initial code commit

Signed-off-by: Eszter Susanszky <>
diff --git a/IFW_CoAP_Peer_Definitions.ttcn b/IFW_CoAP_Peer_Definitions.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e043b50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IFW_CoAP_Peer_Definitions.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               IFW_CoAP_Peer_Definitions.ttcn
+//  Description:
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             LPA 108 661
+//  Updated:            2017-09-01
+//  Contact:  
+module IFW_CoAP_Peer_Definitions
+	import from CoAP_Types all;
+	import from IPL4asp_PortType all;
+	import from IFW_Common all;
+	type component IFW_COAP_CT extends IFW_BASE_CT
+	{
+	    var CoapContext ctx := CoapContext_empty; 
+		var CoAP_ReqResp msgToSend := c_CoAP_ReqResp_empty;
+		var CoAP_ReqResp lastReceived := c_CoAP_ReqResp_empty;
+    	port IPL4asp_PT IPL4_PCO;
+	}
+	type record CoapContext
+	{
+		integer connId,
+		integer connId_listen,
+		charstring remoteHost,
+		integer remotePort,
+		charstring localHost,
+		integer localPort,
+		boolean cherryPickOptionsCheck,
+		Charstring_List locationPath
+	}	
+	with { extension "done" }
+	const CoapContext CoapContext_empty :=
+	{
+		connId := -1,
+		connId_listen := -1,
+		remoteHost := "",
+		remotePort := -1,
+		localHost := "",
+		localPort := -1,
+		cherryPickOptionsCheck := false,
+		locationPath := {}
+	}
+	const CoAP_ReqResp c_CoAP_ReqResp_empty :=
+	{
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+    		code :=
+    		{
+    			class := 0,
+    			detail := 0
+			},
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := omit,
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_CoAP_ReqResp_empty :=
+	{
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := ?,
+    		msg_type := ?,
+    		code :=
+    		{
+    			class := ?,
+    			detail := ?
+			},
+    		message_id := ?
+	  	},
+    	token := ?,
+    	options := *,
+    	payload := *
+	}
+	type record of UCHAR0_255 Charstring_List;
+	type enumerated MID_Generation {
+        }
+    type enumerated Token_Generation {
+    }
+	type enumerated MID_Check {
+	}
diff --git a/IFW_CoAP_Peer_Functions.ttcn b/IFW_CoAP_Peer_Functions.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c1d707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IFW_CoAP_Peer_Functions.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               IFW_CoAP_Peer_Functions.ttcn
+//  Description:
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             LPA 108 661
+//  Updated:            2017-09-01
+//  Contact:  
+module IFW_CoAP_Peer_Functions
+    import from IFW_CoAP_Peer_Definitions all;
+	import from CoAP_Types all;
+	import from IPL4asp_Types all;
+	import from IPL4asp_PortType all;
+	import from IFW_Common all;
+	modulepar
+	{
+		float tsp_CoapPeer_maxResponseTime := 0.0;
+		boolean tsp_cherryPickOptionCheck := true;		
+	}  
+	function f_CoAP_Peer_init() runs on IFW_COAP_CT
+    {
+		log(%definitionId, " started");
+		var Result vl_result;
+		log("Mapping started");
+		map(self:IPL4_PCO,system:IPL4_PCO);
+		var f_IPL4_getMsgLen vl_f := refers(f_COAP_getMsgLength);
+		f_IPL4_setGetMsgLen(IPL4_PCO, -1, vl_f, {});
+		log("Setting up the listening socket");
+		vl_result := f_IPL4_listen(IPL4_PCO, ctx.localHost, ctx.localPort, {udp := {}}, {{reuseAddress := {enable := true}}});
+		f_checkResult(vl_result);
+		ctx.connId_listen := vl_result.connId;
+		log("Connecting the socket to the remote");
+		vl_result := f_IPL4_connect(IPL4_PCO, ctx.remoteHost, ctx.remotePort, ctx.localHost, ctx.localPort, -1,{udp := {}}, {{reuseAddress := {enable := true}}});
+		f_checkResult(vl_result);
+		ctx.connId := vl_result.connId;
+		ctx.cherryPickOptionsCheck := tsp_cherryPickOptionCheck;
+		log(%definitionId, " finished");
+	}
+	function f_CoAP_Peer_getContext() runs on IFW_COAP_CT
+	return CoapContext
+	{
+		return ctx;
+	}
+	function f_CoAP_Peer_setContext(in CoapContext p_ctx) runs on IFW_COAP_CT
+	{
+	  ctx := p_ctx;
+	}
+	function f_CoAP_Peer_setMessageToSend(in CoAP_ReqResp p_msg, in MID_Generation p_genMid, in Token_Generation p_genToken) runs on IFW_COAP_CT
+	{
+	  msgToSend := p_msg;
+	  if (p_genMid == GENERATE_NEW_MID)
+	  {
+	    msgToSend.header.message_id := float2int(int2float(65000)*rnd());
+	  }
+	  else if (p_genMid == USE_LAST_RECEIVED_MID) {
+	    if (lastReceived != c_CoAP_ReqResp_empty) {
+              msgToSend.header.message_id := lastReceived.header.message_id;
+	    }
+          }
+          if (p_genToken == GENERATE_NEW_TOKEN)
+	  {
+	    msgToSend.token := int2oct(float2int(int2float(65000)*rnd()),4);
+	  }
+          if (p_genToken == USE_LAST_RECEIVED_TOKEN) {
+	    if (lastReceived != c_CoAP_ReqResp_empty) {
+              msgToSend.token := lastReceived.token;
+	    }
+          }
+	}
+	function f_CoAP_Peer_send() runs on IFW_COAP_CT
+	{
+	  	var octetstring v_encoded;
+	  	f_CoAP_enc(CoAP_Message: {msg := msgToSend}, v_encoded);
+	  	var ASP_SendTo vl_send;
+		vl_send.connId := ctx.connId;
+		vl_send.remName := ctx.remoteHost;
+		vl_send.remPort := ctx.remotePort;
+		vl_send.proto := {udp := {}}
+		vl_send.msg := v_encoded;
+		log("COAP PDU: ", msgToSend);
+		IPL4_PCO.send(vl_send);
+	}
+	function f_CoAP_Peer_receive() runs on IFW_COAP_CT
+	{
+	  // Activate default
+	  timer t_Timeout := tsp_CoapPeer_maxResponseTime;	  
+	  if (tsp_CoapPeer_maxResponseTime > 0.0) { t_Timeout.start; }
+	  var ASP_RecvFrom v_ipl4Recv;
+	  var ASP_Event v_ipl4Event;
+	  alt
+	  {
+	    [] IPL4_PCO.receive(ASP_RecvFrom:?) -> value v_ipl4Recv
+	    {
+	      log("Received: ", v_ipl4Recv);
+	      var CoAP_Message v_coapMsg;
+	      f_CoAP_dec(v_ipl4Recv.msg, v_coapMsg);
+	      if (ischosen(v_coapMsg.msg))
+	      {
+	        lastReceived := v_coapMsg.msg;
+	        log("COAP PDU: ", lastReceived);
+	      }
+	    }
+	    [] IPL4_PCO.receive(ASP_Event:?) -> value v_ipl4Event
+	    {
+	      log("Received: ", v_ipl4Event);
+	      repeat;
+	    }
+	    [] t_Timeout.timeout
+	    {
+	      lastReceived := c_CoAP_ReqResp_empty;
+	    }
+	    // Deactivate default
+	  }
+	}
+	function f_CoAP_Peer_check(in template CoAP_ReqResp p_expected, in MID_Check p_checkMid := CHECK_MID) runs on IFW_COAP_CT
+	return ReturnBoolean
+	{
+		// TODO: checks		
+		if (not f_COAP_isRequest(lastReceived) and lastReceived.header.msg_type == CONFIRMABLE and p_checkMid == CHECK_MID) {
+		  // Check if the mid is the same in the req and in the rsp
+		  if (not msgToSend.header.message_id == lastReceived.header.message_id) {
+		    log("CHECK: header.message_id mismatch in request and response");
+		    return false;
+		  }
+		}
+		if (ctx.cherryPickOptionsCheck) {
+			var template CoAP_ReqResp v_expected_withoutOptions := p_expected;		
+			v_expected_withoutOptions.options := *;
+			if (not match(lastReceived, v_expected_withoutOptions)) {
+			  log("CHECK: last received is not matching with expected template");
+			  return false; 
+			}
+			// Check options 1-by-1
+			if (ispresent(p_expected.options) and sizeof(p_expected.options)>0)
+			{
+			  	if (not ispresent(lastReceived.options)) {
+			  	  log("CHECK: Options are epxected but last received messages have them omitted");
+			  	  return false;
+			  	}
+				var boolean optionsCheck := true;
+				for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_expected.options); i:=i+1) {
+				  var template CoAP_Options v_currentExpectedOption := p_expected.options[i];
+		    	  var boolean optionCheck := false;    	  
+				  for (var integer j:=0; j<sizeof(lastReceived.options); j:=j+1) {
+				    var CoAP_Options v_currentReceivedOption := lastReceived.options[j];
+				    if (match(v_currentReceivedOption, v_currentExpectedOption)) {
+				      optionCheck := true;
+				    }
+				  }
+				  if (not optionCheck) {
+				    log("CHECK: Option mismatch!");
+				    log("EXPECTED: ",v_currentExpectedOption);
+				    log("RECEIVED: ",lastReceived.options);
+				    optionsCheck := false;
+				  }
+				}		
+				if (not optionsCheck) {
+				  return false;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+		  if (not match(lastReceived, p_expected)) {
+			  log("CHECK: last received is not matching with expected template");
+			  return false;
+			}
+		}
+		log("CHECK: return true");
+		return true;
+	}
+	function f_CoAP_Peer_saveLocationPath()
+	runs on IFW_COAP_CT
+	{
+	  	ctx.locationPath := {};
+		for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(lastReceived.options); i:=i+1)
+		{
+		  if (ischosen(lastReceived.options[i].location_path))
+		  {
+		    ctx.locationPath[sizeof(ctx.locationPath)] := lastReceived.options[i].location_path;
+		  }
+		}
+	}
+	function f_CoAP_Peer_addUriPath()
+	runs on IFW_COAP_CT
+	{	  	
+		for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(ctx.locationPath); i:=i+1)
+		{
+			msgToSend.options[sizeof(msgToSend.options)] :=
+			{
+			  uri_path := ctx.locationPath[i]
+			}
+		}	  
+	}
+	function f_COAP_getMsgLength(in octetstring stream, inout ro_integer args)
+	return integer
+	{
+		return lengthof(stream);
+		// Only for UDP
+		// For TCP other frameing is needed (see IETF: COAP mapping to TCP);
+	}
+	function f_COAP_isRequest(in CoAP_ReqResp p_msg)
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  if (p_msg.header.code.class == 0) {
+	    return true;
+	  }
+	  else {
+	  	return false;
+	  }
+	}
diff --git a/IFW_CoAP_Peer_TestSteps.ttcn b/IFW_CoAP_Peer_TestSteps.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fac9476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IFW_CoAP_Peer_TestSteps.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               IFW_CoAP_Peer_TestSteps.ttcn
+//  Description:
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             LPA 108 661
+//  Updated:            2017-09-01
+//  Contact:  
+module IFW_CoAP_Peer_TestSteps 
+    import from IoT_FT_Framework_Definitions all;
+    import from IFW_Common all;
+    import from IFW_CoAP_Peer_Definitions all;
+    import from IFW_CoAP_Peer_Functions all;
+    import from CoAP_Types all;
+	function f_IFW_CoapPeer_init(in integer p_peerIdx) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_COAP_CT v_peer := coapPeers[p_peerIdx];	  
+	  if (v_peer == null) { log("CFW: No coap peer found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_peer);
+	  v_peer.start(f_CoAP_Peer_init());
+      v_peer.done;
+	  return true;	  
+	}
+	function f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(in integer p_peerIdx, in charstring p_remoteAddrId) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+ 		var NamedHostPort v_addr;
+		if (f_lookupAddress(p_remoteAddrId, v_addr))
+		{
+			var CoapContext v_ctx;
+			f_IFW_CoapPeer_getContext(p_peerIdx, v_ctx);
+			v_ctx.remoteHost := v_addr.hostName;
+			v_ctx.remotePort := v_addr.portNumber;
+			f_IFW_CoapPeer_setContext(p_peerIdx, v_ctx);
+		}
+		return true;
+	}	
+	function f_IFW_CoapPeer_getContext(in integer p_peerIdx, out CoapContext p_coapContext) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_COAP_CT v_peer := coapPeers[p_peerIdx];	  
+	  if (v_peer == null) { log("CFW: No user found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_peer);
+	  v_peer.start(f_CoAP_Peer_getContext());
+      v_peer.done(CoapContext:?) -> value p_coapContext;
+	  return true;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_CoapPeer_setContext(in integer p_peerIdx, in CoapContext p_coapContext) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_COAP_CT v_peer := coapPeers[p_peerIdx];
+	  if (v_peer == null) { log("CFW: No user found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_peer);
+	  v_peer.start(f_CoAP_Peer_setContext(p_coapContext));
+      v_peer.done;
+	  return true;
+	}
+    function f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(
+      in integer p_peerIdx, 
+      CoAP_ReqResp p_msg, 
+      MID_Generation p_genMid := GENERATE_NEW_MID,
+      Token_Generation p_genToken := USE_GIVEN_TOKEN
+    ) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_COAP_CT v_peer := coapPeers[p_peerIdx];	  
+	  if (v_peer == null) { log("CFW: No user found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_peer);
+	  if (p_genMid == GENERATE_NEW_MID)
+	  {
+	    p_msg.header.message_id := mid;
+	    mid := mid + 1;
+	    p_genMid := USE_GIVEN_MID;
+	  }
+	  v_peer.start(f_CoAP_Peer_setMessageToSend(p_msg, p_genMid, p_genToken));
+          v_peer.done;
+	  return true;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(in integer p_peerIdx) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_COAP_CT v_peer := coapPeers[p_peerIdx];	  
+	  if (v_peer == null) { log("CFW: No user found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_peer);
+	  v_peer.start(f_CoAP_Peer_send());
+      v_peer.done;
+	  return true;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(in integer p_peerIdx) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_COAP_CT v_peer := coapPeers[p_peerIdx];	  
+	  if (v_peer == null) { log("CFW: No user found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_peer);
+	  v_peer.start(f_CoAP_Peer_receive());
+      v_peer.done;
+	  return true;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(in integer p_peerIdx, template CoAP_ReqResp p_msg, MID_Check p_checkMid := CHECK_MID) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var boolean v_ret;
+	  var IFW_COAP_CT v_peer := coapPeers[p_peerIdx];	  
+	  if (v_peer == null) { log("CFW: No user found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_peer);
+	  v_peer.start(f_CoAP_Peer_check(p_msg, p_checkMid));
+      v_peer.done(ReturnBoolean:?) -> value v_ret; 
+	  return v_ret;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_CoapPeer_saveLocationPath(in integer p_peerIdx) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_COAP_CT v_peer := coapPeers[p_peerIdx];	  
+	  if (v_peer == null) { log("CFW: No user found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_peer);
+	  v_peer.start(f_CoAP_Peer_saveLocationPath());
+      v_peer.done; 
+	  return true;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_CoapPeer_addUriPath(in integer p_peerIdx) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_COAP_CT v_peer := coapPeers[p_peerIdx];	  
+	  if (v_peer == null) { log("CFW: No user found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_peer);
+	  v_peer.start(f_CoAP_Peer_addUriPath());
+      v_peer.done; 
+	  return true;
+	}
diff --git a/IFW_Common.ttcn b/IFW_Common.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7c0704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IFW_Common.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               IFW_Common.ttcn
+//  Description:
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             LPA 108 661
+//  Updated:            2017-09-01
+//  Contact:  
+module IFW_Common {
+	import from IPL4asp_Types all;
+	modulepar
+	{
+	  Address_List tsp_addresses := {};
+	}
+	type record of integer IntegerList;
+	type record of NamedHostPort Address_List;
+	type record NamedHostPort
+	{
+	  charstring id,
+	  charstring hostName,
+	  integer portNumber
+	}	
+	type boolean ReturnBoolean
+	with { extension "done"};
+	type record of charstring ro_charstring;
+	type component IFW_BASE_CT 
+	{
+	  var IFW_Logging_Context v_IFW_logging := c_IFW_Logging_Context_init;
+	};
+	type record IFW_Logging_Context
+	{
+	  IFW_Logging_Params error_,
+ 	  IFW_Logging_Params warning,
+ 	  IFW_Logging_Params debug,
+ 	  IFW_Logging_Params debugv
+	}
+	const IFW_Logging_Context c_IFW_Logging_Context_init :=
+	{
+	  error_ := { 0, ACTION },
+	  warning := { 0, ACTION },
+	  debug := { 0, LOG },
+	  debugv := { 0, LOG }
+	}
+	type record IFW_Logging_Params
+	{
+	  integer counter,
+	  IFW_Logging_Filter filter
+	}
+	type enumerated IFW_Logging_Filter
+	{
+	}
+	function f_isRunningGuard(in IFW_BASE_CT p_comp, in float p_timeout := 10.0)
+	{
+		timer T_wait;
+	    if(p_comp.running)
+    	{
+      		T_wait.start(p_timeout);
+		    log(%definitionId
+        		& ": waiting for function to stop executing on component "
+        		& log2str(p_comp) & ", timeout in "
+        		& log2str(p_timeout) & " seconds.");
+		    alt
+		    {
+		        [] p_comp.done
+		        {
+        		  log(%definitionId
+		            & ": component " & log2str(p_comp)
+		            & " returned done properly after waiting for "
+		            & log2str( & " seconds.");
+        		}
+		        [] T_wait.timeout
+		        {
+		          log(%definitionId
+		            & ": Stopping function running on component " & log2str(p_comp)
+		            & " due to timeout.");
+		          p_comp.stop;
+		        }
+		        [else]
+		        {
+		          // busy loop to ensure no default altsteps are executed and
+		          // unexpectedly ends our alt-statement by not calling 'repeat'
+		          // correctly.
+		          // v_dummy exists only to avoid busy-loop warning during compilation
+		          var integer v_dummy;
+		          repeat;
+		        }
+		    }
+	    }
+	}
+	function f_checkResult(in Result pl_result)
+	{
+		if (ispresent(pl_result.errorCode))
+		{
+			log("Error: ", pl_result.errorCode, pl_result.os_error_text);
+			setverdict(fail);
+			stop;
+		}
+	}	
+	function f_lookupAddress(charstring p_id, out NamedHostPort v_addr)
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(tsp_addresses); i:=i+1)
+	  {
+	    if (tsp_addresses[i].id == p_id)
+	    {
+	      v_addr := tsp_addresses[i];
+	      return true;
+	    }
+	  }
+	  return false;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_wait(in float p_timeout)
+	{
+	  timer t:=p_timeout;
+	  t.start;
+	  t.timeout;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_log_error(in charstring p_log)
+	runs on IFW_BASE_CT
+	{
+	  v_IFW_logging.error_.counter := v_IFW_logging.error_.counter + 1;
+	  var charstring v_toLog := "[ERROR]["&int2str(v_IFW_logging.error_.counter)&"]: "&p_log
+	  if (v_IFW_logging.error_.filter == ACTION) {
+	    action(v_toLog);
+	  } 
+	  else if (v_IFW_logging.error_.filter == LOG) {
+	    action(v_toLog);
+	  }
+	}
+	function f_IFW_log_warning(in charstring p_log)
+	runs on IFW_BASE_CT
+	{
+	  v_IFW_logging.warning.counter := v_IFW_logging.warning.counter + 1;
+	  var charstring v_toLog := "[WARNING]["&int2str(v_IFW_logging.warning.counter)&"]: "&p_log
+	  if (v_IFW_logging.warning.filter == ACTION) {
+	    action(v_toLog);
+	  } 
+	  else if (v_IFW_logging.warning.filter == LOG) {
+	    action(v_toLog);
+	  }
+	}
+	function f_IFW_log_debug(in charstring p_log)
+	runs on IFW_BASE_CT
+	{
+	  v_IFW_logging.debug.counter := v_IFW_logging.debug.counter + 1;
+	  var charstring v_toLog := "[DEBUG]: "&p_log
+	  if (v_IFW_logging.debug.filter == ACTION) {
+	    action(v_toLog);
+	  } 
+	  else if (v_IFW_logging.debug.filter == LOG) {
+	    action(v_toLog);
+	  }
+	}
+	function f_IFW_log_verbose(in charstring p_log)
+	runs on IFW_BASE_CT
+	{
+	  v_IFW_logging.debugv.counter := v_IFW_logging.debugv.counter + 1;
+	  var charstring v_toLog := "[DEBUGV]: "&p_log
+	  if (v_IFW_logging.debugv.filter == ACTION) {
+	    action(v_toLog);
+	  } 
+	  else if (v_IFW_logging.debugv.filter == LOG) {
+	    action(v_toLog);
+	  }
+	}
diff --git a/IFW_HTTP_Client_Definitions.ttcn b/IFW_HTTP_Client_Definitions.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2264db8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IFW_HTTP_Client_Definitions.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               IFW_HTTP_Client_Definitions.ttcn
+//  Description:
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             LPA 108 661
+//  Updated:            2017-09-01
+//  Contact:  
+module IFW_HTTP_Client_Definitions
+	import from HTTPmsg_Types all;
+	import from IPL4asp_PortType all;
+	import from IFW_Common all;
+	type component IFW_HTTP_Client_CT extends IFW_BASE_CT
+	{
+	    var HttpClientContext ctx := c_HttpClientContext_empty; 
+		var HTTPMessage msgToSend := c_HTTPMessage_empty;
+		var HTTPMessage lastReceived := c_HTTPMessage_empty;
+    	port IPL4asp_PT IPL4_PCO;
+	}
+	type record HttpClientContext
+	{
+		integer connId,
+		charstring remoteHost,
+		integer remotePort,
+		charstring localHost,
+		integer localPort,
+		HeaderLines requestHeaders
+	}	
+	with { extension "done" }
+	const HttpClientContext c_HttpClientContext_empty :=
+	{
+		connId := -1,
+		remoteHost := "",
+		remotePort := -1,
+		localHost := "",
+		localPort := -1,
+		requestHeaders := {}
+	}
+	const HTTPMessage c_HTTPMessage_empty :=
+	{
+	  erronous_msg :=
+	  {
+	    client_id := omit,
+	    msg := ""
+	  }
+	}
diff --git a/IFW_HTTP_Client_Functions.ttcn b/IFW_HTTP_Client_Functions.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2034120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IFW_HTTP_Client_Functions.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               IFW_HTTP_Client_Functions.ttcn
+//  Description:
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             LPA 108 661
+//  Updated:            2017-09-01
+//  Contact:  
+module IFW_HTTP_Client_Functions
+    import from IFW_HTTP_Client_Definitions all;
+	import from HTTPmsg_Types all;
+	import from IPL4asp_Types all;
+	import from IPL4asp_PortType all;
+	import from IFW_Common all;
+	import from TCCMessageHandling_Functions all;
+	modulepar
+	{
+		float tsp_HTTP_Client_maxResponseTime := 0.0;
+    }
+	function f_HTTP_Client_init() runs on IFW_HTTP_Client_CT
+    {
+		log(%definitionId, " started");
+		var Result vl_result;
+		log("Mapping started");
+		map(self:IPL4_PCO,system:IPL4_PCO);
+		var f_IPL4_getMsgLen vl_f := refers(f_HTTP_Client_getMessageLength);
+		f_IPL4_setGetMsgLen(IPL4_PCO, -1, vl_f, {});
+		log("Connecting the socket to the remote");
+		vl_result := f_IPL4_connect(IPL4_PCO, ctx.remoteHost, ctx.remotePort, ctx.localHost, ctx.localPort, -1, {tcp := {}}, {{reuseAddress := {enable := true}}});
+		f_checkResult(vl_result);
+		ctx.connId := vl_result.connId;
+		log(%definitionId, " finished");
+	}
+	function f_HTTP_Client_cleanUp() runs on IFW_HTTP_Client_CT
+    {
+		log(%definitionId, " started");
+		var Result vl_result;
+		log("Closing connection");
+		if (ctx.connId >= 0)
+		{
+		  vl_result := f_IPL4_close(IPL4_PCO, ctx.connId, {tcp := {}});
+		  //f_checkResult(vl_result);		  
+		}
+		log(%definitionId, " finished");
+	}
+	function f_HTTP_Client_getContext() runs on IFW_HTTP_Client_CT
+	return HttpClientContext
+	{
+		return ctx;
+	}
+	function f_HTTP_Client_setContext(in HttpClientContext p_ctx) runs on IFW_HTTP_Client_CT
+	{
+	  ctx := p_ctx;
+	}
+	function f_HTTP_Client_setMessageToSend(in HTTPMessage p_msg) runs on IFW_HTTP_Client_CT
+	{
+	  msgToSend := p_msg;
+	  if (ischosen(msgToSend.request))
+	  {
+  	    for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(ctx.requestHeaders); i:=i+1)
+	    {
+	      if (f_HTTP_lookupHeader(ctx.requestHeaders[i].header_name, msgToSend.request.header) == -1)
+	      {
+	        msgToSend.request.header[sizeof(msgToSend.request.header)] := ctx.requestHeaders[i];
+	      }
+	      else
+	      {
+	        log("HTTP Client: Didn't add request header because a header with the same name is already there ", ctx.requestHeaders[i]);
+	      }
+	    }
+      }
+	}	
+    function f_HTTP_Client_send() runs on IFW_HTTP_Client_CT
+	{
+	  	var octetstring v_encoded;
+	  	v_encoded := enc_HTTPMessage(msgToSend);
+	  	var ASP_SendTo vl_send;
+		vl_send.connId := ctx.connId;
+		vl_send.remName := ctx.remoteHost;
+		vl_send.remPort := ctx.remotePort;
+		vl_send.proto := {tcp := {}}
+		vl_send.msg := v_encoded;
+		log("HTTP PDU: ", msgToSend);
+		IPL4_PCO.send(vl_send);
+	}
+	function f_HTTP_Client_receive() runs on IFW_HTTP_Client_CT
+	{
+	  // Activate default
+	  timer t_Timeout := tsp_HTTP_Client_maxResponseTime;
+	  if (tsp_HTTP_Client_maxResponseTime > 0.0) { t_Timeout.start; }
+	  var ASP_RecvFrom v_ipl4Recv;
+	  var ASP_Event v_ipl4Event;
+	  alt
+	  {
+	    [] IPL4_PCO.receive(ASP_RecvFrom:?) -> value v_ipl4Recv
+	    {
+	      log("Received: ", v_ipl4Recv);
+	      var HTTPMessage v_httpMsg;
+	      dec_HTTPMessage(v_ipl4Recv.msg, v_httpMsg);
+          lastReceived := v_httpMsg;
+          log("HTTP PDU: ", lastReceived);          
+	    }
+	    [] IPL4_PCO.receive(ASP_Event:?) -> value v_ipl4Event
+	    {
+	      log("Received: ", v_ipl4Event);
+	      repeat;
+	    }
+	    [] t_Timeout.timeout
+	    {
+	      lastReceived := c_HTTPMessage_empty;
+	    }
+	    // Deactivate default
+	  }
+	}
+	function f_HTTP_Client_check(in template HTTPMessage p_expected) runs on IFW_HTTP_Client_CT
+	return ReturnBoolean
+	{
+	  if (not match(lastReceived, p_expected)) 
+	  {
+		  log("CHECK: last received is not matching with expected template");
+		  return false;
+	  }
+		log("CHECK: return true");
+		return true;
+	}
+	function f_HTTP_Client_getMessageLength(in octetstring stream, inout ro_integer args)
+    return integer
+    {
+      return f_TCCMessageHandling_getMessageLength(stream)
+    }
+    function f_HTTP_lookupHeader(charstring p_headerName, in HeaderLines p_headers)
+    return integer
+    {
+      for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(p_headers); i:=i+1)
+      {
+        if (p_headers[i].header_name == p_headerName) { return i; }
+      }
+      return -1;
+    }
diff --git a/IFW_HTTP_Client_TestSteps.ttcn b/IFW_HTTP_Client_TestSteps.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acf9a0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IFW_HTTP_Client_TestSteps.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               IFW_HTTP_Client_Functions.ttcn
+//  Description:
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             LPA 108 661
+//  Updated:            2017-09-01
+//  Contact:  
+module IFW_HTTP_Client_TestSteps {
+    import from IoT_FT_Framework_Definitions all;
+    import from IFW_Common all;
+    import from IFW_HTTP_Client_Definitions all;
+    import from IFW_HTTP_Client_Functions all;
+	import from HTTPmsg_Types all;
+	function f_IFW_HttpClient_init(in integer p_clientIdx) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_HTTP_Client_CT v_client := httpClients[p_clientIdx];	  
+	  if (v_client == null) { log("IFW: No http client found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_client);
+	  v_client.start(f_HTTP_Client_init());
+      v_client.done;
+	  return true;	  
+	}
+	function f_IFW_HttpClient_cleanUp(in integer p_clientIdx) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_HTTP_Client_CT v_client := httpClients[p_clientIdx];	  
+	  if (v_client == null) { log("IFW: No http client found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_client);
+	  v_client.start(f_HTTP_Client_cleanUp());
+      v_client.done;
+	  return true;	  
+	}
+	function f_IFW_HttpClient_setRemote(in integer p_clientIdx, in charstring p_remoteAddrId) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+ 		var NamedHostPort v_addr;
+		if (f_lookupAddress(p_remoteAddrId, v_addr))
+		{
+			var HttpClientContext v_ctx;
+			f_IFW_HttpClient_getContext(p_clientIdx, v_ctx);
+			v_ctx.remoteHost := v_addr.hostName;
+			v_ctx.remotePort := v_addr.portNumber;
+			f_IFW_HttpClient_setContext(p_clientIdx, v_ctx);
+		}
+		return true;
+	}	
+	function f_IFW_HttpClient_getContext(in integer p_clientIdx, out HttpClientContext p_httpClientContext) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_HTTP_Client_CT v_client := httpClients[p_clientIdx];
+	  if (v_client == null) { log("IFW: No http client found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_client);
+	  v_client.start(f_HTTP_Client_getContext());
+      v_client.done(HttpClientContext:?) -> value p_httpClientContext;
+	  return true;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_HttpClient_setContext(in integer p_clientIdx, in HttpClientContext p_httpClientContext) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_HTTP_Client_CT v_client := httpClients[p_clientIdx];	  
+	  if (v_client == null) { log("IFW: No http client found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_client);
+	  v_client.start(f_HTTP_Client_setContext(p_httpClientContext));
+      v_client.done;
+	  return true;
+	}	
+    function f_IFW_HttpClient_setMessageToSend(in integer p_clientIdx, HTTPMessage p_msg) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_HTTP_Client_CT v_client := httpClients[p_clientIdx];	  
+	  if (v_client == null) { log("IFW: No http client found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_client);
+	  v_client.start(f_HTTP_Client_setMessageToSend(p_msg));
+      v_client.done;
+	  return true;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_HttpClient_send(in integer p_clientIdx) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_HTTP_Client_CT v_client := httpClients[p_clientIdx];	  
+	  if (v_client == null) { log("IFW: No http client found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_client);
+	  v_client.start(f_HTTP_Client_send());
+      v_client.done;
+	  return true;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_HttpClient_receive(in integer p_clientIdx) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_HTTP_Client_CT v_client := httpClients[p_clientIdx];	  
+	  if (v_client == null) { log("IFW: No http client found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_client);
+	  v_client.start(f_HTTP_Client_receive());
+      v_client.done;
+	  return true;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_HttpClient_check(in integer p_clientIdx, template HTTPMessage p_msg) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var boolean v_ret;
+	  var IFW_HTTP_Client_CT v_client := httpClients[p_clientIdx];	  
+	  if (v_client == null) { log("IFW: No http client found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_client);
+	  v_client.start(f_HTTP_Client_check(p_msg));
+      v_client.done(ReturnBoolean:?) -> value v_ret; 
+	  return v_ret;
+	}	
+  function f_HTTP_setCommonRequestHeaders(in integer p_clientIdx) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+  {
+    var HttpClientContext v_httpClientCtx;
+	f_IFW_HttpClient_getContext(p_clientIdx, v_httpClientCtx);
+	v_httpClientCtx.requestHeaders :=
+	{
+      {"Host", v_httpClientCtx.remoteHost & ":" & int2str(v_httpClientCtx.remotePort)},
+      {"User-Agent", "IoT_FT_Framework"}
+	}	
+	f_IFW_HttpClient_setContext(p_clientIdx, v_httpClientCtx);
+  }
diff --git a/IFW_MQTT_Client_Definitions.ttcn b/IFW_MQTT_Client_Definitions.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b8ddea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IFW_MQTT_Client_Definitions.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               IFW_MQTT_Client_Definitions.ttcn
+//  Description:
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             LPA 108 661
+//  Updated:            2017-09-01
+//  Contact:  
+module IFW_MQTT_Client_Definitions {
+	import from MQTT_v3_1_1_Types all;
+	import from IPL4asp_PortType all;
+	import from IFW_Common all;
+	type component IFW_MQTT_Client_CT extends IFW_BASE_CT
+	{
+	    var MqttClientContext ctx := c_MqttClientContext_empty; 
+		var MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp msgToSend := c_MQTTMessage_empty;
+		var MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp lastReceived := c_MQTTMessage_empty;
+    	port IPL4asp_PT IPL4_PCO;
+	}
+	type record MqttClientContext
+	{
+		integer connId,
+		charstring remoteHost,
+		integer remotePort,
+		charstring localHost,
+		integer localPort
+	}	
+	with { extension "done" }
+	const MqttClientContext c_MqttClientContext_empty :=
+	{
+		connId := -1,
+		remoteHost := "",
+		remotePort := -1,
+		localHost := "",
+		localPort := -1
+	}
+	const MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp c_MQTTMessage_empty :=
+	{
+	  pingreq :=
+	  {
+	    header := {
+	      flags := '0000'B
+        }
+	  }
+	}
diff --git a/IFW_MQTT_Client_Functions.ttcn b/IFW_MQTT_Client_Functions.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a392366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IFW_MQTT_Client_Functions.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               IFW_MQTT_Client_Functions.ttcn
+//  Description:
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             LPA 108 661
+//  Updated:            2017-09-01
+//  Contact:  
+module IFW_MQTT_Client_Functions
+    import from IFW_MQTT_Client_Definitions all;
+	import from MQTT_v3_1_1_Types all;
+	import from IPL4asp_Types all;
+	import from IPL4asp_PortType all;
+	import from IFW_Common all;
+	import from MQTT_v3_1_1_IPL4SizeFunction all;
+	modulepar
+	{
+		float tsp_MQTT_Client_maxResponseTime := 0.0;
+    }
+	function f_MQTT_Client_init() runs on IFW_MQTT_Client_CT
+    {
+		log(%definitionId, " started");
+		var Result vl_result;
+		log("Mapping started");
+		map(self:IPL4_PCO,system:IPL4_PCO);
+		var f_IPL4_getMsgLen vl_f := refers(f_GetMsgLengthMQTT);
+		f_IPL4_setGetMsgLen(IPL4_PCO, -1, vl_f, {});
+		log("Connecting the socket to the remote");
+		vl_result := f_IPL4_connect(IPL4_PCO, ctx.remoteHost, ctx.remotePort, ctx.localHost, ctx.localPort, -1, {tcp := {}}, {{reuseAddress := {enable := true}}});
+		f_checkResult(vl_result);
+		ctx.connId := vl_result.connId;
+		log(%definitionId, " finished");
+	}
+	function f_MQTT_Client_cleanUp() runs on IFW_MQTT_Client_CT
+    {
+		log(%definitionId, " started");
+		var Result vl_result;
+		log("Closing connection");
+		if (ctx.connId >= 0)
+		{
+		  vl_result := f_IPL4_close(IPL4_PCO, ctx.connId, {tcp := {}});
+		  //f_checkResult(vl_result);		  
+		}
+		log(%definitionId, " finished");
+	}
+	function f_MQTT_Client_getContext() runs on IFW_MQTT_Client_CT
+	return MqttClientContext
+	{
+		return ctx;
+	}
+	function f_MQTT_Client_setContext(in MqttClientContext p_ctx) runs on IFW_MQTT_Client_CT
+	{
+	  ctx := p_ctx;
+	}
+	function f_MQTT_Client_setMessageToSend(in MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp p_msg) runs on IFW_MQTT_Client_CT
+	{
+	  msgToSend := p_msg;
+	}	
+    function f_MQTT_Client_send() runs on IFW_MQTT_Client_CT
+	{
+	  	var octetstring v_encoded;
+	  	f_MQTT_v3_1_1_enc({ msg := msgToSend}, v_encoded);
+	  	var ASP_SendTo vl_send;
+		vl_send.connId := ctx.connId;
+		vl_send.remName := ctx.remoteHost;
+		vl_send.remPort := ctx.remotePort;
+		vl_send.proto := {tcp := {}}
+		vl_send.msg := v_encoded;
+		log("MQTT PDU: ", msgToSend);
+		IPL4_PCO.send(vl_send);
+	}
+	function f_MQTT_Client_receive() runs on IFW_MQTT_Client_CT
+	{
+	  // Activate default
+	  timer t_Timeout := tsp_MQTT_Client_maxResponseTime;
+	  if (tsp_MQTT_Client_maxResponseTime > 0.0) { t_Timeout.start; }
+	  var ASP_RecvFrom v_ipl4Recv;
+	  var ASP_Event v_ipl4Event;
+	  alt
+	  {
+	    [] IPL4_PCO.receive(ASP_RecvFrom:?) -> value v_ipl4Recv
+	    {
+	      log("Received: ", v_ipl4Recv);
+	      var MQTT_v3_1_1_Message v_mqttMsg;
+	      f_MQTT_v3_1_1_dec(v_ipl4Recv.msg, v_mqttMsg);
+	      if (ischosen(v_mqttMsg.msg)) {
+            lastReceived := v_mqttMsg.msg;
+            log("MQTT PDU: ", lastReceived);          
+          }
+          else {
+            lastReceived := c_MQTTMessage_empty;
+            log("MQTT PDU [raw]:",v_mqttMsg);
+          }
+	    }
+	    [] IPL4_PCO.receive(ASP_Event:?) -> value v_ipl4Event
+	    {
+	      log("Received: ", v_ipl4Event);
+	      repeat;
+	    }
+	    [] t_Timeout.timeout
+	    {
+	      lastReceived := c_MQTTMessage_empty;
+	    }
+	    // Deactivate default
+	  }
+	}
+	function f_MQTT_Client_check(in template MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp p_expected) runs on IFW_MQTT_Client_CT
+	return ReturnBoolean
+	{
+	  if (not match(lastReceived, p_expected)) 
+	  {
+		  log("CHECK: last received is not matching with expected template");
+		  return false;
+	  }
+		log("CHECK: return true");
+		return true;
+	}
diff --git a/IFW_MQTT_Client_TestSteps.ttcn b/IFW_MQTT_Client_TestSteps.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95e6006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IFW_MQTT_Client_TestSteps.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               IFW_MQTT_Client_TestSteps.ttcn
+//  Description:
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             LPA 108 661
+//  Updated:            2017-09-01
+//  Contact:  
+module IFW_MQTT_Client_TestSteps
+    import from IoT_FT_Framework_Definitions all;
+    import from IFW_Common all;
+    import from IFW_MQTT_Client_Definitions all;
+    import from IFW_MQTT_Client_Functions all;
+	import from MQTT_v3_1_1_Types all;
+	function f_IFW_MqttClient_init(in integer p_clientIdx) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_MQTT_Client_CT v_client := mqttClients[p_clientIdx];
+	  if (v_client == null) { log("IFW: No mqtt client found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_client);
+	  v_client.start(f_MQTT_Client_init());
+      v_client.done;
+	  return true;	  
+	}
+	function f_IFW_MqttClient_cleanUp(in integer p_clientIdx) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_MQTT_Client_CT v_client := mqttClients[p_clientIdx];	  
+	  if (v_client == null) { log("IFW: No mqtt client found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_client);
+	  v_client.start(f_MQTT_Client_cleanUp());
+      v_client.done;
+	  return true;	  
+	}	
+	function f_IFW_MqttClient_setRemote(in integer p_clientIdx, in charstring p_remoteAddrId) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+ 		var NamedHostPort v_addr;
+		if (f_lookupAddress(p_remoteAddrId, v_addr))
+		{
+			var MqttClientContext v_ctx;
+			f_IFW_MqttClient_getContext(p_clientIdx, v_ctx);
+			v_ctx.remoteHost := v_addr.hostName;
+			v_ctx.remotePort := v_addr.portNumber;
+			f_IFW_MqttClient_setContext(p_clientIdx, v_ctx);
+		}
+		return true;
+	}	
+	function f_IFW_MqttClient_getContext(in integer p_clientIdx, out MqttClientContext p_mqttClientContext) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_MQTT_Client_CT v_client := mqttClients[p_clientIdx];
+	  if (v_client == null) { log("IFW: No mqtt client found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_client);
+	  v_client.start(f_MQTT_Client_getContext());
+      v_client.done(MqttClientContext:?) -> value p_mqttClientContext;
+	  return true;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_MqttClient_setContext(in integer p_clientIdx, in MqttClientContext p_mqttClientContext) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_MQTT_Client_CT v_client := mqttClients[p_clientIdx];	  
+	  if (v_client == null) { log("IFW: No mqtt client found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_client);
+	  v_client.start(f_MQTT_Client_setContext(p_mqttClientContext));
+      v_client.done;
+	  return true;
+	}
+    function f_IFW_MqttClient_setMessageToSend(in integer p_clientIdx, MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp p_msg) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_MQTT_Client_CT v_client := mqttClients[p_clientIdx];	  
+	  if (v_client == null) { log("IFW: No mqtt client found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_client);
+	  v_client.start(f_MQTT_Client_setMessageToSend(p_msg));
+      v_client.done;
+	  return true;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_MqttClient_send(in integer p_clientIdx) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_MQTT_Client_CT v_client := mqttClients[p_clientIdx];	  
+	  if (v_client == null) { log("IFW: No mqtt client found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_client);
+	  v_client.start(f_MQTT_Client_send());
+      v_client.done;
+	  return true;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_MqttClient_receive(in integer p_clientIdx) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var IFW_MQTT_Client_CT v_client := mqttClients[p_clientIdx];	  
+	  if (v_client == null) { log("IFW: No mqtt client found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_client);
+	  v_client.start(f_MQTT_Client_receive());
+      v_client.done;
+	  return true;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_MqttClient_check(in integer p_clientIdx, template MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp p_msg) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return boolean
+	{
+	  var boolean v_ret;
+	  var IFW_MQTT_Client_CT v_client := mqttClients[p_clientIdx];	  
+	  if (v_client == null) { log("IFW: No mqtt client found"); return false; }	  
+	  f_isRunningGuard(v_client);
+	  v_client.start(f_MQTT_Client_check(p_msg));
+      v_client.done(ReturnBoolean:?) -> value v_ret; 
+	  return v_ret;
+	}
diff --git a/IoT_FT_Framework_Definitions.ttcn b/IoT_FT_Framework_Definitions.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b0a674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IoT_FT_Framework_Definitions.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               IoT_FT_Framework_Definitions.ttcn
+//  Description:
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             LPA 108 661
+//  Updated:            2017-09-01
+//  Contact:  
+module IoT_FT_Framework_Definitions
+    import from IFW_Common all;
+	import from IFW_CoAP_Peer_Definitions all;
+	import from IFW_HTTP_Client_Definitions all;
+	import from IFW_MQTT_Client_Definitions all;
+	type component IFW_MAIN_CT
+	extends IFW_BASE_CT
+	{
+		var IFW_COAP_CT_List coapPeers := {};
+		var IFW_HTTP_Client_CT_List httpClients := {};
+		var IFW_MQTT_Client_CT_List mqttClients := {};
+		var integer mid := 0;
+	}
+	type record of IFW_COAP_CT IFW_COAP_CT_List;
+	type record of IFW_HTTP_Client_CT IFW_HTTP_Client_CT_List;
+	type record of IFW_MQTT_Client_CT IFW_MQTT_Client_CT_List;
+	type enumerated IFW_ComponentTypes
+	{
+	}
diff --git a/IoT_FT_Framework_Functions.ttcn b/IoT_FT_Framework_Functions.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4add85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IoT_FT_Framework_Functions.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               IoT_FT_Framework_Functions.ttcn
+//  Description:
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             LPA 108 661
+//  Updated:            2017-09-01
+//  Contact:  
+module IoT_FT_Framework_Functions
+    import from IoT_FT_Framework_Definitions all;
+	import from IFW_CoAP_Peer_Definitions all;
+	import from IFW_CoAP_Peer_TestSteps all;
+	import from IFW_HTTP_Client_Definitions all;
+	import from IFW_HTTP_Client_TestSteps all;
+	import from IFW_MQTT_Client_Definitions all;
+	import from IFW_MQTT_Client_TestSteps all;
+	import from IFW_Common all;
+	function f_IFW_addComponent(IFW_ComponentTypes p_componentType, charstring p_addrId := "")
+	runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return integer
+	{
+	  if (p_componentType == COAP_PEER) {
+	    return f_IFW_addCoapPeerComponent(p_addrId);
+	  }
+	  else if (p_componentType == HTTP_CLIENT)
+	  {
+	    return f_IFW_addHttpClientComponent(p_addrId);
+	  }
+	  else if (p_componentType == MQTT_CLIENT)
+	  {
+	    return f_IFW_addMqttClientComponent(p_addrId);
+	  }
+	  return -1;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_addCoapPeerComponent(charstring p_addrId := "") runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return integer
+	{
+		var IFW_COAP_CT v_peer := IFW_COAP_CT.create alive;
+		var integer v_peerIdx := sizeof(coapPeers);
+		coapPeers[v_peerIdx] := v_peer;
+		var NamedHostPort v_addr;
+		if (f_lookupAddress(p_addrId, v_addr))
+		{
+			var CoapContext v_ctx;
+			f_IFW_CoapPeer_getContext(v_peerIdx, v_ctx);
+			v_ctx.localHost := v_addr.hostName;
+			v_ctx.localPort := v_addr.portNumber;
+			f_IFW_CoapPeer_setContext(v_peerIdx, v_ctx);
+		}
+		return v_peerIdx;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_addHttpClientComponent(charstring p_addrId := "") runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return integer
+	{
+		var IFW_HTTP_Client_CT v_client := IFW_HTTP_Client_CT.create alive;
+		var integer v_clientIdx := sizeof(httpClients);
+		httpClients[v_clientIdx] := v_client;
+		var NamedHostPort v_addr;
+		if (f_lookupAddress(p_addrId, v_addr))
+		{
+			var HttpClientContext v_ctx;
+			f_IFW_HttpClient_getContext(v_clientIdx, v_ctx);
+			v_ctx.localHost := v_addr.hostName;
+			v_ctx.localPort := v_addr.portNumber;
+			f_IFW_HttpClient_setContext(v_clientIdx, v_ctx);
+		}
+		return v_clientIdx;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_addMqttClientComponent(charstring p_addrId := "") runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	return integer
+	{
+		var IFW_MQTT_Client_CT v_client := IFW_MQTT_Client_CT.create alive;
+		var integer v_clientIdx := sizeof(mqttClients);
+		mqttClients[v_clientIdx] := v_client;
+		var NamedHostPort v_addr;
+		if (f_lookupAddress(p_addrId, v_addr))
+		{
+			var MqttClientContext v_ctx;
+			f_IFW_MqttClient_getContext(v_clientIdx, v_ctx);
+			v_ctx.localHost := v_addr.hostName;
+			v_ctx.localPort := v_addr.portNumber;
+			f_IFW_MqttClient_setContext(v_clientIdx, v_ctx);
+		}
+		return v_clientIdx;
+	}
+	function f_IFW_initComponents() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	{
+	  setverdict(pass);
+	  mid := float2int(int2float(65000)*rnd());
+	  for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(coapPeers); i:=i+1) {
+	    f_IFW_CoapPeer_init(i);
+	  }
+	  for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(httpClients); i:=i+1) {
+	    f_IFW_HttpClient_init(i);
+	  }
+	  for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(mqttClients); i:=i+1) {
+	    f_IFW_MqttClient_init(i);
+	  }
+	}
+	function f_IFW_cleanUp() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	{
+	  for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(httpClients); i:=i+1) {
+	    f_IFW_HttpClient_cleanUp(i);
+	  }
+	  for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(mqttClients); i:=i+1) {
+	    f_IFW_MqttClient_cleanUp(i);
+	  }
+	  stop;
+	}
diff --git a/tests/CoapTestSuite_Etsi.ttcn b/tests/CoapTestSuite_Etsi.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4363552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/CoapTestSuite_Etsi.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               CoapTestSuite_Etsi.ttcn
+//  Description:
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             LPA 108 661
+//  Updated:            2017-09-01
+//  Contact:  
+module CoapTestSuite_Etsi
+	import from IoT_FT_Framework_Definitions all;
+	import from IoT_FT_Framework_Functions all;
+	import from IFW_CoAP_Peer_TestSteps all;
+	import from CoAP_Types all;
+	testcase tc_client_TD_COAP_CORE_01() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	{
+	  setverdict(pass);
+	  var integer client := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "client");
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(client, "server");
+	  f_IFW_initComponents();
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, valueof(t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_01_req00));
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_01_rsp01))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail);
+	  }
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_01_req00 :=
+	{
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+    		code := METHOD_GET,
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := 
+		{
+	  		{
+	  		  uri_path := "test"
+	  		}
+		},
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_01_rsp01 :=
+	{
+		header := 
+		{
+	        version := 1,
+	        msg_type := ACKNOWLEDGEMENT,
+	        code := RESPONSE_CODE_Content,
+	        message_id := ?
+	    },
+	    token := ''O,
+	    options := 
+	    {
+	 		{
+	    		content_format := 0
+	        }
+	    },
+    	payload := ?
+	}
+	testcase tc_client_TD_COAP_CORE_02() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	{
+	  setverdict(pass);
+	  var integer client := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "client");
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(client, "server");
+	  f_IFW_initComponents();
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, valueof(t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_02_req00));
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_02_rsp01))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail);
+	  }
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_02_req00 :=
+	{
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+    		code := METHOD_POST,
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := 
+		{
+	  		{
+	  		  uri_path := "test"
+	  		},
+	  		{
+	    		content_format := 0
+	        }
+		},
+    	payload := char2oct("Some payload")
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_02_rsp01 :=
+	{
+		header := 
+		{
+	        version := 1,
+	        msg_type := ACKNOWLEDGEMENT,
+	        code := RESPONSE_CODE_Created,
+	        message_id := ?
+	    },
+	    token := ''O,
+	    options := 
+	    {
+	    },
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	testcase tc_client_TD_COAP_CORE_03() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	{
+	  setverdict(pass);
+	  var integer client := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "client");
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(client, "server");
+	  f_IFW_initComponents();
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, valueof(t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_03_req00));
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_03_rsp01))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail);
+	  }
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_03_req00 :=
+	{
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+    		code := METHOD_PUT,
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := 
+		{
+	  		{
+	  		  uri_path := "test"
+	  		},
+	  		{
+	    		content_format := 0
+	        }
+		},
+    	payload := char2oct("Some payload")
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_03_rsp01 :=
+	{
+		header := 
+		{
+	        version := 1,
+	        msg_type := ACKNOWLEDGEMENT,
+	        code := RESPONSE_CODE_Changed,
+	        message_id := ?
+	    },
+	    token := ''O,
+	    options := 
+	    {
+	    },
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	testcase tc_client_TD_COAP_CORE_04() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	{
+	  setverdict(pass);
+	  var integer client := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "client");
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(client, "server");
+	  f_IFW_initComponents();
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, valueof(t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_04_req00));
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_04_rsp01))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail);
+	  }
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_04_req00 :=
+	{
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+    		code := METHOD_DELETE,
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := 
+		{
+	  		{
+	  		  uri_path := "test"
+	  		}
+		},
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_04_rsp01 :=
+	{
+		header := 
+		{
+	        version := 1,
+	        msg_type := ACKNOWLEDGEMENT,
+	        code := RESPONSE_CODE_Deleted,
+	        message_id := ?
+	    },
+	    token := ''O,
+	    options := omit,
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	testcase tc_client_TD_COAP_CORE_05() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	{
+	  setverdict(pass);
+	  var integer client := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "client");
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(client, "server");
+	  f_IFW_initComponents();
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, valueof(t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_05_req00));
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_05_rsp01))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail);
+	  }
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_05_req00 :=
+	{
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := NON_CONFIRMABLE,
+    		code := METHOD_GET,
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := 
+		{
+	  		{
+	  		  uri_path := "test"
+	  		}
+		},
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_05_rsp01 :=
+	{
+		header := 
+		{
+	        version := 1,
+	        msg_type := NON_CONFIRMABLE,
+	        code := RESPONSE_CODE_Content,
+	        message_id := ?
+	    },
+	    token := ''O,
+	    options := 
+	    {
+	 		{
+	    		content_format := 0
+	        }
+	    },
+    	payload := ?
+	}
+	testcase tc_client_TD_COAP_CORE_06() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	{
+	  setverdict(pass);
+	  var integer client := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "client");
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(client, "server");
+	  f_IFW_initComponents();
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, valueof(t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_06_req00));
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_06_rsp01))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail);
+	  }
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_06_req00 :=
+	{
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := NON_CONFIRMABLE,
+    		code := METHOD_POST,
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := 
+		{
+	  		{
+	  		  uri_path := "test"
+	  		},
+	  		{
+	    		content_format := 0
+	        }
+		},
+    	payload := char2oct("Some payload")
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_06_rsp01 :=
+	{
+		header := 
+		{
+	        version := 1,
+	        msg_type := NON_CONFIRMABLE,
+	        code := RESPONSE_CODE_Created,
+	        message_id := ?
+	    },
+	    token := ''O,
+	    options := 
+	    {
+	    },
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	testcase tc_client_TD_COAP_CORE_07() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	{
+	  setverdict(pass);
+	  var integer client := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "client");
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(client, "server");
+	  f_IFW_initComponents();
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, valueof(t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_07_req00));
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_07_rsp01))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail);
+	  }
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_07_req00 :=
+	{
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := NON_CONFIRMABLE,
+    		code := METHOD_PUT,
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := 
+		{
+	  		{
+	  		  uri_path := "test"
+	  		},
+	  		{
+	    		content_format := 0
+	        }
+		},
+    	payload := char2oct("Some payload")
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_07_rsp01 :=
+	{
+		header := 
+		{
+	        version := 1,
+	        msg_type := NON_CONFIRMABLE,
+	        code := RESPONSE_CODE_Changed,
+	        message_id := ?
+	    },
+	    token := ''O,
+	    options := 
+	    {
+	    },
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	testcase tc_client_TD_COAP_CORE_08() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	{
+	  setverdict(pass);
+	  var integer client := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "client");
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(client, "server");
+	  f_IFW_initComponents();
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, valueof(t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_08_req00));
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_08_rsp01))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail);
+	  }
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_08_req00 :=
+	{
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := NON_CONFIRMABLE,
+    		code := METHOD_DELETE,
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := 
+		{
+	  		{
+	  		  uri_path := "test"
+	  		}
+		},
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_CORE_08_rsp01 :=
+	{
+		header := 
+		{
+	        version := 1,
+	        msg_type := NON_CONFIRMABLE,
+	        code := RESPONSE_CODE_Deleted,
+	        message_id := ?
+	    },
+	    token := ''O,
+	    options := omit,
+    	payload := omit
+	}	
+	testcase tc_client_TD_COAP_BLOCK_01() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	{
+	  setverdict(pass);
+	  var integer client := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "client");
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(client, "server");
+	  f_IFW_initComponents();
+	  var boolean getNext := true;
+	  var integer num := 0;
+	  while (getNext) 
+	  {
+		f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, valueof(t_client_TD_COAP_BLOCK_01_req00(num)));
+		f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+		f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+		// Check the expected answer
+		if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_TD_COAP_BLOCK_01_rsp01(num, ?))) {
+		  getNext := false;
+		  setverdict(fail);
+		}
+		// Check if it is the last
+		if (f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_TD_COAP_BLOCK_01_rsp01(num, false))) {
+		  getNext := false;
+		}
+		num := num + 1;
+	  }
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_BLOCK_01_req00(integer p_num) :=
+	{
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+    		code := METHOD_GET,
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := 
+		{
+	  		{
+	  		  uri_path := "large"
+	  		},
+	  		{
+	    	  block2 := {
+	    	    num := p_num,
+	    	    m := false,
+	    	    szx := 2
+	    	  }
+	        }
+		},
+    	payload := omit
+	}	
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_BLOCK_01_rsp01(template integer p_num, template boolean p_m) :=
+	{
+		header := 
+		{
+	        version := 1,
+	        msg_type := ACKNOWLEDGEMENT,
+	        code := RESPONSE_CODE_Content,
+	        message_id := ?
+	    },
+	    token := ''O,
+	    options := {
+	  		{
+	    	  block2 := {
+	    	    num := p_num,
+	    	    m := p_m,
+	    	    szx := 2
+	    	  }
+	        }
+	    },
+    	payload := ?
+	}
+	testcase tc_client_TD_COAP_OBS_01() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	{
+	  setverdict(pass);
+	  var integer client := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "client");
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(client, "server");
+	  f_IFW_initComponents();
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, valueof(t_client_TD_COAP_OBS_01_register));
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_TD_COAP_OBS_01_registered))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail);
+	  }
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_TD_COAP_OBS_01_notification, DO_NOT_CHECK_MID))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail);
+	  }
+ 	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, valueof(t_client_TD_COAP_OBS_01_acknowledgement), USE_LAST_RECEIVED_MID);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_TD_COAP_OBS_01_notification, DO_NOT_CHECK_MID))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail);
+	  }
+ 	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, valueof(t_client_TD_COAP_OBS_01_reset), USE_LAST_RECEIVED_MID);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_OBS_01_register :=
+	{
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+    		code := METHOD_GET,
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := 
+		{
+	  		{
+	  		  uri_path := "obs"
+	  		},
+	  		{
+	  		  observe := 0
+	  		}
+		},
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_OBS_01_registered :=
+	{
+		header := 
+		{
+	        version := 1,
+	        msg_type := ACKNOWLEDGEMENT,
+	        code := RESPONSE_CODE_Content,
+	        message_id := ?
+	    },
+	    token := ''O,
+	    options := {
+	      {
+	        observe := ?
+	      }
+	    },
+    	payload := ?
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_OBS_01_notification :=
+	{
+		header := 
+		{
+	        version := 1,
+	        msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+	        code := RESPONSE_CODE_Content,
+	        message_id := ?
+	    },
+	    token := ''O,
+	    options := {
+	      {
+	        observe := ?
+	      }
+	    },
+    	payload := ?
+	}	
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_OBS_01_acknowledgement :=
+	{
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := ACKNOWLEDGEMENT,
+    		code := EMPTY_MESSAGE,
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := omit,
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_TD_COAP_OBS_01_reset :=
+	{
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := RESET,
+    		code := EMPTY_MESSAGE,
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := omit,
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	control
+	{
+	  execute(tc_client_TD_COAP_CORE_01());
+	  execute(tc_client_TD_COAP_CORE_02());
+	  execute(tc_client_TD_COAP_CORE_03());
+	  execute(tc_client_TD_COAP_CORE_04());
+	  execute(tc_client_TD_COAP_CORE_05());
+	  execute(tc_client_TD_COAP_CORE_06());
+	  execute(tc_client_TD_COAP_CORE_07());
+	  execute(tc_client_TD_COAP_CORE_08());
+	  execute(tc_client_TD_COAP_BLOCK_01());
+	  execute(tc_client_TD_COAP_OBS_01());
+	}
diff --git a/tests/CoapTestSuite_Fw.ttcn b/tests/CoapTestSuite_Fw.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c9bf13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/CoapTestSuite_Fw.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               CoapTestSuite_Fw.ttcn
+//  Description:
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             LPA 108 661
+//  Updated:            2017-09-01
+//  Contact:  
+module CoapTestSuite_Fw 
+	import from IoT_FT_Framework_Definitions all;
+	import from IoT_FT_Framework_Functions all;
+	import from IFW_CoAP_Peer_TestSteps all;
+	import from CoAP_Types all;
+	testcase tc_example() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	{
+	  setverdict(pass);
+	  var integer client := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "client");
+	  var integer server := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "server");
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(client, "server");
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(server, "client");
+	  f_IFW_initComponents();
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, valueof(t_coap));
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(server);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(server, valueof(t_coap)))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail);
+	  }
+	}
+	testcase tc_client() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	{
+	  setverdict(pass);
+	  var integer client := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "client");
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(client, "server");
+	  f_IFW_initComponents();
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, valueof(t_coap));
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_coap))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail);
+	  }
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_coap :=
+	{
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+    		code := METHOD_GET,
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := omit,
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	testcase tc_block_encdec() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	{
+	  var template CoAP_Message t_msg;
+	  log("1 byte long block options");
+	  f_test_encdec(t_coap_block1(1, true, 1));	  
+	  f_test_encdec(t_coap_block2(2, false, 3));
+	  log("2 bytes long block options");
+  	  f_test_encdec(t_coap_block1(16, true, 1));
+	  f_test_encdec(t_coap_block2(17, false, 3));
+ 	  log("3 bytes long block options");
+  	  f_test_encdec(t_coap_block1(1024, true, 1));
+	  f_test_encdec(t_coap_block2(1025, false, 3));
+	}
+	function f_test_encdec(template CoAP_Message p_msg) {
+	  var octetstring v_enc;
+	  var CoAP_Message v_dec;
+	  f_CoAP_enc(valueof(p_msg), v_enc);
+	  log("Encoded: ", v_enc);
+	  f_CoAP_dec(v_enc, v_dec);
+	  if (not match(v_dec, p_msg)) {
+	    setverdict(fail);
+	  }
+	  else {
+	    setverdict(pass);
+	  }
+	}
+	template CoAP_Message t_coap_block1(integer p_num, boolean p_m, integer p_szx) :=
+	{
+	  msg := {
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+    		code := METHOD_GET,
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := {
+    	  {
+    	    block1 := {
+    	      num := p_num,
+    	      m := p_m,
+    	      szx := p_szx
+    	    }
+		  }
+    	},
+    	payload := omit
+	  }
+	}
+	template CoAP_Message t_coap_block2(integer p_num, boolean p_m, integer p_szx) :=
+	{
+	  msg := {
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+    		code := METHOD_GET,
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := {
+    	  {
+    	    block2 := {
+    	      num := p_num,
+    	      m := p_m,
+    	      szx := p_szx
+    	    }
+		  }
+    	},
+    	payload := omit
+	  }
+	}
diff --git a/tests/LeshanTestSuite.ttcn b/tests/LeshanTestSuite.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe3470b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/LeshanTestSuite.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               LeshanTestSuite.ttcn
+//  Description:
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             LPA 108 661
+//  Updated:            2017-09-01
+//  Contact:  
+module LeshanTestSuite 
+  import from IoT_FT_Framework_Definitions all;
+  import from IoT_FT_Framework_Functions all;
+  import from IFW_CoAP_Peer_TestSteps all;
+  import from IFW_HTTP_Client_Definitions all;
+  import from IFW_HTTP_Client_TestSteps all;
+  import from CoAP_Types all;
+  import from HTTPmsg_Types all;
+  import from LightweightM2M_Types all;
+  import from LightweightM2M_CoAP_Binding all;
+  testcase tc_Leshan_checkHttpInterface() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+  {
+    setverdict(pass);
+	var integer http_client := f_IFW_addComponent(HTTP_CLIENT, "http_client");
+	f_IFW_HttpClient_setRemote(http_client, "http_server");
+	f_IFW_initComponents();
+	f_HTTP_setCommonRequestHeaders(http_client);
+	f_IFW_HttpClient_setMessageToSend(http_client, valueof(t_HTTP_request("GET", "/api/objectspecs")));
+	f_IFW_HttpClient_send(http_client);
+    f_IFW_HttpClient_receive(http_client);    
+    f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_HttpClient_check(http_client, tr_HTTP_response(200)));
+    f_IFW_cleanUp();
+  }
+  testcase tc_COAP_register() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+  {
+    setverdict(pass);
+	var integer iot_client := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "iot_client");
+	var integer http_client := f_IFW_addComponent(HTTP_CLIENT, "http_client");
+	f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(iot_client, "coap_server");
+	f_IFW_HttpClient_setRemote(http_client, "http_server");
+	f_IFW_initComponents();
+	f_COAP_register(iot_client);
+	f_HTTP_setCommonRequestHeaders(http_client);
+	f_IFW_HttpClient_setMessageToSend(http_client,
+	  valueof(t_HTTP_request("GET", "/api/clients/"&"client_"&int2str(iot_client)))
+	);
+	f_IFW_HttpClient_send(http_client);
+    f_IFW_HttpClient_receive(http_client);    
+    f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_HttpClient_check(http_client, tr_HTTP_response(200)));
+    f_COAP_deregister(iot_client);	  
+    f_IFW_cleanUp();
+  }
+  testcase tc_COAP_read() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+  {
+    setverdict(pass);
+	var integer iot_client := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "iot_client");
+	var integer http_client := f_IFW_addComponent(HTTP_CLIENT, "http_client");
+	f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(iot_client, "coap_server");
+	f_IFW_HttpClient_setRemote(http_client, "http_server");
+	f_IFW_initComponents();
+	f_COAP_register(iot_client);
+	f_HTTP_setCommonRequestHeaders(http_client);
+	f_IFW_HttpClient_setMessageToSend(http_client, 
+	  valueof(t_HTTP_request(
+	    "GET", 
+	    "/api/clients/"&"client_"&int2str(iot_client)&"/1/0/6?format=JSON")
+	  )
+	);
+	f_IFW_HttpClient_send(http_client);
+	f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(iot_client);
+    f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(iot_client, tr_COAP_READ_req));
+    f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(iot_client, 
+      valueof(t_COAP_READ_resp),
+    );
+    f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(iot_client);
+    f_IFW_HttpClient_receive(http_client);    
+    f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_HttpClient_check(http_client, tr_HTTP_response(200)))
+    f_COAP_deregister(iot_client);
+    f_IFW_cleanUp();
+  }
+  template CoAP_ReqResp tr_COAP_READ_req :=
+  {  
+    header := 
+    {
+      version := 1,
+      msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+      code := METHOD_GET,
+      message_id := ?
+    },
+    token := ?,
+    options := 
+    {
+      { uri_path := "1" },
+      { uri_path := "0" },
+      { uri_path := "6" },
+      { accept := 1543 }
+    },
+    payload := omit
+  }
+  template CoAP_ReqResp t_COAP_READ_resp :=
+  {
+    header := 
+    {
+      version := 1,
+      msg_type := ACKNOWLEDGEMENT,
+      code := RESPONSE_CODE_Content,
+      message_id := 0
+    },
+    token := ''O,
+    options := 
+    {
+      {
+        content_format := 1543
+      }
+    },
+    payload := char2oct("{\"e\":[{\"n\":\"\",\"bv\":true}]}")
+  }
+  template LWM2M_PDU tr_LWM2M_READ_req :=
+  {
+	  Read_ := {
+		  path := { 1, 0, 6 },
+		  accept := { 1543 }
+	  }
+  }  
+  template LWM2M_PDU t_LWM2M_READ_resp :=
+  {
+	  Response := {
+		  location := {},
+		  code := 205,
+		  contentFormat := 1543,
+		  resources := {
+		    {
+	    	  id := -1,
+			  objId := -1,
+	    	  objInstId := -1,
+	          val := { boolValue := true }
+		    }
+		  }
+	  }
+  }
+  template HTTPMessage t_HTTP_request(in charstring p_method, in charstring p_uri) :=
+  {
+    request :=
+    {
+      client_id := omit,
+  	  method := "GET",
+  	  uri := p_uri,
+  	  version_major := 1,
+  	  version_minor := 1,
+   	  header :=
+   	  {
+   	    {"Accept", "application/json, text/plain, */*"},
+   	    {"Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.5"},
+   	    {"Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate"},
+   	    {"Connection", "keep-alive"}   	    
+   	  },
+      body := ""
+    }
+  }
+  template HTTPMessage tr_HTTP_response(in template integer p_respCode) :=
+  { 
+    response := 
+    {
+      client_id := *,
+      version_major := ?,
+      version_minor := ?,
+      statuscode := p_respCode,
+      statustext := ?, 
+      header := ?,       
+      body := ? 
+    }
+  }  
+  function f_COAP_register(in integer p_clientIdx) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+  {
+    var CoAP_ReqResp v_coap_encoded;
+    f_enc_LWM2M_to_COAP(valueof(t_LwM2M_register(p_clientIdx)), v_coap_encoded);
+	f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(p_clientIdx, v_coap_encoded);
+	f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(p_clientIdx);
+    f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(p_clientIdx);
+    f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(p_clientIdx, t_COAP_registered));
+    f_IFW_CoapPeer_saveLocationPath(p_clientIdx);
+  }
+  template LWM2M_PDU t_LwM2M_register(in integer p_clientIdx) :=
+  {
+    Register := 
+	{
+	  endpointClientName := "client_"&int2str(p_clientIdx),
+	  lifetime := 60,
+	  version := omit,
+	  bindingMode := U,
+	  smsNumber := omit,
+	  objectsAndObjectInstances :=
+	  {
+	    {0, 0, omit},
+	    {1, 0, omit},
+	    {3, 0, omit}
+	  }
+	}
+  }	
+  template CoAP_ReqResp t_COAP_registered :=
+  {
+     header := 
+	 {
+       version := 1,
+       msg_type := ACKNOWLEDGEMENT,
+       code := RESPONSE_CODE_Created,
+       message_id := ?
+     },
+     token := ''O,
+     options := {},
+     payload := omit
+  }
+  template LWM2M_PDU t_LWM2M_response(in template integer p_code) :=
+  {
+    Response :=
+    {
+	  location := ?,
+	  code := p_code,
+	  contentFormat := *,
+	  resources := ?
+    }
+  }
+  function f_COAP_deregister(in integer p_clientIdx) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+  {
+    var CoAP_ReqResp v_coap_encoded;
+    f_enc_LWM2M_to_COAP(valueof(t_LwM2M_deregister), v_coap_encoded);
+    f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(p_clientIdx, v_coap_encoded);
+    f_IFW_CoapPeer_addUriPath(p_clientIdx);
+    f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(p_clientIdx);
+    f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(p_clientIdx);
+    f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(p_clientIdx, t_COAP_deregistered));
+  }
+  template LWM2M_PDU t_LwM2M_deregister :=
+  {
+    Deregister :=
+    {
+      location := {}
+    }
+  }  
+  template CoAP_ReqResp t_COAP_deregistered :=
+  {
+	header := 
+	{
+      version := 1,
+      msg_type := ACKNOWLEDGEMENT,
+      code := RESPONSE_CODE_Deleted,
+      message_id := ?
+    },
+    token := ''O,
+    options := {},
+   	payload := omit
+  }
+  function f_handleVerdict(in boolean p_verdict)
+  {
+    if (p_verdict) { setverdict(pass) }
+    else { setverdict(fail) }
+  }
+  control
+  {
+    execute(tc_Leshan_checkHttpInterface());
+    execute(tc_COAP_register());
+    execute(tc_COAP_read());
+  }
diff --git a/tests/Lwm2mTestSuite.ttcn b/tests/Lwm2mTestSuite.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97ab0c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Lwm2mTestSuite.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               Lwm2mTestSuite.ttcn
+//  Description:
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             LPA 108 661
+//  Updated:            2017-09-01
+//  Contact:  
+module Lwm2mTestSuite 
+    import from IoT_FT_Framework_Definitions all;
+    import from IoT_FT_Framework_Functions all;
+    import from IFW_CoAP_Peer_TestSteps all;
+	import from CoAP_Types all;
+	import from LightweightM2M_Types all;
+	import from LightweightM2M_CoAP_Binding all;
+	testcase tc_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_101_102_103_regdereg() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	{
+	  setverdict(pass);
+	  var integer client := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "client");
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(client, "server");
+	  f_IFW_initComponents();
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, valueof(t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_101_register));
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_101_registered))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail); stop;
+	  }	  
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_saveLocationPath(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, valueof(t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_102_update));
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_addUriPath(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_102_updated))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail); stop;
+	  }
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, valueof(t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_103_deregister));
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_addUriPath(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_103_deregistered))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail); stop;
+	  }	  
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_101_register :=
+	{
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+    		code := METHOD_POST,
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := 
+		{
+	  		{
+	  		  uri_path := "rd"
+	  		},	  		
+	  		{
+	  		  content_format := 40
+	  		},
+	  		{
+	  		  uri_query := "ep=client1"
+	  		},
+	  		{
+	  		  uri_query := "lt=60"
+	  		},
+	  		{
+	  		  uri_query := "b=U"
+	  		}
+		},
+    	payload := char2oct("</0/0>,</1/0>,</3/0>")
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_101_registered :=
+	{
+		header := 
+		{
+	        version := 1,
+	        msg_type := ACKNOWLEDGEMENT,
+	        code := RESPONSE_CODE_Created,
+	        message_id := ?
+	    },
+	    token := ''O,
+	    options := {},
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_102_update :=
+	{
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+    		code := METHOD_PUT,
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := 
+		{
+	  		{
+	  		  uri_query := "lt=60"
+	  		},
+	  		{
+	  		  uri_query := "b=U"
+	  		}
+		},
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_102_updated :=
+	{
+		header := 
+		{
+	        version := 1,
+	        msg_type := ACKNOWLEDGEMENT,
+	        code := RESPONSE_CODE_Changed,
+	        message_id := ?
+	    },
+	    token := ''O,
+	    options := {},
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_103_deregister :=
+	{
+	  	header := 
+	  	{
+    		version := 1,
+    		msg_type := CONFIRMABLE,
+    		code := METHOD_DELETE,
+    		message_id := 0
+	  	},
+    	token := ''O,
+    	options := 
+		{
+		},
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	template CoAP_ReqResp t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_103_deregistered :=
+	{
+		header := 
+		{
+	        version := 1,
+	        msg_type := ACKNOWLEDGEMENT,
+	        code := RESPONSE_CODE_Deleted,
+	        message_id := ?
+	    },
+	    token := ''O,
+	    options := {},
+    	payload := omit
+	}
+	testcase tc_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_101_102_103_regdereg_lwm2mPDU() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+	{
+	  setverdict(pass);
+	  var CoAP_ReqResp v_coap_encoded;
+	  var integer client := f_IFW_addComponent(COAP_PEER, "client");
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setRemote(client, "server");
+	  f_IFW_initComponents();
+	  f_enc_LWM2M_to_COAP(valueof(t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_101_register_lwm2mPDU), v_coap_encoded);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, v_coap_encoded);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_101_registered))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail); stop;
+	  }	  
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_saveLocationPath(client);
+	  f_enc_LWM2M_to_COAP(valueof(t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_102_update_lwm2mPDU), v_coap_encoded);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, v_coap_encoded);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_addUriPath(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_102_updated))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail); stop;
+	  }
+	  f_enc_LWM2M_to_COAP(valueof(t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_103_deregister_lwm2mPDU), v_coap_encoded);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_setMessageToSend(client, v_coap_encoded);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_addUriPath(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_send(client);
+	  f_IFW_CoapPeer_receive(client);
+	  if (not f_IFW_CoapPeer_check(client, t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_103_deregistered))
+	  {
+	  	setverdict(fail); stop;
+	  }	  
+	}
+	template LWM2M_PDU t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_101_register_lwm2mPDU :=
+	{
+	  Register := 
+	  {
+	    endpointClientName := "client1",
+	    lifetime := 60,
+		version := omit,
+	  	bindingMode := U,
+	  	smsNumber := omit,
+	  	objectsAndObjectInstances :=
+	  	{
+	  	  {0, 0, omit},
+	  	  {1, 0, omit},
+	  	  {3, 0, omit}
+	  	}
+	  }
+	}
+	template LWM2M_PDU t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_102_update_lwm2mPDU :=
+	{
+	  Update := 
+	  {
+	  	location := {},
+	  	lifetime := 60,
+	  	bindingMode := U,
+	  	smsNumber := omit,
+	  	objectsAndObjectInstances := {}
+	  }
+	}
+	template LWM2M_PDU t_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_103_deregister_lwm2mPDU :=
+	{
+	  Deregister :=
+	  {
+	    location := {}
+	  }
+	}
+	testcase tc_json_encdec() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+    {
+      log("data: ",t_res);
+      var octetstring v_encoded := f_enc_LwM2M_JSON_Resources(valueof(t_res));
+      log("encoded: ", oct2char(v_encoded), "\n", v_encoded);
+      var LwM2M_JSON_Resources v_decoded := f_dec_LwM2M_JSON_Resources(v_encoded);
+      if (match(v_decoded, t_res)) { setverdict(pass)}
+      else { setverdict(fail) }
+    }
+    template LwM2M_JSON_Resources t_res :=
+    {
+      e := {
+        { n := "0", sv := "sg" },
+        { n := "7/1", bv := true },
+        { n := "11", v := 4.0 }
+      }
+    }
+	control
+	{
+	  execute(tc_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_101_102_103_regdereg());
+	  execute(tc_client_LightweightM2M_10_int_101_102_103_regdereg_lwm2mPDU());
+	  execute(tc_json_encdec());
+	}
diff --git a/tests/MqttTestSuite_Interop.ttcn b/tests/MqttTestSuite_Interop.ttcn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6e26ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/MqttTestSuite_Interop.ttcn
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Ericsson Telecom AB
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+//  File:               MqttTestSuite_Interop.ttcn
+//  Description:
+//  Rev:                R1A
+//  Prodnr:             LPA 108 661
+//  Updated:            2017-09-01
+//  Contact:  
+module MqttTestSuite_Interop
+  import from IoT_FT_Framework_Definitions all;
+  import from IoT_FT_Framework_Functions all;
+  import from IFW_MQTT_Client_TestSteps all;
+  import from MQTT_v3_1_1_Types all;
+  testcase tc_Mqtt_client_connect_disconnect() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+  {
+    setverdict(pass);
+	var integer mqtt_client := f_IFW_addComponent(MQTT_CLIENT, "mqtt_client");
+	f_IFW_MqttClient_setRemote(mqtt_client, "mqtt_server");
+	f_IFW_initComponents();
+	f_connect(mqtt_client);
+	f_disconnect(mqtt_client);    
+    f_IFW_cleanUp();
+  }
+  testcase tc_Mqtt_client_subscribe() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+  {
+    setverdict(pass);
+	var integer mqtt_client := f_IFW_addComponent(MQTT_CLIENT, "mqtt_client");
+	f_IFW_MqttClient_setRemote(mqtt_client, "mqtt_server");
+	f_IFW_initComponents();
+	f_connect(mqtt_client);
+    f_IFW_MqttClient_setMessageToSend(mqtt_client, valueof(t_subscribe("#", 2, AT_MOST_ONCE_DELIVERY)));
+	f_IFW_MqttClient_send(mqtt_client);
+    f_IFW_MqttClient_receive(mqtt_client);
+    f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_MqttClient_check(mqtt_client, tr_suback({0}, 2)));
+	f_disconnect(mqtt_client);    
+    f_IFW_cleanUp();
+  }
+  testcase tc_Mqtt_client_unsubscribe() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+  {
+    setverdict(pass);
+	var integer mqtt_client := f_IFW_addComponent(MQTT_CLIENT, "mqtt_client");
+	var integer vl_id := 2;
+	f_IFW_MqttClient_setRemote(mqtt_client, "mqtt_server");
+	f_IFW_initComponents();
+	f_connect(mqtt_client);
+	f_subscribe(mqtt_client, "room/topic", vl_id, AT_MOST_ONCE_DELIVERY);
+	// Unsubscribe
+    f_IFW_MqttClient_setMessageToSend(mqtt_client, valueof(t_unsubscribe("room/topic", 3)));
+	f_IFW_MqttClient_send(mqtt_client);
+    f_IFW_MqttClient_receive(mqtt_client);
+    f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_MqttClient_check(mqtt_client, tr_unsuback(3)));   
+	f_disconnect(mqtt_client);    
+    f_IFW_cleanUp();
+  }
+  testcase tc_Mqtt_client_publish_qos0() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+  {
+    setverdict(pass);
+	var integer mqtt_client_A := f_IFW_addComponent(MQTT_CLIENT, "mqtt_client");
+	var integer mqtt_client_B := f_IFW_addComponent(MQTT_CLIENT, "mqtt_client2");
+	var charstring vl_topic := "room/topic";
+	var integer vl_id := 1;
+	f_IFW_MqttClient_setRemote(mqtt_client_A, "mqtt_server");
+	f_IFW_MqttClient_setRemote(mqtt_client_B, "mqtt_server");
+	f_IFW_initComponents();
+	f_connect(mqtt_client_A);
+	f_connect(mqtt_client_B);
+	f_subscribe(mqtt_client_B, vl_topic, vl_id, AT_MOST_ONCE_DELIVERY);
+    // Publish - QoS 0
+    f_IFW_MqttClient_setMessageToSend(mqtt_client_A, 
+      valueof(t_publish(vl_topic, omit, AT_MOST_ONCE_DELIVERY))
+    );
+	f_IFW_MqttClient_send(mqtt_client_A);
+    f_IFW_MqttClient_receive(mqtt_client_B);
+    f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_MqttClient_check(mqtt_client_B, 
+    	t_publish(vl_topic, omit, AT_MOST_ONCE_DELIVERY))
+    );   
+	f_disconnect(mqtt_client_A);
+	f_disconnect(mqtt_client_B);    
+    f_IFW_cleanUp();
+  }
+  testcase tc_Mqtt_client_publish_qos1() runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+  {
+    setverdict(pass);
+	var integer mqtt_client_A := f_IFW_addComponent(MQTT_CLIENT, "mqtt_client");
+	var integer mqtt_client_B := f_IFW_addComponent(MQTT_CLIENT, "mqtt_client2");
+	var charstring vl_topic := "room/topic";
+	var integer vl_id := 1;
+	f_IFW_MqttClient_setRemote(mqtt_client_A, "mqtt_server");
+	f_IFW_MqttClient_setRemote(mqtt_client_B, "mqtt_server");
+	f_IFW_initComponents();
+	f_connect(mqtt_client_A);
+	f_connect(mqtt_client_B);
+	f_subscribe(mqtt_client_B, vl_topic, vl_id, AT_MOST_ONCE_DELIVERY);
+    // Publish - QoS 0
+    f_IFW_MqttClient_setMessageToSend(mqtt_client_A, 
+      valueof(t_publish(vl_topic, vl_id, AT_LEAST_ONCE_DELIVERY))
+    );
+	f_IFW_MqttClient_send(mqtt_client_A);
+    f_IFW_MqttClient_receive(mqtt_client_A);
+    f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_MqttClient_check(mqtt_client_A, 
+    	t_puback(vl_id))
+    );
+    f_IFW_MqttClient_receive(mqtt_client_B);
+    f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_MqttClient_check(mqtt_client_B, 
+    	t_publish(vl_topic, *, AT_MOST_ONCE_DELIVERY))
+    );
+	f_disconnect(mqtt_client_A);
+	f_disconnect(mqtt_client_B);    
+    f_IFW_cleanUp();
+  }  
+  template MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp t_publish(
+    in charstring p_topic,
+    in template integer p_id,
+    in QoS p_qos) := 
+  {
+    publish := {
+    	header := {
+    		dup_flag := '0'B,
+    		qos_level := p_qos,
+    		retain_flag := '0'B
+    	},
+    	topic_name := p_topic,
+    	packet_identifier := p_id,
+    	payload := char2oct("publish qos 0 payload")
+    }
+  }
+  template MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp t_puback(
+    in template integer p_id) := 
+  {
+    puback := {
+    	header := { flags := '0000'B },
+    	packet_identifier := p_id
+    }
+  }
+  function f_subscribe(
+  	in integer p_client,
+  	in charstring p_topic,
+  	inout integer p_id,
+  	in QoS p_qos)
+  runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+  {
+    f_IFW_MqttClient_setMessageToSend(p_client, valueof(t_subscribe(p_topic, p_id, p_qos)));
+	f_IFW_MqttClient_send(p_client);
+    f_IFW_MqttClient_receive(p_client);
+    f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_MqttClient_check(p_client, tr_suback({?}, p_id)));
+    f_nextPacketId(p_id);
+  }
+  template MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp t_subscribe(
+  	in charstring p_topic,
+  	in integer p_id,
+  	in QoS p_qos) := 
+  {
+    subscribe := {
+      header := { flags := '0010'B },
+      packet_identifier := p_id,
+      payload := {
+        {
+    	  topic_filter := p_topic,
+    	  requested_qos := p_qos
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  template MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp tr_suback(in template IntegerList p_code, in template integer p_id) := 
+  {
+    suback := {
+      header := { flags := '0000'B },
+      packet_identifier := p_id,
+      payload := {
+		return_code := p_code
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  function f_unsubscribe(in integer p_client, in charstring p_topic, inout integer p_id)
+  runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+  {
+    f_IFW_MqttClient_setMessageToSend(p_client, valueof(t_unsubscribe(p_topic, p_id)));
+	f_IFW_MqttClient_send(p_client);
+    f_IFW_MqttClient_receive(p_client);
+    f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_MqttClient_check(p_client, tr_unsuback(p_id)));
+    f_nextPacketId(p_id);
+  }
+  template MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp t_unsubscribe(in charstring p_topic, in integer p_id) := 
+  {
+    unsubscribe := {
+      header := { flags := '0010'B },
+      packet_identifier := p_id,
+      payload := {
+    	  topic_filter := { p_topic }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  template MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp tr_unsuback(in template integer p_id) := 
+  {
+    unsuback := {
+      header := { flags := '0000'B },
+      packet_identifier := p_id
+    }
+  }
+  function f_connect(in integer p_client) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+  {
+	f_IFW_MqttClient_setMessageToSend(p_client, valueof(t_connect(p_client)));
+	f_IFW_MqttClient_send(p_client);
+    f_IFW_MqttClient_receive(p_client);
+    f_handleVerdict(f_IFW_MqttClient_check(p_client, tr_connectAck));
+  }
+  function f_disconnect(in integer p_client) runs on IFW_MAIN_CT
+  {
+  	f_IFW_MqttClient_setMessageToSend(p_client, valueof(t_disconnect));
+	f_IFW_MqttClient_send(p_client);
+  }
+  template MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp t_connect(integer p_id) := 
+  {
+    connect_msg := {
+      header := { flags := '0000'B },
+      name := "MQTT",
+      protocol_level := 4,
+      flags := {
+        user_name_flag := '0'B,
+    	password_flag := '0'B,
+    	will_retain := '0'B,
+    	will_qos := AT_MOST_ONCE_DELIVERY,
+    	will_flag := '0'B,
+    	clean_session := '1'B
+      },
+      keep_alive := 0,
+      payload := {        
+    	client_identifier := "myclientid_"&int2str(p_id),
+    	will_topic := omit,
+    	will_message := omit,
+    	user_name := omit,
+    	password := omit
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  template MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp tr_connectAck := 
+  {
+    connack := {
+      header := { flags := '0000'B },
+      session_present_flag := '0'B,
+      connect_return_code := 0
+    }
+  }
+  template MQTT_v3_1_1_ReqResp t_disconnect := 
+  {
+    disconnect_msg := {
+      header := { flags := '0000'B }
+    }
+  }
+  function f_handleVerdict(in boolean p_verdict)
+  {
+    if (p_verdict) { setverdict(pass) }
+    else { setverdict(fail) }
+  }
+  function f_nextPacketId(inout integer p_id)
+  {
+    p_id := p_id + 1;
+  }
+  control
+  {
+    execute(tc_Mqtt_client_connect_disconnect());
+    execute(tc_Mqtt_client_subscribe());
+    execute(tc_Mqtt_client_unsubscribe());
+    execute(tc_Mqtt_client_publish_qos0());
+    execute(tc_Mqtt_client_publish_qos1());
+  }