blob: 735e042a78f7c28c2d7e17fe3aec9da0c09e36ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2000-2021 Ericsson Telecom AB
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// File: EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.ttcn
// Description:
// Rev: R1B
// Prodnr: CNL 113 860
// Updated: 2021-02-03
// Contact:
// Module: EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions
// Purpose:
// This module contains the definitions for the MQTT load generator component
// Module depends on:
// - <EPTF_MQTT_Transport_Definitions>
// - <EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions>
// - <EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions>
// - <EPTF_CLL_FBQ_Definitions>
// - <EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions>
// - <Socket_API_Definitions>
// - <MQTT_v3_1_1_Types>
// Module Parameters:
// tsp_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_debug - <tsp_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_debug> - *boolean* - Enabled/disable debug logging
// tsp_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_debugVerbose - <tsp_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_debugVerbose> - *boolean* - Enabled/disable verbosity of debug logging
// tsp_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_maxBindableCtx - <tsp_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_maxBindableCtx> - *integer* - Maximum number of context to bind(?)
// tsp_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_templates - <tsp_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_templates> - <MQTT_Template_List> - MQTT message template definitions for sending
// tsp_EPTF_MQTT_PUBLISH_responseWatchdog - <tsp_EPTF_MQTT_PUBLISH_responseWatchdog> - *float* - Watchdog timer value to wait responses to an MQTT PUBLISH message
// tsp_EPTF_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_responseWatchdog - <tsp_EPTF_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_responseWatchdog> - *float* - Watchdog timer value to wait responses to an MQTT SUBSCRIBE message
// Events:
// MQTT transport success - <c_MQTT_eventIdx_transportSucc>, <c_MQTT_eventName_transportSucc>
// MQTT transport fail - <c_MQTT_eventIdx_transportFail>, <c_MQTT_eventName_transportFail>
// MQTT transport established - <c_MQTT_eventIdx_transportEstablished>, <c_MQTT_eventName_established>
// MQTT transport closed - <c_MQTT_eventIdx_transportClosed>, <c_MQTT_eventName_transportClosed>
// CONNACK accepted - <c_MQTT_eventIdx_CONNACK_Accepted>, <c_MQTT_eventName_CONNACK_Accepted>
// CONNAK refused - <c_MQTT_eventIdx_CONNACK_Refused>, <c_MQTT_eventName_CONNACK_Refused>
// SUBACK accepted - <c_MQTT_eventIdx_SUBACK_Accepted>, <c_MQTT_eventName_SUBACK_Accepted>
// SUBACK refused <c_MQTT_eventIdx_SUBACK_Refused>, <c_MQTT_eventName_SUBACK_Refused>
// UNSUBACK - <c_MQTT_eventIdx_UNSUBACK>, <c_MQTT_eventName_UNSUBACK>
// PUBLISH - <c_MQTT_eventIdx_PUBLISH>, <c_MQTT_eventName_PUBLISH>
// PING request - <c_MQTT_eventIdx_PING_Request>, <c_MQTT_eventName_PING_Request>
// PING response - <c_MQTT_eventIdx_PING_Response>, <c_MQTT_eventName_PING_Response>
// PUBACK - <c_MQTT_eventIdx_PUBACK>, <c_MQTT_eventName_PUBACK>
// PUBREC - <c_MQTT_eventIdx_PUBREC>, <c_MQTT_eventName_PUBREC>
// PUBREL - <c_MQTT_eventIdx_PUBREL>, <c_MQTT_eventName_PUBREL>
// PUBCOMP - <c_MQTT_eventIdx_PUBCOMP>, <c_MQTT_eventName_PUBCOMP>
// PUBLISH timeout - <c_MQTT_eventIdx_PUBLISH_Timeout>, <c_MQTT_eventName_PUBLISH_Timeout>
// SUBSCRIBE timeout - <c_MQTT_eventIdx_SUBSCRIBE_Timeout>, <c_MQTT_eventName_SUBSCRIBE_Timeout>
// TestSteps:
// MQTT init - <f_MQTT_step_init>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_init>, <c_MQTT_stepName_init>
// MQTT cleanUp - <f_MQTT_step_cleanUp>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_init>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_init>
// set local address - <f_MQTT_step_setLocalAddress_byVars>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_setLocalAddress_byVars>, <c_MQTT_stepName_setLocalAddress_byVars>
// set remote address - <f_MQTT_step_setRemoteAddress_byVars>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_setRemoteAddress_byVars>, <c_MQTT_stepName_setRemoteAddress_byVars>
// transport connect - <f_MQTT_step_transportConnect>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_transportConnect>, <c_MQTT_stepName_transportConnect>
// transport close - <f_MQTT_step_transportClose>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_transportClose>, <c_MQTT_stepName_transportClose>
// start listening - <f_MQTT_step_startListening>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_startListening>, <c_MQTT_stepName_startListening>
// load MQTT template - <f_MQTT_step_loadTemplate_byIntIdx>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_loadTemplate_byIntIdx>, <c_MQTT_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx>
// <f_MQTT_step_loadTemplate_byStringId>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_loadTemplate_byStringId>, <c_MQTT_stepName_loadTemplate_byStringId>
// send message - <f_MQTT_step_send>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_send>, <c_MQTT_stepName_send>
// set topic - <f_MQTT_step_setTopic_stringParam>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_setTopic_stringParam>, <c_MQTT_stepName_setTopic_stringParam>
// <f_MQTT_step_setTopic_add_stringParam>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_setTopic_add_stringParam>, <c_MQTT_stepName_setTopic_add_stringParam>
// <f_MQTT_step_setTopic_add_varParams>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_setTopic_add_varParams>, <c_MQTT_stepName_setTopic_add_varParams>
// <f_MQTT_step_setTopic_add_clientId>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_setTopic_add_clientId>, <c_MQTT_stepName_setTopic_add_clientId>
// set QoS - <f_MQTT_step_setQos_intParam>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_setQos_intParam>, <c_MQTT_stepName_setQos_intParam>
// set publish message - <f_MQTT_step_setPublishMessage_stringParam>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_setPublishMessage_stringParam>, <c_MQTT_stepName_setPublishMessage_stringParam>
// <f_MQTT_step_setPublishMessage_add_stringParam>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_setPublishMessage_add_stringParam>, <c_MQTT_stepName_setPublishMessage_add_stringParam>
// <f_MQTT_step_setPublishMessage_add_varParams>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_setPublishMessage_add_varParams>, <c_MQTT_stepName_setPublishMessage_add_varParams>
// <f_MQTT_step_setPublishMessage_add_clientId>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_setPublishMessage_add_clientId>, <c_MQTT_stepName_setPublishMessage_add_clientId>
// MQTT - <f_MQTT_step_reportPingResponse>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_reportPingResponse>, <c_MQTT_stepName_reportPingResponse>
// MQTT - <f_MQTT_step_reportPublishResponse>, <c_MQTT_stepIdx_reportPublishResponse>, <c_MQTT_stepName_reportPublishResponse>
// Class Diagram:
// (see EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.classes.jpg)
module EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions
import from EPTF_MQTT_Transport_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_LGenBase_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Logging_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_FBQ_Definitions all;
import from EPTF_CLL_Common_Definitions all;
import from Socket_API_Definitions all;
import from MQTT_v3_1_1_Types all;
// Module parameter: tsp_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_debug
// Purpose:
// Enabled/disable debug logging
// Type:
// *boolean*
// Default value:
// *false*
modulepar boolean tsp_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_debug := false;
// Module parameter: tsp_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_debugVerbose
// Purpose:
// Enabled/disable verbosity of debug logging
// Type:
// *boolean*
// Default value:
// *false*
modulepar boolean tsp_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_debugVerbose := false;
// Module parameter: tsp_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_maxBindableCtx
// Purpose:
// Can be used to limit the maximum number of contexts
// set it to -1 otherwise.
// Type:
// *integer*
// Default value:
// *-1*
modulepar integer tsp_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_maxBindableCtx := -1;
// Module parameter: tsp_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_templates
// Purpose:
// MQTT message template definitions for sending
// Type:
// <MQTT_Template_List>
// Default value:
// Empty list: {}
modulepar MQTT_Template_List tsp_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_templates := {};
// Module parameter: tsp_EPTF_MQTT_PUBLISH_responseWatchdog
// Purpose:
// Watchdog timer value to wait responses to an MQTT PUBLISH message
// Type:
// *float*
// Default value:
// Empty list: {}
modulepar float tsp_EPTF_MQTT_PUBLISH_responseWatchdog := 0.0;
// Module parameter: tsp_EPTF_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_responseWatchdog
// Purpose:
// Watchdog timer value to wait responses to an MQTT SUBSCRIBE message
// Type:
// *float*
// Default value:
// Empty list: {}
modulepar float tsp_EPTF_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_responseWatchdog := 0.0;
const integer c_MQTT_LGen_Logging_WARNING := 0;
const integer c_MQTT_LGen_Logging_DEBUG := 1;
const integer c_MQTT_LGen_Logging_DEBUGV := 2;
const integer c_MQTT_LGen_Logging_ERROR := 3;
const charstring c_MQTT_behaviorType := "MQTT Behavior";
@startuml EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.classes.jpg
class EPTF_MQTT_LGen_CT {
boolean v_MQTT_initialized
integer v_MQTT_bIdx
integer v_MQTT_loggingMaskId
MQTT_Address_DB v_MQTT_addressDB
MQTT_Template_DB v_MQTT_templateDB
MQTT_Session_DB v_MQTT_sessionDB
MQTT_Subscription_DB v_MQTT_subscriptionDB
MQTT_Publish_DB v_MQTT_publishDB
MQTT_StepCtx v_MQTT_ctx
MQTT_Session v_MQTT_session
MQTT_Subscription v_MQTT_subscription
MQTT_Publish v_MQTT_publish
fcb_EPTF_MQTT_messageReceived vf_MQTT_msgReceived
f_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_init(in charstring pl_name)
f_MQTT_eCtxBind(in integer pl_eIdx)
f_MQTT_eCtxUnbind(in integer pl_eIdx)
f_MQTT_eCtxReset(in integer pl_eIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_receiveMessage(in EPTF_MQTT_PDU pl_message)
f_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_receiveEvent(in ASP_Event p_event)
f_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_transportApiResponse(in EPTF_MQTT_Transport_Response pl_rsp)
f_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_send(inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg)
f_EPTF_MQTT_stack_fromApp(inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg, in MQTT_StepCtx p_ctx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_stack_fromEnv(inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg)
f_EPTF_MQTT_isFsmInitialized(in integer pl_eIdx, in integer pl_fsmIdx, inout integer pl_sessionIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_Logging_VERBOSE(in @lazy charstring pl_message)
f_EPTF_MQTT_Logging_DEBUG(in @lazy charstring pl_message)
f_EPTF_MQTT_Logging_WARNING(in @lazy charstring pl_message)
f_EPTF_MQTT_Logging_ERROR(in @lazy charstring pl_message)
f_EPTF_MQTT_dispatchEvent(in integer pl_eventIdx, in integer pl_eIdx, in integer pl_fsmCtx, in EPTF_IntegerList pl_reportedArgs)
EPTF_MQTT_LGen_CT "1" --> "1\n.v_MQTT_addressDB" MQTT_Address_DB
EPTF_MQTT_LGen_CT "1" --> "1\n.v_MQTT_templateDB" MQTT_Template_DB
EPTF_MQTT_LGen_CT "1" --> "1\n.v_MQTT_sessionDB" MQTT_Session_DB
EPTF_MQTT_LGen_CT "1" --> "1\n.v_MQTT_subscriptionDB" v_MQTT_subscriptionDB
EPTF_MQTT_LGen_CT "1" --> "1\n.v_MQTT_publishDB" v_MQTT_publishDB
class MQTT_Address_DB {
EPTF_FreeBusyQueue queue
MQTT_Address_List data
integer hashRef
f_EPTF_MQTT_addressDB_add(in Socket p_addr, inout integer p_idx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_addressDB_lookUp(in Socket p_sock)
f_EPTF_MQTT_addressDB_get(inout Socket p_addr, in integer p_idx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_addressDB_Socket2String(Socket p_sock)
MQTT_Address_DB "1" --> "*\[]" Socket
class MQTT_Template_DB {
EPTF_FreeBusyQueue queue
MQTT_Template_List data
integer hashRef
f_EPTF_MQTT_templateDB_add(in MQTT_Template p_template)
f_EPTF_MQTT_templateDB_lookUp(in charstring p_id)
f_EPTF_MQTT_templateDB_get(in integer p_idx, inout Socket MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp p_pdu)
MQTT_Template_DB "1" --> "*\[]" MQTT_Template
class MQTT_Session_DB {
EPTF_FreeBusyQueue queue
MQTT_Session_List data
integer hashRef
f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_add(in MQTT_Session p_session)
f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_lookUp(in Socket p_sock)
f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_get(in integer p_idx, inout MQTT_Session p_session)
f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_setKey(in integer p_idx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_check(in integer p_idx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_remove(in integer p_idx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_addrHash(in Socket p_sock)
MQTT_Session_DB "1" --> "*\[]" MQTT_Session
class MQTT_Session {
integer eIdx
integer fsmIdx
integer localAddrIdx
integer remoteAddrIdx
charstring clientId
float keepAliveTime
integer nextPacketId,
integer[] subscriptionRefs
integer[] publishRefs
integer keepaliveTimer
boolean reportPingResponse
boolean reportPublishResponse
MQTT_Session_State state
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_fromApp(inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg, in integer p_sIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_fromEnv(inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg, in integer p_sIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_keepalive(in EPTF_ScheduledAction pl_action, in integer pl_eventIndex)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_startT_keepalive(in integer pl_sIdx, in float pl_time)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_cancelT_keepalive(in integer pl_sessionIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_getNextPacketId(in MQTT_StepCtx p_ctx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_setState(in integer p_sessionIdx, in MQTT_Session_State p_nextState)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_send(in integer p_sessionIdx, inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_registerSubscription(in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_subIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_deregisterSubscription(in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_subIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_registerPublish(in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_pubIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_deregisterPublish(in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_pubIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_remove(in integer p_sessionIdx)
MQTT_Session "1" --> "1\n.localAddrIdx" Socket
MQTT_Session "1" --> "1\n.remoteAddrIdx" Socket
MQTT_Session "1\n.sessionIdx" <--> "*\n.subscriptionRefs[]" MQTT_Subscription
MQTT_Session "1\n.sessionIdx" <--> "*\n.publishRefs[]" MQTT_Publish
class MQTT_Subscription_DB {
EPTF_FreeBusyQueue queue
MQTT_Subscription_List data
integer hashRef
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_add(in MQTT_Subscription p_sub)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_setKey_packetId(in integer p_idx, in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_packetId)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_removeKey_packetId(in integer p_idx, in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_packetId)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_lookUp_packetId(in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_packetId)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_lookUp_topicName(in integer p_sessionIdx, in charstring p_topicName)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_get(in integer p_idx, inout MQTT_Subscription p_sub)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_check(in integer p_idx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_remove(in integer p_idx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_packetIdHash(in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_packetId)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_topicHash(in integer p_sessionIdx, in charstring p_topic)
MQTT_Subscription_DB "1" --> "*\[]" MQTT_Subscription
class MQTT_Subscription {
integer sessionIdx
integer watchdogTimer
MQTT_v3_1_1_Subscribe request
MQTT_Subscription_State state
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscription_fromSession(inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg, in integer p_subIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscription_fromEnv(inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg, in integer p_subIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscription_setState(in integer p_subIdx, in MQTT_Subscription_State p_nextState)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscription_remove(in integer p_subIdx)
class MQTT_Publish_DB {
EPTF_FreeBusyQueue queue
MQTT_Publish_List data
integer hashRef
f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_add(in MQTT_Publish p_pub)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_lookUp(in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_packetId)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_get(in integer p_idx, inout MQTT_Publish p_pub)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_check(in integer p_idx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_remove(in integer p_idx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_packetIdHash(in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_packetId)
MQTT_Publish_DB "1" --> "*\[]" MQTT_Publish
class MQTT_Publish {
integer sessionIdx
integer packetId
integer watchdogTimer
MQTT_Publish_Side side
MQTT_Publish_State state
f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_fromSession(inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg, in integer p_pubIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_fromEnv(inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg, in integer p_pubIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_watchdog(in EPTF_ScheduledAction pl_action, in integer pl_eventIndex)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_startT_watchdog(in integer pl_pIdx, in float pl_time)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_cancelT_watchdog(in integer pl_publishIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_setState(in integer p_pubIdx, in MQTT_Publish_State p_nextState)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_remove(in integer p_pubIdx)
// Type: MQTT_Template
// Purpose:
// Grouping a <MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp> with an id
// Elements:
// id - *charstring* - identifier
// msg - <MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp> - MQTT PDU
type record MQTT_Template
charstring id,
MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp msg
// Type: MQTT_Template_List
// Purpose:
// List of <MQTT_Template>
type record of MQTT_Template MQTT_Template_List;
@startuml EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.MQTT_Template_DB.jpg
class MQTT_Template_DB {
EPTF_FreeBusyQueue queue
MQTT_Template_List data
integer hashRef
f_EPTF_MQTT_templateDB_add(in MQTT_Template p_template)
f_EPTF_MQTT_templateDB_lookUp(in charstring p_id)
f_EPTF_MQTT_templateDB_get(in integer p_idx, inout Socket MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp p_pdu)
// Type: MQTT_Template_DB
// Purpose:
// Storing <MQTT_Template> instances
// Class:
// (see EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.MQTT_Template_DB.jpg)
// Elements:
// data - <MQTT_Template_List> - elements
// hashRef - charstring2int hash reference
// Related Functions:
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_templateDB_init> ()
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_templateDB_add> (in <MQTT_Template> p_template)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_templateDB_lookUp> (in *charstring* p_id)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_templateDB_get> (in *integer* p_idx, inout <MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp> p_pdu)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_templateDB_cleanUp> ()
type record MQTT_Template_DB
MQTT_Template_List data,
integer hashRef
@startuml EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.MQTT_Session.jpg
class MQTT_Session {
integer eIdx
integer fsmIdx
integer localAddrIdx
integer remoteAddrIdx
charstring clientId
float keepAliveTime
integer nextPacketId,
integer[] subscriptionRefs
integer[] publishRefs
integer keepaliveTimer
boolean reportPingResponse
boolean reportPublishResponse
MQTT_Session_State state
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_fromApp(inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg, in integer p_sIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_fromEnv(inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg, in integer p_sIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_keepalive(in EPTF_ScheduledAction pl_action, in integer pl_eventIndex)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_startT_keepalive(in integer pl_sIdx, in float pl_time)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_cancelT_keepalive(in integer pl_sessionIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_getNextPacketId(in MQTT_StepCtx p_ctx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_setState(in integer p_sessionIdx, in MQTT_Session_State p_nextState)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_send(in integer p_sessionIdx, inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_registerSubscription(in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_subIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_deregisterSubscription(in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_subIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_registerPublish(in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_pubIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_deregisterPublish(in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_pubIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_session_remove(in integer p_sessionIdx)
// Type: MQTT_Session
// Purpose:
// Models and MQTT session
// Class:
// (see EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.MQTT_Session.jpg)
// FSM Diagram of a MQTT session:
// (see EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Functions.MQTT_Session.jpg)
// Elements:
// eIdx - *integer* - pointer to the entity that owns the session
// fsmIdx - *integer* - pointer to the fsm that owns the session
// localAddressIdx - *integer* - pointer to the local address in *v_MQTT_addressDB*
// remoteAddressIdx - *integer* - pointer to the remote address in *v_MQTT_addressDB*
// clientId - *charstring* - the client ID used in the session
// keepAliveTime - *float* - timer used for sending keep alive messages
// nextPacketId - *integer* - id used for the next packet
// subscriptionRefs - <EPTF_IntegerList> - pointer to subscriptions in *v_MQTT_subscriptionDB* <MQTT_Subscription_DB>
// publishRefs - <EPTF_IntegerList> - pointer to publications in *v_MQTT_publishDB* <MQTT_Publish_DB>
// keepaliveTimer - *integer* - reference for the keep alive timer in the scheduler
// reportPingResponse - *boolean* - enable/disable reporting of ping responses
// reportPublishResponse - *boolean* - enable/disabled reporting of publish responses
// state - <MQTT_Session_State> - state of an MQTT session
// Related Functions:
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_session_fromApp> (*inout* <EPTF_MQTT_PDU> p_msg, *in integer* p_sIdx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_session_fromEnv> (*inout* <EPTF_MQTT_PDU> p_msg, *in integer* p_sIdx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_session_keepalive> (*in* <EPTF_ScheduledAction> pl_action, *in integer* pl_eventIndex)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_session_startT_keepalive> (*in integer* pl_sIdx, *in float* pl_time)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_session_cancelT_keepalive> (*in integer* pl_sessionIdx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_session_getNextPacketId> (*in* <MQTT_StepCtx> p_ctx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_session_setState> (*in integer* p_sessionIdx, *in* <MQTT_Session_State> p_nextState)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_session_send> (*in integer* p_sessionIdx, *inout* <EPTF_MQTT_PDU> p_msg)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_session_registerSubscription> (*in integer* p_sessionIdx, *in integer* p_subIdx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_session_deregisterSubscription> (*in integer* p_sessionIdx, *in integer* p_subIdx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_session_registerPublish> (*in integer* p_sessionIdx, *in integer* p_pubIdx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_session_deregisterPublish> (*in integer* p_sessionIdx, *in integer* p_pubIdx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_session_remove> (*in integer* p_sessionIdx)
type record MQTT_Session
integer eIdx,
integer fsmIdx,
integer localAddrIdx,
integer remoteAddrIdx,
charstring clientId,
float keepAliveTime,
integer nextPacketId,
EPTF_IntegerList subscriptionRefs,
EPTF_IntegerList publishRefs,
integer keepaliveTimer,
boolean reportPingResponse,
boolean reportPublishResponse,
MQTT_Session_State state
// Enum: MQTT_Session_State
// Purpose:
// States of an <MQTT_Session> state machine
// Elements:
type enumerated MQTT_Session_State {
const MQTT_Session c_MQTT_Session_init :=
eIdx := -1,
fsmIdx := -1,
localAddrIdx := -1,
remoteAddrIdx := -1,
clientId := "",
keepAliveTime := 0.0,
nextPacketId := 0,
subscriptionRefs := {},
publishRefs := {},
keepaliveTimer := -1,
reportPingResponse := false,
reportPublishResponse := false,
// Type: MQTT_Session_List
// Purpose:
// List of <MQTT_Session>
type record of MQTT_Session MQTT_Session_List;
@startuml EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.MQTT_Session_DB.jpg
class MQTT_Session_DB {
EPTF_FreeBusyQueue queue
MQTT_Session_List data
integer hashRef
f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_add(in MQTT_Session p_session)
f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_lookUp(in Socket p_sock)
f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_get(in integer p_idx, inout MQTT_Session p_session)
f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_setKey(in integer p_idx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_check(in integer p_idx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_remove(in integer p_idx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_addrHash(in Socket p_sock)
// Type: MQTT_Session_DB
// Purpose:
// Storing <MQTT_Session> instances
// Class:
// (see EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.MQTT_Session_DB.jpg)
// Elements:
// queue - <EPTF_FreeBusyQueue> - free-busy queue to provide dynamic array
// data - <MQTT_Session_List> - elements
// hashRef - str2int hash reference
// Related Functions:
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_init> ()
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_add> (in <MQTT_Session> p_session)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_lookUp> (in <Socket> p_sock)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_get> (in integer p_idx, inout MQTT_Session p_session)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_setKey> (in integer p_idx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_check> (in integer p_idx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_remove> (in integer p_idx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_addrHash> (in <Socket> p_sock)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_sessionDB_cleanUp> ()
type record MQTT_Session_DB
EPTF_FreeBusyQueue queue,
MQTT_Session_List data,
integer hashRef
@startuml EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.MQTT_Subscription.jpg
class MQTT_Subscription {
integer sessionIdx
integer watchdogTimer
MQTT_v3_1_1_Subscribe request
MQTT_Subscription_State state
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscription_fromSession(inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg, in integer p_subIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscription_fromEnv(inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg, in integer p_subIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscription_setState(in integer p_subIdx, in MQTT_Subscription_State p_nextState)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscription_remove(in integer p_subIdx)
// Type: MQTT_Subscription
// Purpose:
// Models an MQTT subscription
// Class:
// (see EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.MQTT_Subscription.jpg)
// Elements:
// sessionIdx - *integer* - the session, the subscription belongs to
// watchdogTimer - *integer* - reference to the watchod timer
// request - <MQTT_v3_1_1_Subscribe> - the MQTT PDU that initialized the subscription (optional)
// state - <MQTT_Subscription_State> - state of an MQTT subscription
// Related Functions:
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_subscription_fromSession>(*inout* <EPTF_MQTT_PDU> p_msg, *in integer* p_subIdx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_subscription_fromEnv>(*inout* <EPTF_MQTT_PDU> p_msg, *in integer* p_subIdx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_subscription_setState>(*in integer* p_subIdx, *in* <MQTT_Subscription_State> p_nextState)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_subscription_remove>(*in integer* p_subIdx)
// FSM Diagram of a MQTT subscription:
// (see EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Functions.MQTT_Subscription.jpg)
type record MQTT_Subscription
integer sessionIdx,
integer watchdogTimer,
MQTT_v3_1_1_Subscribe request optional,
MQTT_Subscription_State state
// TODO: Currently only one topic per subscription is handled only!
// Enum: MQTT_Subscription_State
// Purpose:
// States of an <MQTT_Subscription> state machine
// Elements:
type enumerated MQTT_Subscription_State {
const MQTT_Subscription c_MQTT_Subscription_init :=
sessionIdx := -1,
watchdogTimer := -1,
request := omit,
// Type: MQTT_Subscription_List
// Purpose:
// List of <MQTT_Subscription>
type record of MQTT_Subscription MQTT_Subscription_List;
@startuml EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.MQTT_Subscription_DB.jpg
class MQTT_Subscription_DB {
EPTF_FreeBusyQueue queue
MQTT_Subscription_List data
integer hashRef
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_add(in MQTT_Subscription p_sub)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_setKey_packetId(in integer p_idx, in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_packetId)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_removeKey_packetId(in integer p_idx, in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_packetId)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_lookUp_packetId(in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_packetId)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_lookUp_topicName(in integer p_sessionIdx, in charstring p_topicName)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_get(in integer p_idx, inout MQTT_Subscription p_sub)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_check(in integer p_idx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_remove(in integer p_idx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_packetIdHash(in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_packetId)
f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_topicHash(in integer p_sessionIdx, in charstring p_topic)
// Type: MQTT_Subscription_DB
// Purpose:
// Storing <MQTT_Subscription> instances
// Class:
// (see EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.MQTT_Subscription_DB.jpg)
// Elements:
// queue - <EPTF_FreeBusyQueue> - free-busy queue to provide dynamic array
// data - <MQTT_Subscription_List> - elements
// hashRef - str2int hash reference
// Related Functions:
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_init> ()
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_add> (*in* <MQTT_Subscription> p_sub)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_setKey_packetId> (*in integer* p_idx, *in integer* p_sessionIdx, *in integer* p_packetId)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_removeKey_packetId> (*in integer* p_idx, *in integer* p_sessionIdx, *in integer* p_packetId)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_lookUp_packetId> (*in integer* p_sessionIdx, *in integer* p_packetId)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_lookUp_topicName> (*in integer* p_sessionIdx, *in charstring* p_topicName)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_get> (*in integer* p_idx, *inout* <MQTT_Subscription> p_sub)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_check> (*in integer* p_idx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_remove> (*in integer* p_idx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_packetIdHash> (*in integer* p_sessionIdx, *in integer* p_packetId)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_topicHash> (*in integer* p_sessionIdx, *in charstring* p_topic)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_subscriptionDB_cleanUp> ()
type record MQTT_Subscription_DB
EPTF_FreeBusyQueue queue,
MQTT_Subscription_List data,
integer hashRef // sessionIdx+packetId or sessionIdx+topicName
@startuml EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.MQTT_Publish.jpg
class MQTT_Publish {
integer sessionIdx
integer packetId
integer watchdogTimer
MQTT_Publish_Side side
MQTT_Publish_State state
f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_fromSession(inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg, in integer p_pubIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_fromEnv(inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg, in integer p_pubIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_watchdog(in EPTF_ScheduledAction pl_action, in integer pl_eventIndex)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_startT_watchdog(in integer pl_pIdx, in float pl_time)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_cancelT_watchdog(in integer pl_publishIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_setState(in integer p_pubIdx, in MQTT_Publish_State p_nextState)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_remove(in integer p_pubIdx)
// Type: MQTT_Publish
// Purpose:
// Models an MQTT publish
// Class:
// (see EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.MQTT_Publish.jpg)
// Elements:
// sessionIdx - *integer* - the session, the subscription belongs to
// packetId - *integer* - packet id
// watchdogTimer - *integer* - reference to the watchdog timer in the scheduler
// side - <MQTT_Publish_Side> - originating or terminating side of the publication
// state - <MQTT_Publish_State> - state of an MQTT publish
// Related Functions:
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_fromSession> (*inout* <EPTF_MQTT_PDU> p_msg, *in integer* p_pubIdx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_fromEnv> (*inout* <EPTF_MQTT_PDU> p_msg, *in integer* p_pubIdx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_watchdog> (*in* <EPTF_ScheduledAction> pl_action, *in integer* pl_eventIndex)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_startT_watchdog> (*in integer* pl_pIdx, *in float* pl_time)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_cancelT_watchdog> (*in integer* pl_publishIdx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_setState> (*in integer* p_pubIdx, *in* <MQTT_Publish_State> p_nextState)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_publish_remove> (*in integer* p_pubIdx)
// FSM Diagram of a MQTT publish:
// (see EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Functions.MQTT_Publish_qos1.jpg)
// (see EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Functions.MQTT_Publish_qos2.jpg)
type record MQTT_Publish
integer sessionIdx,
integer packetId,
//MQTT_v3_1_1_Publish request optional,
integer watchdogTimer,
MQTT_Publish_Side side,
MQTT_Publish_State state
const MQTT_Publish c_MQTT_Publish_init :=
sessionIdx := -1,
packetId := -1,
//request := omit,
watchdogTimer := -1,
side := ORIG,
state := { created := true }
// Enum: MQTT_Publish_Side
// Purpose:
// Side of an <MQTT_Publish>
// Elements:
// - ORIG
// - TERM
type enumerated MQTT_Publish_Side
// Type: MQTT_Publish_State
// Purpose:
// State of an <MQTT_Publish>
// Elements:
// qos1 - <MQTT_PublishQos1_State> - QoS1 state
// qos2 - <MQTT_PublishQos2_State> - QoS2 state
// created - *boolean* - just created
// removing - *boolean* - currently removing
type union MQTT_Publish_State
MQTT_PublishQos1_State qos1,
MQTT_PublishQos2_State qos2,
boolean created,
boolean removing
// Enum: MQTT_PublishQos1_State
// Purpose:
// Qos1 state of an <MQTT_Publish_State>
// Elements:
type enumerated MQTT_PublishQos1_State
// Enum: MQTT_PublishQos2_State
// Purpose:
// Qos2 state of an <MQTT_Publish_State>
// Elements:
type enumerated MQTT_PublishQos2_State
// Type: MQTT_Publish_List
// Purpose:
// List of <MQTT_Publish>
type record of MQTT_Publish MQTT_Publish_List;
@startuml EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.MQTT_Publish_DB.jpg
class MQTT_Publish_DB {
EPTF_FreeBusyQueue queue
MQTT_Publish_List data
integer hashRef
f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_add(in MQTT_Publish p_pub)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_lookUp(in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_packetId)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_get(in integer p_idx, inout MQTT_Publish p_pub)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_check(in integer p_idx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_remove(in integer p_idx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_packetIdHash(in integer p_sessionIdx, in integer p_packetId)
// Type: MQTT_Publish_DB
// Purpose:
// Storing <MQTT_Publish> instances
// Class:
// (see EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.MQTT_Publish_DB.jpg)
// Elements:
// queue - <EPTF_FreeBusyQueue> - free-busy queue to provide dynamic array
// data - <MQTT_Publish_List> - elements
// hashRef - str2int hash reference
// Related Functions:
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_init> ()
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_add> (*in* <MQTT_Publish> p_pub)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_lookUp> (*in integer* p_sessionIdx, *in integer* p_packetId)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_get> (*in integer* p_idx, *inout* <MQTT_Publish> p_pub)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_check> (*in integer* p_idx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_remove> (*in integer* p_idx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_packetIdHash> (*in integer* p_sessionIdx, *in integer* p_packetId)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_publishDB_cleanUp> ()
type record MQTT_Publish_DB
EPTF_FreeBusyQueue queue,
MQTT_Publish_List data,
integer hashRef // sessionIdx+packetId
// Type: MQTT_StepCtx
// Purpose:
// Type that stores the most important pointers
// Elements:
// eIdx - *integer* - entity index
// fsmIdx - *integer* - fsm index
// sessionIdx - *integer* - MQTT session index <MQTT_Session>
type record MQTT_StepCtx
integer eIdx,
integer fsmIdx,
integer sessionIdx
const MQTT_StepCtx c_MQTT_StepCtx_empty :=
eIdx := -1,
fsmIdx := -1,
sessionIdx := -1
// Type: MQTT_Address_List
// Purpose:
// List of <Socket>
type record of Socket MQTT_Address_List;
@startuml EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.MQTT_Address_DB.jpg
class MQTT_Address_DB {
EPTF_FreeBusyQueue queue
MQTT_Address_List data
integer hashRef
f_EPTF_MQTT_addressDB_add(in Socket p_addr, inout integer p_idx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_addressDB_lookUp(in Socket p_sock)
f_EPTF_MQTT_addressDB_get(inout Socket p_addr, in integer p_idx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_addressDB_Socket2String(Socket p_sock)
// Type: MQTT_Address_DB
// Purpose:
// Storing <Socket> instances
// Class:
// (see EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.MQTT_Address_DB.jpg)
// Elements:
// queue - <EPTF_FreeBusyQueue> - free-busy queue to provide dynamic array
// data - <MQTT_Address_List> - elements
// hashRef - str2int hash reference
// Related Functions:
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_addressDB_init> ()
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_addressDB_add> (*in* <Socket> p_addr, *inout integer* p_idx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_addressDB_lookUp> (*in* <Socket> p_sock)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_addressDB_get> (*inout* <Socket> p_addr, *in integer* p_idx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_addressDB_Socket2String> (<Socket> p_sock)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_addressDB_cleanUp> ()
type record MQTT_Address_DB
EPTF_FreeBusyQueue queue,
MQTT_Address_List data,
integer hashRef
// Type: fcb_EPTF_MQTT_messageReceived
// Purpose:
// Call-back function type for reporting received MQTT messages
// Elements:
// pl_message - *in* <EPTF_MQTT_PDU> - received MQTT message
type function fcb_EPTF_MQTT_messageReceived(in EPTF_MQTT_PDU pl_message) runs on self;
@startuml EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Statistics.jpg
class EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Statistics {
integer noPublishTimeouts
integer noSubscribeTimeouts
integer noPublishSuccess
EPTF_MQTT_Message_Statistics incoming
EPTF_MQTT_Message_Statistics outgoing
// Type: EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Statistics
// Purpose:
// Storing counters for load generator related statistics
// Class:
// (see EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Statistics.jpg)
// Elements:
// noPublishTimeouts - *integer* - number of publish transaction timeouts
// noSubscribeTimeouts - *integer* - number of subscribe transaction timeouts
// noPublishSuccess - *integer* - number of succesful publish transactions
// incoming - <EPTF_MQTT_Message_Statistics> - statistics of incoming messages
// outgoing - <EPTF_MQTT_Message_Statistics> - statistics of outgoing messages
type record EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Statistics
integer noPublishTimeouts,
integer noSubscribeTimeouts,
integer noPublishSuccess,
EPTF_MQTT_Message_Statistics incoming,
EPTF_MQTT_Message_Statistics outgoing
const EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Statistics c_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Statistics_empty :=
noPublishTimeouts := 0,
noSubscribeTimeouts := 0,
noPublishSuccess := 0,
incoming := c_EPTF_MQTT_Message_Statistics_empty,
outgoing := c_EPTF_MQTT_Message_Statistics_empty
// Type: EPTF_MQTT_Message_Statistics
// Purpose:
// Storing counters for message related statistics
// Elements:
// noCONNECT - *integer* - number of CONNECT messages
// noCONNACK - *integer* number of CONNACK messages
// noPUBLISH - *integer* number of PUBLISH messages
// noPUBACK - *integer* number of PUBACK messages
// noPUBREC - *integer* number of PUBREC messages
// noPUBREL - *integer* number of PUBREL messages
// noPUBCOMP - *integer* number of PUBCOMP messages
// noSUBSCRIBE - *integer* number of SUBSCRIBE messages
// noSUBACK - *integer* number of SUBACK messages
// noUNSUBSCRIBE - *integer* number of UNSUBSCRIBE messages
// noUNSUBACK - *integer* number of UNSUBACK messages
// noPINGREQ - *integer* number of PINGREQ messages
// noPINGRESP - *integer* number of PINGRESP messages
// noDISCONNECT - *integer* number of DISCONNECT messages
type record EPTF_MQTT_Message_Statistics
integer noCONNECT,
integer noCONNACK,
integer noPUBLISH,
integer noPUBACK,
integer noPUBREC,
integer noPUBREL,
integer noPUBCOMP,
integer noSUBSCRIBE,
integer noSUBACK,
integer noUNSUBSCRIBE,
integer noUNSUBACK,
integer noPINGREQ,
integer noPINGRESP,
integer noDISCONNECT
const EPTF_MQTT_Message_Statistics c_EPTF_MQTT_Message_Statistics_empty :=
noCONNECT := 0,
noCONNACK := 0,
noPUBLISH := 0,
noPUBACK := 0,
noPUBREC := 0,
noPUBREL := 0,
noPUBCOMP := 0,
noSUBACK := 0,
noUNSUBACK := 0,
noPINGREQ := 0,
noPINGRESP := 0,
@startuml EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.EPTF_MQTT_LGen_CT.jpg
class EPTF_MQTT_LGen_CT {
boolean v_MQTT_initialized
integer v_MQTT_bIdx
integer v_MQTT_loggingMaskId
MQTT_Address_DB v_MQTT_addressDB
MQTT_Template_DB v_MQTT_templateDB
MQTT_Session_DB v_MQTT_sessionDB
MQTT_Subscription_DB v_MQTT_subscriptionDB
MQTT_Publish_DB v_MQTT_publishDB
MQTT_StepCtx v_MQTT_ctx
MQTT_Session v_MQTT_session
MQTT_Subscription v_MQTT_subscription
MQTT_Publish v_MQTT_publish
fcb_EPTF_MQTT_messageReceived vf_MQTT_msgReceived
f_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_init(in charstring pl_name)
f_MQTT_eCtxBind(in integer pl_eIdx)
f_MQTT_eCtxUnbind(in integer pl_eIdx)
f_MQTT_eCtxReset(in integer pl_eIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_receiveMessage(in EPTF_MQTT_PDU pl_message)
f_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_receiveEvent(in ASP_Event p_event)
f_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_transportApiResponse(in EPTF_MQTT_Transport_Response pl_rsp)
f_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_send(inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg)
f_EPTF_MQTT_stack_fromApp(inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg, in MQTT_StepCtx p_ctx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_stack_fromEnv(inout EPTF_MQTT_PDU p_msg)
f_EPTF_MQTT_isFsmInitialized(in integer pl_eIdx, in integer pl_fsmIdx, inout integer pl_sessionIdx)
f_EPTF_MQTT_Logging_VERBOSE(in @lazy charstring pl_message)
f_EPTF_MQTT_Logging_DEBUG(in @lazy charstring pl_message)
f_EPTF_MQTT_Logging_WARNING(in @lazy charstring pl_message)
f_EPTF_MQTT_Logging_ERROR(in @lazy charstring pl_message)
f_EPTF_MQTT_dispatchEvent(in integer pl_eventIdx, in integer pl_eIdx, in integer pl_fsmCtx, in EPTF_IntegerList pl_reportedArgs)
// Type: EPTF_MQTT_LGen_CT
// Purpose:
// MQTT load generator component
// Class:
// (see EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Definitions.EPTF_MQTT_LGen_CT.jpg)
// Extensions:
// - <EPTF_LGenBase_CT>
// - <EPTF_MQTT_Transport_User_CT>
// - <EPTF_Logging_CT>
// Ports:
// -
// Timers:
// -
// Variables:
// v_MQTT_initialized - *boolean* - Flag to indicate that if init function was already called
// v_MQTT_bIdx - *integer* - Name of the NAS_EPS LGen component
// v_MQTT_loggingMaskId - *integer* - logging mask id
// v_MQTT_ctx - <MQTT_StepCtx> - collection of the most important pointers
// v_MQTT_session - <MQTT_Session> - temporary variable for a <MQTT_Session>
// v_MQTT_subscription - <MQTT_Subscription> - temporary variable for a <MQTT_Subscription>
// v_MQTT_publish - <MQTT_Publish> - temporary variable for a <MQTT_Publish>
// v_MQTT_msgToProcess - <EPTF_MQTT_PDU> - message to process
// v_MQTT_msgToSend - <EPTF_MQTT_PDU> - message to send
// v_MQTT_stats - <EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Statistics> - MQTT message statistics
// vf_MQTT_msgReceived - <fcb_EPTF_MQTT_messageReceived> - Function hook for reporting received messages
// Instance databases:
// v_MQTT_addressDB - <MQTT_Address_DB> - address database of <Socket>
// v_MQTT_templateDB - <MQTT_Template_DB> - template database <MQTT_Template>
// v_MQTT_sessionDB - <MQTT_Session_DB> - MQTT session database of <MQTT_Session>
// v_MQTT_subscriptionDB - <MQTT_Subscription_DB> - MQTT subscription database of <MQTT_Subscription>
// v_MQTT_publishDB - <MQTT_Publish_DB> - MQTT publish database of <MQTT_Session>
// Related Functions:
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_init> (*in charstring* pl_name)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_initLogging> ()
// - <f_MQTT_cleanUp> ()
// - <f_MQTT_eCtxBind> (*in integer* pl_eIdx)
// - <f_MQTT_eCtxUnbind> (*in integer* pl_eIdx)
// - <f_MQTT_eCtxReset> (*in integer* pl_eIdx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_declareEvents> ()
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_declareSteps> ()
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_receiveMessage> (*in* <EPTF_MQTT_PDU> pl_message)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_receiveEvent> (*in* <ASP_Event> p_event)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_transportApiResponse> (*in* <EPTF_MQTT_Transport_Response> pl_rsp)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_send> (*inout* <EPTF_MQTT_PDU> p_msg)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_stack_fromApp> (*inout* <EPTF_MQTT_PDU> p_msg, *in* <MQTT_StepCtx> p_ctx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_stack_fromEnv> (*inout* <EPTF_MQTT_PDU> p_msg)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_isFsmInitialized> (*in integer* pl_eIdx, *in integer* pl_fsmIdx, *inout integer* pl_sessionIdx)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_Logging_VERBOSE> (*in @lazy charstring* pl_message)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_Logging_DEBUG> (*in @lazy charstring* pl_message)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_Logging_WARNING> (*in @lazy charstring* pl_message)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_Logging_ERROR> (*in @lazy charstring* pl_message)
// - <f_EPTF_MQTT_dispatchEvent> (*in integer* pl_eventIdx, *in integer* pl_eIdx, *in integer* pl_fsmCtx, *in* <EPTF_IntegerList> pl_reportedArgs)
type component EPTF_MQTT_LGen_CT extends EPTF_MQTT_Transport_User_CT, EPTF_LGenBase_CT, EPTF_Logging_CT
var boolean v_MQTT_initialized := false;
var integer v_MQTT_bIdx;
var integer v_MQTT_loggingMaskId := -1;
var MQTT_Address_DB v_MQTT_addressDB;
var MQTT_Template_DB v_MQTT_templateDB;
var MQTT_Session_DB v_MQTT_sessionDB;
var MQTT_Subscription_DB v_MQTT_subscriptionDB;
var MQTT_Publish_DB v_MQTT_publishDB;
var MQTT_StepCtx v_MQTT_ctx := c_MQTT_StepCtx_empty;
var MQTT_Session v_MQTT_session := c_MQTT_Session_init;
var MQTT_Subscription v_MQTT_subscription := c_MQTT_Subscription_init;
var MQTT_Publish v_MQTT_publish := c_MQTT_Publish_init;
var EPTF_MQTT_PDU v_MQTT_msgToProcess;
var EPTF_MQTT_PDU v_MQTT_msgToSend;
var EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Statistics v_MQTT_stats := c_EPTF_MQTT_LGen_Statistics_empty;
var fcb_EPTF_MQTT_messageReceived vf_MQTT_msgReceived := null;
const integer c_MQTT_AppData_sessionIdx := 0;
// Events
// const: c_MQTT_eventIdx_transportSucc
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT transport succesful indication
const integer c_MQTT_eventIdx_transportSucc := 0;
// const: c_MQTT_eventName_transportSucc
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT transport succesful indication
const charstring c_MQTT_eventName_transportSucc := "MQTT transport: succ rsp";
// const: c_MQTT_eventIdx_transportFail
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT transport fail indication
const integer c_MQTT_eventIdx_transportFail := 1;
// const: c_MQTT_eventName_transportFail
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT transport fail indication
const charstring c_MQTT_eventName_transportFail := "MQTT transport: fail rsp";
// const: c_MQTT_eventIdx_transportEstablished
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT transport established indication
const integer c_MQTT_eventIdx_transportEstablished := 2;
// const: c_MQTT_eventName_transportEstablished
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT transport established indication
const charstring c_MQTT_eventName_transportEstablished := "MQTT transport: connection established";
// const: c_MQTT_eventIdx_transportClosed
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT transport closed indication
const integer c_MQTT_eventIdx_transportClosed := 3;
// const: c_MQTT_eventName_transportClosed
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT transport closed indication
const charstring c_MQTT_eventName_transportClosed := "MQTT transport: connection closed";
// const: c_MQTT_eventIdx_CONNACK_Accepted
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT CONNACK accepted indication
const integer c_MQTT_eventIdx_CONNACK_Accepted := 4;
// const: c_MQTT_eventName_CONNACK_Accepted
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT CONNACK accepted indication
const charstring c_MQTT_eventName_CONNACK_Accepted := "MQTT rsp: CONNACK Accepted";
// const: c_MQTT_eventIdx_CONNACK_Refused
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT CONNACK refused indication
const integer c_MQTT_eventIdx_CONNACK_Refused := 5;
// const: c_MQTT_eventName_CONNACK_Refused
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT CONNACK refused indication
const charstring c_MQTT_eventName_CONNACK_Refused := "MQTT rsp: CONNACK Refused";
// const: c_MQTT_eventIdx_SUBACK_Accepted
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT SUBACK accepted indication
const integer c_MQTT_eventIdx_SUBACK_Accepted := 6;
// const: c_MQTT_eventName_SUBACK_Accepted
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT SUBACK accepted indication
const charstring c_MQTT_eventName_SUBACK_Accepted := "MQTT rsp: SUBACK Accepted";
// const: c_MQTT_eventIdx_SUBACK_Refused
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT SUBACK refused indication
const integer c_MQTT_eventIdx_SUBACK_Refused := 7;
// const: c_MQTT_eventName_SUBACK_Refused
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT SUBACK refused indication
const charstring c_MQTT_eventName_SUBACK_Refused := "MQTT rsp: SUBACK Refused";
// const: c_MQTT_eventIdx_UNSUBACK
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT UNSUBACK indication
const integer c_MQTT_eventIdx_UNSUBACK := 8;
// const: c_MQTT_eventName_UNSUBACK
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT UNSUBACK indication
const charstring c_MQTT_eventName_UNSUBACK := "MQTT rsp: UNSUBACK";
// const: c_MQTT_eventIdx_PUBLISH
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT PUBLISH indication
const integer c_MQTT_eventIdx_PUBLISH := 9;
// const: c_MQTT_eventName_PUBLISH
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT PUBLISH indication
const charstring c_MQTT_eventName_PUBLISH := "MQTT req: PUBLISH";
// const: c_MQTT_eventIdx_PING_Request
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT PING request indication
const integer c_MQTT_eventIdx_PING_Request := 10;
// const: c_MQTT_eventName_PING_Request
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT PING request indication
const charstring c_MQTT_eventName_PING_Request := "MQTT req: PING";
// const: c_MQTT_eventIdx_PING_Response
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT PING response indication
const integer c_MQTT_eventIdx_PING_Response := 11;
// const: c_MQTT_eventName_PING_Response
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT PING response indication
const charstring c_MQTT_eventName_PING_Response := "MQTT rsp: PING";
// const: c_MQTT_eventIdx_PUBACK
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT PUBACK indication
const integer c_MQTT_eventIdx_PUBACK := 12;
// const: c_MQTT_eventName_PUBACK
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT PUBACK indication
const charstring c_MQTT_eventName_PUBACK := "MQTT rsp: PUBACK";
// const: c_MQTT_eventIdx_PUBREC
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT PUBREC indication
const integer c_MQTT_eventIdx_PUBREC := 13;
// const: c_MQTT_eventName_PUBREC
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT PUBREC indication
const charstring c_MQTT_eventName_PUBREC := "MQTT rsp: PUBREC";
// const: c_MQTT_eventIdx_PUBREL
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT PUBREL indication
const integer c_MQTT_eventIdx_PUBREL := 14;
// const: c_MQTT_eventName_PUBREL
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT PUBREL indication
const charstring c_MQTT_eventName_PUBREL := "MQTT req: PUBREL";
// const: c_MQTT_eventIdx_PUBCOMP
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT PUBCOMP indication
const integer c_MQTT_eventIdx_PUBCOMP := 15;
// const: c_MQTT_eventName_PUBCOMP
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT PUBCOMP indication
const charstring c_MQTT_eventName_PUBCOMP := "MQTT rsp: PUBCOMP";
// const: c_MQTT_eventIdx_PUBLISH_Timeout
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT PUBLISH timeout indication
const integer c_MQTT_eventIdx_PUBLISH_Timeout := 16;
// const: c_MQTT_eventName_PUBLISH_Timeout
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT PUBLISH timeout indication
const charstring c_MQTT_eventName_PUBLISH_Timeout := "MQTT timeout: PUBLISH Timeout";
// const: c_MQTT_eventIdx_SUBSCRIBE_Timeout
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT SUBSCRIBE timeout indication
const integer c_MQTT_eventIdx_SUBSCRIBE_Timeout := 17;
// const: c_MQTT_eventName_SUBSCRIBE_Timeout
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT SUBSCRIBE timeout indication
const charstring c_MQTT_eventName_SUBSCRIBE_Timeout := "MQTT timeout: SUBSCRIBE Timeout";
// Steps
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_init
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT init test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_init>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_init := 0;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_init
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT init test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_init>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_init := "MQTT Applib: init";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_cleanUp
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT clean up test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_cleanUp>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_cleanUp := 1;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_cleanUp
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT clean up test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_cleanUp>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_cleanUp := "MQTT Applib: cleanUp";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_setLocalAddress
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT set local address
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setLocalAddress_byVars>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_setLocalAddress := 2;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_setLocalAddress
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT set local address
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setLocalAddress>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_setLocalAddress := "MQTT Applib: setLocalAddress";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_setLocalAddress_byVars
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT set local address by variables test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setLocalAddress_byVars>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_setLocalAddress_byVars := 3;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_setLocalAddress_byVars
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT set local address by variables test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setLocalAddress_byVars>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_setLocalAddress_byVars := "MQTT Applib: setLocalAddress_byVars";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_setRemoteAddress
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT set remote address
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setRemoteAddress>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_setRemoteAddress := 4;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_setRemoteAddress
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT set remote address
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setRemoteAddress_byVars>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_setRemoteAddress := "MQTT Applib: setRemoteAddress";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_setRemoteAddress_byVars
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT set remote address by variables test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setRemoteAddress_byVars>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_setRemoteAddress_byVars := 5;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_setRemoteAddress_byVars
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT set remote address by variables test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setRemoteAddress_byVars>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_setRemoteAddress_byVars := "MQTT Applib: setRemoteAddress_byVars";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_transportConnect
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT transport connect test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_transportConnect>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_transportConnect := 6;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_transportConnect
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT transport connect test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_transportConnect>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_transportConnect := "MQTT Applib: transportConnect";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_transportClose
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT transport close test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_transportClose>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_transportClose := 7;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_transportClose
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT transport close test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_transportClose>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_transportClose := "MQTT Applib: transportClose";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_startListening
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT start listening test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_startListening>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_startListening := 8;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_startListening
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT start listening test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_startListening>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_startListening := "MQTT Applib: startListening";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_loadTemplate_byIntIdx
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT load template by integer idx pointer test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_loadTemplate_byIntIdx>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_loadTemplate_byIntIdx := 9;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT load template by integer idx pointer test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_loadTemplate_byIntIdx>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_loadTemplate_byIntIdx := "MQTT Applib: loadTemplate_byIntIdx";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_loadTemplate_byStringId
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT load template by string id test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_loadTemplate_byStringId>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_loadTemplate_byStringId := 10;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_loadTemplate_byStringId
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT load template by string id test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_loadTemplate_byStringId>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_loadTemplate_byStringId := "MQTT Applib: loadTemplate_byStringId";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_send
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT send test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_send>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_send := 11;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_send
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT send test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_send>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_send := "MQTT Applib: send";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_setTopic_stringParam
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT set topic by string parameter test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setTopic_stringParam>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_setTopic_stringParam := 12;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_setTopic_stringParam
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT set topic by string parameter test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setTopic_stringParam>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_setTopic_stringParam := "MQTT Applib: setTopic_stringParam";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_setTopic_add_stringParam
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT set topic by adding a string test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setTopic_add_stringParam>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_setTopic_add_stringParam := 13;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_setTopic_add_stringParam
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT set topic by adding a string test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setTopic_add_stringParam>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_setTopic_add_stringParam := "MQTT Applib: setTopic_add_stringParam";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_setTopic_add_varParams
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT set topic by adding variable parameters test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setTopic_add_varParams>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_setTopic_add_varParams := 14;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_setTopic_add_varParams
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT set topic by adding variable parameters test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setTopic_add_varParams>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_setTopic_add_varParams := "MQTT Applib: setTopic_add_varParams";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_setTopic_add_clientId
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT set topic by adding the client id test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setTopic_add_clientId>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_setTopic_add_clientId := 15;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_setTopic_add_clientId
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT set topic by adding the client id test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setTopic_add_clientId>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_setTopic_add_clientId := "MQTT Applib: setTopic_add_clientId";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_setQos_intParam
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT set QoS using integer parameter test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setQos_intParam>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_setQos_intParam := 16;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_setQos_intParam
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT set QoS using integer parameter test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setQos_intParam>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_setQos_intParam := "MQTT Applib: setQos_intParam";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_setPublishMessage_stringParam
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT set publish message using a string parameter test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setPublishMessage_stringParam>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_setPublishMessage_stringParam := 17;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_setPublishMessage_stringParam
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT set publish message using a string parameter test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setPublishMessage_stringParam>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_setPublishMessage_stringParam := "MQTT Applib: setPublishMessage_stringParam";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_setPublishMessage_add_stringParam
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT set publish by adding a string parameter test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setPublishMessage_add_stringParam>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_setPublishMessage_add_stringParam := 18;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_setPublishMessage_add_stringParam
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT set publish by adding a string parameter test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setPublishMessage_add_stringParam>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_setPublishMessage_add_stringParam := "MQTT Applib: setPublishMessage_add_stringParam";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_setPublishMessage_add_varParams
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT set publish by adding variable parameters test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setPublishMessage_add_varParams>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_setPublishMessage_add_varParams := 19;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_setPublishMessage_add_varParams
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT set publish by adding variable parameters test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setPublishMessage_add_varParams>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_setPublishMessage_add_varParams := "MQTT Applib: setPublishMessage_add_varParams";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_setPublishMessage_add_clientId
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT set publish by adding the client id test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setPublishMessage_add_clientId>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_setPublishMessage_add_clientId := 20;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_setPublishMessage_add_clientId
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT set publish by adding the client id test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_setPublishMessage_add_clientId>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_setPublishMessage_add_clientId := "MQTT Applib: setPublishMessage_add_clientId";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_reportPingResponse
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT enabling/disabling the reporting of a ping response test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_reportPingResponse>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_reportPingResponse := 21;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_reportPingResponse
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT enabling/disabling the reporting of a ping response test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_reportPingResponse>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_reportPingResponse := "MQTT Applib: reportPingResponse";
// const: c_MQTT_stepIdx_reportPublishResponse
// Purpose:
// Integer constant for the MQTT enabling/disabling the reporting of a publish response test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_reportPublishResponse>
const integer c_MQTT_stepIdx_reportPublishResponse := 22;
// const: c_MQTT_stepName_reportPublishResponse
// Purpose:
// Charstring constant for the MQTT enabling/disabling the reporting of a publish response test step
// Related Function:
// - <f_MQTT_step_reportPublishResponse>
const charstring c_MQTT_stepName_reportPublishResponse := "MQTT Applib: reportPublishResponse";