blob: 51df3f3deafd8389a65eca7ed03fd14bc56bcf34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// File: EPTF_HTTP_Definitions.ttcn
// Rev: <RnXnn>
// Prodnr: CNL 113 618
// Updated: 2014-05-20
// Contact:
// Module: EPTF_HTTP_Definitions
// Purpose:
// This module contains the definitions for EPTF HTTP application library
// Module Parameters:
// tsp_EPTF_HTTP_latency - *float* - latency
// tsp_EPTF_HTTP_logEnabled - *boolean* - logging of messages enabled/disabled
// tsp_EPTF_HTTP_loggingComponentMask - *charstring* - logging component mask name
// tsp_EPTF_HTTP_loggingEnable - *boolean* - logging of LGen component enable/disable
// tsp_EPTF_HTTP_maxNumberOfEntities - *integer* - max number of entities
// Module depends on:
// <HTTPmsg_Types>
// <IPL4asp_Types>
// <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Functions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Scheduler_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_RBTScheduler_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Variable_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions>
// <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
// Current Owner:
// Last Review Date:
// 2009-08-10
module EPTF_HTTP_Definitions {
// Import Part
import from HTTPmsg_Types all;
import from IPL4asp_Types all;
import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions all;
//import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Functions all;
//import from EPTF_CLL_Scheduler_Definitions all;
//import from EPTF_CLL_RBTScheduler_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Variable_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
// Module parameters
modulepar float tsp_EPTF_HTTP_latency := 2.0;
modulepar boolean tsp_EPTF_HTTP_logEnabled := false;
modulepar charstring tsp_EPTF_HTTP_loggingComponentMask := "EPTF_HTTP_LGen";
modulepar EPTF_HTTP_EventDispatchLevel tsp_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchLevel := Detailed;
modulepar boolean tsp_EPTF_HTTP_loggingEnable := false;
modulepar integer tsp_EPTF_HTTP_maxNumberOfEntities := 1000000;
modulepar integer tsp_EPTF_HTTP_nofNonceValues := 1;
// Group: EPTF_HTTP_Applib
// Purpose:
// Functions of the EPTF HTTP Application Libray
group EPTF_HTTP_Applib
// Component types
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT
// Purpose:
// HTTP application library component type
// Extensions:
// EPTF_LGenBase_CT
// EPTF_Scheduler_CT
// EPTF_Var_CT
// EPTF_Logging_CT
// Variables:
// v_EPTF_HTTP_initialized - *boolean* - component initialization state
// v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts - <EPTF_HTTP_CtxList> - entity context database
// v_EPTF_HTTP_optionalTempParams - <EPTF_CharstringList> - holds the optional template
// parameter values
// v_boolNoWarningLG - *boolean* - dummy variable to supress warnings
// v_intNoWarningLG - *integer* - dummy variable to supress warnings
// v_EPTF_HTTP_EntityOffset - *integer* - entity offset for the lgen
// v_EPTF_HTTP_selfName - *charstring* - component's self name
// v_EPTF_HTTP_selfId - *integer* - component's self id
// vf_EPTF_HTTP_sendRequest - <EPTF_HTTP_messageProcessSend_FT> - send request
// callback function
// vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionOpen - <EPTF_HTTP_connectionOpen_FT> - connection open
// callback function
// vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose - <EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose_FT> - connection close
// callback function
// vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionHalfClose - <EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose_FT> - connection
// halfe close callback function
// vf_EPTF_HTTP_closePort - <EPTF_HTTP_PortOperation_FT> - close port
// callback function
// vf_EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse - <EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse_FT> - send response
// callback function
// vf_EPTF_HTTP_listen - <EPTF_HTTP_Listen_FT> - listen callback function
// vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext - <EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT> - context searching callback function
// vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext4Event - <EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT> - context searching callback function
// vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext4Error - <EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT> - context searching callback function
// v_EPTF_HTTP_entityIdxHashMap - *integer* - entity index hash map handle
// v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx - *integer* - self behavior index
// v_EPTF_HTTP_maxNumberOfEntities - *integer* - max enabled number of entities
// v_EPTF_HTTP_logEnabled - *boolean* - logging enabled state
// v_EPTF_HTTP_latency - *float* - latency
// v_EPTF_HTTP_outgoingMessage - *octetstring* - outgoing message
// v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage - <HTTPMessage> - incoming message
// v_EPTF_HTTP_lastReceivedGroupId - *integer* - the unique group identifier
// of the last received request
// v_EPTF_HTTP_lastReceivedPortId - *integer* - the unique port identifier
// of the last received request
// v_EPTF_HTTP_lastReceivedSeqNum - *integer* - the sequence number of the last received request
// v_EPTF_HTTP_charDB - *integer* - index of charstring database hash map
// v_EPTF_HTTP_octDB - *integer* - index of octetstring database hash map
// v_EPTF_HTTP_stats - <EPTF_HTTP_Stats> - statistics database
// v_EPTF_HTTP_headerLinesList - <EPTF_HTTP_HeaderLineList> - headerlines database
// v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2EIdx - <EPTF_IntegerList> - connection id to entity database
// v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2FIdx - <EPTF_IntegerList> - connection id to fsm database
// vf_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchFn - <EPTF_HTTP_dispatchHandler_FT> - dispatch event function pointer
// v_EPTF_HTTP_loggingMaskId - *integer* - logging mask id
// v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customHeader - *integer*
// v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customHeaderResponse - *integer*
// v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customBody - *integer*
// v_EPTF_HTTP_authData - <EPTF_HTTP_AuthDataServer>
// vf_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceivedHook - <fcb_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceivedHook> - callback placeholder for incoming HTTP message processing
// Timers:
// -
// Ports:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type component EPTF_HTTP_LGen_CT extends
EPTF_LGenBase_CT, EPTF_Var_CT, EPTF_Logging_CT
var boolean v_EPTF_HTTP_initialized := false;
var EPTF_HTTP_CtxList v_EPTF_HTTP_contexts :={};
var EPTF_CharstringList v_EPTF_HTTP_optionalTempParams := {};
var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_EntityOffset := 0;
var boolean v_boolNoWarningLG;
var integer v_intNoWarningLG;
var charstring v_EPTF_HTTP_selfName := "";
var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_selfId := -1;
var EPTF_HTTP_CharstringBodyDatabase v_EPTF_HTTP_charBodyDB := {};
var EPTF_HTTP_BinaryBodyDatabase v_EPTF_HTTP_binBodyDB := {};
var EPTF_HTTP_messageProcessSend_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_sendRequest := null;
var EPTF_HTTP_connectionOpen_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionOpen := null;
var EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose := null;
var EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_connectionHalfClose := null;
var EPTF_HTTP_SessionOperation_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_closePortOfUser := null;
var EPTF_HTTP_SessionOperation_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_freePortOfUser := null;
var EPTF_HTTP_PortOperation_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_closePort := null;
var EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse := null;
var EPTF_HTTP_Listen_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_listen := null;
var EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext := null;
var EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext4Event := null;
var EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_searchContext4Error := null;
var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_myBIdx;
//component variables to the module parameters
var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_maxNumberOfEntities := tsp_EPTF_HTTP_maxNumberOfEntities;
var boolean v_EPTF_HTTP_logEnabled := tsp_EPTF_HTTP_logEnabled;
var float v_EPTF_HTTP_latency := tsp_EPTF_HTTP_latency;
//variables to store incoming and outgoing messages
var octetstring v_EPTF_HTTP_outgoingMessage;
var HTTPMessage v_EPTF_HTTP_incomingMessage;
var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_lastReceivedGroupId := -1;
var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_lastReceivedPortId := -1;
var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_lastReceivedSeqNum := -1;
var EPTF_HTTP_Event v_EPTF_HTTP_event;
var EPTF_HTTP_EventError v_EPTF_HTTP_error;
var EPTF_HTTP_dispatchHandler_FT vf_EPTF_HTTP_dispatchFn := null;
var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_charDB := -1;
var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_octDB := -1;
var EPTF_HTTP_Stats v_EPTF_HTTP_stats;
var EPTF_HTTP_HeaderLineList v_EPTF_HTTP_headerLinesList := {};
//var EPTF_IntegerList v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2EIdx := {};
var EPTF_IntegerList v_EPTF_HTTP_ConnId2FIdx := {};
// logging
var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_loggingMaskId := c_EPTF_Logging_invalidMaskId;
// template types
var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customHeader;
var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customHeaderResponse;
var integer v_EPTF_HTTP_extTemplType_customBody;
var EPTF_HTTP_AuthDataServer v_EPTF_HTTP_authData;
var fcb_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceivedHook vf_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceivedHook := null;
// Data types
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_StatusCodes
// Purpose:
// Container for HTTP status code statistics
// Elements:
// codeXXX_k - *integer* - handles for status code statistics for
// status code XXX
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record EPTF_HTTP_StatusCodes {
integer code100_k,
integer code101_k,
integer code200_k,
integer code201_k,
integer code202_k,
integer code203_k,
integer code204_k,
integer code205_k,
integer code206_k,
integer code300_k,
integer code301_k,
integer code302_k,
integer code303_k,
integer code304_k,
integer code305_k,
integer code306_k,
integer code307_k,
integer code400_k,
integer code401_k,
integer code402_k,
integer code403_k,
integer code404_k,
integer code405_k,
integer code406_k,
integer code407_k,
integer code408_k,
integer code409_k,
integer code410_k,
integer code411_k,
integer code412_k,
integer code413_k,
integer code414_k,
integer code415_k,
integer code416_k,
integer code417_k,
integer code500_k,
integer code501_k,
integer code502_k,
integer code503_k,
integer code504_k,
integer code505_k
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_Methods
// Purpose:
// Container for HTTP method statistics
// Elements:
// options_k - *integer* - handle for options statistics
// get_k - *integer* - handle for get statistics
// head_k - *integer* - handle for head statistics
// post_k - *integer* - handle for post statistics
// put_k - *integer* - handle for put statistics
// delete_k - *integer* - handle for delete statistics
// trace_k - *integer* - handle for trace statistics
// connect_k - *integer* - handle for connect statistics
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record EPTF_HTTP_Methods {
integer options_k,
integer get_k,
integer head_k,
integer post_k,
integer put_k,
integer delete_k,
integer trace_k,
integer connect_k
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_Messages
// Purpose:
// Container for HTTP message statistics
// Elements:
// method - <EPTF_HTTP_Methods> - handles for method statistics
// status - <EPTF_HTTP_StatusCodes> - handles for status code statistics
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record EPTF_HTTP_Messages {
EPTF_HTTP_Methods method,
integer requests_k,
EPTF_HTTP_StatusCodes status,
integer responses_k
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_EventDispatchLevel
// Purpose:
// Enumerate for HTTP message dispatch level control
// Elements:
// OnlyReceived - only message received event will be dispatched
// (reception of charstring request, charstring response,
// binary request, binary response)
// Class - OnlyReceived and status code classes event like 100 class event
// if status code is 1xx
// Detailed - Class and single status code events
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type enumerated EPTF_HTTP_EventDispatchLevel {
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_Stats
// Purpose:
// TitanSim variables container for any HTTP statistics
// Elements:
// incoming - <EPTF_HTTP_Messages> - incoming message statistics
// outgoing - <EPTF_HTTP_Messages> - outgoing message statistics
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record EPTF_HTTP_Stats {
EPTF_HTTP_Messages incoming,
EPTF_HTTP_Messages outgoing
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_Error
// Purpose:
// TitanSim variables container for HTTP error messages
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type Result EPTF_HTTP_Error;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_messageProcessSend_FT
// Purpose:
// Type for send request callback function
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type function EPTF_HTTP_messageProcessSend_FT(
in integer pl_connId,
in integer pl_sessionId,
in octetstring pl_message)
runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse_FT
// Purpose:
// Type for send response callback function
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type function EPTF_HTTP_sendResponse_FT(
in integer pl_groupId,
in integer pl_portId,
in integer pl_seqNum,
in octetstring pl_message)
runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_messageProcess_FT
// Purpose:
// Type for process message callback function
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type function EPTF_HTTP_messageProcess_FT(
in EPTF_HTTP_IncomingMessage pl_message)
runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_messageBetweenApplibs_FT
// Purpose:
// Type for message from application libraries callback function
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type function EPTF_HTTP_messageBetweenApplibs_FT ()
runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_bodyContentGetter_FT
// Purpose:
// Type for acquire a body content for an HTTP entity
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type function EPTF_HTTP_bodyContentGetter_FT (
in EPTF_IntegerList pl_pars,
inout EPTF_HTTP_CharOrOct pl_body)
runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_headerContentGetter_FT
// Purpose:
// Type for acquire the header content for an HTTP entity
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type function EPTF_HTTP_headerContentGetter_FT (
in EPTF_IntegerList pl_pars,
inout HeaderLines pl_headerLines)
runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_rawHeaderContentGetter_FT
// Purpose:
// Type for acquire the raw (encoded) header content for an HTTP entity
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type function EPTF_HTTP_rawHeaderContentGetter_FT (
in EPTF_IntegerList pl_pars,
inout octetstring pl_rawHeader)
runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_charstringBodyHandler_FT
// Purpose:
// Type for charstring body handler function for an HTTP entity
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type function EPTF_HTTP_charstringBodyHandler_FT (in integer pl_eIdx,in charstring pl_bodyMessage)
runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_binaryBodyHandler_FT
// Purpose:
// Type for binary body handler function for an HTTP entity
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type function EPTF_HTTP_binaryBodyHandler_FT (in integer pl_eIdx,in octetstring pl_bodyMessage)
runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_connectionOpen_FT
// Purpose:
// Type for connection open callback function
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type function EPTF_HTTP_connectionOpen_FT (
in integer pl_connId,
in integer pl_sessionId)
runs on self return boolean;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose_FT
// Purpose:
// Type for connection close callback function
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type function EPTF_HTTP_connectionClose_FT (
in integer pl_connId)
runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_Listen_FT
// Purpose:
// Function type to a registerable callback function for
// opening a listen port
// Elements:
// pl_groupId - *in* *integer* - port group index
// Return value:
// boolean - open result
type function EPTF_HTTP_Listen_FT(
in integer pl_groupId)
runs on self return integer;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT
// Purpose:
// Defines a function type for getting the context in case of an incoming
// request.
// Elements:
// pl_eIdx - *inout* *integer* - entity index (-1 means generic)
// pl_fsmCtx - *inout* *integer* - fsm context index
type function EPTF_HTTP_searchContext_FT(
inout integer pl_eIdx,
inout integer pl_fsmCtx)
runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_eventReceive_FT
// Purpose:
// Type for event receive callback function
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type function EPTF_HTTP_eventReceive_FT (
in EPTF_HTTP_Event pl_event)
runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceive_FT
// Purpose:
// Type for socket error receive callback function
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type function EPTF_HTTP_socketErrorReceive_FT (
in EPTF_HTTP_EventError pl_error)
runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent_FT
// Purpose:
// Type for listening socket event receive callback function
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type function EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent_FT(
in EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent pl_event)
runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent_FT
// Purpose:
// Type for listening socket event receive callback function
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type function EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketError_FT(
in EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketError pl_error)
runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_dispatchHandler_FT
// Purpose:
// Type for handle dispatch event for current settings
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type function EPTF_HTTP_dispatchHandler_FT(
in integer pl_statusCode,
in integer pl_eIdx,
in integer pl_fsmIdx)
runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_SessionOperation_FT
// Purpose:
// Function type to a registerable callback function to
// provide a session operation on a group
// Elements:
// pl_groupId - *in* *integer* - group id
// pl_sessionId - *in* *integer* - session id
type function EPTF_HTTP_SessionOperation_FT(
in integer pl_groupId,
in integer pl_sessionId)
runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_PortOperation_FT
// Purpose:
// Function type to a registerable callback function to
// provide an operation on a socket.
// Elements:
// pl_groupId - *in* *integer* - group id
// pl_portId - *in* *integer* - port id within the group
type function EPTF_HTTP_PortOperation_FT(
in integer pl_groupId,
in integer pl_portId
runs on self;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_Event
// Purpose:
// Contains the event parameters received from the transport layer
// Elements:
// groupId - *integer* - port group ID
// sessionId - *integer* - unique identifier of the session
// eventType - *integer* - the type of the event
type record EPTF_HTTP_Event{
integer groupId,
integer sessionId,
integer eventType
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_EventError
// Purpose:
// Contains the error event parameters received from the transport layer
// Elements:
// groupId - *integer* - port group ID
// sessionId - *integer* - unique identifier of the message
// transportError - <EPTF_HTTP_Error> - the error
type record EPTF_HTTP_EventError{
integer groupId,
integer sessionId,
EPTF_HTTP_Error transportError
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent
// Purpose:
// Contains the listening socket event parameters received from the transport layer
// Elements:
// groupId - *integer* - port group ID
// hostInfo - <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation> - listening address and port
// eventType - *integer* - event type
type record EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketEvent
integer groupId,
EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation hostInfo,
integer eventType
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketError
// Purpose:
// Contains the listening socket error parameters received from the transport layer
// Elements:
// groupId - *integer* - port group ID
// hostInfo - <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation> - listening address and port
// transportError - <EPTF_HTTP_Error> - the transport error
type record EPTF_HTTP_listenSocketError
integer groupId,
EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation hostInfo,
EPTF_HTTP_Error transportError
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_IncomingMessage
// Purpose:
// Contains the message received from the transport layer
// Elements:
// groupId - *integer* - port group identifier of the message
// sessionId - *integer* - unique port identifier of the message
// seqNum - *integer* - the sequence number of the request
// message - *octetstring* - HTTP message
type record EPTF_HTTP_IncomingMessage{
integer groupId,
integer sessionId,
integer seqNum,
octetstring httpMessage
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_HeaderLineList
// Purpose:
// Type to store a list of header lines
// Elements:
// -
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record of HeaderLines EPTF_HTTP_HeaderLineList;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_BinaryBodyDatabase
// Purpose:
// HTTP database for binary message body
// Elements:
// record of <octetstring>
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record of octetstring EPTF_HTTP_BinaryBodyDatabase;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_CharstringBodyDatabase
// Purpose:
// HTTP database for charstring message body
// Elements:
// <EPTF_CharstringList>
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type EPTF_CharstringList EPTF_HTTP_CharstringBodyDatabase;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_CharOrOct
// Purpose:
// HTTP database for charstring message body
// Elements:
// charVal - *charstring* - charstring value
// octVal - *octetstring* - octetstring value
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type union EPTF_HTTP_CharOrOct {
charstring charVal,
octetstring octVal
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_Information
// Purpose:
// Type to store a number of HTTP related data
// Elements:
// method - *charstring* - HTTP method
// uri - *charstring* - HTTP URI
// headerLines - <HeaderLines> - HTTP header lines
// authDetails - <EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails> - HTTP authentication details
// bodymessage - *charstring* - HTTP body
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record EPTF_HTTP_Information {
charstring method,
charstring uri,
HeaderLines headerLines,
EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails authDetails,
charstring bodymessage
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails
// Purpose:
// The authentication details
// Elements:
// realm - *charstring* - authentication realm
// qop - *charstring* - qop (quality of protection code)
// nonce - *charstring* - nonce (number used once)
// cnonce - *charstring* - client nonce value
// opaque - *charstring* - opaque
// nonceCount - *charstring* - nonce count in hexa
// algorithm - *charstring* - used algorithm eg: MD5
// password - *charstring* - user password
// Detailed Comments:
// This record contains the authentication details received from
// proxy such as realm, qop, nonce, opaque.
type record EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails {
charstring realm,
charstring qop,
charstring nonce,
charstring cnonce,
charstring opaque,
charstring nonceCount,
charstring algorithm,
charstring response,
charstring uri,
charstring username,
charstring password
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_initAuthDetails
// Purpose:
// Authentication data initialization.
const EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails c_EPTF_HTTP_initAuthDetails :=
realm := "",
qop := "",
nonce := "",
cnonce := "",
opaque := "",
nonceCount := "00000001",
algorithm := "",
response := "",
uri := "",
username := "",
password := ""
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_Ctx
// Purpose:
// HTTP entity context
// Elements:
// method - *charstring* - HTTP method
// uri - *charstring* - HTTP request URI
// version_major - *integer* - HTTP major version number
// version_minor - *integer* - HTTP minor version number
// headerLinesIdx - *integer* - headerlines database index
// authDetails - <EPTF_HTTP_authDetails> - authentication details
// connId - *integer* - port group index
// bodymessage - *charstring* - HTTP message body
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record EPTF_HTTP_Ctx {
charstring method,
integer statusCode,
charstring statusText,
charstring uri,
charstring etag,
integer version_major,
integer version_minor,
integer headerLinesIdx,
EPTF_HTTP_AuthDetails authDetails,
boolean requestPending,
integer connId,
integer bodyId,
integer portId,
integer seqNum,
HTTPMessage httpMessage optional,
EPTF_HTTP_headerContentGetter_FT headerGetterFn,
EPTF_HTTP_rawHeaderContentGetter_FT rawHeaderGetterFn,
EPTF_HTTP_bodyContentGetter_FT contentGetterFn,
EPTF_HTTP_charstringBodyHandler_FT charBodyHandlerFn,
EPTF_HTTP_binaryBodyHandler_FT binaryBodyHandlerFn
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_initCtx
// Purpose:
// Context initialization.
const EPTF_HTTP_Ctx c_EPTF_HTTP_initCtx :=
method := "",
statusCode := -1,
statusText := "",
uri := "",
etag := "",
version_major := 1,
version_minor := 1,
headerLinesIdx := -1,
authDetails := c_EPTF_HTTP_initAuthDetails,
requestPending := false,
connId := -1,
bodyId := -1,
portId := -1,
seqNum := -1,
httpMessage := omit,
headerGetterFn := null,
rawHeaderGetterFn := null,
contentGetterFn := null,
charBodyHandlerFn := null,
binaryBodyHandlerFn := null
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation
// Purpose:
// Host information
// Elements:
// hostIPAddress - *charstring* - store the IP address of the given host
// hostPort - *integer* - store the port of the gives host
type record EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation{
charstring hostIPAddress ,
integer hostPort
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_HostInformationList
// Purpose:
// Record of <EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation>
// Elements:
// -
type record of EPTF_HTTP_HostInformation EPTF_HTTP_HostInformationList;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_CtxList
// Purpose:
// FSM Context Database
// Elements:
// record of <EPTF_HTTP_Ctx>
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record of EPTF_HTTP_Ctx EPTF_HTTP_CtxList;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_AuthDataServer
// Purpose:
// Stores server authentication data.
// Elements:
// method - *charstring* - authentication method ("Digest")
// algorithm - *charstring* - used algorithm eg: MD5
// realm - *charstring* - authentication realm
// domain - *charstring* *optional*- authentication domain
// nonce - *charstring* - nonce (number used once)
// qopOptions - *charstring* - qop (quality of protection code)
// password - *charstring* - user password
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record EPTF_HTTP_AuthDataServer
charstring method,
charstring algorithm,
charstring realm,
charstring domain optional,
EPTF_CharstringList nonceValues,
integer currentNonce,
charstring qopOptions,
charstring password
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_initAuthData
// Purpose:
// -
const EPTF_HTTP_AuthDataServer c_EPTF_HTTP_initAuthData :=
method := "",
algorithm := "",
realm := "",
domain := omit,
nonceValues := {},
currentNonce := 0,
qopOptions := "",
password := ""
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_ParamValue
// Purpose:
// -
// Elements:
// paramName - *charstring* -
// paramValue - *charstring* -
type record EPTF_HTTP_ParamValue
charstring paramName,
charstring paramValue
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_ParamValue_List
// Purpose:
// -
type record of EPTF_HTTP_ParamValue EPTF_HTTP_ParamValue_List;
// Type: EPTF_HTTP_setAuthData
// Purpose:
// Sets server authentication data.
// Elements:
// method - *charstring* - authentication method ("Digest")
// algorithm - *charstring* - used algorithm eg: MD5
// realm - *charstring* - authentication realm
// domain - *charstring* *optional*- authentication domain
// nonce - *charstring* - nonce (number used once)
// qopOptions - *charstring* - qop (quality of protection code)
// password - *charstring* - user password
// Detailed Comments:
// -
type record EPTF_HTTP_setAuthData
charstring method,
charstring algorithm,
charstring realm,
charstring domain optional,
charstring qopOptions,
charstring password
// Constants
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_sendRequest
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of send request
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_sendRequest := 0;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_sendRequest
// Purpose:
// constant for the step name of send request
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_sendRequest := "EPTF HTTP: Sends HTTP Request";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_handleTimeout
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of handle timeout step
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_handleTimeout := 1;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_handleTimeout
// Purpose:
// constant for the step name of handle timeout step
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_handleTimeout := "EPTF HTTP: Timeout handler";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_responseReceived
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of response message received step
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_responseReceived := 2;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_responseReceived
// Purpose:
// constant for the step name of response message received step
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_responseReceived := "EPTF HTTP: Response message received";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_openConnection
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of open connection step
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_openConnection := 3;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_openConnection
// Purpose:
// constant for the step name of open connection step
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_openConnection := "EPTF HTTP: Opens connection";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_closeConnection
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of close connection step
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_closeConnection := 4;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_closeConnection
// Purpose:
// constant for the step name of close connection step
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_closeConnection := "EPTF HTTP: Closes connection";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_halfCloseConnection
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of half close connection step
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_halfCloseConnection := 5;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_halfCloseConnection
// Purpose:
// constant for the step name of half close connection step
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_halfCloseConnection := "EPTF HTTP: Half closes connection";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_closePortOfUser
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of close port of user step
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_closePortOfUser := 6;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_closePortOfUser
// Purpose:
// constant for the step name of close port of user step
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_closePortOfUser := "EPTF HTTP: Closes port of user";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_closePortOfUser
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of free port of user step
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_freePortOfUser := 7;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_freePortOfUser
// Purpose:
// constant for the step name of free port of user step
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_freePortOfUser := "EPTF HTTP: Frees port of user";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodCONNECT
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of send request
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodCONNECT := 8;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodCONNECT
// Purpose:
// constant for the step name of send request
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodCONNECT := "EPTF HTTP: Set Entity Context HTTP Method CONNECT";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodDELETE
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of send request
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodDELETE := 9;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodDELETE
// Purpose:
// constant for the step name of send request
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodDELETE := "EPTF HTTP: Set Entity Context HTTP Method DELETE";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodGET
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of send request
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodGET := 10;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodGET
// Purpose:
// constant for the step name of send request
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodGET := "EPTF HTTP: Set Entity Context HTTP Method GET";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodHEAD
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of send request
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodHEAD := 11;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodHEAD
// Purpose:
// constant for the step name of send request
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodHEAD := "EPTF HTTP: Set Entity Context HTTP Method HEAD";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodOPTIONS
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of send request
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodOPTIONS := 12;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodOPTIONS
// Purpose:
// constant for the step name of send request
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodOPTIONS := "EPTF HTTP: Set Entity Context HTTP Method OPTIONS";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPOST
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of send request
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPOST := 13;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPOST
// Purpose:
// constant for the step name of send request
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPOST := "EPTF HTTP: Set Entity Context HTTP Method POST";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPUT
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of send request
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPUT := 14;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPUT
// Purpose:
// constant for the step name of send request
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodPUT := "EPTF HTTP: Set Entity Context HTTP Method PUT";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodTRACE
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of send request
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_setEntityContextHTTPMethodTRACE := 15;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodTRACE
// Purpose:
// constant for the step name of send request
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_setEntityContextHTTPMethodTRACE := "EPTF HTTP: Set Entity Context HTTP Method TRACE";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_handleRequest
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of handle request
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_handleRequest := 16;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_handleRequest
// Purpose:
// constant for the step name of handle request
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_handleRequest := "EPTF HTTP: Handle Request";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_sendResponse
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of send response
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_sendResponse := 17;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_sendResponse
// Purpose:
// constant for the step name of send response
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_sendResponse := "EPTF HTTP: Send Response";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_cleanUpContext
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of context cleanup
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_closePort := 18;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_closePort
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of port closing
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_closePort := "EPTF HTTP: Close port";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_cleanUpContext
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of context cleanup
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_stepIdx_cleanUpContext := 19;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_cleanUpContext
// Purpose:
// constant for the step index of context cleanup
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_stepName_cleanUpContext := "EPTF HTTP: Cleanup";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response100Continue
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response continue input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response100Continue := 0;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response100Continue
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response continue input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response100Continue := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 100 Continue";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response101SwitchingProtocols
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response switching protocols input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response101SwitchingProtocols := 1;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response101SwitchingProtocols
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response switching protocols input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response101SwitchingProtocols := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 101 Switching Protocols";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200OK
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response OK input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200OK := 2;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response200OK
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response OK input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response200OK := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 200 Ok";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response201Created
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response created input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response201Created := 3;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response201Created
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response created input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response201Created := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 201 Created";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response202Accepted
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response accepted input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response202Accepted := 4;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response202Accepted
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response accepted input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response202Accepted := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 202 Accepted";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response203NonAuthoritativeInformation
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response non-authoritative information
// input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response203NonAuthoritativeInformation := 5;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response203NonAuthoritativeInformation
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response non-authoritative information
// input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response203NonAuthoritativeInformation:= "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 203 Non-Authoritative Information";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response204NoContent
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response no content input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response204NoContent := 6;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response204NoContent
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response no content input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response204NoContent := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 204 No Content";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response205ResetContent
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response reset content input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response205ResetContent := 7;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response205ResetContent
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response reset content input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response205ResetContent := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 205 Reset Content";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response206PartialContent
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response partial content input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response206PartialContent := 8;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response206PartialContent
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response partial content input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response206PartialContent := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 206 Partial Content";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300MultipleChoices
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response multiple choices input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300MultipleChoices := 9;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response300MultipleChoices
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response multiple choices input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response300MultipleChoices := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 300 Multiple Choices";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response301MovedPermanently
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response moved permanently input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response301MovedPermanently := 10;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response301MovedPermanently
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response moved permanently input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response301MovedPermanently := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 301 Moved Permanently";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response302Found
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response found input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response302Found := 11;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response302Found
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response found input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response302Found := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 302 Found";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response303SeeOther
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response see other input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response303SeeOther := 12;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response303SeeOther
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response see other input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response303SeeOther := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 303 See Other";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response304NotModified
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response modified input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response304NotModified := 13;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response304NotModified
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response modified input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response304NotModified := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 304 Not Modified";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response305UseProxy
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response use proxy input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response305UseProxy := 14;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response305UseProxy
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response use proxy input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response305UseProxy := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 305 Use Proxy";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response306Unused
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response unused input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response306Unused := 15;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response306Unused
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response unused input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response306Unused := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 306 Unused";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response307TemporaryRedirect
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response temporary redirect input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response307TemporaryRedirect := 16;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response307TemporaryRedirect
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response temporary redirect input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response307TemporaryRedirect := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 307 Temporary Redirect";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400BadRequest
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response bad request input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400BadRequest := 17;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response400BadRequest
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response bad request input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response400BadRequest := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 400 Bad Request";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response401Unauthorized
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response unauthorized input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response401Unauthorized := 18;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response401Unauthorized
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response unauthorized input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response401Unauthorized := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 401 Unauthorized";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response402PaymentRequired
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response payment required input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response402PaymentRequired := 19;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response402PaymentRequired
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response payment required input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response402PaymentRequired := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 402 Payment Required";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response403Forbidden
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response forbidden input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response403Forbidden := 20;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response403Forbidden
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response forbidden input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response403Forbidden := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 403 Forbidden";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response404NotFound
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response not found input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response404NotFound := 21;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response404NotFound
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response not found input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response404NotFound := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 404 Not Found";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response405MethodNotAllowed
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response method not allowed input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response405MethodNotAllowed := 22;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response405MethodNotAllowed
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response method not allowed input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response405MethodNotAllowed := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 405 Method Not Allowed";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response406NotAcceptable
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response not acceptable input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response406NotAcceptable := 23;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response406NotAcceptable
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response not acceptable input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response406NotAcceptable := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 406 Not Acceptable";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response407ProxyAuthenticationRequired
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response proxy authentication required
// input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response407ProxyAuthenticationRequired := 24;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response407ProxyAuthenticationRequired
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response proxy authentication required
// input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response407ProxyAuthenticationRequired := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 407 Proxy Authentication Required";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response408RequestTimeout
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response request timeout input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response408RequestTimeout := 25;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response408RequestTimeout
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response request timeout input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response408RequestTimeout := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 408 Request Timeout";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response409Conflict
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response conflict input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response409Conflict := 26;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response409Conflict
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response conflict input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response409Conflict := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 409 Conflict";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response410Gone
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response gone input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response410Gone := 27;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response410Gone
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response gone input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response410Gone := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 410 Gone";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response411LengthRequired
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response length required input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response411LengthRequired := 28;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response411LengthRequired
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response length required input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response411LengthRequired := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 411 Length Required";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response412PreconditionFailed
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response precondition failed input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response412PreconditionFailed := 29;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response412PreconditionFailed
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response precondition failed input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response412PreconditionFailed := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 412 Precondition Failed";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response413RequestEntityTooLarge
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response request entity too large input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response413RequestEntityTooLarge := 30;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response413RequestEntityTooLarge
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response request entity too large input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response413RequestEntityTooLarge := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 413 Request Entity Too Large";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response414RequestURITooLong
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response request URI too long input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response414RequestURITooLong := 31;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response414RequestURITooLong
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response request URI too long input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response414RequestURITooLong := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 414 Request-URI Too Long";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response415UnsupportedMediaType
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response unsupported media type input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response415UnsupportedMediaType := 32;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response415UnsupportedMediaType
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response unsupported media type input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response415UnsupportedMediaType := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 415 Unsupported Media Type";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response416RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response requested range not
// satisfiable input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response416RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable := 33;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response416RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response requested range not
// satisfiable input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response416RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response417ExpectationFailed
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response expectation failed input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response417ExpectationFailed := 34;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response417ExpectationFailed
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response expectation failed input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response417ExpectationFailed := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 417 Expectation Failed";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response500InternalServerError
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response internal server error input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response500InternalServerError := 35;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response500InternalServerError
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response internal server error input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response500InternalServerError := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 500 Internal Server Error";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response501NotImplemented
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response not implemented input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response501NotImplemented := 36;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response501NotImplemented
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response not implemented input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response501NotImplemented := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 501 Not Implemented";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response502BadGateway
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response bad gateway input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response502BadGateway := 37;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response502BadGateway
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response bad gateway input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response502BadGateway := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 502 Bad Gateway";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response503ServiceUnavailable
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response service unavailable input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response503ServiceUnavailable := 38;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response503ServiceUnavailable
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response service unavailable input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response503ServiceUnavailable := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 503 Service Unavailable";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response504GatewayTimeout
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response gateway timeout input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response504GatewayTimeout := 39;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response504GatewayTimeout
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response gateway timeout input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response504GatewayTimeout := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 504 Gateway Timeout";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response505HTTPVersionNotSupported
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response HTTP version not supported
// input
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response505HTTPVersionNotSupported := 40;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response505HTTPVersionNotSupported
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response HTTP version not supported
// input
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response505HTTPVersionNotSupported := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 505 HTTP Version Not Supported";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response100class
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response HTTP class 100
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response100class := 41;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response100class
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response HTTP version class 100
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response100class := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 1XX";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200class
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response HTTP class 200
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response200class := 42;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response200class
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response HTTP version class 200
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response200class := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 2XX";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300class
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response HTTP class 300
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response300class := 43;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response300class
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response HTTP version class 300
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response300class := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 3XX";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response HTTP class 400
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response400class := 44;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response400class
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response HTTP version class 400
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response400class := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 4XX";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response500class
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of response HTTP class 500
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_response500class := 45;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response500class
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of response HTTP version class 500
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_response500class := "HTTP Message arrived, Result Code: 5XX";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_connectionOpened
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of connection opened
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_connectionOpened := 46;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_connectionOpened
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of connection opened
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_connectionOpened := "HTTP Connection Opened ";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_connectionClosed
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of connection closed
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_connectionClosed := 47;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_connectionClosed
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of connection closed
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_connectionClosed := "HTTP Connection Closed ";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_errorReceived
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of error received
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_errorReceived := 48;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_errorReceived
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of error received
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_errorReceived := "HTTP error Result Received ";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_OKReceived
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of OK received
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_OKReceived := 49;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_OKReceived
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of OK received
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_OKReceived := "HTTP OK Result Received";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseCharReceived
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of charstring response message received
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseCharReceived := 50;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_responseCharReceived
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of charstring response message received
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_responseCharReceived := "HTTP CHAR Response Message Received";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_requestCharReceived
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of charstring request message received
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_requestCharReceived := 51;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_requestCharReceived
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of charstring request message received
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_requestCharReceived := "HTTP CHAR Request Message Received";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseOctReceived
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of octetstring response message received
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseOctReceived := 52;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_responseOctReceived
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of octetstring response message received
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_responseOctReceived := "HTTP OCT Response Message Received";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_requestOctReceived
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of octetstring request message received
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_requestOctReceived := 53;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_requestOctReceived
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of octetstring request message received
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_requestOctReceived := "HTTP OCT Request Message Received";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseSocketError
// Purpose:
// constant for the input index of socket error response received
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_inputIdx_responseSocketError := 54;
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_responseSocketError
// Purpose:
// constant for the input name of socket error response received
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_inputName_responseSocketError := "HTTP Response Socket Error";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName
// Purpose:
// constant for the name of the HTTP behaviour
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_myBName :=
"HTTP Behavior";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_fsmName_basicCall
// Purpose:
// constant for the name of basic call FSM
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_fsmName_basicCall := "EPTF HTTP: Basic Call";
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_fsm_basicCall_state_idle
// Purpose:
// -
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_fsm_basicCall_state_idle := 0;
// const: Database Hash Map name constants
// Purpose:
// -
// Elements:
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_HashMap_charDatabase
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_HashMap_octDatabase
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_HashMap_charDatabase := "EPTF HTTP: Charstring database";
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_HashMap_octDatabase := "EPTF HTTP: Octetstring database";
// Templates
// Template: t_EPTF_HTTP_HTTPdistr_request
// Purpose:
// <HTTPMessage> template, HTTP request message
// Parameters:
// p_client_id - *integer* - connection client ID
// p_method - *charstring* - GET, PUT, etc
// p_uri - *charstring* - uri ID
// p_version_major - *integer* - HTTP major version number
// p_version_minor - *integer* - HTTP minor version number
// p_header - <HeaderLines> *template* - header of the message
// p_body - *charstring* *template* - body of the message
// Detailed Comments:
// -
template HTTPMessage t_EPTF_HTTP_HTTPdistr_request(
charstring p_method,
charstring p_uri,
integer p_version_major,
integer p_version_minor,
HeaderLines p_header,
charstring p_body
) :=
request:= {
client_id:= omit,
method:= p_method,
uri:= p_uri,
version_major := p_version_major,
version_minor := p_version_minor,
header:= p_header,
body:= p_body
// Template: t_EPTF_HTTP_HTTPdistr_binary_request
// Purpose:
// <HTTPMessage> template, HTTP binary request message
// Parameters:
// p_client_id - *integer* - connection client ID
// p_method - *charstring* - GET, PUT, etc
// p_uri - *charstring* - uri ID
// p_version_major - *integer* - HTTP major version number
// p_version_minor - *integer* - HTTP minor version number
// p_header - <HeaderLines> *template* - header of the message
// p_body - *charstring* *template* - body of the message
// Detailed Comments:
// -
template HTTPMessage t_EPTF_HTTP_HTTPdistr_binary_request(
charstring p_method,
charstring p_uri,
integer p_version_major,
integer p_version_minor,
HeaderLines p_header,
octetstring p_body
) :=
request_binary:= {
client_id:= omit,
method:= p_method,
uri:= p_uri,
version_major := p_version_major,
version_minor := p_version_minor,
header:= p_header,
body:= p_body
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_templName_CustomHeader
// Purpose:
// constant for the name of the HTTP external template
// type Custom Header
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_templName_CustomHeader :=
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_templName_CustomHeader
// Purpose:
// constant for the name of the HTTP external template
// type Custom Header
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_templName_CustomHeaderResponse :=
// const: c_EPTF_HTTP_templName_CustomBody
// Purpose:
// constant for the name of the HTTP external template
// type Custom Body
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_templName_CustomBody :=
// Statistics
// Group: EPTF_HTTP_Statistics
// Purpose:
// Functions of the EPTF HTTP Statistics
group EPTF_HTTP_Statistics
// Constant: Method constants
// Purpose:
// Unique names for incoming and outgoing method statistics
// Elements:
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncRequests
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncOptionMessages
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncOptionMessages
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncHeadMessages
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncPostMessages
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncPutMessages
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncDeleteMessages
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncTraceMessages
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncConnectMessages
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutRequests
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutOptionMessages
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutOptionMessages
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutHeadMessages
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutPostMessages
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutPutMessages
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutDeleteMessages
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutTraceMessages
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutConnectMessages
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncRequests := "HTTP: Number of incoming Requests";
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncOptionMessages := "HTTP: Number of incoming OPTION Messages";
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncGetMessages := "HTTP: Number of incoming GET Messages";
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncHeadMessages := "HTTP: Number of incoming HEAD Messages";
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncPostMessages := "HTTP: Number of incoming POST Messages";
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncPutMessages := "HTTP: Number of incoming PUT Messages";
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncDeleteMessages := "HTTP: Number incoming of DELETE Messages";
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncTraceMessages := "HTTP: Number of incoming TRACE Messages";
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncConnectMessages := "HTTP: Number of incoming CONNECT Messages";
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutRequests := "HTTP: Number of outgoing Requests";
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutOptionMessages := "HTTP: Number of outgoing OPTION Messages";
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutGetMessages := "HTTP: Number of outgoing GET Messages";
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutHeadMessages := "HTTP: Number of outgoing HEAD Messages";
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutPostMessages := "HTTP: Number of outgoing POST Messages";
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutPutMessages := "HTTP: Number of outgoing PUT Messages";
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutDeleteMessages := "HTTP: Number outgoing of DELETE Messages";
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutTraceMessages := "HTTP: Number of outgoing TRACE Messages";
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutConnectMessages := "HTTP: Number of outgoing CONNECT Messages";
// Constant: Status code constants
// Purpose:
// Unique names for incoming and outgoing status code statistics
// Elements:
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncResponses
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc100StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc101StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc200StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc201StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc202StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc203StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc204StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc205StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc206StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc300StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc301StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc302StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc303StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc304StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc305StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc306StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc307StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc400StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc401StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc402StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc403StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc404StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc405StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc406StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc407StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc408StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc409StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc410StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc411StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc412StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc413StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc414StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc415StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc416StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc417StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc500StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc501StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc502StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc503StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc504StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc505StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutResponses
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut100StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut101StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut200StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut201StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut202StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut203StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut204StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut205StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut206StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut300StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut301StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut302StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut303StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut304StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut305StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut306StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut307StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut400StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut401StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut402StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut403StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut404StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut405StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut406StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut407StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut408StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut409StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut410StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut411StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut412StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut413StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut414StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut415StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut416StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut417StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut500StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut501StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut502StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut503StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut504StatusCode
// - c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut505StatusCode
// Detailed Comments:
// -
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofIncResponses := "HTTP: Number of incoming responses"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc100StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 100 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc101StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 101 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc200StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 200 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc201StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 201 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc202StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 202 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc203StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 203 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc204StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 204 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc205StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 205 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc206StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 206 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc300StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 300 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc301StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 301 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc302StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 302 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc303StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 303 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc304StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 304 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc305StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 305 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc306StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 306 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc307StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 307 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc400StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 400 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc401StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 401 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc402StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 402 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc403StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 403 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc404StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 404 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc405StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 405 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc406StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 406 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc407StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 407 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc408StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 408 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc409StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 409 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc410StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 410 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc411StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 411 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc412StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 412 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc413StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 413 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc414StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 414 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc415StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 415 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc416StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 416 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc417StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 417 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc500StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 500 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc501StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 501 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc502StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 502 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc503StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 503 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc504StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 504 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofInc505StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of incoming 505 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOutResponses := "HTTP: Number of outgoing responses"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut100StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 100 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut101StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 101 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut200StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 200 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut201StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 201 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut202StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 202 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut203StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 203 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut204StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 204 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut205StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 205 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut206StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 206 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut300StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 300 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut301StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 301 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut302StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 302 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut303StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 303 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut304StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 304 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut305StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 305 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut306StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 306 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut307StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 307 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut400StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 400 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut401StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 401 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut402StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 402 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut403StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 403 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut404StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 404 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut405StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 405 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut406StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 406 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut407StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 407 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut408StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 408 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut409StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 409 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut410StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 410 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut411StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 411 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut412StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 412 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut413StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 413 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut414StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 414 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut415StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 415 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut416StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 416 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut417StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 417 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut500StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 500 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut501StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 501 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut502StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 502 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut503StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 503 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut504StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 504 Status Codes"
const charstring c_EPTF_HTTP_Stat_nofOut505StatusCode := "HTTP: Number of outgoing 505 Status Codes"
// Group: EPTF_HTTP_Logging
// Purpose:
// Functions of the EPTF HTTP Logging
group EPTF_HTTP_Logging
// Constant: c_EPTF_HTTP_loggingEventClasses
// Purpose:
// list of logging event class names used on the EPTF HTTP component
// Detailed Comments:
// <EPTF_Logging_EventClassPrefixList> { "Error", "Warning", "Debug" }
const EPTF_Logging_EventClassPrefixList c_EPTF_HTTP_loggingEventClasses := { "Error", "Warning", "Debug" };
// Constant: c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Error
// Purpose:
// logging class index for Error
// Detailed Comments:
// *0*
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_loggingClassIdx_Error := 0;
// Constant: c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Warning
// Purpose:
// logging class index for Warning
// Detailed Comments:
// *1*
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_loggingClassIdx_Warning := 1;
// Constant: c_EPTF_HTTP_Transport_loggingClassIdx_Debug
// Purpose:
// logging class index for Debug
// Detailed Comments:
// *2*
const integer c_EPTF_HTTP_loggingClassIdx_Debug := 2;
// Type: fcb_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceivedHook
// Purpose: Message hook to HTTP message received processing.
type function fcb_EPTF_HTTP_messageReceivedHook(in integer pl_eIdx, in HTTPMessage pl_httpMessage) runs on self;
}//end of module
with {
extension "version <RnXnn>"