remove eventual ending '/' from directory names
$dirname =~ s/\/$//;
die "Directory '$dirname' does not exist.\n" unless (-e $dirname);
# insert line breaks in place
my %cnt = repairHtmlDoc($dirname);
# print statistics
print "*** Processed ".$cnt{'html'}." html files.\n";