blob: 5717278c467b4c973c505466d06bcf173eb9ff21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2000-2021 Ericsson Telecom AB
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// File: EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.ttcn
// Description:
// Rev: R1B
// Prodnr: CNL 113 859
// Updated: 2021-02-03
// Contact:
// Module: EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions
// Purpose:
// This module contains the smart object definitions for the LWM2M load generator component
// Class Diagram:
// (see EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.classes.jpg)
module EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions
import from LightweightM2M_Types all;
@startuml EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.classes.jpg
class LwM2M_Resource {
integer id
integer objId
integer objInstId
boolean observed
LwM2M_DataSample_Information dataSample
LwM2M_ResourceValue val
f_LwM2M_resourceHash_forResource(in LwM2M_Resource p_res)
f_LwM2M_Resource_setNextDataSample(inout LwM2M_Resource p_res, inout LwM2M_DataSamples_DB p_db)
LwM2M_Resource "1" --> "0..1\n.dataSample" LwM2M_DataSample_Information
LwM2M_Resource "1" --> "1\n.objId" LwM2M_Object
LwM2M_Resource "1" --> "1\n.objInstanceId" LwM2M_ObjectInstance
LwM2M_Resource "1" --> "1\" LwM2M_ResourceSpecification
class LwM2M_DataSample_Information {
charstring samplesName
integer samplesPointer
integer valuePointer
LwM2M_DataSample_Information "1" --> "1\n.samplesPointer" LwM2M_DataSamples
LwM2M_DataSample_Information "1" --> "1\n.valuePointer" LwM2M_DataSamples
class LwM2M_ObjectDB {
integer id
LwM2M_Object_List objs
LwM2M_Resource_List resources
integer objHashRef
integer resHashRef
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_init(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_id)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_cleanUp(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_createObject(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in LwM2M_ObjectSpecification p_spec)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getObject(in LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_id, inout LwM2M_Object p_obj)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getObjectIdx(in LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_id)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_setObjectObserved(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_objId, in boolean p_observed, in template integer p_contentFormat := omit)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_createObjectInstance(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB p_spec_db, in integer p_id, in boolean p_createResources := true)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_addResource(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in LwM2M_Resource p_resource)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getObjectInstance(in LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_objId, in integer p_objInstId, inout LwM2M_ObjectInstance p_objInst)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_setObjectInstanceObserved(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_objId, in integer p_objInstId, in boolean p_observed, in template integer p_contentFormat := omit)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getResource(in LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_objId, in integer p_objInstId, in integer p_resourceId, inout LwM2M_Resource p_resource)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_setResource(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_objId, in integer p_objInstId, in integer p_resourceId, in LwM2M_Resource p_resource)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getResourceValue(in LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_objId, in integer p_objInstId, in integer p_resourceId, inout LwM2M_ResourceValue p_value)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_setResourceValue(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_objId, in integer p_objInstId, in integer p_resourceId, in LwM2M_ResourceValue p_value)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_setResourceObserved(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_objId, in integer p_objInstId, in integer p_resourceId, in boolean p_observed)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getObjectPaths(in LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, inout ObjectPath_List p_paths)
LwM2M_ObjectDB "1" --> "*\n.objs[]" LwM2M_Object
LwM2M_ObjectDB "1" --> "*\n.resources[]" LwM2M_Resource
class LwM2M_Object {
integer id
boolean observed
integer contentFormat optional
LwM2M_Object "1" --> "*\n.instances[]" LwM2M_ObjectInstance
LwM2M_Object "1" --> "1\" LwM2M_ObjectSpecification
class LwM2M_ObjectInstance {
integer id
integer objId
boolean observed
integer contentFormat optional
LwM2M_ResourceIdx_List resources
f_LwM2M_createResource(inout LwM2M_ObjectInstance p_oi, in LwM2M_ResourceSpecification p_spec)
LwM2M_ObjectInstance "1" --> "*\n.resources[]" LwM2M_Resource
LwM2M_ObjectInstance "1" --> "1\" LwM2M_Object
class LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB {
integer id,
LwM2M_ObjectSpecification_List specs,
integer hashRef
f_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_init(inout LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB p_db, in integer p_id)
f_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_cleanUp(inout LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB p_db)
f_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_add(inout LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB p_db, LwM2M_ObjectSpecification p_spec)
f_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_lookUp(in LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB p_db, in integer p_objId)
f_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_getResourceSpecification(LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB p_spec_db, integer p_objId, integer p_resId, inout LwM2M_ResourceSpecification p_spec)
f_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_fillInOmaSpecs(inout LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB p_db)
LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB "1" --> "*\n.specs[]" LwM2M_ObjectSpecification
class LwM2M_ObjectSpecification {
charstring name
integer id
LwM2M_InstanceTypeEnum instancetype
boolean mandatory
charstring description
LwM2M_ResourceSpecification_List resourcedefs
LwM2M_ObjectSpecification "1" --> "*\n.resourcedefs[]" LwM2M_ResourceSpecification
class LwM2M_ResourceSpecification {
integer id
charstring name
LwM2M_OperationTypeEnum operations
LwM2M_InstanceTypeEnum instancetype
boolean mandatory
LwM2M_TypeEnum type_
charstring range
charstring units
charstring description
class LwM2M_DataSamples {
charstring name,
LwM2M_ResourceValue_List values
class LwM2M_DataSamples_DB {
charstring name,
LwM2M_DataSamples_List data,
integer hashRef
f_LwM2M_DataSamples_DB_init(inout LwM2M_DataSamples_DB p_db, in charstring p_name)
f_LwM2M_DataSamples_DB_add(inout LwM2M_DataSamples_DB p_db, in LwM2M_DataSamples p_samples)
f_LwM2M_DataSamples_DB_lookUp(inout LwM2M_DataSamples_DB p_db, in charstring p_sampleName)
f_LwM2M_DataSamples_DB_get(inout LwM2M_DataSamples_DB p_db, in integer p_idx, inout LwM2M_DataSamples p_samples)
f_LwM2M_DataSamples_DB_cleanUp(inout LwM2M_DataSamples_DB p_db)
LwM2M_DataSamples_DB "1" --> "*.data[]" LwM2M_DataSamples
@startuml EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.LwM2M_ObjectDB.jpg
class LwM2M_ObjectDB {
integer id
LwM2M_Object_List objs
LwM2M_Resource_List resources
integer objHashRef
integer resHashRef
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_init(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_id)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_cleanUp(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_createObject(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in LwM2M_ObjectSpecification p_spec)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getObject(in LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_id, inout LwM2M_Object p_obj)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getObjectIdx(in LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_id)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_setObjectObserved(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_objId, in boolean p_observed, in template integer p_contentFormat := omit)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_createObjectInstance(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB p_spec_db, in integer p_id, in boolean p_createResources := true)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_addResource(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in LwM2M_Resource p_resource)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getObjectInstance(in LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_objId, in integer p_objInstId, inout LwM2M_ObjectInstance p_objInst)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_setObjectInstanceObserved(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_objId, in integer p_objInstId, in boolean p_observed, in template integer p_contentFormat := omit)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getResource(in LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_objId, in integer p_objInstId, in integer p_resourceId, inout LwM2M_Resource p_resource)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_setResource(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_objId, in integer p_objInstId, in integer p_resourceId, in LwM2M_Resource p_resource)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getResourceValue(in LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_objId, in integer p_objInstId, in integer p_resourceId, inout LwM2M_ResourceValue p_value)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_setResourceValue(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_objId, in integer p_objInstId, in integer p_resourceId, in LwM2M_ResourceValue p_value)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_setResourceObserved(inout LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, in integer p_objId, in integer p_objInstId, in integer p_resourceId, in boolean p_observed)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getObjectPaths(in LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, inout ObjectPath_List p_paths)p_objInstId, in integer p_resourceId, in boolean p_observed)
f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getObjectPaths(in LwM2M_ObjectDB p_db, inout ObjectPath_List p_paths)
// Type: LwM2M_ObjectDB
// Purpose:
// Storing <LwM2M_Object> instances
// Class:
// (see EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.LwM2M_ObjectDB.jpg)
// Elements:
// id - *integer* - unique id of the <LwM2M_ObjectDB> instance
// objs - <LwM2M_Object_List> - object instance elements
// resources - <LwM2M_Resource_List> - smart resource instance elements
// objHashRef - *integer* - hashmap id for looking up <LwM2M_Object> instances
// resHashRef - *integer* - hashmap id for looking up <LwM2M_Resource> instances
// Related Functions:
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_init> (*inout* <LwM2M_ObjectDB> p_db, *in integer* p_id)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_cleanUp> (*inout* <LwM2M_ObjectDB> p_db)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_createObject> (*inout* <LwM2M_ObjectDB> p_db, *in* <LwM2M_ObjectSpecification> p_spec)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getObject> (*in* <LwM2M_ObjectDB> p_db, *in integer* p_id, *inout* <LwM2M_Object> p_obj)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getObjectIdx> (*in* <LwM2M_ObjectDB> p_db, *in integer* p_id)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_setObjectObserved> (*inout* <LwM2M_ObjectDB> p_db, *in integer* p_objId, *in boolean* p_observed, *in template integer* p_contentFormat := omit)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_createObjectInstance> (*inout* <LwM2M_ObjectDB> p_db, *in* <LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB> p_spec_db, *in integer* p_id, *in boolean* p_createResources := true)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_addResource> (*inout* <LwM2M_ObjectDB> p_db, *in* <LwM2M_Resource> p_resource)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getObjectInstance> (*in* <LwM2M_ObjectDB> p_db, *in integer* p_objId, *in integer* p_objInstId, *inout* <LwM2M_ObjectInstance> p_objInst)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_setObjectInstanceObserved> (*inout* <LwM2M_ObjectDB> p_db, *in integer* p_objId, *in integer* p_objInstId, *in boolean* p_observed, *in template integer* p_contentFormat := omit)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getResource> (*in* <LwM2M_ObjectDB> p_db, *in integer* p_objId, *in integer* p_objInstId, *in integer* p_resourceId, *inout* <LwM2M_Resource> p_resource)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_setResource> (*inout* <LwM2M_ObjectDB> p_db, *in integer* p_objId, *in integer* p_objInstId, *in integer* p_resourceId, *in* <LwM2M_Resource> p_resource)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getResourceValue> (*in* <LwM2M_ObjectDB> p_db, *in integer* p_objId, *in integer* p_objInstId, *in integer* p_resourceId, *inout* <LwM2M_ResourceValue> p_value)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_setResourceValue> (*inout* <LwM2M_ObjectDB> p_db, *in integer* p_objId, *in integer* p_objInstId, *in integer* p_resourceId, *in* <LwM2M_ResourceValue> p_value)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_setResourceObserved> (*inout* <LwM2M_ObjectDB> p_db, *in integer* p_objId, *in integer* p_objInstId, *in integer* p_resourceId, *in boolean* p_observed)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectDB_getObjectPaths> (*in* <LwM2M_ObjectDB> p_db, *inout* <ObjectPath_List> p_paths)
type record LwM2M_ObjectDB
integer id,
LwM2M_Object_List objs,
LwM2M_Resource_List resources,
integer objHashRef,
integer resHashRef
const LwM2M_ObjectDB c_LwM2M_ObjectDB_init :=
id := -1,
objs := {},
resources := {},
objHashRef := -1,
resHashRef := -1
// Type: LwM2M_Object_List
// Purpose:
// List of <LwM2M_Object>
type record of LwM2M_Object LwM2M_Object_List;
@startuml EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.LwM2M_Object.jpg
class LwM2M_Object {
integer id
boolean observed
integer contentFormat optional
LwM2M_ObjectInstance_List instances
// Type: LwM2M_Object
// Purpose:
// This structure models a LwM2M smart object
// Class:
// (see EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.LwM2M_Object.jpg)
// Elements:
// id - *integer* - smart object id
// observed - *boolean* - true in case the object is observed, false otherwise
// contentFormat - *integer* *optional* - content format code of the observation(s)
// instances - <LwM2M_ObjectInstance_List> - objec instances of the smart object
type record LwM2M_Object
integer id,
boolean observed,
integer contentFormat optional,
LwM2M_ObjectInstance_List instances
const LwM2M_Object c_LwM2M_Object_init :=
id := -1,
observed := false,
contentFormat := omit,
instances := {}
@startuml EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.LwM2M_ObjectInstance.jpg
class LwM2M_ObjectInstance {
integer id
integer objId
boolean observed
integer contentFormat optional
LwM2M_ResourceIdx_List resources
f_LwM2M_createResource(inout LwM2M_ObjectInstance p_oi, in LwM2M_ResourceSpecification p_spec)
// Type: LwM2M_ObjectInstance
// Purpose:
// Models a smart object instance of a <LwM2M_Object>
// Class:
// (see EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.LwM2M_ObjectInstance.jpg)
// Elements:
// id - *integer* - instance id of the <LwM2M_Object>
// objId - *integer* - object id of the parent <LwM2M_Object>
// observed - *boolean* - true in case the object is observed, false otherwise
// contentFormat - *integer* *optional* - content format code of the observation(s)
// resources - <LwM2M_ResourceIdx_List> - pointers to the resources of the object instance's own resources (stored in the parent <LwM2M_Object>.resources)
// Related Functions:
// - <f_LwM2M_createResource> (*inout* <LwM2M_ObjectInstance> p_oi, *in* <LwM2M_ResourceSpecification> p_spec)
type record LwM2M_ObjectInstance
integer id,
integer objId,
boolean observed,
integer contentFormat optional,
LwM2M_ResourceIdx_List resources
// Type: LwM2M_ResourceIdx_List
// Purpose:
// List of *integer*
type record of integer LwM2M_ResourceIdx_List;
const LwM2M_ObjectInstance c_LwM2M_ObjectInstance_init :=
id := -1,
objId := -1,
observed := false,
contentFormat := omit,
resources := {}
// Type: LwM2M_ObjectInstance_List
// Purpose:
// List of <LwM2M_ObjectInstance>
type record of LwM2M_ObjectInstance LwM2M_ObjectInstance_List;
@startuml EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB.jpg
class LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB {
integer id,
LwM2M_ObjectSpecification_List specs,
integer hashRef
f_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_init(inout LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB p_db, in integer p_id)
f_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_cleanUp(inout LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB p_db)
f_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_add(inout LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB p_db, LwM2M_ObjectSpecification p_spec)
f_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_lookUp(in LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB p_db, in integer p_objId)
f_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_getResourceSpecification(LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB p_spec_db, integer p_objId, integer p_resId, inout LwM2M_ResourceSpecification p_spec)
f_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_fillInOmaSpecs(inout LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB p_db)
// Type: LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB
// Purpose:
// Storing <LwM2M_ObjectSpecification> instances
// Class:
// (see EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB.jpg)
// Elements:
// id - *integer* - unique id of the <LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB> instance
// specs - <LwM2M_ObjectSpecification_List> - the stored <LwM2M_ObjectSpecification> instances
// hashRef - *integer* - hashmap id for looking up <LwM2M_ObjectSpecification> instances based on their id
// Related Functions:
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_init> (*inout* <LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB> p_db, *in integer* p_id)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_cleanUp> (*inout* <LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB> p_db)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_add> (*inout* <LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB> p_db, <LwM2M_ObjectSpecification> p_spec)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_lookUp> (*in* <LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB> p_db, *in integer* p_objId)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_getResourceSpecification> (<LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB> p_spec_db, *integer* p_objId, *integer* p_resId, *inout* <LwM2M_ResourceSpecification> p_spec)
// - <f_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_fillInOmaSpecs> (*inout* <LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB> p_db)
type record LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB
integer id,
LwM2M_ObjectSpecification_List specs,
integer hashRef // obj id to idx in specs
const LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB c_LwM2M_ObjectSpecificationDB_init :=
id := -1,
specs := {},
hashRef := -1
@startuml EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.LwM2M_ObjectSpecification.jpg
class LwM2M_ObjectSpecification {
charstring name
integer id
LwM2M_InstanceTypeEnum instancetype
boolean mandatory
charstring description
LwM2M_ResourceSpecification_List resourcedefs
// Type: LwM2M_ObjectSpecification
// Purpose:
// Defines a smart oject
// Class:
// (see EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.LwM2M_ObjectSpecification.jpg)
// Elements:
// name - *charstring* - name of the smart object
// id - *integer* - unique id of the smart object
// instancetype - <LwM2M_InstanceTypeEnum> - instantiation restrictions
// mandatory - *boolean* - shall it be supported by a device in a compulsory fashion?
// description - *charstring* - textual description (purpose) of the smart boject definition
// resourcedefs - <LwM2M_ResourceSpecification_List> - resource definitions used by the smart boject
type record LwM2M_ObjectSpecification
charstring name,
integer id,
LwM2M_InstanceTypeEnum instancetype,
boolean mandatory,
charstring description,
LwM2M_ResourceSpecification_List resourcedefs
// Type: LwM2M_ObjectSpecification_List
// Purpose:
// List of <LwM2M_ObjectSpecification>
type record of LwM2M_ObjectSpecification LwM2M_ObjectSpecification_List;
// Type: LwM2M_ResourceSpecification_List
// Purpose:
// List of <LwM2M_ResourceSpecification>
type record of LwM2M_ResourceSpecification LwM2M_ResourceSpecification_List;
@startuml EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.LwM2M_ResourceSpecification.jpg
class LwM2M_ObjectSpecification {
integer id
charstring name
LwM2M_OperationTypeEnum operations
LwM2M_InstanceTypeEnum instancetype
boolean mandatory
LwM2M_TypeEnum type_
charstring range
charstring units
charstring description
// Type: LwM2M_ResourceSpecification
// Purpose:
// Defines a smart resource
// Class:
// (see EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.LwM2M_ResourceSpecification.jpg)
// Elements:
// name - *charstring* - name of the smart resource
// id - *integer* - unique id of the smart resource
// operations - <LwM2M_OperationTypeEnum> - allowed operations on the resource
// instancetype - <LwM2M_InstanceTypeEnum> - instantiation restrictions
// mandatory - *boolean* - shall it be supported by a device in a compulsory fashion?
// type_ - <LwM2M_TypeEnum> - type of the resource value
// range - *charstring* - the allowed value range of the resource
// units - *charstring* - units of the resource value
// description - *charstring* - textual description (purpose) of the smart boject definition
type record LwM2M_ResourceSpecification
integer id,
charstring name,
LwM2M_OperationTypeEnum operations,
LwM2M_InstanceTypeEnum instancetype,
boolean mandatory,
LwM2M_TypeEnum type_,
charstring range,
charstring units,
charstring description
// Enum: LwM2M_OperationTypeEnum
// Purpose:
// Operation types of a <LwM2M_Resource>
// Elements:
// - NONE
// - W
// - R
// - RW
// - RE
// - E
// - RWE
type enumerated LwM2M_OperationTypeEnum
// Enum: LwM2M_InstanceTypeEnum
// Purpose:
// Instantiation types of a <LwM2M_Resource>
// Elements:
type enumerated LwM2M_InstanceTypeEnum
// Enum: LwM2M_InstanceTypeEnum
// Purpose:
// Possible types of a <LwM2M_Resource>'s value
// Elements:
// - FLOAT
// - TIME
// - NONE
type enumerated LwM2M_TypeEnum
const integer c_LwM2M_Security_obj_id := 0;
const integer c_LwM2M_Server_obj_id := 1;
const integer c_LwM2M_Device_obj_id := 3;
const integer c_LwM2M_FirmwareUpdate_obj_id := 5;
const integer c_LwM2M_Location_obj_id := 6;
const integer c_LwM2M_Temperature_obj_id := 3303;
const integer c_LwM2M_PowerMeasurement_obj_id := 3305;
const LwM2M_ObjectSpecification c_LwM2M_Security_spec :=
name := "LWM2M Security",
id := c_LwM2M_Security_obj_id,
instancetype := MULTIPLE,
mandatory := true,
description := "",
resourcedefs :=
id := 0,
name := "LWM2M Server URI",
operations := NONE,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := STRING,
range := "0-255 bytes",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 1,
name := "Bootstrap Server",
operations := NONE,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := BOOLEAN,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 2,
name := "Security Mode",
operations := NONE,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "0-3",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 3,
name := "Public Key or Identity",
operations := NONE,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := OPAQUE,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 4,
name := "Server Public Key or Identity",
operations := NONE,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := OPAQUE,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 5,
name := "Secret Key",
operations := NONE,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := OPAQUE,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 6,
name := "SMS Security Mode",
operations := NONE,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "0-255",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 7,
name := "SMS Binding Key Parameters",
operations := NONE,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := OPAQUE,
range := "6 bytes",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 8,
name := "SMS Binding Secret Keys",
operations := NONE,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := OPAQUE,
range := "32-48 bytes",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 9,
name := "LWM2M Server SMS Number",
operations := NONE,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := STRING,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 10,
name := "Short Server ID",
operations := NONE,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "1-65535",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 11,
name := "Client Hold Off Time",
operations := NONE,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "",
units := "s",
description := ""
const LwM2M_ObjectSpecification c_LwM2M_Server_spec :=
name := "LWM2M Server",
id := c_LwM2M_Server_obj_id,
instancetype := MULTIPLE,
mandatory := true,
description := "",
resourcedefs :=
id := 0,
name := "Short Server ID",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "1-65535",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 1,
name := "Lifetime",
operations := RW,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "",
units := "s",
description := ""
id := 2,
name := "Default Minimum Period",
operations := RW,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "",
units := "s",
description := ""
id := 3,
name := "Default Maximum Period",
operations := RW,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "",
units := "s",
description := ""
id := 4,
name := "Disable",
operations := E,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := STRING,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 5,
name := "Disable Timeout",
operations := RW,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "",
units := "s",
description := ""
id := 6,
name := "Notification Storing When Disabled or Offline",
operations := RW,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := BOOLEAN,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 7,
name := "Binding",
operations := RW,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := STRING,
range := "The possible values of Resource are listed in",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 8,
name := "Registration Update Trigger",
operations := E,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := STRING,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
const integer c_LwM2M_Device_Manufacturer := 0;
const integer c_LwM2M_Device_ModelNumber := 1;
const integer c_LwM2M_Device_SerialNumberNumber := 2;
const LwM2M_ObjectSpecification c_LwM2M_Device_spec :=
name := "Device",
id := 3,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
description := "",
resourcedefs :=
id := 0,
name := "Manufacturer",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := STRING,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 1,
name := "Model Number",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := STRING,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 2,
name := "Serial Number",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := STRING,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 3,
name := "Firmware Version",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := STRING,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 4,
name := "Reboot",
operations := E,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := STRING,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 5,
name := "Factory Reset",
operations := E,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := STRING,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 6,
name := "Available Power Sources",
operations := R,
instancetype := MULTIPLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "0-7",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 7,
name := "Power Source Voltage",
operations := R,
instancetype := MULTIPLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "",
units := "mV",
description := ""
id := 8,
name := "Power Source Current",
operations := R,
instancetype := MULTIPLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "",
units := "mA",
description := ""
id := 9,
name := "Battery Level",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "0-100",
units := "%",
description := ""
id := 10,
name := "Memory Free",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "",
units := "KB",
description := ""
id := 11,
name := "Error Code",
operations := R,
instancetype := MULTIPLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 12,
name := "Reset Error Code",
operations := E,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := STRING,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 13,
name := "Current Time",
operations := RW,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := TIME,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 14,
name := "UTC Offset",
operations := RW,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := STRING,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 15,
name := "Timezone",
operations := RW,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := STRING,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 16,
name := "Supported Binding and Modes",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := STRING,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
const LwM2M_ObjectSpecification c_LwM2M_FirmwareUpdate_spec :=
name := "LWM2M Firmware Update",
id := c_LwM2M_FirmwareUpdate_obj_id,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
description := "",
resourcedefs :=
id := 0,
name := "Package",
operations := W,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := OPAQUE,
range := "",
units := "",
description := "Firmware package"
id := 1,
name := "Package URI",
operations := RW,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := STRING,
range := "0-255 bytes",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 2,
name := "Update",
operations := E,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := NONE,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 3,
name := "State",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "0-3",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 5,
name := "Update Result",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "0-9",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 6,
name := "PkgName",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := STRING,
range := "0-255 bytes",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 7,
name := "PkgVersion",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := STRING,
range := "0-255 bytes",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 8,
name := "Firmware Update Protocol Support",
operations := R,
instancetype := MULTIPLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
id := 9,
name := "Firmware Update Delivery Method",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := INTEGER,
range := "",
units := "",
description := ""
const LwM2M_ObjectSpecification c_LwM2M_Location_spec :=
name := "Location",
id := c_LwM2M_Location_obj_id,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
description := "",
resourcedefs :=
id := 0,
name := "Latitude",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Deg",
description := ""
id := 1,
name := "Longitude",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Deg",
description := ""
id := 2,
name := "Altitude",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "m",
description := ""
id := 3,
name := "Radius",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "m",
description := ""
id := 4,
name := "Velocity",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := OPAQUE,
range := "",
units := "Refers to 3GPP GAD specs",
description := ""
id := 5,
name := "Timestamp",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := TIME,
range := "0-6",
units := "",
description := ""
const LwM2M_ObjectSpecification c_LwM2M_IPSO_Temperature_spec :=
name := "IPSO Temperature",
id := c_LwM2M_Temperature_obj_id,
instancetype := MULTIPLE,
mandatory := false,
description := "Description: This IPSO object should be used with a temperature sensor to report a temperature measurement. It also provides resources for minimum/maximum measured values and the minimum/maximum range that can be measured by the temperature sensor. An example measurement unit is degrees Celsius (ucum:Cel). ",
resourcedefs :=
id := 5601,
name := "Min Measured Value",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "The minimum value measured by the sensor since power ON or reset"
id := 5602,
name := "Max Measured Value",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "The maximum value measured by the sensor since power ON or reset"
id := 5603,
name := "Min Range Value",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "The minimum value that can be measured by the sensor"
id := 5604,
name := "Max Range Value",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "The maximum value that can be measured by the sensor"
id := 5605,
name := "Reset Min and Max Measured Values",
operations := E,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := OPAQUE,
range := "",
units := "",
description := "Reset the Min and Max Measured Values to Current Value"
id := 5700,
name := "Sensor Value",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "Last or Current Measured Value from the Sensor"
id := 5701,
name := "Sensor Units",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := STRING,
range := "",
units := "",
description := "Measurement Units Definition e.g. Cel for Temperature in Celsius."
const LwM2M_ObjectSpecification c_LwM2M_PowerMeasurement_spec :=
name := "Power Measurement",
id := c_LwM2M_PowerMeasurement_obj_id,
instancetype := MULTIPLE,
mandatory := false,
description := "Description: This IPSO object should be used with a temperature sensor to report a temperature measurement. It also provides resources for minimum/maximum measured values and the minimum/maximum range that can be measured by the temperature sensor. An example measurement unit is degrees Celsius (ucum:Cel). ",
resourcedefs :=
id := 5800,
name := "Instantaneous active power",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := true,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "The current active power"
id := 5801,
name := "Min Measured active power",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "The minimum active power measured by the sensor since it is ON"
id := 5802,
name := "Max Measured active power",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "The maximum active power measured by the sensor since it is ON"
id := 5803,
name := "Min Range active power",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "The minimum active power that can be measured by the sensor"
id := 5804,
name := "Max Range active power",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "The maximum active power that can be measured by the sensor"
id := 5805,
name := "Cumulative active power",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "The cumulative active power since the last cumulative energy reset or device start"
id := 5806,
name := "Active Power Calibration",
operations := W,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "Request an active power calibration by writing the value of a calibrated load"
id := 5810,
name := "Instantaneous reactive power",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "The current reactive power"
id := 5811,
name := "Min Measured reactive power",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "The minimum reactive power measured by the sensor since it is ON"
id := 5812,
name := "Max Measured reactive power",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "The maximum reactive power measured by the sensor since it is ON"
id := 5813,
name := "Min Range reactive power",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "The minimum active power that can be measured by the sensor"
id := 5814,
name := "Max Range reactive power",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "The maximum reactive power that can be measured by the sensor"
id := 5815,
name := "Cumulative reactive power",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "The cumulative reactive power since the last cumulative energy reset or device start"
id := 5816,
name := "Reactive Power Calibration",
operations := W,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "Request a reactive power calibration by writing the value of a calibrated load"
id := 5820,
name := "Power Factor",
operations := R,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "If applicable, the power factor of the current consumption"
id := 5821,
name := "Current Calibration",
operations := RW,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := FLOAT,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "If applicable, the power factor of the current consumption"
id := 5822,
name := "Reset Cumulative energy",
operations := E,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := OPAQUE,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "Reset both cumulative active/reactive power"
id := 5605,
name := "Reset Min and Max Measured Values",
operations := E,
instancetype := SINGLE,
mandatory := false,
type_ := OPAQUE,
range := "",
units := "Defined by Units resource.",
description := "Reset the Min and Max Measured Values to Current Value"
@startuml EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.LwM2M_DataSamples.jpg
class LwM2M_DataSamples {
charstring name,
LwM2M_ResourceValue_List values
// Type: LwM2M_DataSamples
// Purpose:
// Storing a list of resource values that can be played back to mimic resource value changes
// Class:
// (see EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.LwM2M_DataSamples.jpg)
// Elements:
// name - *charstring* - unique name of the data samples
// values - <LwM2M_ResourceValue_List> - data samples consisting of resource values
type record LwM2M_DataSamples
charstring name,
LwM2M_ResourceValue_List values
// Type: LwM2M_DataSamples_List
// Purpose:
// List of <LwM2M_DataSamples>
type record of LwM2M_DataSamples LwM2M_DataSamples_List;
const LwM2M_DataSamples c_LwM2M_DataSamples_init :=
name := "",
values := {}
@startuml EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.LwM2M_DataSamples_DB.jpg
class LwM2M_DataSamples_DB {
charstring name,
LwM2M_DataSamples_List data,
integer hashRef
f_LwM2M_DataSamples_DB_init(inout LwM2M_DataSamples_DB p_db, in charstring p_name)
f_LwM2M_DataSamples_DB_add(inout LwM2M_DataSamples_DB p_db, in LwM2M_DataSamples p_samples)
f_LwM2M_DataSamples_DB_lookUp(inout LwM2M_DataSamples_DB p_db, in charstring p_sampleName)
f_LwM2M_DataSamples_DB_get(inout LwM2M_DataSamples_DB p_db, in integer p_idx, inout LwM2M_DataSamples p_samples)
f_LwM2M_DataSamples_DB_cleanUp(inout LwM2M_DataSamples_DB p_db)
// Type: LwM2M_DataSamples_DB
// Purpose:
// Storing <LwM2M_DataSamples> instances
// Class:
// (see EPTF_LwM2M_Object_Definitions.LwM2M_DataSamples_DB.jpg)
// Elements:
// name - *charstring* - unique name of the data samples database
// data - <LwM2M_DataSamples_List> - elements
// hashRef - *integer* - hashmap id for looking up <LwM2M_DataSamples> instances
// Related Functions:
// - <f_LwM2M_DataSamples_DB_init> (*inout* <LwM2M_DataSamples_DB> p_db, *in charstring* p_name)
// - <f_LwM2M_DataSamples_DB_add> (*inout* <LwM2M_DataSamples_DB> p_db, *in* <LwM2M_DataSamples> p_samples)
// - <f_LwM2M_DataSamples_DB_lookUp> (*inout* <LwM2M_DataSamples_DB> p_db, *in charstring* p_sampleName)
// - <f_LwM2M_DataSamples_DB_get> (*inout* <LwM2M_DataSamples_DB> p_db, *in integer* p_idx, *inout* <LwM2M_DataSamples> p_samples)
// - <f_LwM2M_DataSamples_DB_cleanUp> (*inout* <LwM2M_DataSamples_DB> p_db)
type record LwM2M_DataSamples_DB
charstring name,
LwM2M_DataSamples_List data,
integer hashRef
const LwM2M_DataSamples_DB c_LwM2M_DataSamples_DB_init :=
name := "",
data := {},
hashRef := -1
template LwM2M_ResourceSpecification t_LwM2M_ResourceSpecification_Readable :=
id := ?,
name := ?,
operations := (R, RW, RE, RWE),
instancetype := ?,
mandatory := ?,
type_ := ?,
range := ?,
units := ?,
description := ?
template LwM2M_ResourceSpecification t_LwM2M_ResourceSpecification_Writeable :=
id := ?,
name := ?,
operations := (W, RW, RWE),
instancetype := ?,
mandatory := ?,
type_ := ?,
range := ?,
units := ?,
description := ?
template LwM2M_ResourceSpecification t_LwM2M_ResourceSpecification_Executable :=
id := ?,
name := ?,
operations := (E, RE),
instancetype := ?,
mandatory := ?,
type_ := ?,
range := ?,
units := ?,
description := ?